"How did this school become like this?"

Aru-la looked at the houses around her, where not even a wall existed, and smacked her lips in surprise.

"Schools were not like this before. Did we go to the wrong place? His father, what do you think?"

Cai-rang looked up quickly and said in a rough voice: "Yes, it's here. When I came here before, the wall was about to collapse. Maybe Teacher Huang demolished the wall."

"You can't not even see a brick," Aru-la muttered softly, "Didn't they say there are many zombies here? There is not even a barrier. I can't sleep peacefully at night..."

Cai-rang paused and suddenly felt that what she said made sense.

After all, he was too thick-hearted to think of this.

He had been chased by the zombies before. When he hid in the house, the thin door panel was knocked and shook. It was about to fall down and could not hold on for long.

The wall outside the school is gone, and Teacher Huang lives in a house facing the zombies, and she is the only one surviving. Could it be that...

They came here for nothing?

Cairang was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

But the next moment, he saw a dark ring around the house, which was very wide.

Teacher Huang was very smart. She was fine when he saw her two years ago, and she was even finer now. Even if he died, Teacher Huang would not be in trouble.

Cairang took a reassurance pill for himself and walked forward with high vigilance.

Perhaps Cairang's cold expression affected everyone. Arula held the hands of the two children tightly and kept looking around nervously. Any slight movement could make her tremble.


When she heard this sound, Arula's face turned pale and she was covered in cold sweat.

"Cairang..." She said in a very light voice, "Don't go forward yet. Is there something over there?"

Cairang was also a little scared. His wife and children were there. If something really rushed out, he might not be able to deal with it alone.

He stopped, gently pulled out the shovel from the frame and held it in his palm, waved his left hand back, signaling them to stop where they were and not move.

He walked towards the place where the sound came from little by little.

The two children clung to their mother's abdomen, trembling with fear. Aruala was afraid that they would make a sound, so she covered their mouths with her hands.

Her back was empty, and she looked back from time to time.

Xia Yan's eyes met hers in the air.

Clearly seeing the fear and terror inside, Aruala was not worried about herself, mainly because the two children were around, and the potential danger made her adrenaline secrete, ready to fight at any time.

Xia Yan pulled Xiongxiong forward a few steps, standing behind them on the left and right.

"Don't be afraid, we are still here." She comforted.

Xia Yan had already observed the surroundings. The terrain was flat and there was no shelter. If there were really zombies, the only possible place would be the house in front.

Or in the ditch in front of the house.

However, would zombies dig ditches? Couldn't they be dug by hand?

Just as she was doubting this, Cairang exhaled very loudly, and stuck the shovel in his hand into the ground. He seemed to see something and walked forward quickly.

In the gap between his big steps, Arula saw handfuls of dark brown things being thrown up.

It looked like wet soil.

But the action of throwing soil stopped immediately, and a pair of gray eyes slowly emerged from behind with vigilance.

Then they gradually rose up, saw Cairang, and suddenly burst into light after being stunned.

"It's Cairang!"

The man burst into a joyful voice, and after a trot, he crawled to the ground from another place.

Arula's tense nerves were immediately soothed by the familiar figure, and she shouted excitedly: "Teacher Huang! Teacher Huang, is it you!"

A face like old tree bark turned over, with gray and dry scalp covering the top of the head, and a thin braid tied at the back of the head.

The eyes quickly swept over Arula, moved down, and landed on the two rosy little faces.

She smiled, revealing her pink and white gums, "It's good that you're here, it's good that you're here, are you safe along the way?"

"Safe, except for encountering a zombie, there was nothing, it was smoother than before!"

Cairang left this sentence and drove the car around to find a suitable place to settle down.

Teacher Huang saw that they even brought their home with them, and knew that they would not leave for a while. His mouth was full of wrinkles with joy, and his hand pointed to the house.

"Go over there, the ground is flat, I clean up the roots of weeds every year, just waiting for today, good! Good! Cairang is a good parent who keeps his promise, and he will come when he says he will!

"I admire your educational attitude. As a parent, you must know that no matter what the outside world becomes, children must learn to read and learn knowledge, break the shackles that restrict their thoughts, and without the three views and moral sense, can people still be called human beings? ”

Perhaps it has been a long time since anyone talked to Teacher Huang. Her dry lips kept opening and closing, and she looked at the two children lovingly.

Arula nodded, led the two children over, looked up and down at Teacher Huang, slapped her thigh heavily, and said in disbelief: "Why have you aged so much? ! You've lost weight, thinner than before!"

"It's okay. When people get older, they can't gain weight no matter how much they eat. But the children have grown taller and stronger."

As they approached Teacher Huang, the two children were happy and scared. After nervously shouting "Hello, teacher", they hooked their fingers and dared not move.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for many years, they still couldn't change the fear that penetrated their bones when they saw the teacher.

Until Teacher Huang touched their heads lovingly and praised them as good children.

The two kids finally became lively and ran away from them.

The laughter echoed again in the school without walls and signs, driving away the loneliness and emptiness.

Just like the grass seedlings pressed by the snow, when the wind blows and melts, they will grow green all over the ground again.

Teacher Huang felt that her heart was alive.

What did she stick to here for? One is her own belief, and the other is for these children who can't go to school in the city.

Teacher Huang's expression gradually became cold.

Because she saw the unfamiliar Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong beside her.

"Who are these two..."

Arula followed her gaze, "Oh, she is Boss Xia, who runs a hotel. She heard that you don't have coal to burn in winter, so she came here to sell goods."

Xia Yan: Sell goods?

Well, very down-to-earth and appropriate.

She stepped forward and stretched out her hand: "Teacher Huang, I not only sell charcoal, but also flour, rice, cooking oil, various seasonings for cooking, soy sauce, oyster sauce and vinegar, or quilts, clothes and shoes,

"Oh, by the way, even if you need chalk, erasers and textbooks and exercise books, I have them all! As long as it is what you need, there is nothing I won't sell."

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