Teacher Huang paused for a moment, blinked, and then naturally picked up a book and turned to the back to see the price.

"Boss Xia, it's better to make it cheaper. If I'm not mistaken, these books should have been stored in your warehouse for a long time. Besides, I bought so many things from you, so give me more discounts."

Xia Yan took a few steps back, holding her chest.

She looked at Teacher Huang with incredible eyes.

I didn't expect it, the other party actually bargained with her! He was still a good hand!

"It can't be cheaper," Xia Yan shook her head, "the lowest is 80% off, they are all brand new, no one has ever flipped through them."

"...Flip through them? Did you get them back from somewhere else?"

Teacher Huang keenly noticed the loophole in his words.

"No, they are my books, but I bought them at the original price. I originally wanted to collect them, but I think Teacher Huang is a book lover. These books in your hands will definitely reflect their value better than with me!"

Xia Yan gave Teacher Huang several compliments. In order to get a piece of wool from the system, she really went all out.

But unexpectedly, Teacher Huang didn't buy it at all and continued to bargain.

After a long argument, Xia Yan finally made a concession and sold the goods at a 30% discount.

After the payment was made, Xia Yan and Teacher Huang were both satisfied.

"I wish you more and more business in the future." Knowing that Xia Yan was about to leave, Teacher Huang pushed the door to see her off.

Xia Yan turned around and said, "Teacher Huang, change your blessing. I prefer to hear words like "good luck."

Teacher Huang is worthy of being a teacher. His reaction is absolutely fast. He didn't get stuck at all and uttered a long string of non-repetitive words.

Outside the house, Arula and Cairang came to see her off.

It was obvious that the two sides were just in a business relationship and could barely be considered as unrelated friends, but they obviously didn't think so.

Maybe it was because they hadn't seen a living person for a long time, and suddenly met one, and the feeling of brotherhood arose spontaneously?

Xia Yan said, "I'm leaving. Maybe one day a search and rescue team will come here, which means that a stable social system has been established."

They looked at each other and didn't understand, but it didn't affect the sadness of parting, especially knowing that they would never see each other again.

Although Xia Yan knew that she would eventually forget their appearance, at this moment, she still remembered their appearance carefully and seriously in her heart.

'Go home.'

After the last word fell, she left.

Aru and the two children's hands were still waving in the air, and they disappeared as if they had never appeared.

"Let's go, play for a while, and we have classes later."

Aru pushed the child's back forward, and then went to do the endless housework.

Cai Rang picked up the shovel and continued to dig the ditch, inserting sharp steel bars underneath.

And Teacher Huang put the books neatly on his desk, opened one at random, buried his head in it and smelled the fragrance of the book.

The two children were sad for a while, and as a piece of candy went into their mouths, they were happy again.


Xia Yan's travel life also went on as planned.

She went to the end of the earth, saw the black sand beach, walked in palaces of various shapes, and visited famous paintings covered with dust.

She once sat on a dangerous rock exposed to the sun and blew the wind, and also released a Kongming lantern with twinkling lights on the coast filled with cold and chilly air.

In the city where the buildings collapsed, the station glass was broken, paper scraps were all over the floor, a few chairs were lying in the corner, and the calendar next to the mirror was stuck on the wrong date.

Time was displayed in the form of spring, summer, autumn and winter in front of her.

After a long time, Xia Yan finally saw the weathered face and rough hands again.

It was an early morning, she slept until she woke up naturally, and when she went out for a walk after enjoying breakfast, she suddenly looked at the survivors who had gathered outside at some point.

Her sight passed over their heads and fell on the names marked on the high wall.

This time they arrived at the outer gate of the base.

The survivors outside the protective shield should be the aborigines who came out of the base and were ready to kill zombies or look for supplies.

At this time, neat footsteps came from the base, running here, and the crowd automatically dispersed to both sides, making a wide road.

It was a team wearing uniform uniforms. The leading man first looked up at the top of the hotel, then looked down, and showed surprise when he fell on Xia Yan's face.

He seemed to know her.

Xia Yan frowned slightly, and she couldn't find the picture of this person after searching through her memory.

Just thinking about it, the team had passed through the protective shield and walked in front of her, and the leading man smiled with eight teeth.

"Welcome Boss Xia to visit our base!"

"...Oh, OK."

He was too enthusiastic, as if the two had met before, and this thought made Xia Yan look at him a few more times.

The man let her look at him, and saw her expression that she couldn't remember after thinking for a while.

He coughed lightly and whispered: "Boss Xia, I am E Ze, and I used to work with General Chu."

Is he General Chu's man?

After hearing this, Xia Yan suddenly remembered that this was the person who wanted to be teleported directly to the store and was driven away by her several times!

Come to think of it, he was the only one who was electrocuted after opening the store for so long...

"It turned out to be you. I haven't seen you for so long that I really forgot."

Xia Yan would never admit that she had a bad memory!

Eze nodded to show his understanding, "When General Chu went to Chuntai Island, I was transferred here to serve. I just heard from my subordinates that a hotel suddenly appeared outside the city. I guessed it could only be you, but I saw you confirmed it for a few seconds before I recognized you. You haven't changed at all in all these years."

Xia Yan just smiled and said nothing.

More and more residents rushed to watch the excitement outside the protective shield. Seeing that the base commander was chatting happily with the other party, they hid their worries in their hearts and began to be curious about this hotel.

They had heard about the glorious deeds of the resort hotel.

What there are several dining areas inside, as long as you bring enough crystal cores and don't waste them, you can eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, and even ice cream has several flavors!

In the past, they just listened to it as a excitement, but now that the resort hotel really appeared in front of them, they believed that it was all true!

"Xiongxiong, Xiaowan, get ready to welcome guests." Xia Yan said.

Xiongxiong said "Hey" and jumped over, and Xiaowan went back to the front desk of the lobby to prepare to recharge and apply for cards for customers.

Xiongxiong bowed like a gentleman and extended his paw to lead the customers.

"Welcome to the resort hotel. We will only stay here for one or two days. If you need to buy anything, please hurry up~"

But the customers outside the door turned their heads to look at their base leader.

E Ze signaled his men to make way for the entrance: "Have you all brought crystal cores? If so, please come in. The resort hotel is well stocked. Hurry up and buy whatever you need."

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