The mother was always attentive, so she grabbed the two children and slapped them on their clothes for a while.

Maybe after winter, water sources become increasingly scarce, so you have to save money on drinking water, let alone washing clothes.

After a few slaps, dust puffed out, and the mother's already red cheeks even burned up her neck.

Even the two children who were observing secretly shrank their necks and their little faces turned red.

Xia Yan didn't want customers to feel embarrassed, and when opening a store, he would encounter all kinds of customers.

My heart is more disgusting than my clothes.

Xia Yan smiled and stretched out a finger, thoughtfully changing the topic.

"Actually, you can think of points as money, and you can also buy things. In our store, whether you eat, drink, or stay, you need to consume points.

"Even buying clothes, socks and shoes, going to the bathhouse, and shopping in the supermarket, everything requires points."

Father suddenly realized, "Points are money? I haven't been out for so many years. It turns out that money has changed its name!"

"Yes, that's pretty much it." Xia Yan nodded heavily.

In her hotel, points are not just used as money.

"Didn't you just exchange gold bracelets for points? You exchanged them for 20,000, which is a lot. You can buy a lot of things from me."

Twenty thousand?

Actually exchanged 20,000 yuan?

After doing the conversion, I was immediately shocked by this number.

He turned back and asked Arula, "How much did you buy it for?"

Arula: "At that time, we had just sold three cows and had some spare money. I bought them for the price of one cow."

Definitely not 20,000 yuan.

Only then did he think about it with a gloomy face, shook his head at Xia Yan, and said:

"The bracelet is not worth that much. We will sell it to you for how much we paid for it. We won't make any profit from your price difference."

Such a simple language may exist in places far away from the city.

Xia Yan has been in this world for a long time and has met too many people.

The end of the world is like a magnifying glass, magnifying the evil in people's hearts exponentially. In order to survive, you can think of any tricks.

Although she herself was not a good person and thought she was thick-skinned, her heart was still shaken after hearing what the man said.

"I will only pay you points according to the number shown on the estimator. You don't have to think too much. I won't lose money."

After thinking about it, Xia Yan still said this.

Only then did Rang's eyes widen, unable to understand, "Then your machine must be broken."

Xia Yan laughed, "It's also possible that the price of gold outside has increased."

The way Cai Rang stared was exactly the same as the yak that poked its head out from behind the curtain.

In the end, Arula said a few words before he was willing to believe it.

But Cai Rang put his hands on his belt, held his chest high, and said in a serious tone:

"If you feel it's inappropriate, just return the bracelet. Don't feel embarrassed. We are adults and never take advantage of children."

Xia Yan:?

She looked at the shadows of several people in the glass. Judging from the appearance, she did indeed look very small.

But if they start from their actual age, they may have to call themselves ancestors...

Lao Xia Zu Yan Zong was exhausted physically and mentally, and he had to pretend to be young and innocent.

"Yes, I will."

Sorry, she can't even say "big brother".

It was only natural that she didn't understand her inner activities, and she felt very happy physically and mentally because she solved the problem.

He walked into the hall maintaining this posture.

The smooth and bright ceramic tiles reflect clear figures.

The interior decoration is low-key, luxurious and tasteful.

The checkout counter against the wall in front is longer than my house.

As he looked at it, he put down his hands on his waist.

Xiong Xiong walked to the elevator, pressed the button, and opened the elevator doors that had been parked on this floor.

It stretched out its claws to block the door frame, "Everyone, please come in."

"Oh," Cai Rang scratched his frizzy hair uncomfortably. As soon as he raised his legs, he thought of his wife and children behind him, "You go in first, I'll be behind."

A family always helps each other, no matter where they go.

Youcai Rang pretended to be calm in front of her, and Arula's tense posture finally relaxed, and she led the two children in and walked in quietly.

Standing in the middle of the elevator, he closed his eyes and didn't dare to look around.

After all, the two children were still young and did not have so much emotional baggage, so they giggled at themselves in the reflection.

Arula held their hands with some force and used her eyes to signal them to restrain themselves.

Cai Rang saw it and said, "Why are you always restraining the children? This is the first time they have seen such a beautiful place. Even if they laugh a few times, you don't allow them?"

Arula's face suddenly turned red, "You, you."

Xia Yan was the last one to walk in. After pressing the button for the second floor, he said with a smile:

"Children are naturally lively. I think they are also very well-behaved and don't run around at all. Children like this are very popular."

What mother doesn't like to hear outsiders praise her children.

Arula was no exception, she pulled out of her embarrassment.

She looked at her own flesh and blood with loving eyes, and that kind of motherly love almost flowed out of her eyes.

Cai Rang also looked at his wife and children and smiled with satisfaction.

This family of four looks really happy.

The elevator ran silently, and the door reopened as he spoke.

Arula and Cai Rang thought they were still on the first floor, but when they looked up, they saw that there were dining tables and chairs outside.

The two big characters "restaurant" are very conspicuous.

"Here you are, you can look at the menu anywhere and what you want to eat, just stick this card on the machine."

Xia Yan handed them a card.

It was similar in size to a bank card and was easy to use. It said "temporary card" on the card, and the balance was really 20,000.

Cai Rang felt the card was a little hot when he held it.

Suddenly, he had such a large sum of money, but he didn't know where to spend it.

The whole restaurant seemed to be dedicated to them, which made them feel flattered.

Walking along the food counter, it was filled with all kinds of steaming food.

From breakfast to dinner, from soy milk to fried rice, almost everything was available.

There was also an electronic screen next to it, with the names and prices of the food sliding up and down.

Yogurt cakes for two points, fried dumplings for one point, and a bowl of noodles for 12 points...

Even though they had lived in the ranch for a long time, they knew how cheap the prices were!

"The second floor is basically home-cooked dishes, and the third floor is a specialty restaurant, with hot pot restaurants, barbecue restaurants, rice noodle restaurants and snail noodle restaurants."

Seeing that they hadn't ordered for a long time, Xia Yan prepared to take them upstairs to have a look.

The two children naturally didn't understand what the name of the store meant. They only knew that the store upstairs had better food.

They were good things they had never seen or eaten before.

"Mom, Dad, let's go upstairs. I want to take a look upstairs!"

Arula's arms were shaken back and forth, and she was unsure.

If she were to say, the food on the second floor was already surprising enough!

Then, could they really go up to the third floor?

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