[Daily Task 1: Be the first to leave the Black Wind Desert]

Mission difficulty: two stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power

[Daily Task 2: Be the first to leave the Death Swamp]

Mission difficulty: two stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power

[Daily Task 3: Be the first to leave the endless ice field]

Mission difficulty: two stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power

The three missions that appeared in front of him were all Wang Nan's. Although there were no three-star missions, they were all two-star missions.

Moreover, the task of leaving the Black Wind Desert also appeared.

This task is now within easy reach for him, and it is completely a gift of demonic power.

Without having time to look further, he immediately predicted it again. After confirming that he could still leave, he used the Heavens Movement again.

After two consecutive movements of the heavens, he appeared in a bush.

In front of him, there was a forest dominated by pine and ferns. Sunan knew without guessing that it must be the next test area, the Death Swamp.

There is a desert on one side and a swamp on the other. It is very strange that these two landforms that should not appear next to each other appear here.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Be the first to leave the Black Wind Desert", and 15 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 196 points]


Finally leaving the desert that had trapped him for a day, Sunan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Only then did he have the opportunity to continue checking the tasks of the other two characters.

[Daily Task 1: Obtain the spiritual objects in the Death Swamp]

Mission difficulty: two stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power

[Daily Task 2: Obtain spiritual objects from the endless ice field]

Mission difficulty: two stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power

[Daily Task 3: Obtain the inheritance of the ancient powerful]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

Mission reward: 30 points of demon power

"Sure enough, just like the Black Wind Desert, there are hidden spiritual objects in the Death Swamp and the Endless Ice Field."

"If you want to obtain the final inheritance, you must get those two spiritual objects."

Unfortunately, the Dryad was killed before the mission was refreshed and did not appear in the mission. Otherwise, one mission could still be completed.

Let’s look at Lang Shisan’s mission again.

[Daily Task 1: Hunt Five Extraterrestrial Visitors]

Mission difficulty: one star

Mission reward: 5 points of demon power.

[Daily Task 2: Hunting a Spirit-level Extraterrestrial Visitor]

Mission difficulty: one star

Mission reward: 5 points of demon power.

[Daily Task 3: Prevent other solicitors from outside the world from obtaining inheritance. 】

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

Mission reward: 30 points of demon power

The first two missions to hunt players appeared, which he expected.

Only the last three-star task made Sunan unexpected.

Prevent other extraterrestrial visitors from obtaining inheritance?

If he gets the inheritance himself, will it be considered a success in preventing it or a failure?

Sunan frowned. Zhang Yang's mission asked him to obtain the inheritance, and Lang Shisan's mission asked him to stop it. Isn't this an obvious contradiction?

"Ignore this for now. If you can get the inheritance, 30 points of demon power is nothing. It doesn't matter if you don't want it. If you can't get the inheritance, then you can only prevent others from getting it."

Qian Yu obviously had no good intentions towards him, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was an enemy. He did not want his enemies to gain benefits that he could not get.

After reading the mission, he took out the dragon blood fruit.

It was when Sunan used the heavens to move and left the desert.

On the other side, Qian Yu and others all looked at the refreshed mission.

"Be the first to leave the Black Wind Desert."

"Be the first to leave the Dead Swamp."

"Be the first to leave the endless ice field."

Qian Yu looked at his three daily routines and couldn't help but look happy.

He has corresponding methods for completing these three tasks. Although it cannot be said to be easy to complete, it is not too difficult.

In his opinion, these three tasks were tailor-made for him.

"Boss, my tasks are also these three."

"Me too……"

"So are we……"

After hearing Qian Yu say his mission, the other players looked at their mission with bitterness on their faces.

Their tasks are all the same, which means that only one of them can complete the task.

No need to think about it, that person must be Qian Yu.

"Don't worry, this mission is completed, and I will have another reward when I go back." Qian Yu comforted.

Just as he was talking, someone suddenly discovered something and exclaimed: "Boss, look at the missions. Why is the first mission to leave the Black Wind Desert turned gray?"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned and the mission turned gray. They had not encountered this situation before. It was a sign that the mission had been completed.

