I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 210 The strangeness in the land of Shenxu

The eldest princess came with the Demon Emperor of the Sirius clan last time. Even if the eldest princess didn't know the situation in this sacred ruins, the Demon Emperor should also know.

Moreover, the eldest princess also encountered ruins and was injured in them. He would not believe it if he said that the eldest princess had no idea about the strangeness of these ancient buildings.

But before that, he planned to try again.

There was one more trick he didn't use.

The heavens are moved!

In the previous prediction, he had always wanted to avoid the Digong Temple and did not use the Heavenly Teleportation. This time he planned to try to use the Heavenly Teleportation.

"Today's opportunity to use the teleportation of the heavens has been consumed twice, and there is only one left. I hope it will be useful!"

Precognition begins again.

[You know, there are unknown dangers ahead, you plan to use the heavens to move directly over it]

[The heavens move and use it, and the next moment you cross the hill and are two thousand meters away. 】

[Looking around quickly, to your delight, you didn’t see any temples or other buildings around you. 】

"Did you make it?"

Su Nan's eyes showed anticipation.

However, the next prediction made his face darken.

[You control the avatar to move forward, and the body follows the avatar a thousand meters behind. 】

[A minute later, through the incarnation, you suddenly see a dilapidated ancient temple appearing a hundred meters in front of you. It is the Digong Temple. 】

"Why did it appear again!" Su Nan looked ugly.

The inexhaustible movement of the heavens has failed here. This is the first time this has happened.

The next prediction is the same as before.

He tried changing direction, but to no avail.

"Is the distance I moved too short? If I could move farther, would it be effective?"

With a thought in his heart, he took out the magical fragments that the Tianyun County Sheriff had given him before.

Three fragments, one piece short of the four needed to improve his magical power again.

This is quite simple.

Switch the character to Lang Shisan, and the contribution mall appears in front of you.

The last purchase of ancient fairy blood cost 6,000 points, and now Lang Shisan's contribution is only over 9,000 points.

[Do you want to consume 1499 contribution points to exchange for a magic fragment? 】


[Congratulations, you have successfully redeemed a magical fragment, and the item has been sent to your personal space. 】

The personal space was opened, and Sunan quickly took out the magical fragments.

The four pieces of magical power were gathered together, and his eyes fell on the magical power.

[Do you want to consume four magical fragments to move the heavens to the third level? 】


[Congratulations, your magical power has been upgraded to the third level. The number of daily uses will be increased by one, and the maximum movement distance will be increased by one thousand meters. 】

"Another thousand meters more! In this way, we can move six thousand meters in two opportunities. This time it should be almost the same."

A smile appeared on Sunan's lips.

Now his Heavenly Movement can move three thousand meters at a time, and he can use it four times a day, which is already very good.

Life-saving means have been improved again.

Looking at the magical power again, a prompt popped up:

[Do you want to consume 8 magical power fragments to increase the magical power and move the heavens to the fourth level? 】

[You have insufficient magical power fragments and cannot continue to improve. 】

"Has it doubled again?"

Sunan nodded, no surprise.

From two to four to eight, the number of magical fragments required keeps doubling.

"After this time, there is no need to improve the magical power of moving the heavens."

Sunan does not plan to continue to improve the Heavenly Movement, even if he has enough magical fragments, he will not improve.

The current ability to move the heavens is enough. If it is improved, the price/performance ratio will not be high.

If he could still get fragments of magical powers, he might as well find a way to get a new magical power to improve it.

Precognition begins again.

[The heavens move and use it. You come three thousand meters away. Looking around, you don't see any trace of ancient buildings. Instead, you find a group of soul-eating monsters. 】

[Ignore the group of soul-eating monsters and use Heavenly Movement again. 】

[The next moment, you come to a rocky beach and look around. It is extremely quiet and there is no danger. 】

[Release the external avatar and continue to control the avatar to explore the road ahead. A minute later, through the avatar, you suddenly see a dilapidated ancient temple appearing a hundred meters in front of you. It is a Digong Temple. 】

"Here we go again! Are you really not going to let me go?"

Sunan's heart sank to the bottom.

The heavens were moved twice, covering a total distance of six thousand meters.

He would understand if he was haunted by monsters.

