Hearing this, Zhang Yunzhang struggled even more violently.

He cursed like a cesspool.

The onlookers at the scene curled their lips and booed.

Among them, the survivors who had been in the third base stood up and cursed, complaining about the past grievances.

Zhang Yunzhang was fixed on the ground and motionless, and his head was still trying to look back, wanting to see which grandson took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Unable to move his whole body, and his arms were still painful from being pressed, Zhang Yunzhang was in a depressed mood, and he cursed more and more to vent his emotions.

Xin Ming knew that he was panicking and realized that he could not make any waves. This was a cry before death!

Chu Wanfu signaled with his eyes, and Zhang Yunzhang's mouth was stuffed and forbidden to make any sound.

Xin Ming was also helped to stand up again and accept the final judgment.

The staff continued to read out their crimes.

Bai Zuo and Bai You stood at the end of the crowd. Since they knew that this was the manager of the third base, their faces became gloomy.

They captured many people from the third base, all of whom had done a lot of bad things.

Bai Zuo and Bai You looked at the back row of criminals on the field, carefully scanning every face, hoping to see the people they wanted to see.

Those people included old and young, men and women, sloppy, disheveled, and sagging faces.

Bai Zuo and Bai You scanned again unwillingly.

After the trial was read out, Zhang Yunzhang was sentenced to death and executed on the spot, while Xin Ming was spared and sentenced to life imprisonment to serve his sentence in a designated place.

Zhang Yunzhang heard the "unfair" verdict, his eyes were bloodshot, and he struggled hard.

The person in charge of guarding him was afraid of a change, so he knocked him out with the butt of a gun, and only waited until everyone's trial was over before starting the execution.

Next was the conviction process of the participants in the back row.

Bai Zuo: "I didn't find it."

Bai You: "Maybe he's dead."

It's a blessing to be able to die neatly under the hands of that kind of person.

"Bai Zuo, let's go, there's nothing to see." Bai You put his hands behind his back and looked down at the ground.

I was holding on to a glimmer of hope, and now that I have seen everyone's face, there is indeed no such person, so why stay here.

Bai You just took a step out when Bai Zuo grabbed his hand.

"Wait, I saw Ye Zi and his wife."

"Huh? They were arrested?"

Bai You really stopped, walked back to his original position, and stood on tiptoe to look forward.

At this moment, a sloppy man with messy hair and stubble on his face looked over silently, his loose eyelids covering his eyes, and it was impossible to tell his emotions.

Bai You looked at him for a second and then looked away.

Bai Zuo glared back fiercely and said fiercely: "What are you looking at!"

The man was skinny, but he was not scared by the strong Bai Zuo. He took a deep look at the two brothers, then looked at the staff in the front who were reading the charges, and buried his head again.

Bai Zuo suppressed his bad temper, and Bai You just pretended not to hear it.

In the distance, among the people who were about to be tried, Ye Zi, who was trembling and constantly pleading with the guards, and his bloated wife were indeed seen.

Bai You snorted coldly, "They should have been arrested long ago. What kind of man is a man who can sell his wife to earn crystal cores?"

Bai Zuo didn't care and waved his hand casually, "Let's see what they will be sentenced to in the end. If I didn't recognize the wrong person, they are old customers who have supported their business many times. Hehe, interesting."

While the two were talking, the staff had already pronounced the verdict - although they were accomplices, they also killed many people, burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of evil, and were sentenced to death.

"I have grievances! I was forced! They threatened me with my son's life!"

The man's rough voice suddenly exploded, startling everyone like a frightened bird, and began to chatter.

"Do you have any evidence?" The staff asked someone to bring him to the front.

This kind of thing is not new. Except for people with bad natures, as long as they have received education in peacetime, they cannot treat human life as worthless.

Of course, being caught in the vitals is another matter.

"It's that man." Bai Zuo pointed his chin, "What injustice do you think he will have?"

Bai You didn't answer him.

The man's tangled hair seemed to be pressed against his scalp, and even if his body suddenly fell down and touched the ground, he remained stable and motionless.

"I always thought that my sons and mother were taken to another base by them, but just now, I saw my sons!"

"What? Where are they?"

The man raised his body and turned his stubble face back.

For some reason, Bai You's heart suddenly pounded violently. He held Bai Zuo's hand, touched the sweaty hand, and held it tightly.

The man's eyes passed over the crowd, swept across the homeless children, and finally fell on the two teenagers who forced themselves to grow up.

He pointed a finger, his voice full of pain: "It's them, Bai Zuo, Bai You."


"Brother, I still can't believe it."

At the seaside, two teenagers sat on the beach, watching the waves push dark foam to the soles of their shoes, kissing them gently and then retreating.

Countless bubbles burst on the coastline, leaving fleeting, honeycomb-shaped marks.

Bai Zuo grabbed a handful of sand and threw it over, as if venting his frustration.

"How can he still be alive - that's not what I meant, I just don't understand myself."

His fingers kept picking at the sand.

"I kept thinking about this day when I couldn't see him, but when this day really came, I felt very confused again, brother," he turned his head to look at Bai You, with a frown on his face, "Are you happy?"

Bai You was silent for a while, as if he was organizing his words.

"I don't know, I should be happy. When grandma was alive, she was always looking forward to his return. If grandma knew that dad really found us, she would be very happy."

"Found us..."

Bai Zuo chewed on these four words, as if he was eating an extremely sour orange.

He lowered his head and suddenly saw that his heart was empty, and it was that hole that made him uncomfortable.

One hand rested on his shoulder, Bai You leaned his head against his neck, and closed his eyes tiredly.

When the face that had been expected for a long time and had become blurred in memory suddenly broke into their lives, they were in a hurry, and their mood was like an overturned palette. They couldn't tell whether they were more happy or sad.

"The only thing that is certain is," Bai You's muffled voice crawled into his ears, "We have a father. Although he was injected with a monitoring and positioning potion, our father found us."

Even if he was forced to do something he shouldn't have done, Bai's father was still sentenced to fifteen years of unrewarded labor. The only exception was that he could go home and live.

And the two brothers were also required to join the team and go out to kill zombies and rescue survivors.

In fact, this is a good thing.

Bai Zuo pushed him away and stood up, stretching out his hand in the sound of the waves.

"Let's go, Dad is still waiting for us at home."

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