"What do you think this scene looks like?"

On the beach, three people and one bear were relaxing on the lounge chairs, drinking ice-cold drinks, with their backs to the sea and their faces to the storage area watching the excitement.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Xiong Xiong: "I feel like a beehive. Without the honey inside, it will collapse."

Zhiji: "No, I think it's like the process of fat consumption. It's very concrete. It would have been nice if I had had such a demonstration when I was studying medicine."

Xiaowan: "Don't you think it's like the foam dissipating on the wave?"

Xia Yan: "Your idea is very beautiful."

The huge and towering storage area has countless densely packed storage grids. At this time, these storage grids were out of use due to the cancellation of the lease by their respective owners, and they continued to disappear irregularly.

The empty space left causes the upper grid to slide and fall, shrinking left and right, like a movable transparent sound wave wall.

Looking around, the entire storage area is like this, one after another, changing at any time, looking very spectacular and gorgeous.

Customers passing through the gate are in a hurry.

Carrying the large package taken out from inside, he disappeared on the first step out the door.

The supermarket on Ridai Island ushered in the last wave of crazy influx of customers, and the behavior of rushing to add goods to shopping carts was perfectly reproduced in the past.

There was even a hint of farewell in the air.

Things disappear silently every day on Ridai Island, ranging from schools, detoxification clinics, bubble houses and water houses, to benches on the roadside, bricks on the ground, and flowers in flower beds.

Xia Yan and the four of them just lay on the recliners and watched quietly - no, Xia Yan was actually the only one.

Xiong Xiong, Zhiji and Xiaowan, their eyes became dull from time to time, as if with the changes in Lidai Island, their cognition was also refreshed, or in other words, their memories were erased.

As for why they could still watch the excitement in the storage area, Xia Yan guessed it was because the matter was not over yet.

When the goods in the supermarket are no longer replenished, the storage areas are completely reduced to zero, and even the plaques disappear.

As expected, the three Xiong Xiong fell into the familiar long silence again.

Xia Yan was forced to swallow back what she said. She fell back and slowly took a sip of mango juice.

The golden liquid slides up and down in the thin tube, like waves pushing in and out.

Xia Yan was suddenly worried that her immunity would be weakened, leading to another allergic reaction.

She hurriedly put down the mango juice.

As soon as he let go of his hand, Xiong Xiong Qingyue's giggle sounded in his ears: "Boss, why don't you drink it? Didn't you say that you will feel good once you drink sweet mango juice~"

"I..." Xia Yan was stunned, bent down to pick it up again, and murmured in a low voice, "Okay, I'll drink it up."

Zhichi and Xiaowan also returned to normal, pointing to the supermarket and chatting.

Customers who go shopping in supermarkets are getting more and more crazy. Even they themselves don't know why. They only know that they must hurry up and buy things.

One by one, they went in empty-handed and trudged out carrying their own woven bags.

Products on supermarket shelves are disappearing very quickly.

It didn't even take half a day, and a sign indicating closure was hung in front of the supermarket.

The belated customers slapped their thighs in remorse, and gnashed their teeth as they lay on the glass looking at the empty supermarket interior.

"Why is there no one in charge here?!"

"I haven't spent all the points in my card, and I have no goods. What should I do?"

"How about applying to cancel the membership card? I just don't know if I can get a refund."

"Then what should we do? Where is the boss? Let's go talk to him. It would be great if we could get some inventory!"

A group of people were so excited that they swept their eyes around, trying to find out the person in charge of the supermarket who refused to stock the goods and tried to steal their points.

"By the way, who is the boss? Have any of you seen him?"

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

What else are you looking for?

A group of people shouted and yelled, and finally had no choice but to cancel the card.

To their surprise, the cancellation application was approved in seconds. At the same time, ripples appeared in the air in front of them, and several crystal nuclei fell from it, and they were caught in their hands.

It was actually the points that were returned.

The change was paid in sugar.

Without the points card, they were forcibly expelled from Ridai Island.

After a few seconds, the island became quiet again.

Xia Yan sat on the stage not far from them, his legs swinging in the air.

The customers who were looking for the boss just scanned her, but they didn't recognize her at all.

It seems that her memory is also beginning to be erased.

Xia Yan looked at the huge deserted island.

The supermarket is the last external business here. Xia Yan knows exactly what its closure means.

It's a pity that Zhichi didn't know.

He still remembered the promise he made a few days ago - to completely clean up Ridai Island.

"It's time to cash in," he said.


"Zhichi, what kind of brain do you have, how could you come up with such tiring thoughts?"

Xia Yan drove a hotel-specific floor washing machine and wore a sun hat with a huge brim. Only his arms were exposed.

Next door, Zhichi and Xiongxiong each had a car, and the three of them walked side by side.

Since Xiaowan's beautiful fishtail couldn't fit into the car, and she couldn't step on the brake or accelerator, they arranged for her to carry a rag and a small bucket and wipe wherever she went.

Zhikang stepped on the brakes and said with a serious expression: "Boss, since you have spoken, I have to reply to you in a professional and serious manner. From an anatomical point of view, the brain includes the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. The brainstem connects the cerebrum and cerebellum..."

Xia Yan stepped on the accelerator and shouted without looking back: "Xiongxiong, run! Doctor Zhikang is about to start the class!"

Xiongxiong was so happy that he giggled and said goodbye and chased after him.

"Hey! Hey! Why are you all running away? Xiaowan, you are the most considerate - eh? Don't be like this, wait for me!"

Laughter ran on the silent road, and the building emitted ethereal and colorful light spots from the top.

The sea breeze blew, the waves hit the shore, and piles of snow-white foam were left on the beach.

Xia Yan went forward all the way, intending to hide in the hospital that had been evacuated long ago. On the way, he passed the square. The huge display screen stood at the end, and it was still playing the intensive missing person notice in a loop.

The customers are gone, why waste this resource.

She stopped where she was and opened the backend operation.

Xiongxiong drove closer.

It seemed to be attracted by something, and hesitated for a while and said: "Boss, do you think those two people are our former customers?"

"Aren't all the people who come here our customers?"

Xia Yan clicked the delete key to confirm that all the data was cleared, and the display screen suddenly went out and never started working again.

Xiongxiong said: "That's not what I meant. I think they look familiar, but I forgot their names, and the point is, they are sticking things on the display screen."


I saw two young people, a man and a woman, sticking several pieces of red paper on it. When they heard the noise, they turned around and looked over.

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