"Brother Zhang Yang, how can we let you take risks alone, why don't you let me go with you?" Song Zhi did not give up.

Su Nan said again: "Don't worry, I'm just going to the Turtle King Lake to have a look, I won't go deep."

Seeing him so persistent, it was hard for others to say anything.

Ji Changfeng said solemnly: "Be careful."

Sunan nodded, jumped off the carriage, and quickly headed towards Turtle King Lake.

In the prediction, he was targeted by the monster after entering King Turtle Lake, which meant that as long as he did not enter King Turtle Lake, he would not be in danger.

Two or three minutes later, he arrived a hundred meters away from Turtle King Lake.

Turtle King Lake is so huge that you can't see the edge at a glance. As expected, the lake surface is extremely calm, like a mirror.

Sunan did not go any further and chose to start predicting here.

[When you come to the edge of Turtle King Lake, you know that there is a mysterious monster here. You don't dare to be careless. You move forward quickly while paying attention to the movement on the lake. 】

[One minute later, no abnormality occurred. 】

[Two minutes later, the calm water surface surged with rolling waves. 】

[When you realize that the monster is coming, you can't help but quicken your pace, carefully observe your surroundings, and be ready to take action at any time. 】

[You are very cautious, but you still don't notice that at some point, an invisible monster has been lying on your back. 】

[The monster did not attack you immediately, but waited silently. 】

[Three minutes later, you are still six miles away from leaving Turtle King Lake. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

Lying on his back?

Sunan's scalp was about to explode.

It was just that the monster was lying on the carriage before and was not noticed.

This time they were all on his back, and he didn't even notice.

This is outrageous.

"Is the invisible monster really invisible and intangible?" Sunan thought quickly, but unfortunately the prediction did not give specific information about the monster.

"Keep predicting!"

[You did not realize the danger that had come and continued to move forward quickly, wanting to leave Turtle King Lake as soon as possible. 】

[One minute later, you are still four miles away from Turtle King Lake. 】

[Two minutes later, you will still be two miles away from Turtle King Lake. 】

[Three minutes later, you finally arrived at the end of Turtle King Lake and are about to leave the scope of Turtle King Lake. 】

【you are dead! 】

The second precognition ended with the same result as before.

When he was about to leave Turtle King Lake, he died inexplicably.

"Continue to predict and try to attack the monster this time."

Sunan didn’t give up.

After all, he was strong enough to fight against Xuan-level monsters, but now he died without even noticing the monster, which made him unwilling.

Since he knew that the monster would be on his back, he could just attack the air on his back.

With this thought, Sunan predicted again.

[You arrive at Turtle King Lake and move quickly along the official road on the side of Turtle King Lake. After a minute, nothing unusual happens. 】

[Two minutes later, the calm water surface surged with rolling waves. 】

[Although you didn't notice the monster, you knew that the monster was lying on top of you, and you suddenly punched you in the back. 】

[However, your attack hits the air without any change. 】

[You try to attack with the power of thunder and lightning, but it still has no effect. Finally, you try to attack with the power of the soul. 】

[This time, you are surprised to find that the power of your soul touches the other party! 】

[It’s just that the power of your soul is too weak. Hitting a monster is like a drop of water in a lake, making only slight ripples. 】

[You finally understand that the monster lying on your back is an existence condensed by the power of the soul. Ordinary attack methods are of no use to it. 】

[Don’t give up, just use your racial talent to transform into a ghostly body, add all the power of your vitality and essence to the power of your soul, and launch another attack. 】

[This time your attack finally annoyed the other party. 】

【you are dead. 】

After another death, Sunan was not disappointed. Instead, his eyes showed joy.

Anyway, this time he finally had a certain understanding of monsters

"A monster condensed with the power of the soul? What kind of existence is that?"

Sunan pondered, this kind of monster is simply intractable, invisible and intangible, and the power of the physical system and the imperial system have no effect on it.

Only the power of the soul of the secret power system can have some effect, but the power of the opponent's soul is still incredibly powerful.

"I wonder if Ji Changfeng knows what kind of monster it is?"

After thinking about it, Sunan decided to go back and ask Ji Changfeng.

Ji Changfeng is also a Xuan-level powerhouse, and he is an original warrior in the demon world. He knows far more things than he can compare to.

"Brother Zhang Yang, have you discovered anything?"

