I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 590 Reminiscing about the past

E Ze said to Xia Yan, "If there is nothing else to do next, can I take you for a walk in the city?"

The last time he went to the Shangjing base for a meeting, he met General Chu by chance, and while they were chatting, they talked about the resort hotel.

Only then did E Ze find out that the resort hotel had left long before the construction of Chuntai Island, and then disappeared. Presumably, it had not seen the current planning and development.

He wanted to take her to see the base full of modern construction. If she could be sure to stay and do business in his base, their base's ability to resist risks would be improved to a higher level.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

Facing his fiery expectant eyes, Xia Yan nodded in agreement again and again.

Mainly she also wanted to see what other bases were like.

Following the flow of people going home to get crystal cores and entering the base, the most eye-catching thing is the portal standing on the side of the road.

A round transparent protective cover with a portal inside.

It looks like the portals in Chuntai Base are exactly the same.

Seeing Xia Yan stop, E Ze followed her gaze and said with a smile: "Maybe you don't know yet, but Chuntai Base has been fully completed. There is not a single zombie on the island. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, electricity, Water conservancy was rebuilt, major factories were put into production, and schools started enrolling students..."

Xia Yan could no longer hear what he said next.

Her eyes fell in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, where a handsome-looking young man was sitting, smiling and chatting with his colleagues.

The sun shone through the glass and hit his face, casting a small shadow on his bulging cheeks, like dust accidentally caught on it.

It was as if he was hiding in the tire, with a nervous and determined expression, finding the right moment with his pounding heartbeat, and rushing out to kill the zombies with one blow.

His mother was standing behind the glass, with tears in her eyes. Seeing that he had returned safely, she was both proud and apologetic as she wiped the dust off his face.

The boy has grown up since then.

Xia Yan forgot E Ze, but she still remembered the smart and cautious Ye Qizheng.

He had a number plate pinned to his chest, and on the wall next to the floor-to-ceiling window, the words Police Department were written.

Ye Qizheng's special ability is forced communication, and this job suits him very well.

Someone called him in the house, and Ye Qi stood up and walked in.

Xia Yan passed by the police station like this.

E Ze didn't notice anything strange about her and continued to introduce the various constructions in the base and its connections with Chuntai Base and other bases.

Having said this, the portal on the roadside suddenly lit up, and five or six young people walked out of it. The two soldiers guarding the door asked:

"ID card, which base did it come from?"

"Shangyang Base."

"That's right, let's go."

The team cheered and walked along the street to the outside of the city very familiarly, as if they had been here many times.

E Ze looked at their backs and said: "The zombies around some bases have been cleared. In order to improve their power level, they can only run to other bases and only need to pay a certain fee."

"It's very convenient." Xia Yan sighed.

Humanity rebuilds civilization as fast as it destroys it.

E Ze pointed to the long queue opposite and said to her: "Since the vaccine that modifies the body has become available, all ordinary people have received the vaccine. As the base commander, I no longer have to worry about the mortality rate exceeding the standard, haha."

Eze feels very happy when I talk about this.

If she hadn't provided those scientists with sufficient water and electricity, ensured personal safety, and even contributed precious experimental products, how could ordinary people go out as they pleased?

You know, if ordinary people have a hard time, their lives will also become miserable!

Ever since he learned the truth, he had been thinking about when he could see Xia Yan, and it would be best if he could say thank you to her in person.

Don't talk about it, just talk about yourself. Without her full support, I guess I would still have headaches about ordinary people's lives, right? No one can stand being scolded every time there is a meeting!

"Boss Xia, that-" E Ze cleared his throat.

Xia Yan looked over with clear eyes, "What's wrong?"

"β€”β€”Oh, haha, it's nothing. Do you remember Su Mei, right? I heard General Chu said that you knew her!" E Ze was glanced at by those eyes, and suddenly couldn't say those words, and rolled his tongue It moved on to other topics.

"I know her, what did she do?"

E Ze covered her mouth with her hands, looking very much like an old lady from the village.

"Guess what Su Mei is doing now."


"Hey, let me tell you, she applied to General Chu to build a girls' school and became the principal!"


"Shocking, that girl is so upright and has such ambitions. She really can't be judged by her appearance. Now they should be busy going to various bases with her sisters to recruit students!"

Xia Yan's mind flashed to the scene of Su Mei standing on the podium as a teacher. Emmm, maybe it's really possible?

She didn't know if Team Su Mei was influenced by that container of stationery, or if it was thanks to the little girl that they had accumulated a lot of wealth and wanted to help all young women?

For Su Mei, this kind of thinking is normal.

The two kept walking along the street. When they saw a school in front of them, E Ze explained: "It is unrealistic to have only one school, and children cannot gather in the same place at the same time. For now, as long as the base If you need to build a school, just apply.”

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket, the same principle applies here.

Eze wanted to invite her to other bases, but Xia Yan declined because she was a little tired.

As the head of the base, how could she have so much time to hang out? Xia Yan didn't want to owe anyone a favor, and she was not interested in other bases.

After the two said goodbye to each other, Xia Yan returned to the hotel lobby.

As soon as her feet touched the floor, the noisy sound exploded like a bomb.

Xia Yan, who was used to quietness, frowned immediately.

The lobby was full of guests. They were very interested in the vending machines and clothing stores. The people in line could circle the hotel three times.

Xiongxiong and Xiaowan were buried in the crowd, and Xia Yan couldn't tell which voice was theirs from the noisy voices.

"That..." Someone poked her back, "If you want to buy something, please go to the back to queue up."

The people queuing behind him looked at her with condemning eyes, very dissatisfied with her queue-jumping behavior.

Xia Yan stepped aside to make room, "Sorry, excuse me."

Anyway, Xiongxiong and Xiaowan were in the hall, so it didn't matter whether the boss was there or not.

She returned to the courtyard and lay comfortably on the sofa, with one of them under her head and one in her arms, her fingers sliding back and forth on the pages of the food city.

The balance in the account had many zeros, and she could eat and drink as much as she wanted here, and earn money back there.

It was impossible to spend it all, it was impossible to spend it all.

She had already decided to stay here for two days, and then she would continue her travel.

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