Each of them carried a large bag of dirty clothes and followed Xia Yan to the other side of the hall.

The pile of clothes blocked their view, causing them to completely ignore the existence of the cafeteria.

Upstairs, Xia Yan walked over and opened the door of the washing machine, asking them to stuff all the clothes in, trying to end the battle at once.

Fortunately, there were enough washing machines in the hall.

"Here is a high-efficiency laundry detergent. You need to buy it yourself. You can choose which one. It only costs 5 points per bag."

Cai Rang had stuffed the points card into A Rula's hand before he came in. Seeing that he had nothing to do, he took his son into the men's bath.

A Rula hesitated and bought ten bags, but she only opened and used three bags.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

"Can I take the rest?"

"Yes, you have already spent your points, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, A Rula was overjoyed and picked up the remaining seven bags and ran downstairs.

Her little daughter was left there, looking inside the door of the running washing machine.

The high-speed rotating impeller stirred the clothes, and the white foam surged.

"It's strange, can it be washed clean like this?"

Xia Yan nodded and said yes.

"It's strange." She said it again, her eyes kept following it, and she didn't worry about dizziness.

Until her mother pulled her arm and walked into the women's bath.

Xia Yan turned and went downstairs.

The yak was tied to the door of the round house, and it mooed when it saw her.

Maybe it knew that only Xia Yan could give it fresh and sweet grass to eat.

"Still want to eat grass? I can't spend points on you anymore." Although Xia Yan had a lot of points, he couldn't throw them away. "Wait, I'll go cut some grass and come back."

"Boss?" Xiongxiong said, stood up and looked at her.

"Well, I'll go to Lidai Island."

Xia Yan turned and ran back to the hall, and went straight into the holiday gate.

If you want to say where wild grass grows well, Chuntai Base must be on the list.

She originally wanted to find Chu Wanfu, but unexpectedly she ran into Jing Yimai, who was sitting on a bench by the roadside, stretching his legs and feet to bask in the sun.

Xia Yan only took a second look, and Jing Yimai found her and stood up and walked over.

"Finally I've waited for you."

Jing Yimai didn't mention the disappearance of the holiday gate from Lidai Island. He might have noticed something, and he was smart enough to know what he shouldn't ask.

"Are you looking for me for something?"

Xia Yan couldn't think of any incident that was currently related to her.

"Yes." Jing Yimai nodded, his Adam's apple slid up and down several times, but he couldn't say it.

Xia Yan decided to give him enough time to think, "Take me to Chuntai Base?"

Jing Yimai frowned and then relaxed, "Let's go."

Customers who rent houses on Lidai Island have the right to return to the original place before entering.

Xia Yan took advantage of this rule to quickly return to Chuntai Base.

When the scene in front of him became clear, the surrounding environment became streets and buildings with traffic.

I think the last time Xia Yan came here was last time.

It has only been a while since I last came here, but the entire commercial street has already grown to a certain scale.

Xia Yan has seen Chu Wanfu's people build buildings at a super fast speed.

But the buildings in front of him are actually covered with marble exterior walls?

The glass windows on the building are all open. From a distance, the interior has been hard-installed and is being ventilated.

Several of the residential buildings have been occupied, and there are pedestrians walking on the street.

They went into the transparent portal, appeared at a farther distance, or disappeared directly.

On both sides of the street behind Xia Yan, there were several plaques hanging, and the doors of the shops were open, and they were actually open for business.

One of the blacksmith forging shops looked very familiar to Xia Yan.

Especially when he saw a man in ordinary clothes coming out and wiping the sharp blade of the superpower gun with great pity.

If I remember correctly, this scene was seen when I first arrived at the Yinshan City Base.

And the female boss who flashed past the door of the store confirmed this.

It turned out that he was back to his old business.

Jing Yimai has been silently observing her expression beside her.

Civilization is reappearing, a new era is coming, what will she choose?

Should she open up her own world?

If she wants to, how should she stand?

Perhaps Jing Yimai's speculation is too heavy, Xia Yan was attracted and turned her head to look at him.

"Do you know where I can cut grass?"



"Xiao Jing, it seems that you are running around outside a lot, you can find this place."

Driving the rumbling lawn mower, Xia Yan chatted with Jing Yimai who was tying grass behind him.

Jing Yimai tied up the haystack skillfully - if you ignore the blood marks on his palms cut by grass leaves, he can indeed be a good worker.

During this period, Jing Yimai usually hangs around Chuntai Base except for returning to Lidai Island to rest at night.

No one here pays attention to him, and no one knows his identity, so Jing Yimai's psychological burden is greatly reduced.

Moreover, General Chu is fully recommending him. If nothing unexpected happens, he will have a very good future.

Jing Yimai threw the bundle of hay aside, looked back at Xia Yan who was working very hard, and asked the question in his heart:

"Why do you want wild grass? Is the restaurant going to launch a special dish?"

He speculated that this dish might become the biggest failure among the hotel's delicious dishes.

Xia Yan turned the steering wheel with one hand, and the lawn mower suddenly swayed handsomely.

Face to face with Jing Yimai.

She stepped on the brakes and smiled brightly: "Of course not, this is for the cows to eat."

"Cow?" Jing Yimai's frown deepened, "Did you hear the news too? General Chu said last time that he would introduce a group of domesticated animals. Where do you plan to keep them?"

Xia Yan wanted to say something, but then he thought, if Chu Wanfu couldn't even get a few cows, the position of general would be given to others.

She looked around, no wonder it was so far away from the city but still barren of grass.

It was previously thought that Chu Wanfu was worried about the potential risks of high grass, so he ordered someone to mow the grass and clean it carpet-like.

After hearing what Jing Yimai said, she realized that it turned out to be preparations for future breeding.

"That's enough."

Xia Yan jumped down, put the lawn mower into the system grid, and then put the haystack into a separate grid.

"I'm going back first. I'm sorry to trouble you this time. Please drink some water."

Xia Yan threw over a bottle of ice-cold mineral water, clapped his hands and prepared to leave.


Jing Yimai called out to her.

"Well, you say."

Jing Yimai unscrewed the lid, raised his head and swallowed, as if he was very thirsty, that's all. He pinched the bottle with water droplets on it, and the cold water slid down his esophagus, making his consciousness clearer.

"Boss Xia, I'm afraid I can't continue to be a teacher from now on."

He had always been hesitant, but at that moment, he suddenly felt it very clearly.

It's time for a real parting of ways.

He didn't know why this idea suddenly came to him. It was irresistible when it appeared.

He could only accept it calmly.

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