I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 313

Therefore, even when bathing, the three sisters have carried out strict confidentiality measures.

"Sister, your back..." Sandersonia also noticed the abnormality, the place where a large piece of magma was burned was exactly where Hancock was branded with the Tianlongren's belongings.

Hancock bit her lip, thinking about something, she raised her head and looked at the figure with a complicated expression.

Sakaski is too lazy to think about what the princess is looking at. For the navy, a "female emperor" who has won a great reputation among the pirates and has good strength will be far better than a ruined Tianlong escaped slave. function and influence.

He tightened the rest of his fingers and left his thumb upright, raised his arm and shook it to the position where the warship was moored behind him: "Hancock, let's go when you are ready."

Sandersonia turned around abruptly, flicking the tail of the snake and carefully hugging Hancock behind her.

The third child among the Gorgon sisters had vigilance and distrust written all over her face: "What else is your navy doing! Where do you want to take my sister?"

As if hearing the most stupid question, the ghost spider standing next to Sakaski sneered and explained to the new members of the Shichibukai: "Go and disarm the civilians who have been petrified by you! And the Nine Snakes Thieves are not allowed to accompany, this is the regulation in the agreement."

Perhaps it was because they were too lazy to smash the stone statues one by one, or because they wanted to warn them, the Nine Snake Pirates left hundreds of lifelike stone statues after their looting.

Fortunately, the military doctor at the Navy headquarters determined that as long as the petrification can be lifted, the lives of those civilians and businessmen are not in danger.

This has led to hundreds of stone statues still lying in many clinics and hospitals in the Navy Headquarters and the Chambord Islands.

The more irritable cobra fruit user immediately choked on the ghost spider: "Are you kidding? Doesn't my sister need training after being injured by a red dog? We will naturally go when the injury improves."

The ghost spider is not a kind person. Seeing that the fat pirate dared to talk back, he didn't want to waste his words in vain and just use practical actions to prove the dominance of the expeditionary army.

The new owner of the thread fruit flicks his fingers repeatedly, and shoots the domineering silk thread at the opponent. This was a move used by Doflamingo for long-range attacks——[Strike the thread]

Marigold, the holder of the Snake Fruit Cobra, is domineering in his palms. The huge body after the snake-human form lacks flexibility, but it is better than the scales and armor covering rough skin and thick flesh.

She pushed it out with one palm, and followed the trajectory captured by the knowledgeable domineering to keep the silk thread out of her body.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, the eight-armed vice admiral didn't seem annoyed. This outstanding and seasoned hunter is best at controlling the battlefield, and those few strands are just a cover for him to attract attention.

Taking advantage of the other party's arrogance and domineering lock on the silk thread, the ghost spider stepped on the ground continuously, relying on its explosive power to continuously shorten the distance between the two sides.

In the process of his extremely fast approach, the six arms that were freely manipulable through the return of life slashed out more than ten sword gangs one after another.

Dozens of silk threads that are difficult to detect with the naked eye cling to these white sword qi, and when they are about to come into contact with the big sword of the Nine Snake cadre, the flight trajectory of the sword qi changes suddenly.

The huge snake man was not afraid, and continued to turn the sword to block the oncoming sword energy.

Part of the sharp sword energy that changed its trajectory was never intercepted, and it directly scratched the waist of the cobra fruit capable user, even under the protection of thick scales and armed domineering, it still cut bloodstains of different shades.

The snake man who was turning the big knife suddenly changed his face. She did block the sword aura from the eight-armed spider demon, but the dozens of silk threads attached to the sword aura entangled her like a stick on a snake. weapons.

But it was too late, the ghost spider stalked in, and swept two blades towards the blade of the sword, while the rest of its arms were pulling at the same time.

The long-handled weapon that was tightly bound by the silk thread blocked the knife, and was pulled by the sudden burst of force from the many silk threads to deflect the direction of the block. Under the impact force of the remaining knife, it instantly escaped from Marigold's palm.

