I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 394

For more than ten years without a sound, the traces of time have been quietly carved on them.

Picking up the wine glasses, both Golden Lion and White Beard had a false feeling for a while, as if they had gone back to the past.

Back to the peak of the prime of life when he was surrounded by enemies, singing and drinking, lashing out at Fang Qiu, and defending against thousands on the battlefield.

Raise your hand to climb the island and climb the sky, raise your arms to make the sea roar.

What kind of freehand style is it to subdue thousands of people and turn mountains and rivers upside down with the power of one person?

White Beard, Golden Lion, and Roger, these three are not only rivals who are fighting fiercely with each other, but they are also enemies.

Friends who respect each other.

Enemy and friend, this state has been maintained for decades.

Until Roger died and the Golden Lion disappeared.

Shi Ke stared at the puddle of wine in his glass, his eyes were full of memories: "I still remember that when I broke my leg and escaped from Imperton, the first person I visited was you. Unexpectedly, after more than ten years In the end, the first person I choose to join forces with is you."

Under a cup of light wine, the deep friendship of a generation is condensed.

The enraged big pirate raised his hand and gently stroked the inlay of the broken leg and the hilt of the sword, and said with a loud smile:

"I once said, 'Now seems to be your time, Whitebeard', but who would have thought that fourteen years later, the overlord of this sea is the Navy Headquarters."

Whitebeard shook his head with a smile, his iconic crescent white beard swaying with the sway of his head: "Times are changing, Golden Lion. Before Roger started the era of great pirates, there was only Karp in the Navy Headquarters." , Warring States, Zefa, and Kong hold up the facade. Today, the legend of the older generation of the navy still exists, but there are three more people who have become admirals from the young and strong navy.

In addition to the three pillars of Red Dog, Aokiji, and Yellow Monkey, Gion, Shiliu, Ghost Spider, Tea Dolphin and others will also be able to reach that level sooner or later.

Even in the future, those newcomers [Thor], [Slaughter Weapon], [Son of the Devil] and others who are emerging in the new world battlefield are expected to become the leaders of the new generation of the Navy. "

"Yeah, now I understand roughly why you have repeatedly invited me to join the [Black Sail Alliance]. If you don't do it in advance, the Navy Headquarters will become stronger." Golden Lion admitted frankly that the current situation is stronger than others.

Looking at the front on the other side, Whitebeard repeatedly speculated how the Warring States might use their troops.

Even from the perspective of the navy, how to break the situation, but Edward Newgate pondered for a long time but failed to find any good solution.

With the loss of air and sea control, even if the navy has a large number of people, it is difficult to have room to fight back.

But what really made White Beard full of confidence was the look in the eyes of Shiji the Golden Lion.

Of course, the rudder inserted above the head affects the physical and mental health of the pirate overlord, and even makes Shiji sometimes make very funny moves.

The broken feet were supported by two famous knives, which greatly reduced the strength of the Golden Lion, who was originally a great swordsman with two knives.

But even so, the eyes that are not afraid of anyone and do not bow to anyone are the same as in previous years.

Like a proud golden-haired lion, even though he was old, he was still imposing.

More than ten years of vicissitudes have not dampened his ambition, and more than ten years of old illnesses have not changed him in any way. He is still the same him, the legendary pirate who has the ambition to swallow the world and sweep the world with his air fleet—— Golden lion!

The stern siren was one after another on the naval front, and the frontal battlefield that lost its position one after another made every sailor doubt: Can we really win this war?

This doubt was escalated to the peak after realizing that the two legendary pirates were approaching head-on.

The hanging islands, the mighty Whitebeard Pirates, more than 30 pirates, and the two men standing proudly on the bow of the Moby Dick.

The admirals shouted loudly and continued to direct the warships to spread far away: "Scatter the warships! Forming a fleet group is courting death!"

Slow warships are the favorite prey of floating boulders, and it is extremely unwise to engage in naval battles with Whitebeard, who randomly triggers tsunamis and shocks.

"Oh? The navy means guarding the island?" Squinting his eyes as the navy scattered the fleet, the golden lion Shiji grinned, and waved his hand to drive the group of floating islands forward.

Like a large cloud covering the sky, the islands and mountain ranges floating above the clouds obscured the brilliance of the sun. Below it, the frightened expressions of the navy soldiers are clearly visible.

It was like this last time. Several great swordsmen headed by Hawkeye intercepted it, but the shredded island wreckage fell from a thousand-meter altitude and still caused great damage.

As a result, the naval front has retreated here from tens of nautical miles away.

To easily dominate a large battlefield, this is the horror of world-class peak combat power.

Standing beside the white beard, the golden lion couldn't help murmuring to himself: "Roger, did you see that? It's so boring, what a new era of bullshit, pirates are the rulers of the sea, one day I will let you Know."

[I will let the world admit all of this. 】

This pirate hero who was defeated by Roger, Sengoku and Garp never bowed to the illusory fate from beginning to end.

The blond hair fluttered violently under the blowing of the sea breeze, like an angry giant lion roaring towards the whole world.

"Lion Might Skyfall!"

Cannon fire flickered all over the coast of the island, and the yelling of the pirates could be faintly heard even if it was thousands of meters away.

The incomparably huge floating island seemed to suddenly lose its support, without any warning, it crashed down from a height of a thousand meters.

On the ground under the shadow of the island, a dim red light suddenly spread along the ground like veins.

Although the fiery dark red is not as dazzling as the sun that blooms recklessly, it carries the natural power that has been running underground for hundreds of millions of years.

The giant claws piled up by lava slowly tore through the ground, and the stalwart lava giant as tall as a mountain appeared in the naval camp at this moment.

The lower body of the lava giant was immersed in the magma pool on the ground. It raised its hands high, intending to reach out its claws to resist the falling island.

The terrible weight of the island fell into the mortal world in a free fall under the gravitational force. If nothing happened, the naval station island below would be smashed to pieces.

However, the giant magma claws supplied by the earth fire magma and carrying the impact of a volcanic eruption, did not fear the falling object far surpassing the power of the meteorite, and ruthlessly pushed it up.

Engulfed by Peiran's huge strength, the two collided with each other.

The mountains shook in an instant, and the sea surface also spread out with the island as the center due to this collision.

The violent lava giant kept bending its arms until the island touched its head, but the body standing on the ground never bent at all.

It seems that at the beginning of the ancient times, someone carried the world.

The part of the island in contact with the magma arm was gradually assimilated into a part of the magma under the action of the magma's overbearing melting and contamination.

The hard rock and soil layer began to melt like ice and snow, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye due to the rapid swallowing of high-temperature magma.

Correspondingly, the body of the underground Balrog grew bigger and bigger with the continuous replenishment of lava, from the size of a mountain range to passing through the clouds.

"It's Mr. Akainu!"

"Huh, finally arrived."

"It seems that I don't need to make a move."

Shichibukai and the vice admirals who lined up on the front line in the temporary naval camp breathed a sigh of relief.

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