Seeing Sunan come back, Song Zhi asked immediately.

Sunan looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The situation is very bad. We might be in trouble if we want to pass Turtle King Lake."

Ji Changfeng asked: "Little friend, what did you find?"

Su Nan did not answer directly, but asked: "Senior, have you ever heard of a monster that is completely condensed by the power of the soul?"

"A monster that is completely condensed by the power of the soul? How could such a monster exist?" Hearing this, Song Zhi and Cheng Dao were all surprised.

Miao Hong also said: "Although there are thousands of types of monsters, there are many strange monsters. I have even heard of monsters made of plants, trees, flowers and rocks, but I have never heard of monsters that are pure power."

The three of them shook their heads, indicating that there could not be such a monster.

Sunan frowned. If his precognition hadn't told him that the monster was the power of the divine soul, he might have actually believed the three of them.

He looked at Ji Changfeng and saw Ji Changfeng's face was deep in thought, as if he was thinking about something.

Song Zhi and the others also noticed Ji Changfeng's expression and did not disturb him.

After a few breaths, Ji Changfeng finally said: "Monsters that are born with the power of the soul do not exist. At least I have never heard of it."

Ji Changfeng shook his head, and then changed his tone: "But I know a way to give birth to such an existence."

"In what way?" Sunan asked.

Ji Changfeng did not answer, but asked: "My friend, have you really discovered a monster that is completely condensed by the power of the soul?"

Su Nan hesitated slightly and said, "I'm not sure either."

He didn't say anything. After all, if Ji Changchun continued to ask how he discovered it, he couldn't say it was prediction.

Fortunately, Ji Changfeng did not ask, looked at Sunan and others, and said solemnly: "I have heard of an existence called 'Nian Yao', that existence is completely condensed by the power of the soul. "

"Nian Yao? Is there really a monster that is completely condensed by the power of the soul?" Song Zhi and the other three looked at each other with curiosity in their eyes.

Ji Changfeng continued: "The demonic thoughts are not born innately, but condensed the day after tomorrow. They are formed by the obsession after the monster's death. The conditions for its formation are very strict. The first is the requirement for the realm. At least one must be a demon king." possible."

"Second, the power of the opponent's soul must be very strong."

"Third, there must be a very strong obsession before death."

"Only after the death of a monster that meets these three points, can it be possible to form the kind of thought monster that is completely condensed by the power of the soul."

Hearing this, Su Nan's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what was going on.

Miao Hong seemed to have thought of the crux of the problem and said: "It is said that there was a turtle king in Turtle King Lake hundreds of years ago. If the legend is true, then the turtle king must be dead, then could the Nian Yao be the turtle king?" What will be formed after King Turtle dies?"

Ji Changfeng nodded: "This is very possible!"

Hearing this, except for Sunan who already knew that the Nian Yao was weird, the other three people's hearts sank.

Even if they have never seen the so-called Nian Demon, they know that things related to the Demon King are definitely not something they can deal with.

Even if it is an existence formed after the death of the Demon King.

Song Zhi frowned and said: "If there really is a mind demon that was formed after the death of Turtle King in Turtle King Lake, how are we going to get there?"

Ji Changfeng was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, the demons are not scary. Most demons only appear at specific times, and the time they appear does not last too long."

Will it appear at a specific time?

Such bad luck?

Su Nan's face darkened slightly. He had just walked for an hour and encountered something like this. He really didn't know what he would encounter next.

Cheng Dao looked at Sunan and confirmed, "Brother Zhang Yang, have you really discovered the Nian Yao?"

Su Nan shook his head and said, "I'm not sure if it's a mind monster, but I'm sure that the monster is indeed condensed by the power of the soul."

Miao Hong sighed: "Whether it's a Nian Yao or not, Brother Zhang Yang can't deal with it, and we still can't move forward."

Song Zhidao: "What should we do now?"

Several people looked at Ji Changfeng, waiting for Ji Changfeng's decision.

Ji Changfeng pondered for a moment and said, "I have no choice but to wait!"

"The Nian Yao can only appear for one day at most. Just wait until the Nian Yao leaves on its own."

Ji Changfeng gave a method that was not considered a method.

Song Zhi and others frowned. Now they urgently need to reach Tianyun County as soon as possible. Waiting here is the last thing they want to see.

