I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 126 Dragon Turtle Legacy

[A minute later, you arrived at the center of the lake, where there was a huge reef hidden under the water. 】

[Two minutes later, you come to the east side of the reef, and a deep cave appears in front of you. You walk into the cave. 】

[The cave extends straight forward. After a few breaths, you suddenly wake up from the illusion and see that the place you are in is a huge arched space, like a turtle shell. 】

[You don’t know what happened, but you soon realize that you may have fallen into an illusion, but you can’t tell whether it was an illusion just now or an illusion now. 】

[You carefully look at the space you are in. It is empty, except for a lot of gravel. 】

[You are searching among the gravel, and suddenly six different stones attract your attention. They are six oval stones. 】

[The stones are blue-grey in color. Different from other stones, these stones are unusually regular, like eggs laid by some kind of creature. 】

[Six stones placed together regularly tell the story of their uniqueness. 】

[You realize that these are no ordinary stones. You pick up one of them and examine it, only to find that there is nothing strange about these stones except that they look a little unusual on the surface. 】

[The third prediction is over, do you want to continue the prediction? 】

"Turtle shell space?"

"Six stone eggs? Couldn't those be the eggs of the turtle king?"

A bold idea came to Su Nan's mind, and instantly his breathing began to quicken.

Although he didn't know what was special about the offspring of demon king-level monsters, he knew that even if these eggs were sold, the harvest would be huge.

"It is indeed a rare adventure!" Su Nan smiled.

"Keep predicting."

[Six oval stones the size of watermelons, both in shape and placement, are unusual. 】

[But after studying for a while, you didn't find any clues, but you are sure that these stones are definitely not simple. 】

[You did not choose to give up, but put them all away and continued searching. 】

[A minute later, you searched the entire space, but found nothing else. 】

[You turn around and walk towards the only exit. 】

[The moment you leave the space, it's like falling into water. A large amount of lake water fills you in all directions. Only then do you realize that your location is underwater. 】

[You quickly swam out of the cave. The moment you left the cave, the originally huge reef suddenly sank into the ground and disappeared. 】

[You surfaced, looked at the huge lake in front of you, and finally realized that you were in King Turtle Lake. 】

[Without any time to think, after figuring out the general direction, you quickly swam towards the landing. 】

[Three minutes later, you can finally see the trees on the shore in the distance. 】

[The fourth prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Ji Changfeng said that the Nian Yao is a demon king-level monster that forms when it dies because of its obsession. Now that Nian Yao brought me to the lake, it should be to let me find the six eggs."

"Now that I have taken the egg away, it should be considered that I have completed the obsession of the demon. Now I should be able to leave Turtle King Lake safely, right?"

Sunan’s quick analysis.

There was obviously something wrong with those six eggs, otherwise he wouldn't have discovered it.

"Keep predicting!"

He wanted to see if he could leave Turtle King Lake after taking away the six stone eggs.

[You quickly swim towards the shore, and a minute later, you return to the official road. 】

[You continue along the official road towards Tianyun County City. 】

[In two minutes, you will be only two miles away from Turtle King Lake]

[Three minutes later, we finally left Turtle King Lake. 】

"Success, I didn't die this time!"

Su Nan let out a long sigh of relief. There was no doubt that his previous guess was correct.

The thought demon was indeed formed after the death of the Turtle King.

The Turtle King's obsession is obviously those six eggs. This is also the reason why the Nian Yao won't let him leave the Turtle King Lake.

It's just that the reason why Nian Yao didn't take him into the lake a few times is unknown.

Perhaps Nian Yao was choosing a partner, but he didn't meet Nian Yao's conditions. Later, he used his luck and actively triggered a rare adventure, which made Nian Yao choose him.

After thinking about this, Sunan no longer had any fear in his heart when he looked at the huge Turtle King Lake.

He no longer hesitated and walked straight along the official road.

Two minutes later, the predicted situation occurred, and the calm lake surface surged with rolling waves.

Su Nan was looking forward to it, but her speed did not slow down and she was still moving forward quickly.

Another two minutes passed without any abnormality happening, but Sunan knew clearly in his heart that he had now fallen into an illusion.

This feeling was amazing, even if he felt it carefully, he didn't notice anything unusual.

After five or six minutes, he suddenly felt a thrill, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

Where there are official roads and big lakes, there is only a dark space.

Sunan took a general look at the place, and sure enough, as predicted, this was a space shaped like a turtle shell.

Looking at the feet again, there are gravels everywhere.

Sunan couldn't wait and quickly searched among the rubble.

