Teacher Huang’s outstretched hand stopped in the air.

...You are trying to trick the elderly, right?


Young people nowadays lie so much, without thinking, right?

You think she will become stupid when she gets old, right?

Teacher Huang immediately retracted her hand, her face not looking good, "I don’t know who you are——"

Aruala grabbed her arm and blinked hard, "She is Boss Xia."

"...I don’t care what you sell——"

"She is serious, she has everything!"

Teacher Huang was furious, "Aruala, I am not saying that you are simple and honest, but you can’t believe everything. Nowadays, who has something in their hands is not hiding it, how can they sell it——"

"Teacher Huang, have candy!"

The two children stood on tiptoe and stuffed a small, square hard object into her open mouth.

She subconsciously stretched out her tongue to resist, but was immediately shocked by the sweetness from the tip of her tongue.

"Teacher, I got you some rock candy!"

The two children also put a piece of rock candy in their mouths, and their eyes narrowed with joy.

After Teacher Huang realized what was happening, she immediately wanted to spit out the candy, "How can you eat rock candy casually? Sugar is a precious resource. How can Cairang let the children grab candy and eat it by themselves? Now you can't buy it anywhere, it's too extravagant!"

Cairang was fixing the house support over there. After being scolded for no reason, he pulled the open bag of candy and tied it up, weighed it in his hand for a few times, and said disapprovingly: "It's okay, let them eat it, there are plenty of candies at home."

Teacher Huang suspected that there was something wrong with her ears.

"What? What did your husband say?"

Arula: "What Cairang said is right. The children have not been able to eat sweet things for the past two years. Now that they have it, we are not restricted. Take it and eat it as you like. There are a lot of them. I will get you a bag later."

"That's not allowed!" Teacher Huang shook her hands in shock.

She lived not far from the town. When she went to the town to look for food, she basically searched every household, and sugar was the first thing she had to take back.

After a few years, there was not much stock in the town.

Aru La and the others were deep in the grassland, and they couldn't even see a village. How could they have so much sugar?

Teacher Huang looked at Xia Yan with suspicion.

Xia Yan smiled, "Yes, Teacher Huang, I also sell sugar here."


Teacher Huang turned the full paper to the back, shook the pen a few times, and blew a few breaths of hot air, and then there was a mark.

She looked at Xia Yan again and wrote what she needed on it.

Outside the house, Cairang's home was almost settled, and Aru La was busy moving furniture inside.

The two children were not idle either. They were ordered by their father to dig soil in the pit-Teacher Huang said that without the wall, she could only rely on this method to resist the zombies.

Fortunately, she has been very cautious over the years and tried not to make any noise.

The zombies in the town couldn't find the living people, and were gradually attracted by the creatures that broke in rashly. They had no memory and couldn't find the way they set out, so Teacher Huang survived.

Xia Yan thought that another reason was that she was a water-based supernatural person.

People can't live for a few days without clean water.

Teacher Huang swept away her previous doubts and wrote a whole page. At the end, she took the paper and read it again carefully, adding a few supplies that she forgot to write.

Finally, she handed it to Xia Yan, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Xia Yan read ten lines at a glance and said, "Okay, but how do you pay? Gold is best."

Teacher Huang said calmly, "Okay."

There may be no food in the town, but there is definitely no shortage of gold. She has saved a small box, just for the future social stability and for the children to have money to continue their studies.

Xia Yan took out the all-things appraiser, put the gold on it for evaluation, and then said, "Where are the things?"

So fast? Teacher Huang took her to the classroom next door with a half-believing and half-doubting look, and folded the tables and chairs together to make room in the middle for her to put her things there.

Xia Yan was too lazy to go back to the hotel to buy things at the supermarket, so she just checked and placed an order at the nearby mall.

Teacher Huang kept staring at her, imagining where she could take it out, and she even relaxed her mind and guessed Doraemon's pocket.

Xia Yan put her palm down and threw it out casually, and bags of white, dust-free flour bags fell heavily to the ground, followed by bags of 50kg rice and rows of cooking oil.

Large boxes labeled soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, and cooking wine were stacked high in order.

Even the bagged seasonings appeared in boxes, stacked next to each other.

Not to mention the dried noodles, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, salted kelp, lotus root slices and tribute vegetables...

Teacher Huang has rich life experience, so she naturally knows which food can be stored for a longer time. She wrote almost everything she knows on it.

To be honest, when she was recording, she wanted to make Xia Yan give up.

A person who obviously has never suffered ran to the depths of the grassland to sell goods. It seems that she has no good intentions. It would be best to take this opportunity to expose her fox tail.


Teacher Huang suddenly slapped herself hard.

It hurts!

It's not a dream!

The continuous slight vibration went up along the heel, causing ripples in her heart.

Teacher Huang was a little tipsy after drinking.

"This, is this true... You are actually a seller."

Xia Yan, who was busy selling goods, heard this: "... Do I look fake?"

Teacher Huang glanced at her with confused eyes, walked forward in vain, approached the rice bag, grabbed the thin string and pulled hard.

Unpacking the bag was incredibly smooth.

The crystal clear, oval-shaped rice grains lie neatly inside.

Teacher Huang tremblingly stretched out his hand full of cuts.

Against the backdrop of the smooth milky white color, her hands seemed to have experienced countless hardships.

She carefully picked up a handful of rice, put it under her nose and smelled it.

A faint fragrance penetrated.

She picked up a few grains of rice and put them in her mouth, chewing them slowly. It was slightly sweet and fragrant in her teeth. It was good rice!

Mi Xiang instantly awakened the desire for carbohydrates deep in her body, like a hook, pulling her hard, screaming to eat rice, to eat rice!

Teacher Huang had forgotten how long it had been since he had eaten rice and white noodles, and his first reaction was joy.

Extremely excited.

But then, she looked at the grains of rice in her hands, then at the food filled with food in the classroom, and at the empty stools and chairs in the back that were waiting for their owners, her nose became sour, and she choked with sobs:

"How many children will starve to death?"

Teacher Huang loosened his hand, and the rice grains fell down like running water. The rustling sound was both like friction and like breathing rushing through the throat.

It’s more like a helpless whimpering resistance when watching a disaster cruelly harvest human lives.

Who can do anything?

She is just a thin, small, old person.

Xia Yan put down the last box and said comfortingly: "Don't be sad, everything is over."

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