"Hey! You two bastards! Didn't you say you're not allowed to take food from strangers?"

Their father was angry and looked at Xia Yan as if he were a human trafficker.

Every step I took was like stepping on a villain, crushing and stepping on me, and my steps were very heavy.

The two good children were so frightened that they stood still and did not dare to move.

The man's steps were long and hurried. He walked up to the child in a few seconds and stretched out his hand to snatch the candy from the child's hand.

The two children were angry but dared not speak. They were aggrieved and watched helplessly as their father's big hand stretched out in front of them.


But in the next second, there was a handful of green weeds in his palm. Among them, the foxtail grass was so playful that it made people's necks itch.

The man stared dumbfounded at the little flower that should be blooming in Xia Yan.

This, this is actually real grass!

It was freezing and snowy outside, and there was not even a handful of hay for the cows to eat.

How could she actually take out such a large handful of fresh grass? !

Xia Yan met his gaze, smiled slightly, and said, "If you're not in a hurry, you can feed the cows with the grass yourself."

The man was confused by the aroma of grass. He looked at his wife with confused eyes, only to see her burying her head in taking something out of a big bag.

Taking a closer look, my dear, there are actually dried vegetables inside.

"Dad, go back to the house and get the money. I want to buy all these dried vegetables! The children have not eaten vegetables for too long and are always constipated!"

A smile broke out on the mother's windblown face, with fine lines covering her eyes, nose and mouth.

She looked at Xia Yan gratefully. It was only at this moment, when the pile of dried vegetables was spread out on the ground like worthless things, that she was truly sure that the man and the bear in front of her were indeed doing serious business.

"Wait a minute," Xia Yan interrupted, taking out a crystal core and holding it between his fingers, "I don't want money. Do you have anything similar to this?"

The man clamped the weed in his armpit, took it and tilted it up at a 50-degree angle. He looked at it carefully for a long time and shook his head.


Xia Yan: "Have you never seen it? Are there no zombies here?"

"Zombie? What is that?"

The expression on the man's face didn't seem to be fake, he really didn't know.

Xia Yan briefly described the appearance of the zombies, "They are the living dead."

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly seemed to have swallowed a toad, and threw the crystal core back through the air with a disgusting and unhappy expression.

Wipe your hands vigorously on your trouser pockets.

"What did I think it was? It's something from a dead person's body. Take it away quickly. It's unlucky."

Xia Yan looked stunned and confused.

"You don't want money, but this thing?" Not only did the man frown, but even his wife expressed disapproval.

It seemed as if Xia Yan had done something extremely evil.

"That's not true. I also accept gold and silver jewelry, but the value is different. I don't know how much I can exchange for it." Xia Yan said with a wry smile.

"Hey, that's pretty much it. We have that thing at home. I'll get it for you right now."

After the man bent down and got into the curtain, his wife approached softly.

His eyes showed a sincere light, "Girl, you can't make money by doing anything, let alone take things from the corpse. You will die in peace, which is not good for yourself, and it is easy to get bad luck!"

Xia Yan looked at the crystal core in his hand and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

If everyone in the base heard these words, they would probably squint their eyes and look like they were looking at a fool.

She asked sincerely: "Then how do you deal with the corpses of the living dead?"

"Tie them up tightly and dig a hole for burial."

"Shouldn't it be a sky burial?"

"Oh, I tried it, but the eagle won't peck at it."

Xia Yan:...

"Maybe you don't know that even if the living dead are buried, they may emerge from the soil in the future."

Xia Yan said this because he wanted them to realize how scary zombies are and take them seriously.

But the woman only gave her a look that looked like the poor child didn't understand anything.

"Don't worry, the grassland is very big, we will move from time to time. Let alone them, even we can't see any living people. You are the only ones we have encountered in the past two years."

This last sentence happened to be heard by her husband, and the man finally showed his first kind smile.

"Aru La is right. Apart from Teacher Huang who is very far away at the foot of the mountain, you are the first living strangers we meet."

There was a cloth bag lying in his open palm, and he opened it layer by layer.

"Here, take it, this is the gold bracelet my wife bought before.

"This woman wanted to buy it if she didn't have it. She didn't wear it after buying it. She didn't understand it at all. Now it's ready. It's come in handy. Let's exchange it for some dried vegetables for the children."

The gold bracelet was heavy in his hand. Xia Yan took out the estimator of all things. When he put the bracelet on, the numbers on it floated rapidly.

The man glanced at Arula who was bowing her head and said nothing. Sensing her emotion, he said in a long voice:

"Do you regret it? I sold this bracelet today, and I will give you the Dzi beads later. That's alright."

Arula looked up at him and said, "Okay, it's a bastard to regret it."

The final value is determined on the All Things Estimator.

Xia Yan put away the bracelet and ordered a handful of weeds from the mall and handed it over.

The man's eyes suddenly straightened, "Sure, there's more?"

Xia Yan nodded, "Of course, didn't you just say that the cow should be fed? Now the value of the bracelet has been estimated and can be exchanged for 20,000 points."

The man took the grass and rushed to feed the only livestock in the family. He seemed to have no interest in money.

Only Arula raised her head and asked, "What is a point?"

Xia Yan opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word of the words that came out of her mouth in the past.

This family is a nomadic people. They rarely come into contact with the outside world. Instead of introducing it verbally, it would be better to--

"You should go upstairs with me. Didn't you just say that the children haven't eaten vegetables for a long time?

"The second and third floors of the hotel are restaurants, which have all kinds of stir-fried dishes and stews, all using the freshest vegetables. "

Xia Yan felt that the visual impact was the greatest. Anyway, the store had not received customers for a long time, so she was willing to entertain them well.

Hearing that there was a restaurant upstairs, Arula was so shocked that her jaw dropped.

The original distrust was shattered by the impact again and again.

And she noticed that the soles of her feet were warm, and the strong winds and snowstorms in the mountains could not blow in at all.

This place is like the immortal residence in the myth, which is warm like spring all year round. Perhaps they do good deeds every day and are finally blessed by God at this time.

When they are ready, Xiongxiong leads the way in front, pushes open the glass door and waits for customers to come in.

The family of four looked at the tall buildings. The farthest place they have been to is a town dozens of kilometers away.

But the tallest hotel there is not half as high as the one in front of them.

In the past, they could only pass by the door and take a few more glances to satisfy their desire, but now, they are actually going to walk into this palace-like house to eat.

And there are special people to take a tour.

This experience is really the first time, they are excited and nervous.

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