Soon, he found the six stone eggs.

Each of the six stone eggs is as big as a watermelon, oval in shape, and has an unusually smooth surface.

Picking one up and holding it in his hand, the relevant information immediately appeared in front of him.

[A dragon turtle egg that is about to run out of vitality: A dragon turtle egg that has existed for hundreds of years but has never been able to hatch will become a dead egg due to the loss of vitality. 】

"Dragon turtle egg?"

"I wonder what this so-called dragon turtle has to do with the legendary dragon turtle in the real world?"

Shi Dan's name made Sunan's eyes light up.

The legendary dragon turtle in the real world is a divine turtle, a legendary auspicious beast.

If the dragon turtle egg in his hand is really the legendary dragon turtle, then he will make a lot of money.

"The vitality is almost exhausted, and there is something really wrong with these eggs."

Regarding the problems with these eggs, Sunan was not surprised. If there were no problems with these eggs, then the thought demon transformed into the Turtle King would not want him to take the eggs away.

The six eggs were the same size and presented the same way, so Sunan put them away one by one.

Just when he was putting away the last egg, a game prompt appeared in front of him.

[You come into contact with the dragon turtle egg and trigger the main mission. For details, please go to the mission panel to view. 】

"Is there a main mission?"

Sunan now knows what double happiness means. First he harvests dragon turtle eggs, and then he obtains the main plot. This is the first time he has encountered such a good thing.

Because the character he was using at this time was Zhang Yang, the task he obtained was naturally Zhang Yang's.

Open the task panel.

Zhang Yang's main plot now has another main plot called "Dragon Turtle's Legacy" in addition to "The Demon King's Blood".

[Main mission: Dragon Turtle Legacy]

[In ancient times, there were twelve auspicious beasts, one of which was called the dragon turtle. Thousands of years ago, a dragon turtle was born with the destiny of heaven and earth. It was born with a spiritual level. It entered the Xuan level in ten years and broke through to the king in fifty years. level, reaching the imperial level in five hundred years. 】

[Three hundred years ago, the Dragon Turtle began to give birth to offspring. However, in the process, it was targeted by another Demon Emperor Realm monster. It was attacked and severely injured. The process of breeding its six turtle eggs was stagnant, resulting in congenital deficiencies. 】

[In order to make up for the innate shortcomings of the six turtle eggs, the dragon turtle did not hesitate to use its own origin to make up for the six turtle eggs. Until two hundred years ago, the six turtle eggs finally made up for the innate deficiency. However, the dragon turtle's injury worsened due to the consumption of its origin. In a lake death in. 】

[Unfortunately, although the six dragon turtle eggs supplemented the innate ability, they were unable to hatch due to lack of hatching conditions. The vitality continued to pass. Soon, these dragon turtle eggs would completely lose the possibility of hatching due to exhaustion of vitality. 】

[The first step of the mission: Hatching dragon turtle eggs. 】

[Task Difficulty: Four Stars]

[Task reward: Spirit-level bloodline, Spirit-level demon scripture, 45 points of demon power, dragon turtle essence blood]

[Mission countdown: 7 days]

"Twelve auspicious beasts! Imperial-level turtles!"

Sunan was surprised.

Even if this dragon turtle is not the legendary dragon turtle in the real world, just the name of the twelve auspicious beasts is enough to prove that this dragon turtle is not simple.

However, when he saw the final countdown to the mission, Sunan's originally happy heart suddenly sank.

"It takes me seven days to hatch these eggs that are about to run out of vitality? Are you kidding me!"

Sunan looked ugly. If it were a normal egg, he might be able to hatch it within seven days.

But now these turtle eggs have been petrified, and there is not much vitality left. How can such eggs hatch in seven days?

And judging from the mission introduction, these dragon turtle eggs are not easy to hatch and require specific conditions.

And what that condition is, he still doesn’t know!

"Let's leave here first. When we get to Tianyun County, go to Tiangong Pavilion to see if we can buy any information in this area."

It took him a hundred points of luck to get the six dragon turtle eggs. If the mission failed, he would not only lose a mission, but also six turtles!

The price of failure was too high, so he had to find a way to hatch the turtle eggs no matter what.

Leaving the space, the lake water pressed in, and Sunan quickly left the cave.

The moment he left the cave, the huge reef at the bottom of the lake that was as big as a turtle shell sank rapidly.

Sunan surfaced and swam quickly towards the land.

A few minutes later, he returned to the official road. The power of fire surged, and his soaked clothes were dried in a moment.

