I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 461

After being questioned like this, Zang Gao was not so nervous, and he was even in the mood to show off his unique dance steps in front of the two of them.

It wasn't until this moment that the two of the Straw Hat Pirates noticed that Zango was wearing a black suit, which contrasted sharply with the exposed white lining.

The black cropped trousers make Zangao's legs look more slender, and the white stockings that are deliberately exposed are particularly coquettish.

With his dancing steps sliding on the deck, it gives people a magical visual impact that he is walking but retreating.

"Oh! It's amazing, how did you do this kind of dance? He's backing away!" Lu Bao, who was completely absorbed, continued to applaud and applaud, without any intention of getting to the point.

Seeing this, Reiju couldn't help but sighed softly, that's why she had to come with her captain.

The eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family turned cold, and put pressure on Zango who was twisting her body more vigorously:

"Where is Baiji Keluo? I don't want to ask a second time."

Cold sweat instantly spread all over the current captain of the Black Cat Pirates, the terrifying killing intent made it difficult for him to even breathe.

"Captain Crowe was arrested and executed by the navy three years ago, who knows about it." The hypnotist who knew the inside story slowly pushed down the brim of his hat: "That's why I became the leader of the Black Cat Pirates." Second captain."

The beautiful eyes flowed, and Reiju suddenly smiled lightly. She has already guessed Zangao's little thoughts out of ten.

The other party's move is obviously testing the intention and even determination of the Straw Hat Pirates for this trip.

He didn't want to offend the Straw Hats, and he didn't want to confess someone so unapologetically.

That's why the guy named Zango was deliberately ambiguous.

But if it is confirmed that they are really looking for the whereabouts of Keluo, he will directly use the step of the "principal person" to go down the donkey and confess to the former captain.

With a whoosh, under the dull eyes of everyone in the Black Cat Pirates, the woman who was previously regarded by them as a vase and mistress slowly retracted her legs.

They couldn't see the opponent's leg kick at all, they could only see an afterimage on their retinas.

As a crisp sound of wood cracking sounded above the heads of the pirates, Zangao and the others hurriedly turned their heads in horror.

Only then did I discover that on the Baiji Bracco carrying the Black Cat Pirates, the main mast, which required several grown men to embrace, seemed to have been cut by a blade, and its section was as smooth as a mirror, split in two along the middle.

"Excuse me, where is the [former] captain of the Black Cat Pirates?"

Zang Gao was so frightened that he pointed back: "Captain Crowe is on that island!!!"

In the eyes of everyone, the pink-haired beauty who is more terrifying than demons slowly spread a charming smile from the corner of her mouth: "Then, is your Captain Crowe dead or alive?"

"Alive!" Zangao asserted immediately, as if he was afraid that Reiju would ask him about the testimony that Crow was dead before, he hastily continued to add:

"Some people are alive and dead, some people are 'dead' but still alive!! Chloe is fake death!"

The deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates looked Zango up and down: "Then your ship is anchored here, you don't want to attack this island with [Baiji] Clori, right?"

This time, not to mention praise, even the crew members of the other Black Cat Pirates were in trouble, denying it repeatedly:

"No no!"

"We've only parked for a while, and we're leaving right away."

"We're here for sightseeing. It is said that this island is the most beautiful from this angle."

Just kidding, shouldn't this kind of proposal be vetoed as soon as possible, get rid of the relationship, and wait to be taken over?

After breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go, Captain Luffy finally concluded: "It seems that this guy, Zangao, knows the inside story?"

"No, no, if you say you know it, I know it. If you think I don't need to know the inside story, then I don't know anything."

The humble current captain of the Black Cat Pirates turned into a licking dog in an instant.

The stubborn little straw hat simply wanted to understand how Crowe faked his death and escaped back then, and what is he planning now?

But the words he said made Zangao's dead soul furious: "Yoxi, lend it to your captain, and return it later."

Before the hypnotist came back to his senses, he had already been grabbed by the big pirate and jumped towards the Straw Hat Pirates stationed ship, leaving only a panicked and desolate wail floating in the air with the elongated tone——

"Wait, where are you taking me?"

"Let me ask you a question, why did you bring people back?" The crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates gathered around the deck stared at the stranger curled up in a ball ahead.

Hearing their conversation, the object trembled even more.

"He knows the whereabouts of Chloe!" Luffy grinned brightly, and showed a smug look: "And Miss Reiju didn't stop me from doing this."

The captain seemed to be moved, pointing at Zango who was trying to minimize his presence: "He dances very well, emmm, he is very suitable to join the Templar Watcher team."

As soon as this remark was made, he immediately offended Sanji, who was taught by [Kizaru], and hit Luffy on the head with a black foot:

"Hey, hey! Who do you think can join the Templar Watcher's army!?"

Luffy, who intuitively felt Max, tilted his head, always feeling that he did not say anything wrong.

After all, isn't the one honored as "Superstar in Troubled Times" by the show business circle the leader of the Templar's Watch?

"Okay, Zangao, tell me everything you know." The captain continued to go offline, but it doesn't mean that the deputy captain will be so funny.

Being surrounded by a group of big pirates, the hypnotist couldn't help but think carefully again at this moment, so he had to share the memories in detail——

That was three years ago, an accidental encounter between pirates and the navy.

"Navy? This is the third time this week, right?" Baiji Crowe, the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, seemed a little inexplicably anxious when he learned that the pursuers were coming after him.

The vice-captain Zang Gao who stood beside him could only helplessly shrug his shoulders: "There is no way to do this, who told us to do things that will be hunted down! And we are even famous."

"That's right, it's this fame that attracted them here. Maybe the incompetent navy in the East China Sea can't kill me, but what if they seconded a team of wild hunters from the great route?" Captain Crowe, who always seemed to be thinking deeply, considered particularly profound.

"Hmph, Zan Gao, human power is limited after all." He suddenly sneered, and the words in his mouth seemed a little inexplicable.

The deputy captain who didn't know what was going on followed up and asked: "What are you talking about? Captain!"

Unexpectedly, Baiji Crowe, who has always been rational and calm, said a rather naive and self-willed sentence: "So, I decided not to be [Captain Crowe]"

Hearing this, Zangao just shook his head, saying quit now? Don't you think it's too late?

"You really know how to joke, it's useless.

I think the navy will hunt you down to your death. If it's really the Legion's Wild Hunt, how could those bloodthirsty dogs ever give up their prey! "

But the former captain of the Black Cat Pirates had a gloomy smile on his lips: "I just want to 'die'!"

"!? Could it be... but you are the captain of this ship?"

"You will be the captain. I've had enough of this noisy life." The decisive look in Kro's eyes was deeply imprinted in Zangao's heart.

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