"Is that so."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

Xia Yan let out a long "oh" and smiled, not taking it to heart at all.

"Okay, this boss never makes things difficult for any employee. As long as you ask to resign, I will let you go."

After thinking about it, she asked, "Did you work today? I will settle your salary for this month now."

Jing Yimai opened the points card and called up the attendance sheet for Xia Yan to check.

The sky was unusually clear today, and the newly cut cut exuded a strong grass fragrance.

The world is vast, and we will run towards our own lives and be well.

In the end, all relationships will end with a good breakup.


"When will this wind stop?"

Xia Yan curled up in the sofa, staring at the white world outside the protective shield in a trance.

"This is not wind," Arula was not far away, spreading the washed clothes on the floor. There was floor heating underneath to dry the clothes. "This is white-hair wind."

"Isn't it all wind?" Xiongxiong helped to carry the haystack into the round house.

The yak stared at it and mooed, and when it passed by, it poked its head out, rolled its long tongue, and hooked a strand of grass to chew.

"Oh, this cow is really good at eating. I've fed it a lot."

Xiongxiong stretched out his claws to grab it, and Cairang was scared and hurriedly opened its hand.

"This is an animal, it doesn't understand human nature at all. Be careful that it will hit you when you grab the grass. It's very powerful and can easily break a person's ribs!"

Xiongxiong scratched his head, always feeling that something was wrong with this sentence.

Arula didn't pay attention to the movement over there, and explained to Xia Yan:

"White-hair wind is not an ordinary wind. Once you get stuck in it, you can't find the original direction at all.

"Even if the house is three or four meters away, you can't see it in the wind and snow. People and animals can be frozen to death! "

Xia Yan pulled the thin blanket upwards.

When he stepped out of the passage, the temperature on his body evaporated instantly, and the wind blew straight into the gaps between his bones.

Even his eyeballs felt like they were about to be frozen.

His head hurt even more.

It's not just talk that it can freeze people to death.

Xia Yan was curious, "Since it's this kind of weather, why did Cai Rang run out?"

Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to come back if you go out?

Arula sighed, "I wanted to lead the cow home, so I tied a rope around Cai Rang's waist. I don't know what happened, and the rope broke. "

At that time, she was pulling the other end of the rope, and the taut rope suddenly fell limply to the ground.

Her heart was immediately filled with cold water.

In this icy and snowy place, without strong men and without cows, how could she survive with her two children?

Just when she was desperate, this hotel suddenly appeared and shoveled up the house.

If it weren't for the strong skeleton, they would definitely be crushed underneath.

It was really one wave after another. The husband's life and death were unknown, and the three of them were in crisis again.

Aruula groped for the dagger hidden behind the door and held it in her palm with her backhand.

Then she met the man and the bear outside, and the shock in their eyes was exactly the same.

Just when she was at a loss, afraid of a conflict and unable to protect her children.

The yak rushed in from outside and brought it back.

Aruula's heart immediately settled down.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed for her bad intentions at the beginning.

Awkwardly changed the subject: "Actually, we just moved here. "

Xia Yan joked, "Then you haven't found a good location."

Aruala smiled implicitly, and turned her eyes to the children chasing each other, showing the embodiment of maternal love.

"It's spring soon, so I want to move as soon as possible so that the children can be closer to school."

"School? There is a school here?"

Xia Yan couldn't imagine that a school stood out in a vast grassland.

Every day when it's time to go to school, a group of students appeared on the distant horizon?

This scene is as weird as it can be.

"Yes," Aruala nodded heavily, "In the town, it's very far away, and we have to move again. "

After saying that, she looked towards the hotel lobby, her rough fingers groping for the points card on her waist, her posture hesitant.

Xia Yan was immersed in his imagination and couldn't extricate himself, so he didn't notice her for a while.

Aruala looked at the sky outside the protective shield, and estimated that the white wind would not stop for a while.

She still had a lot of time.

The safe zone became quiet again, and several people were busy with their own things.

Xia Yan stuffed a pillow behind her waist and leaned lazily.

The two children were free for a rare time, running around in the safe zone.

Aruala warned them not to go out, and then went into the round house to clean up.

Watching her go out one by one While moving things, Xia Yan's eyes widened.

Although the house looks small, it actually has a lot of space inside.

The white-haired wind lasted for a long time.

During this period, Alura not only cleaned the house thoroughly, but also took the time to take the two children to the clothing store on the right side of the safe zone to buy more than a dozen sets of clothes.

The children's shoes were bought in two pairs of each size, so they were complete for all seasons.

The store next door not only had socks, but also various miscellaneous bedding such as sheets and quilts.

Alura touched the slippery and soft new bedding and couldn't let it go.

"It's so good, so soft, it must be very comfortable to cover yourself."

She was very tempted, but she had to buy four or five beds at once. First, it would be very heavy to move, and second, there was no place to put them at home.

Xia Yan patted the fluffy thick quilt, "It's all brand new cotton, and the material is sufficient.

"It's no better than before. There's no floor heating or air conditioning. Only thick coverings can keep people from getting cold at night."

All along, the best quilts sold in the store are only the thickest cotton quilts.

Xia Yan didn't know how they usually kept warm, so it must have been difficult.

"And you also know that as cotton is used for a long time, its thermal insulation properties will deteriorate and it will become very hard."

Arula recalled the stiff quilt at home. Compared with the new quilt in front of her, that one could only be used as a mattress.

"Then I'll take the fourth bed." Arula gritted her teeth and decided.

Isn't it just that it will take some effort to move when the time comes? That's why, as a man, he has to shoulder the responsibility.

She bought it so that her child could have a good sleep and no longer have to wear clothes and huddle in bed!

"By the way, I also have hot water bottles filled with water that can be stuffed under your feet to keep warm. Do you want a few?"

Xia Yan took out four hot water bottles from under the display cabinet and handed them over.

Arula looked at the child: "Yes!"

"What do you usually use for heating, wood? Or dried cow dung?"

Arula looked hopeless: "How can you pick up cow dung these days?"

Xia Yan smiled, "I have a large batch of coal that can ignite quickly and not smoke much. If you want it, I can give you a large box of lighters for free."

"Here, how much does one ton cost?"

"It's not expensive, only two thousand."

Arula's eyes were dull, and a storm was blowing in her mind.

Is this really just an ordinary hotel?

Which hotel still sells charcoal?

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