I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 421

Countless people with lofty ideals gathered under this blue seagull flag on a white background, expelling evil and killing pirates in the name of justice, never ending and never stopping.

"Found him!!!" A sailor suddenly opened the heavy alloy door of the monitoring room, and immediately sent out the channel at the top of his lungs.

As the voice spread, the sailors who were checking the rooms one by one in a small group rushed towards the source of the sound.

The hurried pace was noisy and dense, as if thousands of people were marching in and out of the fortress.

The noise and cursing stopped abruptly outside the monitoring room, and soon there were a few soldiers who were big and three rough

Squeeze into this room first.

The sailors glared viciously at the rubber brat sitting in front of the console, who dared to talk on the phone as if nothing had happened, cracked his knuckles, and strode towards the little bastard with a grinning grin.

Just looking at these postures, people who don't know seem to think that there seems to be some kind of blood feud between them that cannot be resolved.

"Stinky boy! Finished the call?" A strong man with a seagull logo tattooed on his arm sneered at the brat who hung up the phone by himself: "Then our accounts should be settled."

Under the cover of the wide brim of the straw hat, most of the boy's face is hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see his expression.

Silence breeds in this dark house. Dullness and depression intertwined in the air, as if a ferocious beast was hiding in the darkness in front of them.

The boy's drooping head was slowly raised, so that the sailors could clearly see his clean white teeth in his wide open mouth.

The air that was almost condensed was swept away by this bright smile.

He put his hand on the straw hat, and the boy with a smirk waved his hand at the sailors who blocked the inside and outside of the house: "Hee hee hee, I have to escape, bye~"

The few sailors who had crashed into the house earlier all rushed up, trying to restrain the opponent before he exerted his strength.

But when the strong men surrounded him, a figure rose up from the front of the control console, the speed was so fast that people could only vaguely catch an afterimage.

The sergeants present were particularly familiar with this kind of physical technique used for high-speed movement and short-distance sprinting.

What the young man used was the physical technique that the masters of the CP intelligence department directly under the navy and the world government-【Six Styles】.

Even if someone shouted loudly: "Be careful! He is going to run away again!! I will [shave] stop him!!!"

Compared with mastering all six forms, which requires both talent and hard work, many senior lieutenants and school officers in the headquarters have more or less learned the most basic one or two forms.

When the young man who was moving at high speed was about to break through the alloy gate, several burly figures suddenly appeared from the crowded crowd.

"Iron Block Broken!" The heavy punches swung with steel-like hardness are enough to beat ordinary people to autism.

The soldier who punched did not take it lightly just because he was facing a boy much younger than himself. On the contrary, being quite familiar with this "recidivist"'s skill and ability to resist beatings made him go all out.

But before the fist got close, the relatively thin figure suddenly swelled up, like an inflated balloon, facing the sanctioning fist swung by the sailors.


The next moment, a punch that was strong enough to dent the iron gate was firmly imprinted on the bulging rubber balloon.

The force is so heavy that the rounded surface of the balloon is sunk deep inside.

From the side, it looks like those sailors have embedded most of their bodies in rubber.

More violent than the incoming force, several sailors who had succeeded in one blow and hadn't shown their smiles shot backwards into the crowd at a very fast speed.

With the help of the reaction force, the "balloon" whirled and floated straight to the direction of the window.

An exasperated voice from the crowd who was knocked upside down yelled, "Fuck! You're still covered in shit!!!"

"Shut up! Did you get less drenched in the square just now?? Don't let that kid run away!!!" the leader of the sea soldiers snapped.

Timely nip the signs of internal strife in the bud, and the sailors raised their feet and chased in the direction where Luffy was escaping.

A group of stinky old men, whose clothes were stained with fascinated foreign objects, rushed towards the distance with a violent mood like "your mother is dead".

Leaving behind a strange smell spread wantonly in the fortress of the headquarters.

"Hey! Has the pipe burst in any toilet? Why is it getting more and more stinky?" The path of the dare shit team chasing Luffy was full of fragrance.

It caused other admirals who were watching the excitement or didn't know anything about it to complain.

"Damage Control Team!!! Damage Control Team!!! Hurry up and check what is missing?!" A rear admiral stationed in Marin Vanduo habitually picked up the phone and yelled.


The members of the damage control team covering their mouths and noses looked at each other in blank dismay, how could something happen while lying down?

"Lord you! Is this on a warship?" The captain of the damage control team, who was a grandson on the warship, punched Comrade Major General in the face when he turned around.

The extremely irritable elder brother of the damage management team was still puzzled, and jumped up and scolded his mother: "Besides!! This sewer pipe god belongs to the damage management!!!"

Another major general covered his mouth and nose, and looked at his colleagues inquiringly: "You roar so hard, don't you plan to make a move?"

The major general who was punched in the face by the elder brother of the damage control team was not angry, he shrugged casually and said: "Thousands of us can't catch that brat, and in the end we have to alarm the school officials and even the generals." How embarrassing is it for a high-level sea soldier to spread the word!"

It was the elder brother of the damage control team who told the truth: "But if we don't arrange for masters to arrest him, the fortress of the headquarters will soon become a cesspit."


After hesitating for a moment, these generals and school officers made an instant choice between their own face and the "fortress gas chamber".

"Do it!! Send the order! Capture Monkey D. Luffy, and! Arrange people to repair the sewage pipes in the square!! And! Let those idiots who are stained with shit stop running around in the fortress It's gone!!!" The major general snatched a gas mask from the adjutant's waist, and proudly put it on his face in the eyes of the adjutant full of MMPs.

Let that kid continue to make trouble, not to mention the gas chamber treatment and self-respect, even the face of the Navy Headquarters will be dragged down by the sudden incidents that are getting bigger and bigger.

The generals staying behind can even guess the gloomy expressions of the marshals and generals who are currently in the new world after hearing the report:

"What? The headquarters is filthy? What are the major generals and lieutenant generals on duty doing? Clean the toilets!"

——and the colleagues who are fighting hard outside and desperately stopping the pirates:

"Can't even catch a brat! Shame on the headquarters! No wonder you're being left behind, trash."

Just as he was about to walk out of the room, the major general realized what he had missed in his previous deployment: "Wait, aren't there still a group of muscular idiots from the expeditionary force who were seriously injured and retreated from the front line to recuperate?"

Thinking of this, he stopped abruptly.

Previously, the generals turned a blind eye to Luffy's actions and ignored them.

On the one hand, it is true that he is self-confident and does not want to fight with the juniors. On the other hand, he is the number one troublesome person in the Navy Headquarters—the disrespectful but prestigious Lieutenant General Garp, who is the grandfather of the rubber monkey.

But now...he seems to have found a good way to keep his face and not be missed by Garp.

"Tell the medical department to send out those comrades in the expeditionary army who have basically recovered. Only Doubi can fight against Doubi!"

Your Excellency the major general paused for a moment, and snatched the phone bug from the adjutant's hand: "I will contact them personally."

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