As expected, the third part of the ceremony required confronting the bride who was suspected of worshiping a demon.

It is basically certain that this god-sacrifice demon must be an existence beyond the king level!

However, it is restricted by the rules of the ritual and cannot be taken lightly.

"It is simply unrealistic to confront the bride head-on. The only thing we can count on now is the rules of the ceremony."

"The bride didn't attack me immediately. She was probably restricted by the rules. She can only take action under certain circumstances, such as when I wanted to escape."

Looking at the content of the prediction, Sunan quickly thought of a solution.

"Keep predicting."

[You did not follow the rules of the ceremony, and finally gave the bride, who had been unable to take action due to the rules, a chance to take action. 】

[Your soul was attacked and you lost consciousness. You wanted to take back the soul in the incarnation, but found that that part of the soul was forcibly extracted from the incarnation body by some force. 】

[You realized something was wrong and wanted to use the connection with the avatar to control the avatar. However, at this moment, your body suddenly saw a bride wearing wedding clothes and a red hijab appearing between you and the eldest princess. forward. 】

[Unfortunately, the bride followed the luck connection between the incarnation and your body and found your body. 】

[You were shocked and wanted to run away, but it was already too late. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Unfortunately, although you successfully passed the first two parts of the ceremony, you failed in the third part. You missed an unknown opportunity. 】

"As expected! The bride didn't take action immediately because she was restricted by the rules of the ceremony!"

The first piece of predicted information confirmed his previous guess.

Needless to say, the ceremony must require him to lift the bride's hijab at a specified time, and there may be other unknown rules after that.

Only by following the ritual rules step by step can the bride have no chance of taking action against him.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's safe as long as he follows the ritual's steps.

On the contrary, this third part must be the same as before, with dangers in every step, and it will definitely be more dangerous than the first two parts. Otherwise, it would not be called a fatal situation.

"Then the bride can actually find my true body through luck? Her ability seems to be related to luck."

Sunan couldn't help but guess, with a solemn expression.

The danger before was, at most, his incarnation being bombarded and killed, but in this third part, the danger has already found his body.

This time he had to be more careful.

"Complete the three parts of the ritual to get an opportunity? What kind of opportunity is that?"

Seeing the last information, Sunan couldn't help but guess.

The reason why he is trying to find a way to break the ritual now is just to get rid of the temple and continue deep into the land of the gods. If he can get the opportunity, that would be the best.

However, judging from the current situation, it is a bit difficult.

"Keep predicting!"

He did not stop and started again with a new prediction.

This time he planned to follow the ritual and see what would happen in the end.

[After a while, two boys and girls took you to a carefully decorated wedding room. The two boys and girls left, leaving you and the bride in the room. 】

[Looking at the bride sitting by the bed, you did not hesitate and decisively stepped forward and lifted the red hijab on her head. 】

[The moment the hijab is lifted, to your surprise, what you see in your eyes is not a weird and terrifying-looking sacrificial demon, but a beautiful face. 】

[That face feels a little familiar to you. After a moment of thought, you recognize that the face is very similar to the statue of the God of Joy. 】

[It’s just that for some reason, you found that the skin on that face was crystal clear, like a crystal, which was different from human beings. It was actually somewhat similar to those giant weirdos you saw in the memories of Di Gong and Kitchen King before they died. 】

"How similar is it to those weirdos? What's going on?"

Sunan was surprised. Unfortunately, the clues given by the prediction were too few and it was impossible to guess more information.

[The bride looks at you with a smile on her lips. The next moment, you suddenly realize that the life wheel in your body is running crazily, several times faster than before. 】

[You have a feeling that if the power to extract your luck continues to increase, your Life Wheel Sutra may no longer be able to block the power to extract your luck. 】

[After a few breaths, the life wheel meridian in your body finally slowly stopped, and your luck did not decrease at all. 】

"Blocked again!" Su Nan was overjoyed.

Obviously, there are three parts to the ritual, and one part is more powerful than the other part in extracting luck and longevity.

Unfortunately, in the end, his Life Wheel Sutra was superior.

"If this can continue like this, as long as I follow the ritual rules, it doesn't seem to be a big problem."

"I just don't know if the Life Wheel Sutra will be able to withstand it if this continues?"

Sunan was a little worried.

Even if the Life Wheel Sutra has a special effect on luck, it must have its limits. The current crazy far rotation is a good illustration.

He regrets a little now, regretting that he chose to consume demonic power and promoted Zhang Yang to Xuan level.

Zhang Yang's breakthrough didn't have much effect on him here, but with those demon powers left, he was not far away from the 500 points of demon power he needed to upgrade the Life Wheel Sutra.

At this time, his Life Wheel Sutra is only at the second level. If he can raise it to another level, he will be absolutely foolproof in dealing with the next situation!

[Your Life Wheel Sutra once again blocks the power that wants to extract your luck. The bride still has not been able to extract your luck. Her beautiful face has become ferocious, and her eyes looking at you are cold and terrifying. 】

[At this time, you don’t know if it was an illusion, but you discovered that there were some changes in the bride’s appearance, but you couldn’t tell what the changes were. 】

[Due to the rules of the ceremony, the bride cannot attack you directly. 】

[After a while, the bride's expression returned to calm. She stood up, took the initiative to take the wine glass on the table not far away, poured two glasses of wine respectively, and then handed one of them to you. 】

[You know, this bride who looks like the God of Joy wants to have a drink with you. 】

[You dare not violate the rules of the ceremony. Without hesitation, you immediately took the wine glass, crossed your arms with the bride, and drank all the wine in the glass. 】

[However, at the moment when you drink a glass of wine, the life wheel in your body is running wildly again, at an unprecedented speed. Your body is bearing a huge load and is at risk of being torn to pieces at any time. 】

"The power to extract luck has increased again!"

