I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 583 Red Brick House

The next morning, Xia Yan opened his eyes naturally.

Looking at the time, I realized it was only six in the morning.

It may be that something is on the mind and the person is not sleeping soundly.

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Xia Yan was not greedy for the softness of the bedding. After stretching, she turned over and went to the ground. After washing, she put on yesterday's clothes and put a heavy down jacket on her elbows. She was going to have breakfast in the cafeteria.

There was only her footsteps in the empty hall, and there was no trace of Xiong Xiong.

The dining table in the cafeteria is still full of hot food, and the robot is holding a rag and spinning around the dining table.

Always be prepared to clean up grease stains.

Xia Yan put his clothes on the back of the chair, took out the dinner plate, and prepared to have a high-calorie breakfast.

I remember when it was full of customers, the sales of fruit pizza and supreme pizza were the highest, not to mention that the ingredients were solid and you could pull out long strands with just one bite.

Your mouth is filled with the milky flavor of cheese.

Xia Yan brought a bowl of multiplied noodles, a small piece of fruit pizza, a grilled sausage with pure meat and black pepper, and finally a cup of black coffee to comfort himself.

Then it’s time to enjoy the delicious food.

Outside the window, the protective shield guarding the hotel was outlined by snow, and the sky was gray, as if it was going to snow.

This thought just appeared, and fragments of snowflakes fell down.

Snow began to fall on the entire plain, without the disturbance of wind, it looked quiet and beautiful.

Xiongxiong appeared in front of the protective shield, lying on it, looking at the smooth snow surface outside - the road that had been dug out yesterday was actually covered again after a day and night.

Not a trace at all.

The power of nature is always stronger.

"Xiong Xiong, let's go, Arula and the others should be in a hurry."

The boss's voice came from behind, Xiong Xiong put on his down jacket, "Okay~"

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong returned to the place where they left last night. Just as she thought, Arula and the others got up early, had breakfast, and loaded everything back into the car.

At this moment, Xia Yan saw a few drops of dark sticky substance next to the wheels of the car.

Her heart skipped a beat and she looked at the four of them.

She actually ignored one very important thing. From the moment she came back, the two children showed no excitement.

Instead, he went out of his way and buried his face in Arula's belly, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

As if extremely scared.

Arula touched their heads and comforted them softly. When she raised her head and met Xia Yan's questioning eyes, she forced a smile and said:

"It's fine now. It's a living dead. Fortunately, there is only one, so we reacted quickly and there was no accident. Now we are digging a hole to bury it in the soil."

They were prepared, knowing that the further down they went, the greater the number of living dead would be.

But when you see a corpse with a rotten face running towards him with flexible movements, the visual impact is so shocking that the scalp of the person watching becomes numb, and the legs are filled with cement, making it impossible to move at all!

Sending their children to school was a decision the couple had considered for a long time.

They can accept it.

Arula held the child tightly, silently praying to God for blessing and a safe journey.

Xia Yan didn't want to disturb them, so she followed the footprints on the ground lightly.

After taking a few steps, I heard the sound of digging.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Cai Rang with a serious face and a zombie tied up with five flowers.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that the zombie was still alive, with a thick rope hanging across its rotting mouth, making it unable to open and close its mouth.

Then the rope locked its shoulders and arms firmly together, and its legs were bent back to the limit, tying the limbs together.

The zombie's gray eyes stared straight at Cai Rang, who had his back turned to it. He made a loud noise in his throat and struggled to get closer.

The pit was not big, about two meters deep. Cai Rang jumped out of the pit. Although he saw Xia Yan, he had no time to say hello.

He walked around behind the zombie and lifted the zombie in the air like a fish.

Cai Rang walked to the edge of the pit, holding the tether with one hand, and fixing the folded knees with the other, keeping the zombie in a head-down position, and forced it into the pit.

He picked up the shovel, filled it back with handfuls of soil covered with ice, and stepped on the top of the pit, trying to compact the soil as firmly as possible.

Xia Yan thought that was the end of it, but to his surprise, Cai Rang took out another deflated plastic bag from his pocket.

"I forgive you for what you did." He opened the bag, grabbed a handful from it, and sprinkled it carefully on the soil, "You just took the wrong path, I don't blame you.

"Rest here. I have sown a strong seed. It will take root and penetrate into your body, pierce your eyes and head. While absorbing nutrients, all your sins will be accepted by it. When the flowers bloom, That’s when you see the light.”

Only then did Rang finally close his eyes and make a strange gesture.

Even if all this is settled.

When he turned around, the muscles on his face relaxed, as if he had spoken to the god in his heart about his actions.

"Let's go. It's best to get to the school before dark today."

Xia Yan had no objection.

Only then did he take the yak and lead the way. The two children were still sitting in the old door curtain. Their mother Arula was holding on to the frame of the cart, first to prevent things from falling, and secondly to help push the cart so that the yak could save some money. strength.

The wheels of the cart made a creaking sound that could be heard far away.

Their shadows stretched on the ground, connected to the frame of hope, all mixed together.

The rut has been rolling from the past until now, and the family of four has never changed.

After crossing a new high mountain, the stream turned into a big river, with a wide river surface and turbulent water.

At the end of the river bend, two small bungalows stood quietly like abandoned building blocks.

"That's it! The school is still there!" Cairang waved at the two houses, shouting hello, hello.

Even if the sound could not reach there at all, he still greeted them.

He seemed to be very sure that the people in the room had been guarding the window, waiting for parents to send their children to school.

It was easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down the mountain. Cairang stood in front of the car, supported the frame with his back, and fell backwards, almost parallel to the mountain, with his heels heavily against the rocks as brakes.

Use your own strength to resist the heavy car body.

The yak seemed to know that this was a very dangerous thing, and kept mooing quietly, with its butt backwards and four hooves sticking on the ground and walking slowly.

Arula asked the children to get off the car early, and followed behind with an expression that there would be no problem and that she believed Cairang could do it.

They had walked this kind of downhill road many times and were very experienced.

When the car finally stopped on the flat road, their legs were shaking.

"See, your father is the strongest man in the world." Arula said so.

After resting for a while, they continued to set off.

They crossed the bridge over the river and reached the other side.

The two small bungalows finally returned to their true size at this moment, and they were two dilapidated red brick houses.

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