I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 369

"You're looking for death!" The strongest creature roared up to the sky with Longwei, and the air waves that radiated turned the sea into countless waves.

The hull of the ship, which had been severely damaged several times, swayed more and more with this air wave, and creaking sounds resounded throughout the interior of the warship.

Originally, when Kaido saw Sakalski being dragged in another sea area, he was too lazy to change his body shape again because of his supernatural combat power. He made use of the huge body of the dragon and the "unknown" sailors on the warship in his eyes. Play around.

But when this kind of play that was not taken seriously at first caused him to die first, Beast Kaido finally became angry from embarrassment.

In a few breaths, he transformed from an oriental dragon with a length of several hundred meters into a tall and burly human figure, just like those ancient demon gods in mythology that have existed since the creation of the world.

The still messy black hair hangs casually on his shoulders, just like his dragon form, with a pair of horns growing on both sides of his head, and a long beard like a dragon's beard around his mouth, and a dragon pattern engraved on his muscular left arm Scale tattoo.

Kaido is naked from the upper body, with his own purple shirt simply hanging around his waist. Two thick gilt chains hang from the hem of his purple clothes, and a shimenawa rope is tied around his waist to connect his lower body wearing a vermilion battle skirt and dark green wide trousers together.

He took off the mace hanging on the left side of his thigh with one hand, and with heavy steps, he swung vigorously at the instigator standing in front of him who injured him.

Seeing this posture, how could Shiliu dare to block it?

Not to mention the difference in strength between him and Kaido, the natural restraint of blunt hammers against swords and sharp weapons alone made Shileu very jealous.

The blood-stained transparent combination immediately stepped on the moon step and vacated the circle, trying to avoid the berserk blow from Kaido.

But who would have thought that the mighty black mace came to the middle, nimbly in the hands of the beasts like a drum hammer, deftly changing its direction towards Lindemann and Shiliu, who were temporarily suspended in the air due to the moon step? past.

"Damn it!"

The low-handed murderer cursed secretly, and could only rely on the "soft knife" in swordsmanship, which is strong enough to bounce bullets with the blade, to release the strength.

Although they escaped a catastrophe, the remaining power of the mace was still exerted on the two of them, and the two of them were slammed into the sea by a stick from mid-air.

"Lindeman! Shillu!" Ghost Spider yelled loudly. At this time, he was also dripping with cold sweat. Beast Kaido has suffered numerous defeats over the years, but only after he has actually met him does he know that this guy is by no means invincible.

The resonant voice of the ancient demon god exploded beside the ghost spider, and the whistling sound of sticks also followed: "You should take care of yourself first!"

This annoying guy who can play with silk threads has been remembered by Kaido. If he hadn't been supporting the interference, how could he have been injured?

Relying on the touch of many silk threads, the ghost spider is constantly dodging with the joint assistance of knowledge-colored domineering and six-style paper painting. Just now, the chicken-stealing combination of Shiliu and Lindemann was hit by a stick for hundreds of meters and has not yet returned to the battlefield. , he doesn't want to be next.

Seeing that the ghost spider has become a key care object, the only remaining female swordsman on board can only grit her teeth and approach again.

"Mountain Rabbit Quick Slash!" He drew his knife cleanly and slashed with the acceleration of [shaved] on the soles of his feet to meet Kaido's nape, as if he was about to cut off a piece of nape for this big man.

Can be hailed as one-on-one invincible, Kaido is naturally superior. His domineering aura and strong biological instinct allowed him to see the positions of these blind spots in the rear. When he found that there was a great swordsman behind him, he also muttered "unlucky".

If a naval master who is good at unarmed combat came to attack this time, he might not even look back, and he could contend with it only with armed domineering and powerful physical body.

However, the sharp blade of the long knife in the hands of a top swordsman has an undisguised restraint on his relying on his body and domineering defense.

Immediately, he abandoned the ghost spider, and attacked Gion, who was clearly proficient in swordsmanship.

It was obviously a group fight but was almost beaten into a one-on-one duel by Kaido, and the ghost spider was also anxious.

The silk thread was flicked repeatedly, and a few bundles of tough and thin threads were wrapped around Kaido's mace from behind, stopping the momentum of the opponent's about to swing down.

