I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 393

Compared to facing Kaido, he is actually more willing to switch positions with Polusalino.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates are extremely powerful, there are always traces of his whereabouts and tactics.

But Kaido is unpredictable, and no one knows what trouble he can cause.

This guy's repeated actions have cost him a lot of trouble.

The various plans that have been drawn up before have not come in handy. This feeling is like buying cat litter and cat scratching boards, but it continues to bury cat excrement mines everywhere and use the sofa as a claw grinder. frustrated.

However, neither Sakaski nor Zefa expected it, and a hasty call from the headquarters interrupted their speculation about whether Kaido would come to kill him.

"Immediately give up the [Dragon Slaying] beheading operation! I want the two of you to rush to the frontal battlefield immediately through the portal." Warring States' always calm and confident voice turned out to be extremely nervous.

"..." Sakaski and Zefa looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what happened there that made Sengoku lose his composure.

One must know that with the addition of the expeditionary force that arrived on the frontal battlefield a few days ago, there are more than 100,000 troops in the World Government camp in that sea area.

Yellow Ape, Shadow of the Red Earl, Gion, Hawkeye, Shiliu, Moriah, Boya Hancock, Crocodile, plus the elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters and various legions, so many masters gathered, Sakaski really didn't want to understand what was so important that he urgently needed to give up the assassination opportunity to obliterate the Four Emperors Kaido.

On the other end of the receiver, Zhan Guo's gloomy expression was successfully imitated by the phone bug: "Half a day ago, the frontal battlefield was completely defeated, and we retreated dozens of nautical miles."

"Are you kidding!!" Not only Sakarski, but even Zefa was dumbfounded.

No matter how fierce the white beard is, it can't be so scary, right? Even if he sets off a tsunami capable of destroying the world, Gion, who has eaten the Soul Fruit, can easily deal with it.

"It's the golden lion." The wise general revealed to the two of them who was the instigator: "He directly manipulated a floating island to stop above the naval base. Smashed into the line held by the Navy."

Immediately, Sakaski's complexion darkened: "The golden lion whose broken leg escaped from Impelton and disappeared?"

In Roger's era, two of the three legendary pirates appeared on the same battlefield at the same time. The terrifying and destructive power brought by the shaking fruit and fluttering fruit increased exponentially.

No wonder Sengoku didn't even want to capture Kaido, and strictly ordered him and Zefa to reach the frontal battlefield as quickly as possible.

Because the frontal battlefield is already at stake! Even if Polusalino, Hawkeye and others have the ability to split the floating islands that hang from high altitudes, the countless stones and soil layers that fell still inevitably caused casualties.

Especially the marines who were intertwined with a large number of violent beasts, completely tired of dealing with falling objects.

Travelers who have read the original work clearly know that after the Golden Lion escaped from prison, he used his extraordinary ability to lift an island into the sky and regard it as his own floating island.

For twenty years, this legendary pirate who has the ability to compete with One Piece and Whitebeard has been keeping a low profile and hiding his whereabouts.

After the Golden Lion escaped from prison, the Navy Headquarters made several large-scale raids, but due to the floating island's drifting and shifting, there was no trace of it.

But Sakaski never imagined that at the critical moment of the war between the Navy and the New World Bandit Group, the Golden Lion, who had been missing for more than ten years, would show up in Whitebeard's camp.

And it's a big move.

"Bruno! Open the portal! We'll go there right away." After Sakaski finished speaking, an oval sliding door suddenly appeared in the air.

【This time I'm in big trouble!】

372. Carrying Heaven and Earth

After retreating dozens of nautical miles, the frontal battlefield dominated by the navy finally stopped its retreat and regrouped.

The huge cabin was filled with gloomy clouds, and the senior naval officers in charge of the frontal battlefield were all frowning.

First, it was attacked by the Golden Lion Sich using the floating islands as falling objects, and was chased by the Whitebeard Pirates and their forces during the retreat.

"Has there been any casualties?" Gion, who ate the Soul Soul Fruit, was one of the generals who contributed the most, and shined brilliantly on the battlefield.

If it weren't for the wave of souls that eliminated the monstrous tsunami caused by Whitebeard, the number of casualties on the frontal battlefield would have doubled.

Lindemann's left arm was wrapped in a bandage and hung on his chest. With his right hand, he picked up the list that was counted from each combat unit and reported to everyone present: "It is not optimistic, the expeditionary army is at the forefront of the defense line, and the loss is the smallest when the islands fall. But even so, 1,150 people were lost, and more than 5,000 people were seriously injured. Because the watchmen of the temple were stationed at the island base, they were the key areas for falling rocks. 3,521 people died in battle, more than 700 people were missing, and there were countless serious injuries.”