"Stop!" A slightly out-of-centred voice stopped the ghost spider from chopping up the snake with its remaining six arms.

Hancock's brows have gradually wrinkled since the beginning of the battle between the two, and finally turned into a resignation: "I promise."

[The level is too different, whether it is myself or my sister]

She had seen clearly just now that when the lieutenant general of the headquarters called Ghost Spider made a move, he still had more power than a few thin lines that shot Marigold from the front.

Using the six arms behind him to manipulate the "spider silk" to weave a fierce trap in the woods and bushes, waiting for his sister to take half a step back.

The person who acquiesced in the Ghost Spider's attack nodded in satisfaction, affirming the outstanding performance of his subordinates.

Relying on the versatility of the thread fruit and the invincible concealment, it can be said that the ghost spider's control over the battle situation has directly risen to a higher level.

In such a short period of time, the opponent's defense was torn apart, almost effortlessly. The Ghost Spider, who was originally a swordsman, was even better at using the cutting properties of silk threads than Doflamingo.

"But...Mr. Akainu, my sister was seriously injured by your magma fist!" With the ghost spider holding a knife on her neck, the snake fruit · cobra-type ability user completely disregarded her own safety and begged road.

Sakaski stood with folded arms, deaf to Sister Boya's plea. He stretched out a finger towards several people:

"You have two options, either, Ben will personally come [carry] you into the warship,"

After being stepped on by the big dog's paw, Boa Hancock didn't even listen to the second suggestion and replied neatly: "I choose the second one."

His attitude towards pirates has always been bad, and this habit of sarcasm and sarcasm has really affected many people.

Let Uncle Shiliu, who was obviously not so talkative in Impelton before, successfully transform into a "polluter" who can only be happy with a vicious tongue.

Foxes, ghost spiders and others are also deeply affected by it.

Sure enough, before the ghost spider stopped, he also sneered: "Sisters love each other deeply? Heh, the injury that was regarded as a serious injury in the hands of the pirate ship doctor can be cured in less than half a day in the headquarters."

In this way, Hancock, who was still at a loss and stunned, was "voluntarily" invited to the warship.

But the title of Pirate Queen didn't seem to bring her any high-quality service. The three meals were no different from ordinary soldiers, and the severe burns on her back made it difficult for her to lie down, so she could only curl up on the cushion.

The werewolf Sakaski, not to mention the chivalrous demeanor, threw Hancock into the captain's cabin, and blocked the cabin door himself.

Thanks to his beauty, Hancock prides himself on being treated like a queen or princess on any occasion.

With Sakalski's visit, her self-confidence and self-esteem based on her beauty have been frustrated again and again today.

Patients with advanced princess disease like Hancock have obvious narcissistic tendencies, and self-centeredness is taken for granted.

Sakalski conveyed a truth to her with the most straightforward attitude and the most unceremonious beating: the world will still work without you.

【Why... isn't my concubine beautiful... why does petrification fail?】

【Why did he dare to hit me? Did he not recognize me, or did he deliberately not reveal it?】

One question after another lingered in her mind. In the captain's room alone, Hancock's suppressed emotions seemed to have found an outlet.

Finally, weep bitterly.

Hearing the faint screams coming from the cabin, Sakaski understood Hancock's gaffe at this time.

Extreme low self-esteem will lead to conceited emotions, which seem to be contradictory but do exist in every ordinary person.

This contradiction stems from a lack of self-confidence, or from a certain point of view, the tragic experience of being a slave made Hancock lose the dignity that a normal woman should have.

After being branded with the mark of Tianlong people's belongings, they become an "object". Even if they escape by chance in the future, they will be regarded as inferior slaves wherever they go.

There is a lack of reasonable guidance and transition between the inner extreme inferiority complex and the glamorous appearance of being popular and sought after by thousands of people.

As a result, the self-evaluation is unbalanced, the self-role is too high, and the advantage of self-enlargement is far beyond reality-beauty.

"I want to talk to you, Mr. Akainu."

Hancock murmured softly towards the door.

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