I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 209 The Unavoidable Digong Temple

[You know, there is a demon king waiting for you outside the land of Shenxu. You dare not leave easily, so you have to continue to explore the depths of the land of Shenxu. 】

[Even though this is the outskirts of the Shenxu Land, you don’t dare to be careless at all and be prepared to take action at any time. 】

[After one minute, you are not in danger, so be careful and continue moving forward. 】

[Two minutes later, after climbing over a hillside, you were very unlucky and encountered a group of soul-eating monsters. 】

[There are seven or eight soul-eating demons in this group, including three at the peak of the Xuan level. Facing them, you have to use all your vitality and essence to add to the power of your soul. 】

[Unfortunately, the soul-eating demon is an aggregation of remnant souls and is extremely immune to the power of the soul. Your power of the soul is still a bit lacking. You have to choose to use the power of the imperial system and the power of the physical system. 】

[For these incorporeal beings, the power of the physical system below the king level has no effect on them. Only the power of the imperial system can have a certain effect, but without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the effect is not very great. . 】

[During the battle, your soul power was gradually swallowed by the soul-eating demon. 】

[Three minutes later, you died, your soul was devoured by the soul-eating demon and you died. 】

[Before you die, you realize that the power of your soul is too weak here. You must find a way to increase the power of your soul, otherwise it will be difficult for you to go deep into this strange place. 】

"Did you die this time for the first time?"

Sunan's heart sank.

If it were elsewhere, with the full blessing of the power of vitality and essence, the power of his soul combined with the power of the imperial system, he would definitely be able to easily kill monsters at the peak of the Xuan level.

But here, he was the only one to be killed.

Keep predicting.

[Outside the land of Shenxu, there is a demon king waiting for you. You dare not leave easily, so you have to continue exploring the depths of the land of Shenxu. 】

[You know, if you continue to go deep into the land of Shenxu, you will inevitably encounter soul-eating monsters frequently. You choose to release the avatar and use it to open a path ahead and explore the situation ahead. 】

[You keep a thousand meters distance from your avatar. After one minute, your avatar does not encounter the soul-eating demon. 】

[Two minutes later, your avatar comes to a hillside. You know that if you climb over the hillside in front, you are likely to encounter a soul-eating demon. You decisively choose to take a detour to the left. 】

[Three minutes later, you walked around the hillside. You were very lucky and did not encounter any monsters ahead]

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


Next, Sunan predicted four or five times in succession.

His luck in these predictions was pretty good. Although he also encountered a group of soul-eating monsters, the strongest ones were only at the peak of the spiritual level, and he easily eliminated them.

Moreover, without the advent of the soul, the incarnation is just a tool. Without the soul, even if the soul-eating demon encounters it, the soul-eating demon will have nothing to do with it.

In this way, the avatar has undoubtedly become a human-shaped detector.

Once the avatar discovers the soul-eating demon, the main body immediately changes direction.

With his avatar by his side, his progress was particularly smooth and he successfully avoided several groups of soul-eating monsters.

"Judging from the current situation, the danger here seems to be mainly concentrated on the soul-eating demon."

"As long as we don't encounter a soul-eating demon, there seems to be no other danger, but this situation will definitely not last forever."

"If the danger only comes from the soul-eating demon, then this place is definitely not worthy of being classified as a restricted area for life."

Several successful predictions did not make Sunan relax his vigilance.

He understood that this was just the beginning!

Sure enough, in the seventh prophecy.

A problem occurred!

[Climbing a hill, you suddenly see through the incarnation that a hundred meters ahead is a dilapidated building made of bluestone. 】

[I don’t know how long the building has been in existence. The bluestone on the surface is severely weathered. It can be vaguely seen that it is a temple. 】

[The style of the temple is not unique to this era. You may guess that it is a building left over from ancient times. 】

[You are curious and want to see this ancient building. 】

[Control the avatar and approach the temple carefully. After a minute, when you arrive in front of the temple, you see that it is a Digong Temple. 】

[The Digong Temple is in a dilapidated state, half of it has collapsed. Even the Digong statue in it only has half of its body left, and its surface is covered with thick dust. 】