But other than that, they seemed to have no other way.

Miao Hong sighed: "It seems that this is the only way."

Everyone was waiting on the carriage.

Sunan looked in the direction of Wangyue Lake, feeling slightly moved in his heart.

"Maybe I can try to transform into a monster and see if I can discover anything else."

He didn't originally plan to transform into a monster because that would make no sense.

Even if he transformed into a monster and successfully passed Turtle King Lake, what about Ji Changfeng and the others?

There was no way he could turn Ji Changfeng and others into monsters.

Now he had no choice but to try to transform into a monster and see what he discovered.

Thinking of this, he began to predict again.

[You go alone in the direction of Turtle King Lake. One minute later, you are still four miles away from Turtle King Lake. 】

[Two minutes later, you are still two miles away from Turtle King Lake. 】

[Three minutes later, you finally arrived at the Turtle King Lake. 】

The second precognition continues.

[When you come to the edge of Turtle King Lake, you immediately turn the Wheel of Life Sutra far away, and at the same time transform into a wolf monster, hoping to deceive the monster. 】

[You move forward quickly along the official road on the side of Turtle King Lake. After a minute, nothing unusual happens. 】

[Two minutes later, you suddenly discovered that the calm water surface was filled with rolling waves. 】

"I turned into a monster and still got targeted!"

Seeing this, Sunan's heart sank. Even if he didn't read the prediction below, he knew the result of the prediction.

As expected, he was haunted by monsters and died.

"It's a pity that after predicting it so many times, it failed to trigger luck. Otherwise, maybe we can find a solution through luck."

Su Nan shook his head secretly.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly thought of something again, and his eyes lit up.

"There is no luck triggered in the prediction, I can definitely trigger it on my own initiative!"

With a thought, the personal information panel appeared in front of me.

Looking at the 166 points of available luck, Sunan had an idea.

What would happen if he actively triggered the adventure event now?

Just give it a try and you’ll find out.

[Please select the level that triggers the adventure event]

"Rare level!"

The higher the level, the greater the benefits.

As one hundred points of available luck are consumed, a prompt pops up:

[A rare adventure event has been triggered. Please proceed along the official road near Turtle King Lake within an hour. 】

It really involves Turtle King Lake!

Su Nan's eyes lit up, and he turned to Ji Changfeng and said, "Senior, please wait here. I will go to Turtle King Lake to see if there are any other discoveries."

He planned to go to the edge of Turtle King Lake and predict again.

Now he is still a long way from Turtle King Lake, and he still has eight predictions, so he can't waste it on the road.

Ji Changfeng said: "Be careful yourself."

Sunan nodded, left the carriage again, and headed to Turtle King Lake.

For two or three minutes, Sunan stood at the edge of Turtle King Lake and began to predict.

[You come to the edge of Turtle King Lake alone and move quickly along the official road on one side of Turtle King Lake. 】

[A minute later, the surface of Turtle King Lake became calm, and nothing unusual happened. 】

[Two minutes later, you find that the calm water begins to have rolling waves. 】

[The Nian Yao belonging to the Turtle King in the lake appears, and you are entangled by the Nian Yao. 】

[You are no match for Nian Yao, you can only move forward quickly along the official road,]

[You don’t know that at this time, you have deviated from the official road and walked towards the lake uncontrollably. You fell into an illusion. 】

Precognition is different from before!

Sunan was not surprised but happy. The reason why such a change occurred was obviously due to luck.

[You think you are still moving quickly on the official road, but in fact you have entered the lake. Your five senses have been tampered with, and you have not noticed anything unusual. 】

[Your body is completely submerged in the lake, but you don't feel any discomfort. At this moment, you seem to be a member of the water from birth. 】

[Three minutes later, you walked a thousand meters in the lake. You didn’t stop and continued. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[You are walking quickly underwater under the influence of the illusion. 】

[A minute later, you encounter a decaying sunken ship. The sunken ship cannot stop you, and you continue to move forward]

[Two minutes later, a monster in the lake discovered you and wanted to attack you. However, the next moment he seemed to notice something and ran away in fear. 】

[Three minutes later, you didn’t stop and continued to move forward. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Where exactly do you want me to go?" Su Nan wondered.

Fortunately, so far, there has been no danger.

He had no choice but to continue predicting.

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