
𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Teacher Huang looked very tired.

"Well, slowly we will return to the peaceful era, and it will be a new era."

Xia Yan recalled the portals that were everywhere on Chuntai Island. It was only a matter of time before they could reach other areas.

After experiencing this tragic apocalypse, everyone would participate in the construction and devote all their strength to the arrival of the peaceful era.

There will always be a generation that needs to work hard. Only when they rush forward can the next generation live well.

Xia Yan felt that Chu Wanfu thought so.

"It's a pity that I can't take you there now, otherwise you can see many survivors and live a worry-free life in the Chuntai base. At least you don't have to worry about zombies suddenly surrounding you in the middle of the night."

Lidai Island no longer accepts new customers.

Teacher Huang calmed down and finally let down his guard against her, "It doesn't matter, I can't leave. There may be other children on the way here. Besides, I have been teaching here for more than 20 years. If even I leave, where can they go to school..."

Xia Yan looked around the old classroom.

Teacher Huang has devoted her entire youth and faith to this place. She has grown up with this land and cannot let it go.

This is her dream. She will do anything to pursue it.

The wind in early spring is icy and biting. It flows in through the cracks in the windows and walls, making people feel cold all over.

Xia Yan shrank his neck, looked at Teacher Huang and said, "Do you want to redecorate this classroom? I can sell you the decoration materials."

Teacher Huang:...?

The excited heart is shaking and the tears have not yet finished flowing.

"Do you want to pretend?"

"... Pretend!"


Teacher Huang took out all the gold and bought everything she could use.

The dilapidated classroom finally stopped leaking air on all sides. The glass windows that were almost smashed by zombies were replaced with large aluminum windows with broken bridges, so that the sun can shine all the way to the end.

The walls were repainted, and the floor tiles that Xia Yan gave away for free were laid on the floor - they were bought elsewhere for free.

Cai Ran installed the stove in the middle of the classroom, and the long pipe circled the classroom and went straight to the chimney on the roof.

Seeing that they had a hard time moving things, Xia Yan sold the cart he had bought at a low price.

"With this thing, it's convenient to take anything. When not in use, you can put it under the flour to isolate the moisture from the ground."

Teacher Huang looked at the area of ​​the cart and estimated that it could only hold three bags of flour?

"Where to put the coal?" Xia Yan asked.

"Come with me, put it behind the house."

Ten tons of coal can be called a small mountain, and it's not an exaggeration.

Cairang and Teacher Huang pulled the plastic sheet to cover it, and then pressed it with a big stone. When taking it, just open a corner, which is also very convenient.

With coal, you don't have to suffer from the cold anymore.

Arula made a fire on the stove outside the house to cook. The fragrance of rice mixed with the taste of home-cooked dishes made Teacher Huang take a deep breath from time to time, and his stomach growled with hunger.

When they set the table and prepared to eat, they called Xia Yan to join them, and were surprised to find that the man and the bear rode away on mountain bikes.

"Danger! Come back soon!"

Teacher Huang waved his arms vigorously, very frightened.

How dare you go out so easily when it's almost dark? !

Don't you know how to be afraid?

Arula served the soup and asked the children to call her back, "Don't worry, Teacher Huang, she will probably go back to the hotel soon, sit down and eat."

Teacher Huang frowned and sat down anxiously.

When the figure disappeared behind the slope, she asked, "What's the matter with that hotel you mentioned? Did you go to the city?"


There's really nothing to see in the grassland in spring.

It's bare and yellow, like a bald spot, with patches here and there.

If it weren't for the snow on the top of the distant mountain and the half-hidden clouds, Xia Yan would have returned to the hotel to see the snow scene on the spot.

But she had another purpose this time.

"What is it?" Xiongxiong asked.

"You'll know in a while, now help me find a good-looking place."

Xiongxiong didn't understand what her definition of good-looking was.

Until Xia Yan parked the car in front of a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides and a concave and flat valley in the middle.

"Xiongxiong, do you think this place will be beautiful in the summer?"

She pointed to the huge lake facing the valley.

The lake was so clear that you could see the fine sand at the bottom of the lake, just like the eyes of the earth.

Xiongxiong nodded, "I guess wild flowers will bloom all over the mountains, which will be very beautiful."

"Okay, then this is the place, a very suitable place to rest."

Xia Yan jumped out of the car and took out two shovels.

Xiongxiong never asked the boss's decision, it always supported it unconditionally.

The boss asked him to dig a hole, so he dug it, deep rather than shallow.

Xia Yan bought a good coffin in the mall, put Chen Juqing in it, closed the coffin lid, and put him down.

In this world, Chen Juqing could not find freedom when he was alive, but finally got it after his death.

The price of freedom is really high.

The soil returned to the earth again, and the soil with ice chips was hard, hitting the coffin with a bang.

Xia Yan and Xiong Xiong used the extra soil to pile up a peak, and finally erected a tombstone. They followed Cai Rang's example and scattered flower seeds around.

They bowed deeply to the three words on the tombstone. Even though the real soul had gone to another plane, the body in the coffin was real.

After a long time.

"Let's go, let's go back."


Chu Wanfu was busy all night and did not sleep. After a quick wash in the morning, he rushed to the military court to preside over a new round of trials.

His men handed him a thick stack of confessions and evidence.

He turned to the first page, this time it was the criminals captured from the third base and the first base.

"What's your name?"

The two main criminals standing in the front said: "Zhang Yunzhang."

"Xin Ming."

"Do you have any objection to the facts of the crime?"

"Tsk." The man named Zhang Yunzhang showed disdain, staring at Chu Wanfu sitting in the middle with a sinister look, "When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. You came just in time, just when we were both fighting and hurt. It's strange, if no one gave you the news, how could you know?!"

As he said this, his eyes moved to Xin Ming next to him, and a fierce flash flashed.

He raised his foot and hit the vital point.

"Did you ruin my business?!"

Xin Ming felt that he had broken 3,200 ribs, and his whole body curled up like a shrimp. He was in so much pain that he was sweating all over. He felt like there was a force pulling and pinching him. He wanted to scream, but he didn't have the strength to do so. He just wanted to die.

The guards nearby rushed up and pressed Zhang Yunzhang to the ground.

Zhang Yunzhang had a thick neck and a red face, and he laughed like a pervert, "I would rather let the world betray me than let the world betray me!"

Xin Ming raised his head from the severe pain and said through gritted teeth:

"For the position of the first base commander, you even killed your own family. Why can't I kill you and get a better future?!"

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