I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 370

This novel battle cry successfully diverted the attention of Kaido, a curious guy.

"Although I don't know what you are yelling at me, but this battle cry is really exciting! Invitation to fight, right?"

The dragon descended vertically from the clouds and took Sakaski directly.

Author message:

PS: I should have written in the comment area before. . . . The update will be closed from the first day to the fourth day, and the normal update will resume on the fifth day. . . Why is there still a vote of readers waiting for the update yesterday? (Tilt head)

Well, I'm back.

353. World War One

Sakaski was not surprised but pleased when he saw this.

It is true that it is difficult for anyone to resist this battle alone - Kaido, the king of pirates known as the strongest creature in the world [beasts], cooperates with two big pirates with first-class skills and vision to attack.

The well-deserved overlord of the pirates in the New World [Whitebeard] Edward Newgate can't stop it, and the [red-haired] Shanks who dares to challenge the world government can't stop it, and Sakasky naturally can't stop it.

Even though he already has the level of combat power that has reached the pinnacle of the world, but fighting three masters with similar strength to him at the same time still makes Sakaski feel deeply powerless.

But what he wants to do is not to fight to the death with a few people, he only needs to entangle a few people for a while.

Once the murloc troops lurking in the sea managed to take Gion and the others away, Sakaski could use the artificial lava sea under his feet to escape.

"Big Spitfire!"

The huge lava giant fist approached Kaido at an extremely fast speed under the explosive thrust, and the magma continued to enlarge in the depths of the dragon's eyes, and the orange-red color close to incandescence on the surface of the fist revealed an astonishingly high heat.

If it were someone else, in the face of this monstrous power and influence, they would definitely back away and make another attempt.

But after all, Kaido is still a bold man with high skills, and the speed of falling from the clouds does not decrease at all, as if he is going straight to meet this lava punch that is enough to destroy an iceberg.

Just as it was about to collide head-on, the giant dragon nimbly flipped over at high altitude. Just like a sea snake swimming freely among the reefs, it circled down along the lava arm and went straight to Sakaski.

【Good time】

Sakaski just muttered a sentence in his heart, and didn't take advantage of the situation to break the control of the heavy fist with the lava. He let the dragon go halfway, and then he insidiously exploded the second stage of the flame-breathing explosion. .

Immediately, there seemed to be a gorgeous fireworks in the air, and the scattered volcanic bombs were laid in an umbrella shape, covering Kaido and others like an upside-down bowl.

Rao is Kaido, who is very knowledgeable and domineering, and took evasive and defensive measures the moment the giant lava arm exploded, but his huge long snake-like body could not completely dodge the eruption of the volcanic rock bomb at such a close distance.

With the help of knowledgeable domineering, the body covered with tough scales twisted and dodged continuously, but was still firmly bombarded by several volcanic bombs.

The domineering hardening of the armed color covered the corresponding area around Kaido almost at the same time, and the volcanic flying rocks comparable to heavy artillery shells only deflected his flight path, causing the giant beast to fall into the sea of ​​lava rocks in a whirl The above doesn't really hurt.

The soles of his feet are full of powerful armed domineering, Kaido is like an ancient demon god who walks through fire, while rushing towards Sakasky quickly, he also has a few words of praise: "I can't think of the range of a simple move. And the sex moves get you out of the way."

Being approached by Kaido, Sakaski didn't dare to underestimate him. The lava armor used for defense is put on again.

Sakaski clenched his right fist wrapped in armed domineering, and his entire right arm shrank slightly behind him to accumulate strength.

The strength from the soles of the feet, the turning of the waist and the swing of the arms are completed in one go.

Sakalski's powerful punch collided with Kaido's same heavy punch. The sound barrier breaking sound was piercing and piercing when he swung his arm, and a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye hit the back of the elbows of both of them. Gradually spread, and quickly disappeared under the high temperature of the sea of ​​lava rocks.


The dull collision sound resounded instantly in this dead and silent purgatory. If one only listened to the momentum, one would think it was a cannonball being fired.

When the two fists collided, the force that could not be poured out turned into a shock wave and shot out from the position where the two fists were facing each other, and the lava stone sea was also plowed out of a big hole due to this huge impact force, Uncooled and solidified magma splashed inch by inch.