Such a good opportunity, such a battle-hardened military master like Gion, would never miss it. She moved lightly, holding a sword in one hand and stepping on a huge mace, rushing all the way to Kaido's eyes.

Sweeping with a sword, trying to blind the opponent's eyes.

I didn't expect her to be fast, and Kaido was even faster.

When the distance between Jianfeng and Kaido's cheek was less than half an inch, the tall heads-up king unexpectedly showed unprecedented flexibility. His upper body fell backwards and his whole body turned 180 degrees.

He let go of the mace that he had been holding tightly in his hand, supported the deck with one hand, and kicked his feet out like a round arc. Gion just avoided Kaido's kick, and was smashed into it by a ferocious punch. up the side of the ship.


Kaji the tealfish, who was battling with Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirates, at the stern of the warship, was pale when he heard the sound, and was almost beaten to death by Beckman's gun butt.

Kaido, who picked up the mace again, grinned at the ghost spider, ignoring the opponent and rushed to the silk fountain in mid-air in an instant.

"Birdcage!" Even though it is not as huge as Doflamingo covering the entire island, the ghost spider used the birdcage this time just to separate Kaido from Gion.

He could already catch a glimpse of Shiliu stepping on the air again and jumping high, and Lindemann also supported Gion, who was embedded in the hull.

"Woo big!" The extremely powerful blow came from top to bottom, but this time Kaido didn't target anyone, but knocked this powerful blunt blow on the boat firmly.


With Kaido as the center, the violent impact knocked all the admirals who were attacking up, down, left, and right into the air, and the warship, which had long been embarrassed, also completely fell apart with this wave of impact, and its keels flew.

Kaido, who reincarnated as a dragon and hovered in mid-air again, looked down at these useless sailors, and was about to taunt a few words, when Jhin's angry roar sounded from the other side of the sky: "Governor! You knocked it with a stick and it disappeared!! How do we find it!!?”

"Gah!" The giant dragon showed a very humane face: I just found out that I had done something stupid with a surprised expression, and I was used to seeing the leader of the three disasters that my boss pitted his teammates while doing high-mobility changes similar to a wild circus. He raised his forehead and said, "Forget it! We can't get the soul soul fruit, and the navy can't get it either. You should kill those guys who fell into the water first! These generals are also part of the future of the navy!"

Only Marco sighed quite a bit, unlike the Beasts Pirates who "take the devil fruit if they can, and that's the attitude if they don't", he really thinks that taking the soul fruit is very useful.

Kaido looked down and suddenly realized something was wrong. .

"Wait, what are those dark shadows under the sea?"

It can be clearly seen from a high altitude, and there are several vigorous figures hovering around the generals who fell into the water.

Xiliu pinched an oxygen mask sent by a murloc army and laughed loudly: "You think only your Beast Pirates can call someone? I will too! See you again!"

As soon as the words fell, he put on his mask and immediately left the battlefield accompanied by the murlocs' high-speed maneuvering under the sea.

"This can work too!? Kaido!! Governor!! Don't be dazed! Use your invincible Phantom Beast fruit to find a way!" Jhin tried his best to avoid the meteor that Sakaski launched from the sea of ​​stones to the clouds Volcano, surrounded by such dense volcanic bombs, it was difficult for him to get out and block the navy and murlocs.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter!" The giant dragon, who seemed to have entered the funny mode again, was very sober: "No murloc dares to set foot in that sea of ​​lava. Since you want to kill them, Sakaski, Wano Kingdom is just right. Add a Captain Yamamoto!"

Cutting off the queen alone is part of the plan, but Sakaski didn't expect that the Soul Soul Fruit would attract a Kaido.

Seeing the dragon's attacking movement of spraying [heat breath] on the sea surface, Sakaski was secretly startled.

How to scold in depth, show professionalism, and arouse the hatred of the other party is a skill that should be rewarded.

The general Akainu pursed his lips tightly, since he cut off the queen himself, he must learn to draw enough hatred.

He took a deep breath, and there was no one around. These are the few dragon words he is proficient in——




"Fuck, forget that's the western dragon..." Sakaski pressed the brim of his hat when he saw the giant dragon hiding in the clouds suddenly poked his head up and looked like you were yelling at me.

Although the other party didn't understand, the corresponding function of the roar was played.

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