But they haven't left the desert yet, so why does the mission turn gray?

Everyone looked at the mission together again. When they saw that the first mission to leave the Black Wind Desert turned gray, they were all dumbfounded.

"It's Wang Nan! It must be that Wang Nan! Apart from us, he is the only one here."

"How is that possible? Didn't he quit the game?"

"No! We thought wrong. That Wang Nan didn't quit the game at all, but left using a method we didn't know about."

"Even if that was the case, it was too fast. He only left for more than a minute. Why did he leave this desert?"

Some people quickly concluded that Su Nan did it, while others did not believe that Su Nan could do it so quickly.

However, when the facts are before their eyes, they cannot help but not believe it.

"He actually got the upper hand!" Qian Yu looked ugly.

Thinking back to Sunan's previous performance, he suddenly felt that he was just a clown. He seemed to be fighting wits with the opponent, but in fact, in the eyes of the opponent, he was just a clown.

"It doesn't matter if he leaves. Isn't that what I want? In this way, no one will compete with me to snatch this spiritual creature in the desert!" Qian Yu comforted himself.

He told Sunan the news that the secret place was the inheritance place of ancient powerful men, just to let Sunan leave as soon as possible.

Hasn't his goal been achieved now?

"The next place of testing is the Death Swamp. No matter how strong he is, he will not be able to pass easily. If he is unlucky, he might die if he goes in."

Qian Yu smiled again when he thought of the information about the Death Swamp.

If we were to say which of the three test places is the most dangerous and has the highest death rate, it is undoubtedly the second Death Swamp.

If Sunan dies inside, he will have no opponent here, and everything here will be his.

"Quick! Let's find that oasis."

Ten minutes later, the group finally arrived at the oasis in the desert.

Qian Yu was so excited that he immediately asked players to search for it in the oasis.

However, when he saw the empty pit, his excitement disappeared and was replaced by anger!

"Wang Nan, you deserve to die!"

"Foreknowledge is okay,"

Just in case, Sunan made some predictions before taking the dragon blood fruit.

It was predicted that everything would go well, and taking the dragon blood fruit would only bring him benefits and would not cause any abnormalities.

After taking the Dragon Blood Fruit, Sunan suddenly felt as if his flesh and blood were being tempered. He could clearly feel that all aspects of his body were improving.

Three minutes later, the game prompt popped up.

[Congratulations, your body has been baptized by the dragon blood fruit. Your missing talent has been replenished, and your strength, speed, and physique have been improved. 】

[Congratulations, you have gained a trace of dragon energy, and dragon-blooded creatures will have an increased favorable impression of you. 】

"Dragon blood creature? It seems that this is of no use."

Su Nan didn't pay attention. There were very few dragon-blooded creatures. The only dragon-blooded creatures he had encountered so far were probably dragon turtles.

This ability is destined to be difficult to use.

Feeling the changes in her body, Sunan was pleasantly surprised again.

Compared to before, he is now equivalent to the fusion of two great perfection spiritual bloodlines!

Right now, even if he doesn't use his racial talent "Breaking the Sky with One Power", his strength is comparable to that of the mid-Xuan level!

If you use "Breaking the Sky with One Force", you may be able to easily kill even the late Xuan-level demons!

And this is just the strength of his body!

I can't imagine how terrifying it would be if all three systems were unleashed.

"Just one spirit fruit made me improve so much. If there are two more, wouldn't I take off directly?"

Looking at the tasks on the panel, Sunan's eyes were filled with anticipation.

There are spiritual fruits in the Black Wind Desert, and there are also spiritual objects in two other places. Although I don’t know what those two spiritual objects are yet, I think they should be no worse than the dragon blood fruit.

Looking at the pine leaf forest ahead, Sunan began to predict.

