More than two years...

Xia Yan felt that it was unknown whether Teacher Huang was still alive.

Even if he was alive, he might not be guarding the school.

But Arula seemed to believe that Teacher Huang was there, so Xia Yan asked about his doubts.

Arula said: "I have only seen Teacher Huang once in the past two years."

"Where did you meet him?"

"It was at school. At that time, the last horse in the family was blown away by the wind. Cai Rang was so angry that he couldn't sleep all night. The next day, he insisted on going to the town to find a thick rope."

Arula now regretted sighing when she thought about it. It was a horse. It was convenient to ride a horse to go anywhere. Without a horse, you can only walk on your feet.

Xia Yan didn't see the scene at that time, but he knew that Cai Rang took a big risk.

Even if the population in the town is sparse, there are tens of thousands at the beginning. If you are unlucky and are caught by zombies and bitten, you will lose your life.

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But he came back safely.

Arula must have been very happy at that time.

The family reunited again, with children around their knees and eating a hot meal. This is an extremely precious life in the end times.

Arula continued: "After returning, Cairang said that Teacher Huang was still waiting at the school. After recognizing Cairang, he asked about the health of the two children and they talked a lot.

"Before leaving, Teacher Huang stood at the door and waved, asking him to take good care of the children and send them back to school when they get better in the future."

The little girl who eavesdropped on the conversation between the two stuck her face out from the door curtain and said excitedly: "Mom, you forgot to tell me that Dad left a lot of food for Teacher Huang!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot."

The ice crystals raised by Cairang when shoveling snow flew all over the sky and fell on her face, freezing the little girl's face red.

Arula touched her nose and covered the door curtain again, leaving only a ventilation hole.

"It's nothing. Teacher Huang is about the same age as us and she is still a woman. It is right for Cairang to leave food for her. Didn't you just ask me why I'm so sure she's in school? She taught my child, I know her, she's a good person, she must be there!"

Arula's voice was firm, buzzing like a chime.

After listening to this, Xia Yan became very interested in Teacher Huang.

If Teacher Huang had been guarding the school, she would definitely clean up the zombies that broke in.

It's too difficult for a person to make a living alone. He has to keep one eye open and stand guard at night. If he doesn't get enough sleep for a long time, his body will definitely not be able to bear it.

So Xia Yan boldly guessed that Teacher Huang had a companion!

It's easy to have a companion, the chance of survival is greater, which means they will buy a lot of things from him!

Xia Yan's eyes lit up, and he found a new business opportunity.

"Xiongxiong, go back and put on thick clothes, and we will go to visit Teacher Huang with you!"


"You also know Teacher Huang?"

Xia Yan smiled, "After listening to you say so much, I respect Teacher Huang, so I want to visit him and provide some help within my ability. "

Arula blinked, trying to understand.

Her daughter came out again, "Sister, are you going too? That's great. Our school is very cold and the windows are leaking. Don't you have coal? Can you sell some to our teacher? Light a fire and warm the house. The teacher will never be so cold that he can't hold the chalk in winter."

Xia Yan nodded heavily, "Okay, I'll listen to you and leave some for your teacher!"

Xia Yan put on the thickest down jacket that reached her ankles, down jacket pants on her legs, a hat and gloves, and a scarf wrapped around her eyes.

Xiongxiong's outfit was similar to hers, and her originally fat body had become a ball at this moment.

Xia Yan joked, "Xiongxiong, you have to pay more attention to your feet when you walk, don't slip and never stand up again, haha."

Xiongxiong's black eyes hidden behind the scarf turned around, as if he wanted to say something, but he held it back.

Cai Ran was very happy to know that Xia Yan was going too. He stood in front and shouted, "Save a few tons of coal for us when the time comes! Otherwise, it will be too cold in winter, and you won't be able to bear it."

Xia Yan: "Okay, you can have as much as you want!"

Cai Rang was immediately delighted. When Arula told him about this, they sighed a lot. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't move, who wouldn't want to burn a fire in the house to keep warm and spend a warm winter?

After having a goal, Cai Rang swung the shovel more vigorously, exhaling clouds of white air.

Arula whipped the yak on its buttocks. It mooed loudly when it felt the pain, and walked forward with its hooves.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong followed at the end, following the ruts and footprints, stepping away from the hotel step by step.

The unrolled snow surface was very white and smooth. Just looking at it, you can't help but want to step on it.

She thought so, I did the same.

The soft snowflakes were stepped on, making a creaking sound. I scooped up a handful and looked closer. They were all hexagonal snowflakes, each one was different and very beautiful.

Xia Yan breathed on them, and the thin snowflakes melted into a small drop of water. I casually shook my hand and it fell on the ground and made a small hole.

Walking on the snowy plateau was really a strange experience.

Especially when they walked a long way, Xia Yan looked back and saw a modern hotel building standing in the white snow.

It started snowing again over there, and the thin snowflakes fell on the protective shield and gradually accumulated into a white hat.

From a distance, it looked like an enlarged crystal ball.

Passing through the flat and long valley, the terrain sloped downward in an arc, the white snow layer became thinner, and gradually merged with the gray-green color.

Right there, Xia Yan saw a trickle of water.

"Finally saw it," Arula was panting, with sweat on the tip of her nose, "then follow this river and you will arrive."

Cairang found a flat place for them to stop and rest.

The two children were finally able to get off the car to move around. Children love to run by nature. As soon as their feet touched the ground, they chased and played around.

Arula took out dry food from the frame while muttering, and ate it with Cairang with water.

Xia Yan took out a folding stool from the system grid and sat down to rest with Xiongxiong. She was not very hungry, so she just held a cup of milk tea and drank it slowly.

They had walked a long way, and the hotel building was completely blocked by the mountains.

No one could have imagined that after bypassing this uninhabited land, a top hotel would appear in front of them!

Arula took advantage of the break and came over, frowning and asked: "I wanted to ask this since early morning, do you remember the way? We have to come back later, do you want to make a mark or something? Don't get lost in the store!"

"Oh, it's okay, we don't have to walk back." Xia Yan returned the empty milk tea cup to the merchant for destruction.

She pounded her calf to relax her muscles.

"How do you get back?"


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