But now he was entangled in a lifeless dilapidated building, and he really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I have no choice but to hope that the eldest princess knows."

This time, Su Nan did not predict it, but directly descended on the avatar, used the avatar to penetrate the power of the soul into the Qiankun Ring, and talked directly with the eldest princess.

The number of predictions is limited, so save when you can.

It would be best if we could get the information without releasing the eldest princess. If we couldn't get it, we could only continue to predict.

"Have you entered the land of the gods?"

As soon as the soul penetrated the Qiankun Ring, the eldest princess's question rang out in the Qiankun Ring.

"Yes, I was chased by a demon king at the peak of the demon king. I used the teleportation stone and mistakenly entered the land of the gods."

Sunan didn't hide anything and gave a rough summary of the current situation.

"I'm in trouble now. My way forward is blocked by a Digong temple. I want to know, what's going on with that Digong temple?"

"Di Gong Temple? You can only encounter that kind of thing if you go deep into the land of Shenxu. You have already gone deep into the land of Shenxu?" Hearing this, the eldest princess' pretty face sank, a little unbelievable.

This is not good news for her. The land of Shenxu is extremely dangerous. If you go deep into the land of Shenxu, you may not know how you die in the end.

"With your strength, how did you avoid those soul-eating monsters?" The eldest princess was curious.

From the strength of Sunan's soul power, she can judge Sunan's general strength.

In her opinion, with Sunan's strength, it would be good to be able to wander around the outer reaches of the Shenxu Land, but it would be impossible to go deep into the Shenxu Land.

Even in her current state, even if she leaves the Qiankun Ring and wants to leave the land of Shenxu safely, she can only rely on luck.

"It's just my luck." Naturally, it was impossible for Sunan to say that he had foresight.

"Good luck?" The eldest princess was silent, wondering what she was thinking.

After a moment, she continued: "If you let me go, I will tell you!"

As predicted, the eldest princess's conditions did not change and she still asked Sunan to release her.

Naturally, it was impossible for Su Nan to agree: "I advise you to give up this unrealistic idea and let you go. What's the difference between me and committing suicide?"

The eldest princess sneered: "Then prepare to wait for death!"

Su Nan was not in a hurry and said: "You should be aware of the dangers in the land of Shenxu. As far as I know, if I, the caster, die, you, the one being casted, will not have an easy time either."

"If I die, let's not talk about whether you will be trapped in this Qiankun Ring forever. Even in your current state, I'm afraid you will definitely get more injured."

Since the blood symbiosis technique is called symbiosis, it naturally has constraints on both the performers. Whether the death of the performer or the death of the person being performed will have a great impact on the other party.

The reason why he was able to become the guest in the first place had a lot to do with his suicide, which caused the magic to backfire on the eldest princess.

"Hmph! Although I don't know how you changed the blood symbiosis technique, but if you want to use this to threaten me, then you have made the wrong calculation." The eldest princess' voice was cold and she had no intention of letting go.

Sunan was silent and could only look at the panel, preparing to use Predict the Future.

However, at this moment, the eldest princess didn't know what she thought of, and she said loosely: "I need some items to restore life. If you can find them, I can't tell you what I know."

An item that restores life?

Su Nan understood what the eldest princess wanted to do.

The eldest princess is of the secret power system, so like him, she can naturally convert vitality into the power of essence, and then use the power of essence to quickly recover from injuries.

"Okay!" Su Nan didn't hesitate too much and gave a bottle of life-sustaining pill to the eldest princess.

Now in this weird land of gods, it is very likely that the eldest princess will be needed. It would be best if the relationship can be improved a little now.

The eldest princess received the life-sustaining pill and felt the rich vitality in the life-sustaining pill. Her eyes showed joy and she said: "I have only entered the land of Shenxu once, and my understanding of the land of Shenxu is limited."

"In the land of the gods, there is a strange phenomenon called strange ruins. Here we often encounter some ancient temples, shrines and other architectural ruins that existed in ancient times."

"Those ancient temples and shrines do not always exist in a certain place, but appear randomly with no rules."

"This type of building is taboo in this land of gods. It is a place that must not be entered. Once you enter, the result may be that the soul is swallowed by an unknown existence, and eventually becomes a walking corpse without a soul."

Randomly? How is that done?

Sunan was surprised. He couldn't understand how a building appeared randomly.

