This time Xia Yan came alone.

Xiong Xiong said that it was the super cleaning day once a month, and he would not go out with her, but should concentrate on work and try to clean all the dead corners of the building within one day.

Xia Yan could not understand why Xiong loved cleaning so much, and Xiong could not understand why anyone did not like the absolute sense of accomplishment after cleaning.

So she was more suitable to be a boss, Xia Yan only dared to say this secretly in her heart.

When she arrived in front of Teacher Huang's school, she found that Teacher Huang was teaching inside.

In the huge classroom, there were only two tables and stools near the podium, and two children sat in a correct posture to listen to the class.

There was nothing on the desk, only the teacher had a textbook in his hand.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

The stove in the classroom was burning vigorously, and the red light reflected the faces of the three teachers and students.

After class, Teacher Huang saw Xia Yan outside the door.

She waved, "It's cold outside, come in and warm up."

Xia Yan was wrapped in cold air and smiled as she pushed the door open.

When the two children saw her, they jumped up from their stools with joy and took out the roasted sweet potatoes from their pockets to give them to her.

"No, you keep them. I've already eaten them."

Teacher Huang secretly observed and found that she had no injuries on her body, and she breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

"Why did you leave without saying hello yesterday?" Perhaps she noticed that the tone was a little intimate and the relationship was not that close, so she added, "This place is not far from the town. If a few zombies rush out, you are a girl, how dangerous it is."

Xia Yan stretched out her hand and placed it on the stove. The warm warmth dispelled the coldness in her palm and climbed up her arm. She couldn't help shivering in comfort.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. There are no zombies outside."

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't want to say more, Mr. Huang naturally changed the subject, "I wrote another list of supplies last night. Take it and have a look. It would be great if you can sell it to me."

She handed over a piece of paper with a few strokes, all teaching aids.

"Okay." Xia Yan bought a few copies in the mall according to the content above. When she saw pencils and erasers, she immediately thought of someone.

Su Mei.

Last time, the Su Mei team unpacked the box, and all they took out were stationery. Maybe she could support them?

Then Xia Yan saw the number at the back and multiplied it by 4.

Oh, there are not many, not worth the trip, I can give it to Mr. Huang for free.

Xia Yan waved her hand, and the things Mr. Huang needed appeared neatly on the desk, with a film on them, and they were brand new at a glance.

Mr. Huang felt vaguely that she might really be a businessman with a treasure chest, otherwise it would be impossible to explain. Every time she took out something, it was brand new as if it had just left the factory.

"I'm leaving soon, and I won't be back." Xia Yan suddenly said.

Teacher Huang paused while stroking the textbook, looked up and asked: "Do you have a goal? Or is it selling goods?"

"... Almost. I'm a businessman. Of course, I mainly make money, and I travel around."

Looking at Teacher Huang's serious face, Xia Yan didn't think it was caused by her last four words.

When the two children heard that she was leaving, they bit their lower lips, hooked their fingers together, and stared at her eagerly.

That look was like a cute little puppy in childhood, with wet eyes, soft and tender face, and even the voice was thin and weak, cute.

Seeing that they were like the bears of the past, Xia Yan couldn't help but reach out and pinch their faces.

"Study hard, sister will give you gifts later."

The two children sobbed, although reluctant to give up, they were still attracted by the gifts, "What is it?"

"Wait for me."

Xia Yan disappeared on the spot, she ran back to the backyard, pushed open the door of her hut, and went straight to the study.

This is her second time coming in.

The first time was when the room was upgraded and she was walking around to get familiar with the environment.

Xia Yan took out the cart, put a cardboard box on it, and moved all the books on the bookshelf into the box.

I was worried that the system would not agree, but it didn't say anything for a long time, so Xia Yan knew it was acquiescent.

Maybe the system's idea is the same as hers. Since it is useless to keep it, it will eventually be taken back, and I don't know where it will be piled up. It's better to sell it to people who need it while it can be operated now.

When Xia Yan does this kind of thing, she never asks the system if it's okay.

The things given to her are up to her, which is equivalent to taking the blame, so the system naturally turns a blind eye tacitly.

After all, if one person rules, they still need to cooperate in the future. It would be embarrassing if things get awkward.

Xia Yan didn't even let go of the draft paper on the desk, and put it all in the box. What about the brush and ink table? In her mind, this kind of activity to cultivate leisure and elegance is not as comfortable as basking in the sun.

When she returned to the classroom, it was math class.

Teacher Huang was drawing lines on the blackboard with a large triangle ruler tied with a thin rope. The short chalk was difficult to hold. Perhaps she was frightened by the sudden appearance of Xia Yan, and the chalk head fell to the ground with a snap.

It made a mark on the ground.

The chalk head bounced, but it was not broken. Teacher Huang bent down to pick it up and put it in the chalk box.

She had noticed the two cardboard boxes behind Xia Yan a long time ago. Although she was curious about what was inside, she was reserved and didn't say anything.

Xia Yan moved both boxes to the podium, pushed the first box in front of Teacher Huang, and said to her: "Open it and see if you need it."

Then she pushed the second box in front of the two children who were looking at it eagerly, "Then this box is a gift for you."

The children cheered and opened it. Inside were brand new exercise books and draft papers, as well as boxes of pencils and erasers.

In the corner of the box, they pulled out a furry puppet and a football.

Obviously, these two toys were more to their liking.

Just as they cheered and turned around with their own toys, they glanced at the rest of the box - a few words in the exercise books for grades 1-9, five, three, what is it, and why are there so many books? !

The children looked confused, and the teacher smiled with relief.

"This is a good gift." She said.

Teacher Huang opened the cardboard box in front of her, and the ink fragrance of the new books came to her face. She picked up a book at random, and it was still wrapped in plastic wrapping paper. It was still brand new!

Looking at the titles of the books, they are all award-winning masterpieces.

All, really too many.

Teacher Huang's eyes lit up, and she couldn't let go of them and stroked them back and forth.

"How are they?" Xia Yan saw the opportunity and smiled friendly, "These books are all brand new, and most of them are unopened.

"Teacher Huang is a person who loves reading. How can there be no masterpieces by the pillow? Considering our fate, I will sell all these books at a 20% discount!"

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