There are still a lot of predictions today, and the game is about to be refreshed, so it would be a waste to keep them.

Sunan started predicting five minutes in advance, hoping that if he could really use the Heavenly Movement to leave the desert in front of him, he would be able to leave enough time to predict what would happen next.

Precognition begins.

For the first time, there was nothing interesting to see, so I basically spent my time waiting.

The three minutes of precognition passed by in a blink of an eye, and Sunan began to predict for the second time.

[The desert right now can lose your direction. Walking here, you will always be walking in circles. Your hope of breaking the situation is placed on the magical power of moving the heavens. 】

[You know that in two minutes, there will be strange power coming from the sky. At that time, it is a good opportunity for you to use the teleportation of the heavens. You wait slowly. 】

[A minute later, everything was calm and nothing unusual happened in the desert. 】

[Two minutes later, the time you were waiting for finally came. Without hesitation, you immediately used the Heaven Shift. 】

[The next moment, your figure disappeared from the spot. When you reappeared, you were already two thousand meters away from your original position. You did not stop and used Heavenly Movement twice in succession. 】

[The opportunity to use the Three Heavens Teleportation has expired, and you can no longer use it. 】

[At this time, as you expected, a strange power came from somewhere, and your magical power of moving the heavens was restored and can be used again. 】

[You make a prompt decision and use Heavenly Movement for the fourth time. This time you come to a boulder. This is the first boulder you encounter in this desert. 】

[You didn’t stop. You used the Heavens Shift for the fifth time. This time you suddenly discovered that you had come to a bush. Looking ahead, what you saw was no longer endless yellow sand, but increasingly lush woods. 】

[Looking back, you see an endless yellow desert behind you. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully left the desert. 】

"Leave after five times!"

Su Nan was overjoyed. He had been thinking about what to do if he used up all six opportunities and was still unable to leave.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

The premonition did not stop, but the next piece of information made his face darken, and the joy of leaving the desert disappeared instantly.

[You quickly walked towards the increasingly dense forest ahead. Three minutes later, you left the shrubbery and entered a pine forest. 】

[You don’t know that although you successfully left the desert, you may have missed an opportunity on this final trip. 】

"Maybe I missed an opportunity in the end?"

"As expected! Leaving the desert first is not the only condition for obtaining inheritance. There are other things I haven't discovered yet."

Sunan was not too surprised. He had already guessed such a possibility in the previous prediction, and now it was just confirmation of his guess.

"What else is there in this desert that I haven't discovered?" He couldn't help but guess.

Qian Yu must know this.

It's basically impossible to get relevant information from Qian Yu.

It's about inheritance, and I'm afraid Qian Yu won't tell him the information even if he doesn't log in to the game.

Without logging into the game, Qian Yu still has a chance to get the inheritance, but if the information is told to him, Qian Yu may really lose the inheritance.

"There is no other way. If I want to find other things that may be hidden in the desert, I can only try to predict it a few more times to see if I can trigger luck in the process."

Sunan had no choice but to place her hope on luck.

Wait until the one-minute foresight cooldown ends, and foreknowledge starts again.

Previously, the direction he used to move away from the heavens was to the east. This time, Sunan chose to go west to see if he could leave the desert in other directions.

After five consecutive movements of the heavens, he successfully left the desert and came to the bush again.

"You can also leave in the opposite direction." Sunan nodded, which meant that no matter which direction you go here, you can leave the desert and enter the pine forest.

For the third time, Sunan chose to go south.

After moving the heavens five times, he left the desert again.

In the fourth prediction, Sunan chose the north.

After several predictions in succession, each time I had to wait for one minute for the prediction to cool down. Now three minutes have passed, and the time has reached fifty-eight minutes.

He can try two more times. If he still doesn't find anything in the last two times, then he can only try to leave the desert first.

Otherwise, if he misses this opportunity, he will have to wait for the game to be refreshed tomorrow.

Fortunately, the four hundred points of luck did not disappoint him, and this time he actually made a discovery.

[The third time the heavens are moved and used, your luck comes into play, and you suddenly come to a jungle, which is an oasis in the desert! 】

[Your three chances to use your magical power have been used up. As you expected, a strange power comes from somewhere. Your magical power is restored and can be used again. 】

"Oasis! There is an oasis in this desert. It seems that this must be the hidden condition."