Sakalski firmly stepped on the ground, but the oncoming force still pushed him to slide a few meters, while Kaido only staggered a few steps backwards before stabilizing his figure.

After the two sides fought against each other and entered the test, Kaido was keenly aware of a fact: "It seems that in terms of pure strength, I am still better."

"I don't think so!" Sakaski snorted coldly, and punched his opponent again.

The vein of earth fire originating from the bottom of the sea endowed him with far more strength than usual. The pressure caused by the magma in his body surged towards his arms, and the magma sprayed backward from the elbow end of his left arm made this [single bone] even more destructive. force.

"Can't you see such an obvious power gap... eh!?" Kaido, who also punched him, was about to say something, but his expression changed slightly the moment the two punches came into contact.

This time, the force on Sakaski's fist was more than doubled compared to before?

Kaido suddenly slid back several meters before barely stopping his retreat, while Sakaski's lower body turned into lava and rushed all the way.

The ferocious mace was swung from bottom to top, like playing tennis, and the meridian on Kaido's arm collapsed due to force is clearly visible.

Sakalski, who was not forgiving, also raised his chest and clenched his fists, with his arms retracted and his elbows turned backwards in a gesture of accumulating strength.

"Thunder · Gossip!"

"Double bones!"

The two powerful single-body combat techniques erupted in an instant with terrifying destructive power comparable to the artillery salvos of heavy warships, smashing the uneven lava ground to pieces.

Before Sakalski and Kaido confronted each other again, a sharp knife light suddenly appeared behind the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

When it came into contact with the black stone armor worn by Sakaski, the extremely sharp long knife stopped and was abruptly blocked by the impressive outer defense.

Being blocked by the knife, Jhin didn't show any annoyance, he laughed wildly: "Your tortoise shell is as hard as the governor's body!"

Before he finished speaking, he gripped the handle of the knife tightly with both hands and exerted force again, treating the precious knife as a jigsaw, and separated the armor with continuous cutting force.

But the fire did not succeed in one blow. The moment the blade was added to the body, Sakaski's skin and flesh were cleanly separated along the blade like a swamp, and quietly closed again when the sword was separated from the body.

Sakaski was about to raise his hand to repair this bastard who was engaged in a sneak attack, when he sensed a bird's claw attacking from his side.

It was too late to get away, so he had no choice but to harden the iron block and armed domineering color at the position that was about to be impacted.

As if the national football team had made a big kick, Marco's excellent kicking skills pulled Sakalski directly from his original position and out of the lava sea.

[Not good!] Sakaski secretly thought that something was wrong. He didn’t dodge the kick by using the domineering power of knowledge before, but he just wanted to take this opportunity to temporarily escape from the front and back double-teaming of Kaido and Jhin, but who knew that Marco’s tricky kick But he kicked him away from the place where he has the most booster support.

The violent magma is extremely docile and well-behaved in the hands of Akainu. During the process of being kicked away, Sakaski released three hellhounds transformed into "dog gnawing red lotus", in an attempt to block the desire of the Pteranodon to flap its wings and chase think.

Slashing the head of the lava dog with a single blow, Jhin wanted to attack again but found that the opponent was once again firmly standing on the lava terrain created by [Sea of ​​Stones].

From the very beginning of the battle over the Soul Fruit, Marco and Jhin's joint attack only made Sakaski feel troubled, but failed to create a sense of life-threatening urgency.

The successive claw strikes and knife chops were as powerless as tickling.

However, when Kaido intervened in this battle, the slight advantage that Sakalski had previously maintained disappeared in an instant.

"It seems that the lava field you generated is not as simple as providing you with a foothold." Marco, who had been observing the battle situation when Sakaski and Kaido fought before, made it clear. The kick that Sakaski kicked the opponent under the continuous offensive played a very good detection role.

"If you dare to break the queen alone, you must be planning to escape into the magma by yourself after the navy is far away?" Under Marko's prompt, Jhin also thought deeply about this point, and actually planned the plan by Sakalski. I intend to guess very close to ten.

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