"Then what are those things over there?"

The younger daughter asked a second question.

Arula looked in the direction of her finger.

There is a table with many bowls on it, and there are many things in it that I have never seen before.

This stumped her.

"That's the dipping station over there, little sister, would you like to come with me to get the dipping sauce? There are also cans and potato chips in there."

Xia Yan next door stood up and said to the little girl.

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Even the young man who had been staring at the TV turned his head and followed.

The world of children is very simple. They like whoever treats them well and gives them delicious food.

And children can also control their appearance.

Arula was worried that the two children would be naughty and knock over something, so she followed them.

When Cai Rang saw that he was the only one left, he also wanted to see what the dipping sauce was, so he got up and followed him.

"Generally, everyone will mix a dipping sauce when eating hot pot. If you don't know what flavor to choose, you can look at the special dipping sauces above."

Xia Yan took out five small bowls from the disinfection cabinet and handed them over one by one.

Above the dipping station, there is a display screen showing how to prepare different flavors of dipping sauces.

For the convenience of customers' reference, a number is specially added before each name.

In this way, even if you encounter a word you don't recognize, you can still find the information correctly based on the numbers.

"I love sesame sauce, but I'm not used to oily dishes."

Xia Yan poured sesame paste into a small bowl while chatting with Arula in a chatty tone.

The two children followed her, and they took as many spoons as Xia Yan took.

Arula was afraid of making a mistake, so she followed suit and mixed the same dipping sauce.

Xia Yan pointed to the long row of large bowls that stood out on the counter and said, "Those side dishes, cans and candies are also provided for free. If you like them, you can order more."

Afraid that they would be restrained, Xia Yan filled a bowl full of canned food and placed it at eye level with the children.

"Which of you wants to eat?"


They all raised their hands.

"Then one bowl per person?"


After taking care of the children again and again, the simple couple finally let go and picked up some uneaten food.

When they sat at the table and put vegetables and meat into the boiling hot soup, the happiness in their hearts almost burst out.

That said, there are still many good people in the world~


After enjoying the delicious food, the four of them leaned on the sofa with chubby bellies.

They looked at the gentle and non-dazzling lighting on the top and remembered in a daze.

Weren't you still doubting whether this place was a trap just now?

Why, when I smell that fragrance, my whole body feels like my soul has been snatched away.

Cai Rang's eyes were full of doubts, and his mind couldn't turn around.

Aru pulled his sleeves and said, "My stomach hurts."

Because I ate too much, I thought.

"Let's go and walk outside to see if the cow is still at home."

After taking the points card to pay, Arula dragged the child who was unwilling to walk and followed slowly.

She looked around the store. There were only four of them in the whole store, and the rest were all employees.

How does the boss make money without even a single customer?

Only then did I realize that it was very easy to pay. Just put the card to the front and the money was gone in a flash.

Looking at the numbers starting with 1, he frowned, and the feeling of spending money made him heartache.

But a mouth full of food made him feel very satisfied.

Is there a way to have the best of everything in the world, to live up to both food and money?

As long as you have seen the act of taking an elevator once, you will know how to operate it.

When they got to the first floor, the children wanted to sit down a few more times, but were slapped on the head by Cai Cai.

"Why are you sitting there? The cow is still outside. If I lose it, you won't even be able to drink milk."

The son touched his head and muttered: "Didn't my sister tell me to take care of the cows?"

As soon as these words came out, Kabuto was attracted again.

Cai Rang pinched the back of his neck with his big palm and said:

"My son, how dare you? We just said something modestly, how can we really let others take care of us?

"If you don't take good care of your own things, if something really happens, why don't you let others pay for it? Wouldn't that be a scam?"

The son nodded in understanding.

Whenever she was asked to educate her children, Arula stood aside and said nothing.

There are teachers to educate you at school, and you have to be educated by your parents when you go home.

If no one teaches children, they will grow crooked.

She understands this.

Cai Rang doesn't just keep stuffing things into the children's ears, just say a few words.

After leaving the hall, I saw my cows grazing with their heads down, and a man and a bear squatting next to them to watch.

Um, you've never seen a cow eating grass, right?

It turns out that these kids from the city have something they don’t know about.

Hearing Del's footsteps behind him, Xia Yan turned around and said with a smile:

"You raise the cows really well."

Cai Rang walked over and patted the cow's back and said proudly: "I am a good cow-raiser. I call myself the number one, and no one dares to call me the second!"

Arula smiled lightly and led the two children into the round house.

When they reappeared after a while, the three of them had already changed into thin clothes.

Noticing Xia Yan's gaze, Arula pointed to the soles of her feet, "It's hot here."

Xia Yan: "Well, I have floor heating here."

"Floor heating?" She rolled the words around on her tongue, "It's so fitting. I've only heard of radiators."

"They're all the same. They all use water to keep warm."

The two children jumped closer, and Xia Yan noticed that their exposed elbows were black.

She raised her head and said to Aruala, who was spreading wet clothes on the ground:

"Do you want to wash these clothes? There's a fully automatic washing machine upstairs, and it can also wash sheets and quilts."

Aruala instantly remembered the dust from beating the children's clothes.

Although it's all snow outside, it needs firewood to melt into water, and they are not willing to do that.

"Is that..." Aruala touched the stiff cuffs and didn't dare to say it directly.

Xia Yan understood, "It's not expensive. Even if you wash all the clothes in your home, you won't need 50 points."

"And you don't need to use your hands at all. Just throw them in and take them out and they will be dry.

"During this period, you can also take the children to take a bath and soak."

Aru La stuttered, "You mean, you have a bathhouse here?"

Xia Yan: "Yes, but your son can't go to the women's bath. Your husband has to take him to the men's bath."


"What for?"

"There is a bathhouse upstairs. You take your son and I take my daughter. Let's take a bath!"

After saying this, Arula returned to the round house to pack up.

Compared to eating, she was happier to take a bath.

The feeling of itching all over the body and scratching the nails with black was too uncomfortable.

If there were any conditions, their children would not be so dirty.

"Cairang! Come in and help me take off the quilt! I want to wash all the clothes thoroughly!"

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