Sunan's eyes lit up, luck had come into play, and this already told him that this oasis was not simple.

[You did not use the Heaven Shift again, but looked at the oasis in front of you. You realized that there might be something in this oasis that was related to the final harvest of this trip, and you decided to explore this oasis. 】

[The oasis is not big, only a thousand meters in scope. You carefully walk towards the depths of the oasis and carefully observe the surrounding situation. 】

[After a dozen breaths, you suddenly see a large pit appearing in front of you. At the bottom of the pit, there is a tree with red leaves that is completely different from the other trees around it. 】

[The red-leaf trees are not tall, only as tall as a person, but they are extremely thick and vigorous, and they are very conspicuous against the other surrounding vegetation. 】

[However, what really attracts you is the fist-sized golden fruit on the small tree. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Golden fruit? Is it a spiritual fruit?"

Su Nan instantly thought of the bloodline spirit fruit he had obtained before.

The golden fruit at the moment is different from the blood spirit fruit, but if it is really a spirit fruit, it will definitely bring him some benefits.


[You are attracted to the golden fruit. In your opinion, this is probably a spiritual fruit. You are ready to pick the spiritual fruit. 】

[Enter the big pit carefully. You know there must be danger here. Don't dare to be careless. Be alert and approach the red-leafed tree carefully. 】

[A minute later, you finally came to the small red-leaf tree. To your surprise, everything around you was calm and no accidents happened. 】

[You still didn’t dare to be careless. You stretched out your hand and grabbed the golden fruit, and you were ready to take action. However, the moment you were about to touch the fruit, a sudden change occurred. 】

[The little red tree actually came to life, and a red branch as thick as an adult's arm was drawn towards you, making a sound of breaking through the air. 】

[You reacted quickly and took a step back instantly, successfully avoiding the whipping of the branches. The small tree missed the blow, and the branches whipped to the ground, leaving a ravine one meter wide on the ground. 】

[The next moment, you will see the roots of the small red tree pulled out from the soil. The thick red roots are like long legs, supporting the small tree and attacking you at high speed. 】

[This is a monster at the peak of the spiritual level, but its true strength is comparable to that of a great monster at the early stage of the mysterious level. 】

"Only the spiritual peak?"

The changes in the little tree did not surprise him much.

He had heard before that the flowers, plants and trees in this world could turn into monsters, but he had never seen it before. Now this tree demon is obviously that kind of existence.

What really surprised him was the realm of the tree demon.

This is the place where the ancient strong man inherited the test, and this must be part of the test.

If you want to get the spiritual fruit, you must kill the tree demon that bears the spiritual fruit.

But, just like that, it seems a bit simple.

Although the tree demon has strength comparable to that of the early Xuan level, it cannot change its essence of being at the pinnacle of the spiritual level.

If there was such a great demon in other places, it would definitely be enough as part of the test.

But the inheritance here comes from the ancient powerful!

This is like having hundreds of millions in cash at home, but only using a local dog to guard it.

[The monster is attacking you, but you do not continue to dodge and prepare to attack. 】

[However, just when you were about to take action, you suddenly discovered that here, your legal bloodline power and mystical power bloodline power are all unavailable. All you can use is the physical bloodline power. 】

"Can we only use physical bloodline power?"

"I see. Let me just say, how can the test be so simple?"

Sunan suddenly realized.

But he is not afraid. His physical bloodline is his most powerful strength. Now that the four spiritual bloodlines have reached perfection, he has also gained new racial talents.

Even though the monster's strength far exceeds that of the spiritual level and can be compared to the early stage of the mysterious level, Sunan is stronger.

[The monster is very strong, but fortunately your strength is not weak either. You didn’t hold back and directly used your racial talent "Breaking the Sky with One Force" to fight the monster. 】

[With the blessing of the racial talent Yili, your power has skyrocketed, comparable to the mid-level Xuan level. The tree demon is no match for you. Three minutes later, the tree demon finally fell. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully killed the tree demon and obtained a spiritual fruit. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


Su Nan's heart moved, and he chose to continue, but no longer waited, and directly used the heavens to move towards the north.