"In fact, many people who enter the land of Shenxu know this taboo, but knowing it does not mean that they will actually follow it."

"Some people enter the land of gods just to hunt for treasures. Naturally, they will not let go of those ancient temples and shrines. And there are still some people who are influenced by the power of ancient temples and shrines and enter unknowingly. in."

Sunan nodded.

Obviously, he belongs to the latter.

"If it's the former, then it's either a person of high skill who is bold, or he is seeking his own death."

"If it's the latter, it's a dead end. Being able to be affected by the power of ancient temples and temples means that you can't resist the remaining power of those ancient temples and temples. Entering them will naturally lead to death."

"You just encountered an ancient temple and haven't entered it yet. There is still room for recovery. As long as you don't get close to the ancient temple and walk in another direction, it will be fine."

Can you get away from Digong Temple by walking in other directions?

Sunan frowned.

The method mentioned by the eldest princess was obviously different from the situation he encountered.

If he could get away by changing the direction, he wouldn't come to ask the eldest princess.

"If we change the direction, we can't get rid of it?" Sunan said solemnly.

"Can't get rid of it?" The eldest princess was slightly surprised and said: "You have tried to change the direction, but you still can't rely on the ancient temple?"

"Yes." Su Nan nodded and roughly explained what happened just now.

The eldest princess was silent, and after a moment she said calmly: "You are dead."

Hearing this, Su Nan's heart sank and he immediately asked, "What do you mean?"

The eldest princess said: "The phenomenon you are talking about is an extremely rare phenomenon, and only a very few people may encounter it."

"The Land of the Gods has existed since ancient times. Countless powerful people have entered and explored it, but only a few have been recorded to have encountered your current situation."

"And those people's final endings were not good, and they were not able to get out of the land of the gods."

"All dead?" Su Nan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

This was the last thing he wanted to see.

"No one knows why."

The eldest princess shook her head: "Under normal circumstances, if you want to avoid entering those ancient temples under the influence, you only need to have a strong enough soul power."

"But judging from your current situation, it's obviously not just that the power of the soul is too weak."

Under normal circumstances, can one get rid of it as long as the power of the soul is strong enough?

Sunan's heart moved.

Looking at the precognition on the panel, he planned to be a dead horse and become a living doctor, trying to use the power of vitality and essence to add all the power of the soul to the power of the soul in the precognition.

It's a pity that in order to deal with the fast monsters that captured him, he used the Starlight Nether Body.

The side effects of the Starlight Nether Body are the same as those of the Mad Nether Body. The essence, vitality, and soul are reduced by half within a day.

This half reduction is the upper limit of his three powers and the power of the three powers.

Even if there is life force to transform the essence, it cannot be restored.

[You know, once you climb over the hill in front of you, you will encounter a strange phenomenon in the land of the gods. Due to the influence of unknown luck, you will be entangled in the ancient temple left behind by the "Heavenly Kingdom of Gods" . 】

[I learned from the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe that the powerful power of the soul may be able to compete with the power of the ancient temple. You plan to try to add the power of vitality and essence to the soul. 】

[You and your incarnation climbed over the hill together. Sure enough, you saw a dilapidated ancient building a hundred meters away from you. 】

"Unknown luck? Are you affected by unknown luck again?"

"What kind of luck is preventing me?"

As soon as the prediction started, the content of the prediction made Sunan's expression change again.

Perhaps because of his better understanding of the land of Shenxu this time, the precognition finally gave him a hint, telling him that all this was due to the influence of unknown luck.

But not only did this not help, it only made him more confused.

He couldn't figure out what kind of luck was affecting him.

Being affected by unknown luck twice in succession, Sunan had a bad feeling.

He had a feeling that maybe in this land of gods, he would encounter a steady stream of strange things because of his unknown fate!

[You add all the power of your vitality and essence to the power of your divine soul. Your divine soul's power skyrockets, comparable to that of a mid-level Xuan-level demon who uses the power of your divine soul. 】

[Unfortunately, your soul power is still too weak. When you passed the Digong Temple, you couldn't help but walk towards the Digong Temple. 】

[You come to the Digong Temple and bow to the Digong statue. 】

【you are dead. 】

[Your soul was swallowed by an unknown existence and became a walking corpse. 】

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