[Leaving the Black Wind Desert, passing through a bush, you walk toward a huge pine forest in front of you. 】

[A minute later, you arrive in front of the pine leaf forest, and you find that the ground here is covered with a thick layer of rotten and moist dead leaves. Walking on the dead leaves, you have the illusion that you may sink at any time. 】

[You know, this is the second test of this inheritance place, the Death Swamp. You are not afraid, step into the swamp resolutely, and go towards the depths of the swamp. 】

[The swamp is dead silent. You walk carefully. Two minutes later, you come to an old dead tree. You encountered no danger on the way. 】

[Three minutes later, you come to an area full of water plants. Suddenly, a large mouth full of fangs emerges from the swamp under your feet and swallows you suddenly. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Before you die, you realize that this is a swamp full of death, where death will be the norm, and only those with absolute good luck can pass through safely. 】

"What happened? He was swallowed by a monster!"

Sunan looked ugly. He had only entered the forest swamp for two minutes when he was killed by a monster that suddenly appeared. He even resisted.

None of the abilities.

This is outrageous!

"It can't be a king-level monster, right?" He couldn't help but guess.

We met a king-level monster at the beginning, so what’s the next step?

However, when he saw the last message, he looked strange again.

"Is death the norm here?"

"Only the absolutely lucky can get through?"

He was obviously not a lucky person, otherwise he would not have died in just two minutes.

But that doesn't matter.

If you can predict the future, what more good luck is there?

Here, he can completely predict the future and find a way out through trial and error step by step.

Besides, he also has the ability to change his body. He can transform into a monster and pass through this area.

Thinking of this, Sunan gained confidence again.

Precognition begins again.

[Two minutes later, you came to a dead tree and encountered no danger on the way. 】

[Three minutes later, you stopped ten meters away from a water grassland. You knew that you would encounter danger if you continued forward, so you chose to change direction and go around from the left. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[One minute later, you are not in danger. 】

[Two minutes later, you came to a small depression, and suddenly a sharp claw stretched out from under your feet and attacked you. 】

[Even if you turned into a monster, you were still attacked. Fortunately, you are strong and the monster is no match for you. You can kill it easily, so you can move on. 】

"Will I still be attacked if I transform into a monster? Will I be attacked just by walking on the swamp?"

Sunan frowned. Changing his body could be said to be his best way to avoid monster attacks. Now that it has lost its effect, it is very disadvantageous for him.

Precognition continues, and the available times are continuously consumed.

After several predictions, Sunan finally understood why death would be the norm here.

There are many monsters in the Death Swamp, and they are very good at hiding. You never know where a monster will suddenly pop out from somewhere at the next moment.

Fortunately, his strength is not weak now. As long as he doesn't encounter a king-level monster, he can handle it.

He predicted it four or five times in succession. Fortunately, except for the first time, he never encountered a monster that could kill him instantly.

After confirming that there was no problem, Sunan entered the Death Swamp.

More than twenty minutes later, he had walked out of the range of thirty or forty miles.

He has used the prediction method more than twenty times, and he died four times in total.

This death frequency is not high and is completely acceptable.

at the same time.

Outside the Death Swamp, Qian Yu and his party finally walked out of the Black Wind Desert.

Looking at the death swamp ahead, the fat player next to Qian Yu said:

"Boss, that Wang Nan arrived here more than twenty minutes earlier than us. If he is not dead now, he is probably about to walk out of the swamp. Can we still catch him now?"

Qian Yu shook his head: "I admit that he is very strong, but in this swamp, his strength is nothing."

As he spoke, he looked at the three daily tasks and saw that the task of "Being the first to leave the Death Swamp" had not been completed. He even affirmed: "If he had not exited the game after such a long time, he would have definitely died. ”

Really dead?

Hearing this, the two spirit-level players, one fat and one thin, looked at each other with some uncertainty in their eyes.

For some reason, they had a hunch that Wang Nan would not die so easily.

Seemingly seeing what they were thinking, Qian Yu was silent for a moment and said, "You guys here are waiting for me. I'll go get that thing first."

Leading everyone forward, the speed is still too slow.

Although in his opinion, Sunan was most likely dead, in order to prevent accidents, he decided to go and take a look alone first.

they do not know.

At this time, Sunan's eyes couldn't help but light up as he looked at the predicted information on the panel.

In the premonition, his luck came into play again.

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