There is only the last minute left before the game is refreshed.

He is now going to the oasis to deal with the monsters as quickly as possible and catch up with the game refresh. In this way, he will not lose any strength.

The heavens moved and used, and his figure disappeared from the place.

"Huh? Wang Nan has quit the game?"

Seeing Sunan suddenly disappear, the players of Jiutian Guild not far away were all stunned, but when they reacted, they were all overjoyed.

"Great! Tell the boss, that guy has finally quit the game."

A player quits the game and contacts Qian Yu in real life immediately.

"Oh? That guy finally couldn't hold on any longer?" Qian Yu breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news.

He was really afraid that Sunan would continue to spend time with him, which would have a great impact on him. Now that Sunan has withdrawn, it will undoubtedly give him a chance.

"Quick, call everyone to log in to the game." Qian Yu quickly ordered.

After logging into the game, Qian Yu appeared in the desert again. He glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see Sunan.

After a few breaths, when all the players who had quit the game logged in, Qian Yu immediately led them to change directions and rush forward as quickly as possible, for fear that Sunan would log in at this time.

Little did he know that Sunan had already arrived at the oasis and headed straight towards the pit.

In the process, his racial talent Ipichi Poten has been used.

Although he used the power to break the sky in the prediction, he did not hit the sky-breaking blow, and he only fought with the monster for more than a minute.

Now he wouldn't do that kind of thing to waste time.

Arriving in front of the tree demon, he did not reach out to grab the golden fruit. Instead, he suddenly burst out with all his strength and punched the tree demon.


There was a muffled sound, and the power that could easily kill a mid-level Xuan-level monster exploded, and the thick tree trunk exploded and was pierced.

A monster whose strength was comparable to that of an early Xuan-level monster was killed like this.

He didn't even have a chance to take action.

Su Nan reacted quickly. Almost at the moment when the tree demon was killed, he plucked the golden fruit with his hand.

Just when the golden fruit was picked, the tree demon's body quickly shriveled up, and finally turned into fly ash.

"It's gone like this? What a pity."

Sunan shook his head. A tree that bears spiritual fruit and turns into a monster is definitely extraordinary. It might be useful in the future if it is kept. It is a pity that it is gone now.

Looking at the spiritual fruit in his hand, his eyes sparkled again.

[Dragon Blood Fruit: A tree poured with dragon blood and rooted next to the dragon corpse. After absorbing the essence of the dragon corpse for thousands or tens of thousands of years, it mutated and transformed from an ordinary tree into a The spiritual tree, and after countless days and months of condensation, produced a spiritual fruit containing dragon blood. 】

[This spiritual fruit contains a trace of dragon energy and has the ability to replenish your innate abilities. After taking it, your body will be baptized with dragon blood, your strength, speed, and physique will be greatly improved, and you will be able to possess dragon energy at the same time. 】

"A spiritual fruit produced by absorbing the essence of a dragon corpse?"

"What a baby!"

Sunan was excited. Just this one spiritual fruit made his trip worthwhile.

I didn't take the spirit fruit immediately because time didn't allow.

[You didn’t take the spirit fruit immediately, and you were already wasted for three minutes in the oasis. In the desert, if you stay in the same place for a long time, you will also get lost. 】

[You are afraid that you will be lost again, so you immediately use Heavenly Movement to leave the desert. 】

[I disappoint you. I used Heavenly Movement twice in succession. You should have left the desert, but you failed to leave. You are already lost. 】

[A slight difference can make a thousand miles, and if your direction of movement is deviated, it will be difficult for you to leave the desert]

[You were unwilling to give in and used the Heaven Movement again. Unfortunately, you still couldn't leave the desert. 】

"You were lost in three minutes!" Sunan's heart froze, and he once again experienced the strangeness of this desert.

Fortunately, he had taken action quickly just now, and had eliminated the tree demon in just one breath without wasting any time.

Just as he was thinking about it, at this moment, Sunan felt a strange power coming, and the power he consumed using Yili Breaking Sky was quickly restored.

At midnight, the task is refreshed.

Without even thinking about it, Sunan was about to use Heavenly Movement again.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the daily tasks refreshed.

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