The day has finally come.

Although Xia Yan had been prepared for it, he still felt lonely for a moment when he saw the closure sign in front of the high-end restaurant.


Zhiji wanted to say a few words of comfort, but thought it might be better if he didn't speak.

"It's okay," Xia Yan raised his head with the same smile as usual on his face, "If you don't make money, you will have to go bankrupt. After all, I am a businessman, boss, and I don't do business at a loss."


But with the high-end restaurants closed, how can the island generate new customers?

He turned back and looked at the food street.

The high-end restaurants are attracting fewer and fewer customers, and the business of the food court is getting worse and worse.

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Those small stall owners realized something was wrong earlier than they did. They all relied on their small business to make money to support their families. If business was not going well, they would naturally want to find a way out.

So while most people are still waiting and watching, a small number of them have already gone through the rental cancellation procedures.

And now there is a closure sign in front of the door...

Sure enough, not long after the sign appeared, the stall owners in the food street went out to join in.

"Boss Xia, are you going to stop working now?"

"Although there are fewer and fewer customers now, there are still new customers. Why did they suddenly quit?"

The crowd was chattering with each other, venting their inner uneasiness and fear.

Even the most stable resort hotels can no longer operate, so where can they make money?

In other words, they have to move from this stable place to adapt to another place. Once this idea appears, everyone will inevitably panic.

Adapting to a new environment is uncomfortable just listening to it.

"Boss Xia, you have to think of a way. We all rely on high-end restaurants for food. If you fail, we will have no way to survive!"

"Boss Xia..."

Xia Yan, who was surrounded by everyone, could only raise his hands high and said, "Everyone, please be quiet first and listen to what I have to say."

"Come on, everyone is quiet, let's listen to what Boss Xia has to say."

"Yes, she must have a way. Our business of supporting our family cannot be cut off!"

The comforting voices spread out one after another, the anxious emotions were forcibly suppressed, and everyone looked at Xia Yan.

Their nervousness, fear for the future, and even the possibility of struggling to survive again are all revealed in their eyes and expressions as if they have substance.

Xia Yan smiled helplessly, "I know what you are thinking, and I understand it. You have all seen that as the external environment gets better and better and more stable, resort hotels are no longer everyone's first choice. .

“Chuntai Island is fully completed and a new era of society has been built. I believe you all know that it is no different from the previous cities and life there is more convenient.

"I want to keep the resort hotel open forever, but I have to adapt to the changes of the times. If I make money, I will open it. If I don't make money, why should I open it? Everything has to be spent."

After all, she has always been a businessman.

Who gave her the title of savior? ah? Come out if you have the ability.

Xia Yan's words were very straightforward.

But someone still asked: "Then if you go bankrupt, what will we do? We can't survive without our customers!"

Xia Yan was immediately angry and laughed.

"Come on, the big brother who just spoke, please look back."

Everyone turned their heads with a swish sound.

A family of young and old were moving things out of the store, even the people who were eating were loaded into the car and taken away.

Xia Yan said: "They have already canceled the lease and are planning to open another store in the commercial district of Chuntai Island. If I were you, I would go to Chuntai Island to find a location now. Didn't General Chu say that the portal connects major bases? .

"As a transit station, Chuntai Island will have a huge flow of people in the future. If you arrive late, you may only be able to rent a store in the corner."

The changes in Chuntai Island were indeed noticed by everyone, but they were already accustomed to Lidai Island and could not leave this safe and beautiful place for a while.

But these are all based on the premise that your business can earn points and you don't have to worry about food and drink.

At this time, someone wailed: "Boss Xia, is it really going to go bankrupt?!"

Xia Yan nodded carefully, "Yes."

"Oh my God!"

"Look for another place!"

The scene was full of mourning, and every face was filled with sadness.

But then someone suddenly started running, followed by the second and third one.

Like a drop of water falling into hot oil, the oil suddenly crackled and splashed, and everyone rushed to run back.

The previous confusion about where to live tomorrow suddenly became clear - to rent a shop in Chuntai Island.

They had earned a lot of points on Lidai Island over the years, enough for them to do some more hard work.

Just like Xia Yan said before, this is a transit station, everyone has to pass through Chuntai Island, and it will be even harder to find a shop in the future!

"Boss." Zhiji approached her, "Xiong Xiong and I will come here to clean up after the wait."

Xia Yan raised his head. The scenery of Lidai Island had always been beautiful.

The sky is blue, the water is green, and the beach is delicate and soft.

It was originally a place for vacation enjoyment.

"Okay, Xiaowan and I will come over to help when the time comes."

The rental department has been very busy in the next few days, and the remaining points in the customer's card need to be converted into crystal cores for payment, which means Xia Yan must be present.

Xia Yan took out the crystal cores that he had stored in the past but had not had time to recharge into points.

"There are still 20 points left. Why don't you go to the supermarket to buy something?"

How to pay with such a small amount? You can't cut the crystal core into several small pieces, right?

Fortunately, the customer understood, "That's fine. I just need to buy some toilet paper, so I don't need to change it."

"By the way," Xia Yan stopped the other party, "Apply for cancellation after clearing it to zero,"

"Ah? This--"

The customer's face turned red with embarrassment, thinking that his thoughts were seen through, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole and jump into it.

"From today, the takeaway business will also be gradually stopped. It's useless for you to keep an empty card. You might as well do me a favor and apply for cancellation." Xia Yan leaned back and breathed slowly.

"Well, okay then."

After the customer said this, he looked at the ground and hurried away.

The people behind him lined up one by one.

The crystal core rubbed against each other, and when it was almost at the bottom, the street lights outside were all on.

After seeing off the last customer, Xia Yan stretched her back.

She opened the backstage, checked all the applications for canceling the cards, and clicked "Agree".

With just a few simple actions, the number of existing member cards in the hotel dropped sharply.

Xia Yan made a concerted effort to cancel all the points cards that had not been recharged for a long time and were no longer used.

After doing this, she got up and left.

The night sky of Lidai Island was bright, the waves were flowing slowly, and the street lights cast a ball of orange light on both sides of the road.

It was quiet everywhere.

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