Seeing that everyone's eyes were darkened when they heard this, Lindeman swallowed, and did not dare to release the data on the losses of the support troops in various regions and branches.

But in terms of losses, it is only a lot more than the two elite legions.

Polusalino sighed in a strange tone. When several small floating islands fell, even if he tried his best to break his normal routine, he would not be able to stop the decline in the end: "It's not good, the frontal battlefield was directly hit by this round of raids. Erased [at least] 10% of the vitality, the loss is second, the key is..."

"It's the spirit of the army." Taking over the other party's unfinished words, Xiliu saw this point clearly: "In the face of these two almost unsolvable fruits, if we don't have the power to help the troops Contest, the morale of the army will be slackened."

Thanks to the advanced medical treatment of the navy, once the seriously wounded are sent in, they can return to the battlefield alive and kicking within a few days. This allows the navy's troops to basically maintain their ability to continue fighting.

"It is said that Wu Laoxing heard the news of the defeat on the frontal battlefield and urgently ordered CP0 to go to Imperton Deep Sea Prison to persuade Katakuri. I hope he will be the last Shichibukai, and he will partner with Cracker to form [Angry Legion 】Immediately support the new world.” In the cabin tentatively designated as a conference room, cigarettes were being smoked one after another, and the situation was not relieved until Enil, who was in charge of the communication, walked in.

But the news he brought back was hardly exciting, especially for those lieutenant generals who belonged to the expeditionary army sequence.

The ghost spider even directly sneered at Wu Laoxing's operation: "Don't be ridiculous, most of the candidates for Qiwuhai have political significance. Even if they don't, they probably have deep hatred and rivalry with the four emperors of the new world."

The eight-armed warrior's expression at this time is quite playful, because the last seven Wuhai candidates are simply unreasonable: "It was the world government that facilitated the war of annihilation of all nations. Our navy almost slaughtered Katakuri's brothers and sisters. Mr. Sa He even pushed Charlotte Lingling to a desperate situation. We will be thankful for him not collaborating with the enemy on the battlefield!"

However, Polusalino didn't think so. Since the world government has the confidence to send agents to persuade the other party, it must have something to rely on.

For those politicians, there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends. Everything can be negotiated and negotiated in terms of interests.

"Don't we know the usual means of the world government? It's nothing more than a promise to Katakuri to let the remaining members of the Charlotte family survive." Do it, take what the other party cherishes as bait, and let it be driven by the world government.

The means are too real, but the method is still effective.

As the only admiral present here, there is no doubt that Polusalino, code-named [Yellow Ape], is not only superb in strength, but also sharp in his insight and analysis of problems, which can be described as a double bloom of style.

It's just that adhering to the concept of clocking in at work, it has been muddled and ambiguous.

Someone who hoped to live a peaceful life was forced to assume the responsibilities of a general in such an embarrassing environment.

Papa, two soft noises drew everyone's sight and attention. Huang Yuan uncharacteristically gave a thought lesson to everyone: "This is the most difficult time for the Navy. Tell all troops that if you persevere, you will win the Navy. Red Dog and Black Wrist are already on the way. As long as you survive these few days, the new Jin Qi Wuhai will command a legion to arrive—a puppet army that is not afraid of death!"

It seemed that they didn't want to give the navy a chance to breathe. After only half a day, the pirate coalition led by White Beard and Golden Lion reappeared at the edge of the sea.

"Gu la la la, it seems that our side [General] will go first in this battle." Looking at the brightly lit naval battle line in the distance, White Beard raised his glass to the guests on the seat opposite him.

There are not many heroes who can gain the respect of the strongest man in the world and stand on an equal footing with him even in the vast sea.

But this person in front of him definitely deserves his name.

In the 14th year of Roger's death in One Piece, or in other words, except for this person, no one in the world can drink with White Beard.

[Golden Lion] Shi Ji, the former captain of the Flying Pirates, was once the admiral of the Golden Lion Pirates fleet with dozens of huge ships.

This legendary figure known as the "Flying Pirate" by the world is as famous as Gore D. Roger and Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

If it is only judged from the military strength, the Golden Lion Pirates fleet that ruled the world back then would overwhelm the Whitebeard Pirates in terms of overall strength.

The past is the past, and the two people toasting and drinking at this time are both over half a hundred years old.

As the sun and the moon fly by, no one can escape the grinding of the years.

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