After doing this, he headed towards the location of Ji Changfeng and others.

However, he had not gone very far when he discovered that in the distance, in the direction where Ji Changfeng and others were, accompanied by the rising fire, there were bursts of roaring.

"No, a monster attacked the carriage!"

Sunan's face condensed, and she quickly rushed in the direction of the few people, while looking at the personal information panel.

After 32 points of demonic power consumption, the originally completed Dark Wolf bloodline became perfect.

This was not over yet, as soon as an idea occurred to him, he decisively used a precognition opportunity.

The fire rose and the roar was deafening.

The carriage where the Monster Killing Division members were sitting was surrounded by more than a dozen monsters at some unknown time.

Most of these monsters are only mortal level, but the three leading monsters are spirit level.

Moreover, they are not ordinary spiritual level, they are the pinnacle of spiritual level.

Facing the siege of monsters, Ji Changfeng's face turned ugly.

At this time, his strength has not recovered much. If he faced the mortal level, he could kill him with one palm, but he could only barely resist the spirit level.

The other three were not much better off.

Just one minute of fighting had already consumed most of the strength they had not yet fully recovered.

Song Zhi said in a deep voice: "Everyone, hold on, there is so much noise here, Brother Zhang Yang should be back soon."

While resisting the monster's attack, Miao Hong shook his head and said: "What can we do if we come back? These are three monsters at the top of the spiritual level. Brother Zhang Yang will die if he comes."

Cheng Dao also said seriously: "Three peak spiritual monsters, even if the three of us were in their heyday, they would not have missed. With Zhang Yang, we have no hope of escaping."

The three of them continued to resist the attacks of more than a dozen mortal-level monsters, struggling to hold on.

Not far away from them, three spirit-level monsters looked at the three of them like lambs to the slaughter.

The three monsters look very similar.

One of them was covered in black feathers.

Another one is covered with white feathers, and the other is covered with gray feathers.

At this time, the monster covered with white feathers stared at Ji Changfeng, as if thinking of something, and said in surprise: "Brother, I know that old guy, he is Ji Changfeng, the director of the Jiuting County Monster Killing Department." !”

"What? Ji Changfeng?"

"Third brother, are you right?"

Hearing this, the black-feathered monster was shocked and a little unbelievable.

Another monster with gray feathers was also suspicious: "It's impossible, third brother, you must have made a mistake. I heard that Ji Changfeng was in the late Xuan level and was ranked among the top strong men in the entire Tianyun County. "

"How could this old guy be him? If he were Ji Changfeng, our third brother would probably be dead by now."

Hearing the doubts from his two brothers, the white-feathered monster became a little suspicious and stared at Ji Changfeng again.

As if he thought of something again, he immediately said: "Brother, I read it right. He is that Ji Changfeng. If I hadn't run fast in Xiaoli Village last time, he would have killed me."

"Are you sure?" The black-feathered monster still didn't believe it.

"Brother, I am absolutely sure that he is Ji Changfeng. He is obviously seriously injured and has very little strength left."

The monster with white feathers was sure of it.

Now the two monsters with black feathers and gray feathers were both frightened and uncertain.

The two monsters looked at each other and suddenly took action against Ji Changfeng.

"Director, be careful!"

Song Zhi and the other three were shocked, yelled subconsciously, and immediately faced the attacks of the two monsters.


Hearing what Song Zhi and the others said, the eyes of the two monsters suddenly lit up, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed: "It's really Ji Changfeng!"

"Hahaha, great. If we capture Ji Changfeng and present it to the White Water Demon King, the Demon King will definitely like it very much!"

The two monsters laughed, and looked at Ji Changfeng and the other three with burning eyes.

After a while, after calming down the excitement, the black-feathered monster was surprised again: "Who can beat Ji Changfeng like this?"

"Never mind him, no matter who injured him, in short, our brother is getting an advantage this time."

Ji Changfeng stared at the monster covered with white feathers, with murderous intent surging in his eyes, and said: "I didn't expect that there was a fish that slipped through the net in Xiaoli Village last time. You monsters who feed on my human race deserve to die."

Facing Ji Changfeng's gaze, the white feather monster was not afraid, but laughed wildly: "Ji Changfeng, you didn't expect that you failed to kill me last time, but you will fall into my hands this time."

As he said that, he looked at the black-feathered monster again and urged: "Brother, let's catch him quickly. I can't wait to taste the flesh and blood of a Xuan-level warrior."

The black feathered monster said calmly: "No hurry, didn't you listen to what they said? There is another person among them. Let's attract that person first and then catch them all."

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