[What makes you strange is that through the remaining half of the statue, you find that the statue is very different from the normal statue. Unfortunately, there are too few remaining parts of the statue, only the lower body, so you cannot determine the specific difference. 】

[You control the avatar to enter the Digong Temple and explore the Digong Temple. After two minutes, you find nothing, so you continue to control the avatar to move forward. 】

[However, when your body climbed over the hill and saw the Digong Temple, you did not realize that the Digong Temple you saw in your body was completely different from the Digong Temple you saw in your incarnation. 】

[In the eyes of your true body, although the Digong Temple is simple, it is not dilapidated. It is a complete temple. You are not aware of all the abnormalities and continue walking towards the Digong Temple. 】

[When your body comes to the Digong Temple, you see a kind-faced old man enshrined in the Digong Temple. 】

[You can't help but walk into the Digong Temple and bow to the Digong statue. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Is he dead now?"

Sunan was shocked and confused. What the body saw was different from what the incarnation saw?

It was clear that there was nothing wrong with his incarnation entering the Digong Temple, but when it was his turn to return to his true form, something went wrong.


"What I saw with my body was an illusion!"

Sunan thought of a possibility.

Only this possibility can explain the situation in foreknowledge.

Illusions are constructed with the power of the soul. The incarnation does not have a soul, so it is naturally immune to illusions.

But his original body cannot. This is obviously the fundamental reason why there is a difference between the incarnation and the original body.

"In the end, I was controlled to worship the statue and then died. So what happened?"

Sunan couldn't help but think secretly.

He couldn't help but think of the previous situation at the Chenghuang Temple in Tianyun City.

In the foreknowledge of the City God's Temple, he also had a situation where he was killed after worshiping the statue of the City God.

Now he died inexplicably, which made him doubt whether there was a powerful soul-eating demon in the Digong Temple.

"One is the City God Temple and the other is the Digong Temple. Are there any connections between the two?"

Suddenly, Su Nan thought of a bold possibility.

But unfortunately, there was too little information, and he was not sure.

"There is probably more than one place like this Digong Temple in this sacred ruins. If I can't figure out what caused it, I might be tricked again next time I encounter it."

After thinking for a moment, Su Nan did not try to avoid the Digong Temple like the soul-eating demon, but decided to find out what the Digong Temple was about.

He did not continue to predict immediately.

On his panel, there are only seventeen predictions left.

After a slight hesitation, he decided to approach the temple in the predicted way first.

He had predicted seven times in a row just now before walking to the temple.

Continue to predict here. Even if the number of predictions consumed will be reduced because you have already walked through it once, it will still take at least four or five predictions to reach the Digong Temple.

If he still fails to figure out the situation in Digong Temple this time, he will still waste several predictions next time.

Don't say that he doesn't have many predictions now. Even if he still has sixty predictions, he can't withstand such consumption.

With the decision made, Sunan followed the predicted method and controlled the avatar to open the way in front, while he followed the avatar far behind.

Just when he released the avatar, outside the land of the gods, the White Water Demon King immediately noticed the mark on the avatar, and couldn't help but have doubts in his eyes.

"There are a few more marks. They are from another alien. Strange, why is there suddenly an extra alien?"

The White Water Demon King was puzzled and couldn't figure out how another alien visitor who obtained a magic weapon appeared.

A moment later, he felt that two extraterrestrial visitors were heading towards the depths of the Divine Ruins, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"It's interesting. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but they still don't know what they are getting into."

"I would like to see how far you can go."

Ten minutes later, Sunan stopped in front of a desolate hill.

At this time he had advanced dozens of miles.

As long as you climb over the hill in front of you, you can see the Digong Temple in the prediction.

Not daring to go any further, he began to predict.

[Control the avatar and come to the temple. You know that the dilapidated temple in front of you is not as simple as it seems, and there are unknown dangers. 】

[You control the avatar to enter the temple and search carefully in the temple, trying to find something unusual. 】

[Two minutes later, you searched through most of the temple and found nothing unusual. 】

[Three minutes later, you searched the entire temple and still found nothing. 】

[You were unwilling to leave just now, and you became furious and decided to control the avatar to completely destroy the temple. 】

[However, the moment you took action to destroy the temple, the ruined temple changed dramatically, and a terrifying aura rose. 】

[The next moment, your incarnation is killed, and the most primitive magic power returns to your body. 】

[At the end of your avatar being killed, you heard a mechanical voice without emotion. 】

[Those who destroy the temple will die! 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"The avatar was killed?"

