I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 580 The Snow Stops

Aruala didn't know that just when she was worried that she might not be able to spend all the points in the card before leaving the hotel.

Xia Yan was also thinking about how to get the points back quickly.

She walked around Aruala's house.

Children in new clothes circled around her.

Xia Yan glanced at them and knew that she couldn't use the children as an excuse to recommend more things.

Aruala lifted the door curtain made of old quilt from the inside, and through that corner, brand new sheets, mattresses, and pots and pans were all in front of her.


Xia Yan always felt that something was missing.

Maybe it was the coal that was not successfully sold last time.

On this day, the white hair wind that had been blowing for a long time finally stopped.

The long-lost sun peeked out from the gap between the thick clouds.

The bright sun shone silver on the snow, and the traces left by the wind were like silver-white ribbons, spreading smoothly on the ground.

Cairang put on a thick coat and stepped outside with a shovel.

He stepped down and suddenly became much shorter.

In fact, you can see in the safe zone that the snow outside is as deep as the knees.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong came to the protective cover and looked at Cairang's figure and the outside world.

In front of them was a plain covered in silver, with undulating lines of mountains in the distance.

The towering mountains behind them, like gods, served as the background wall of the hotel, and they slid down from there.

After a few days of wind and snow, there were no traces on the hillside.

Cairang walked out in the snow for more than ten steps and confirmed that the snow line that was originally knee-deep had dropped by five centimeters. He looked into the distance, sprayed a mouthful of hot mist, and waved the shovel to clear the road.

"It should melt naturally in a few days, why not wait a little longer?" Xia Yan was puzzled.

Xiongxiong shook his head to show that he didn't know.

The yak ate grass and mooed from time to time. Arula stuffed it with another handful of grass. Hearing this, he shook his head and said:

"We can't wait. If it melts during the day, it will freeze into ice at night. It will be more difficult to walk at that time. Besides, there will be no good place if we go too late. Now we don't have horses, so we can only move closer."

Xia Yan's sleeves were pulled. He lowered his head and saw Arula's little daughter.

"Sister," she raised her head, her little cheeks were still rosy, and she looked full of life. "Can you ride a horse?"

"I can't, can you?" Xia Yan half squatted down and pinched her face.

"Yes! My brother and I can. When we had horses, we rode to school every day!"

The little girl patted her chest, very proud.

Her brother paused in putting on his shoes, then stepped in, put on his hat and gloves, picked up the small shovel beside him, and went outside to help.

Compared with the snow outside, his small figure was like a sesame seed.

The little girl stuck out her tongue, "Sister, I can't talk to you anymore. I have to go help my mother with work."

Xia Yan stood up slowly.

Cairang took her son outside to shovel snow. The light snow flakes were like fine sand, sliding in the air in a parabola.

Arula took her daughter to dismantle the house, wrapped the bedding, pillows and cowhide separately in yellow plastic cloth, and placed them on a large homemade frame.

Then she picked up the big pot, and there was a clanging sound when she walked.

These things were also placed on the frame and wrapped with the inner lining of the door curtain to prevent them from being broken.

When everything was moved to the car, she picked up the rope and threw it hard. The rope flew from one end to the other. After several rounds, the luggage was tied tightly.

Arula took the only livestock and let the old cow take on the responsibility of towing the car.

After doing all this, she and her daughter were already sweating.

"It's so nice here. You won't be cold no matter where you go." Her cheeks puffed up when she smiled.

This was said to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan nodded silently and took the points card handed over by Arula.

"I thought 20,000 was a big number before, but I didn't expect to spend it in the blink of an eye by buying this and that." Arula's smile faded slightly, and her eyes lit up again after a while, "But I replaced many things at home with new ones, which can be used for a long time. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Xia Yan nodded gently and destroyed the points card in the backstage.

This may be the customer who left the store the fastest.

Xia Yan looked at this family thoughtfully. They were different from everyone he had ever seen.

This family has a calm atmosphere, not in a hurry, and lives quietly.

Perhaps because their family members are around, their hearts are really rooted, while the hearts and bodies of other survivors are like duckweed floating in the air, blowing with the wind, and cannot find the final belonging.

Where the family is, it is the beginning of the heart taking root and sprouting.

No one noticed Xia Yan, nor did they see the slight wrinkles between her eyebrows when she put her hand on her chest.

Just like Xia Yan would not really participate in anyone's life.

Arula was driving the cattle to leave, but suddenly stopped and looked back at the towering but empty building.

Although this building is luxurious and beautiful, it is really empty with only two people living in it.

Arula felt that her own little nest was better. At least her husband and children were around, and she had a goal in life. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel pity, and her eyes showed soft kindness.

Her voice was also warm, "Boss, we have to go. I hope your store business will get better and better. I wish to God that you will always be healthy, just like Mr. Huang who taught my children knowledge, and you don't need to take a single medicine all year round."

Xia Yan: "...Ah?"

She didn't need to take medicine in the first place.

The sadness that had just emerged from the cracks in her heart was immediately dispelled by Aru's words.

Xia Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she changed her mind and thought that for them, not getting sick, not taking medicine, and living a healthy life were their greatest wishes.

At this time, her heart began to warm up again-wait, she didn't forget something.

"Teacher Huang? How does she usually eat and drink?"

Aru held her little daughter on the frame and wrapped her in the old door curtain that had been replaced.

"I heard from Teacher Huang that the higher-ups give her subsidies every year. She goes to the market once a week and can buy a lot of things." Aru waved her hand with a bit of envy on her face, "It's better to go to school. Only with knowledge can you easily make money."

After she said these words, she began to teach the two children, repeatedly emphasizing that they should go to school well, not follow her old path, and try to live in a big city in the future.

The more Xia Yan listened, the more strange it felt.

It has been so many years since the end of the world, how could there still be subsidies? Money can't buy anything, it's not as useful as toilet paper!

Moreover, the big city in Aru's mind is no longer what it used to be, and the residents have to envy their current life!

"Aru, how long have you not sent the children to school?"

Aru looked up at her, "Since a few zombies appeared on the grassland, we moved deeper into the area. It has been almost two years now."

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