I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 592 Dropping out of school

One more member joined the tour group.

Xia Yan, Xiong Xiong, Xiao Wan, and Xiong Xiong.

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The mountain bike has four seats in total. Xia Yan, who was lazy to begin with, was even more lazy at this moment, and was very lazy.

Every move was a new environment.

Zhi Kang wrapped the four red fish tightly in tin foil and roasted them on the fire.

Xia Yan specifically asked for honey chicken wings, so Xiong Xiong contributed his honey. Xiao Wan took advantage of everyone's inattention and threw the round thing wrapped in bay leaves into the charcoal pile, and quickly picked it up and stirred it with a wooden stick.

No one knew what she was roasting, and in the end, only a charred mass of things was seen mixed in.

Xiong Xiong pestered her for a long time, and Xiao Wan kept her mouth shut and refused to reveal a word.

Xia Yan ate the pink and smooth fish, drank passion fruit-flavored sparkling water, and watched the excitement with interest.

They had a picnic on the wet avenue. The weeds in the landscape belt behind them grew taller than people, and from time to time a zombie attracted by the sound rushed out.

The moment they saw them, they lost their target, and then shook their heads and walked aimlessly on the avenue.

The zombies would not attack Xia Yan and the other four, but they could scare them. Over time, the four people began to be nervous and turned a blind eye.

After eating, Xia Yan and the other four continued to set off and move forward along the avenue.

They found an old-fashioned locomotive that could burn coal. After a simple cleaning, they added coal and ignited it. Black smoke came out from the roof and climbed diagonally into the sky.

Zhigang studied it for a while and tried to push it. The locomotive shook a few times and actually started successfully.

The double tracks were buried in weeds, and the locomotive ran over them domineeringly.

The green grass leaves spread out on the front windshield, giving people a feeling of driving in green waves.

The nose was full of the smell of fresh grass, and the rustling sound seemed to sweep across the heart, making people feel itchy and stimulating.

Suddenly, the grass leaves falling to both sides were like curtains, revealing another brand new scene.

The view in front of them was wide, and they were about to drive on a track that passed the coast and climbed upwards.

There were high cliffs on the right, the vast sea on the left, and the dazzling height when looking down.

The strong wind blew up the waves, hitting the rock wall and stirring up rich foam. When they looked from a high place, they only felt that the momentum was huge and the power was extremely strong.

When it gradually descended and approached the sea level, the foam splashed on the windows of the rolling train, and inevitably a few drops of water splashed on everyone's faces at the right angle.

They laughed immediately.

The sea breeze blew away the overflowing sound and pushed the locomotive to the next location.


"Boss, another student has applied for withdrawal."

Gao Shixu held a thin student list between his fingers, frowning.

"They are not going to school anymore?" Xia Yan asked.

Gao Shixu shook his head slowly, "They are still going to school, but not here."

He pushed the list in front of Xia Yan, picked up a pen, and kept stroking the pen cap, looking thoughtful.

Xia Yan turned to the last page to see the total number of students.

The current number of students is less than 50. As expected, after the construction of schools in various bases, parents chose to go to school nearby, resulting in the loss of many students here.

Xia Yan closed the list and pressed it under her palm. Just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Gao Shi pushed the door in and brought a new document, but he didn't expect Xia Yan to be in the office, so his steps slowed down.

"Boss, you are here."

Gao Shixu stood up, "What are you holding in your hand?"

"This is..." Gao Shi looked hesitant and embarrassed, holding the document in his hand and unwilling to let go.

Gao Shixu put down his pen with a snap, took the document with some effort, and said while turning the pages: "When did you become so indifferent and unable to say a wordβ€”β€”"

His voice suddenly stopped, and his pupils trembled.

Gao Shixu suddenly raised his head and glared at Gao Shi, "When was this filled out?"

Gao Shi lowered his eyes and said dejectedly: "Ten minutes ago."

That means...

Gao Shixu's head shifted to the left almost by millimeters.

Xia Yan immediately noticed it sensitively, and she stood up and stretched out her hand: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

Gao Shixu covered it with his hand, "Nothing."

"Let me see." Her voice was not to be refused.

Gao Shixu sighed and helplessly put the document in Xia Yan's hand.

"I'll go and persuade them later to see if there are any difficulties. Otherwise, how can they suddenly have such an idea when they are doing a good job..."

Gao Shixu's reactions one after another made Xia Yan have a bad premonition. Sure enough, there were three words written on the document: resignation letter.

The two of them stared at her reaction, and words of comfort came out of their mouths immediately.

Xia Yan flipped a few pages casually.

The teachers who submitted their resignation applications no longer had any students under their names. What could they do if they stayed? Guarding an empty classroom every day?

Besides, the schools in the base were recruiting teachers, and the benefits were also very good.

In addition, they had more advantages than other applicants and were easy to get a job. The position of teacher was a one-size-fits-all position. If they didn't apply now, there would be no position left.

"What do I think I am, Principal Gao? You don't need to go to them. I have approved it."

Xia Yan unscrewed the pen cap and wrote the word "agree" in a flamboyant manner.

"Boss, youβ€”β€”" Gao Shixu widened his eyes.

Xia Yan picked up the thin student list and shook it in front of him, saying with great sorrow: "There are only these students now, and I have to hire so many teachers. It's almost like one-on-one tutoring. No, it's too bad, Gao Shi."

Gao Shi raised his head.

"Did those teachers say where they will work in the future?"

Gao Shi recalled and said affirmatively: "They should apply for teacher positions in major bases."

Xia Yan nodded and said to Gao Shixu: "The teachers already have a way out, so we should let them find a better future. I even think..."

She suddenly fell silent, and the sunlight falling on the student list seemed to weaken.

Gao Shixu and Gao Shi noticed the stagnation of the atmosphere, and they couldn't help but tighten their backs, and an unexplained anxiety slowly seeped out.

After a while, a faint sigh sounded in the air, and Xia Yan put down the list and the resignation letter, and spread his slender fingers and supported them.

The two of them were lifted up, even breathing flat, with their pupils aimed at her, waiting for the final ultimatum.

"Let all the remaining students withdraw from school, and give a one-time three-month salary subsidy to the teachers who have not submitted their resignation letters, including you, Principal Gao."

"I sincerely suggest that you apply to build a school. You are a good principal."

Gao Shixu's head was buzzing.

But he could do nothing.

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