Su Nan was shocked. His incarnation was made of lapis lazuli that contained immortal power and was indestructible.

Even in the City God's Temple, the king-level sacrificial demon's soul was condensed from the virtual reality with a sword that could severely damage the incarnation at most.

But now, just because he destroyed the Digong Temple, he was killed!

I can't imagine how powerful the final explosion of the Digong Temple was.

"It can't be destroyed by the incarnation, nor can it be seen by the main body. If I can't offend it, how can I still hide it?"

Without further prediction, Sunan gave up on the idea of ​​​​finding out the Digong Temple.

Decisively choose to take a detour.

[You know that there are unknown dangers ahead, and you decide to take a detour. You control your avatar to go to the left, wanting to take a detour from the left. 】

[One minute later, you are not in danger. 】

[Two minutes later, through your incarnation, you suddenly see that a hundred meters ahead is a dilapidated building made of bluestone. 】

[I don’t know how long the building has been in existence. The bluestone on the surface is severely weathered. It can be vaguely seen that it is a temple, that it is a Digong Temple. 】

"Di Gong Temple? Why did you meet Di Gong Temple again?"

"There are so many Digong temples here?"

Sunan was surprised and continued reading.

However, the information in the prediction made him completely change his expression.

[You become curious about the Digong Temple and control your avatar to walk towards the Digong Temple. After a while, your avatar arrives in front of the Digong Temple. 】

[The Digong Temple is in a dilapidated state, half of it has collapsed. Even the Digong statue in it only has half of its body left, and its surface is covered with thick dust. 】

[The strange thing is, through the remaining half of the statue, you find that the statue is very different from the normal statue. Unfortunately, there are too few remaining parts of the statue, only the lower body, so you cannot determine the specific differences. 】

"C-could this Digong Temple be the same one as before?"

Seeing the same prophetic message as before, Sunan's face was gloomy, and he suddenly had a bad feeling!

[You did not enter the Digong Temple, but decisively controlled the incarnation to return, intending to move in another direction. 】

[Three minutes later, you return to the hill where you started. This time you choose to go around it from the right. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[One minute later, you are not in danger. 】

[Two minutes later, through your incarnation, you suddenly see that a hundred meters ahead is a dilapidated building made of bluestone. It is a Digong Temple! 】

[The Digong Temple gives you a very familiar feeling. Just from the appearance, it is exactly the same as the one you just encountered! 】

[You have a vague suspicion in your mind, but in order to verify your guess, you still control the avatar and continue to move forward. 】

[You soon arrived in front of the Digong Temple. Through your incarnation, you saw that the Digong Temple was dilapidated and half of it had collapsed. Even the Digong statue in it only had half of its body left, and its surface was covered with thick dust. 】

[This Digong Temple is exactly the same as the one you encountered before. At this moment, you can already be sure that you are not encountering two similar Digong Temples, but the same one. 】


Seeing this, Sunan took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

The thing he didn't want to see happened the most. The three Digong temples he encountered were not similar, but the same one.

What does this mean?

It means that he is haunted by the weird Digong Temple!

This has confirmed him, and he is not going to let him go.

[You control the avatar to enter the Digong Temple and want to try to destroy the Digong Temple again. 】

[However, the moment you took action to destroy the temple, the ruined temple changed dramatically, and a terrifying aura rose. 】

[The next moment, your incarnation is killed, and the most primitive magic power returns to your body. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"What's going on with the Digong Temple? How can it appear in different locations?"

"Could it be that from beginning to end, everything I saw was an illusion, including what the incarnation saw was fake?"

The current situation is too weird. Sunan has never heard of a temple appearing in different places.

"I wonder if the eldest princess knows what is going on?"

Su Nan thought of the eldest princess in the Qiankun Ring.

The eldest princess has also entered here, maybe she knows what is going on.

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