"No wonder it is called a fatal situation. No matter how much luck there is, after these three parts of the ceremony, the luck will have been drained long ago!"

Sunan's face looked ugly. It was obvious that his Life Wheel Sutra had reached its limit. If he continued, he might not be able to bear it anymore.

[Once again, your luck and longevity have not been extracted. The bride's face is ferocious, her beautiful face has become distorted, and her eyes looking at you are filled with murderous intent. 】

[The bride asked you how you resisted her power. You ignored the bride and waited for the next ceremony. 】

[Congratulations, you have finally reached the final step after going through a series of rituals. As long as you complete the final bridal chamber with the bride within the next five hours, you will be the first to complete this ritual. 】

"Are you going to have a wedding in the end?"

Sunan sighed, a little helpless.

Fortunately, the person he was about to have sex with was a beautiful woman, not a weird-looking demon.

Moreover, even if he really wants to have a bridal chamber, it will be his incarnation, not his true body, which makes him more or less acceptable.

At this time, he thought of another question, which was strange again.

"This last part seems a lot easier than I thought."

He had thought that something terrible would happen when he faced the bride in the last part, but what happened now was unexpected.

Of course, this is only for him.

The combination of his Life Wheel Sutra and the incarnation just restrained the power of the ritual. If it had been anyone else, they would have been drained of luck or longevity and died.

"Whatever, as long as the final ceremony can be completed, the bridal chamber doesn't matter."

[You wait for the bride to make a move. However, the ferocity on the bride's face disappears, but she looks at you with a sneer and makes no further moves. 】

[You don’t dare to be moved easily, so you have to keep an eye on the bride and be prepared to deal with any situation at any time. 】

[Two minutes later, the bride is still looking at you with a sneer, without making any move. 】

[After three minutes, you don’t know what to do and can only continue to wait. 】

"Is this... asking me to be hard?"

Sunan looked strange. The occurrence of this situation was beyond his expectation.


[You know, the next step is probably the last step of the ceremony. As long as you complete the bridal chamber with the bride, the ceremony will be completely completed. 】

[It’s just that the bride obviously doesn’t want to cooperate with you, so you have no choice but to wait patiently. 】

[After a minute, you suspect that if you continue to wait, you may miss the ceremony time, and you start to feel anxious. 】

[After two minutes, you didn’t dare to wait any longer and finally walked towards the bride. 】

[Seeing your actions, the bride's face showed sarcasm, and she disappeared. When she reappeared, she was standing behind you. 】

[The bride doesn’t want you to complete the ceremony, and you are even more anxious. Knowing that you want to have a bridal chamber with the bride, you have to try to catch the bride. 】

[You took action against the bride, but the moment you took action, your soul was attacked and you lost consciousness. 】

[Your body realized something was wrong and wanted to take back the soul in the incarnation, but found that that part of the soul was forcibly extracted from the body of the incarnation by some force. 】

[The next moment, your body suddenly saw a bride dressed in wedding clothes appearing in front of you and the eldest princess. 】

[Unfortunately, the bride followed the luck connection between the incarnation and your body and found your body. 】

[You want to escape, but it's too late. 】

【you are dead! 】

"What happened? Did I break the rules of the ritual?"

"You can't use power? Or you can't try to force a bridal chamber?"

When the prediction ended, Sunan's heart sank.

There was no doubt that something went wrong at the last step.

Now he finally understood why no one could complete this ritual for so many years.

Even if all the previous steps are completed, as long as the bride is unwilling to enter the bridal chamber, everything will be in vain!

In the face of such rules, it is impossible to complete the ceremony.

"This is going to be difficult!"

Sunan frowned.

Although I don’t know what impact the completion of the ceremony will have on the bride, I can be sure that it will definitely not be a good thing.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for the bride to actively cooperate with him to complete the ceremony. He does not have that ability.

This is simply an unexplainable ritual!

"What will happen if I keep spending time with the bride? Will I die because I can't complete the ceremony?" He thought of another question.

Judging from the previous situation, the ceremony requires the cooperation of both parties, and this has always been the case before.

However, at the last step, the bride refused to cooperate. Does this count as a violation of the rules of the ceremony?

Su Nan's heart moved, and she suddenly wanted to know the answer to this question.

Unfortunately, the time given to him for the last step was too long. Five hours, which was ten hours, was impossible to predict again and again. He did not have that many predictions.

If he wants to know the result, he can only use death prediction.

His eyes fell on the death prediction on the panel, and a prompt popped up:

[You know, if you continue to go deep into the land of Shenxu, you will encounter a Temple of Happiness. If you want to get rid of the Temple of Happiness, you can only complete the rituals in the Temple of Happiness. Although you have found a way to complete the first few steps, you have not Don't know how to complete the last step. 】

[You realize that you are likely to die in the last step of the ritual. Do you need to spend a certain number of predictions to predict the situation three minutes before your death in the future? 】


Sunan chose to predict without thinking.

He stared at the remaining prediction times and saw that ten prediction times were consumed in an instant!

"ten times?"

Sunan was not surprised but happy.

Last time I could predict what would happen a day and night twenty times, so now ten times, I should be able to predict what would happen twelve hours later, right?

The time limit for the last step of the ritual is ten hours. Does this mean that he did not die due to the failure of the ritual in the end?

[You passed a temple of happiness. Although you successfully completed the ritual, it also caused changes in the land of the gods. 】

[A ray of light appeared deep in the land of Shenxu, attracting the White Water Demon King and three other demon kings who were originally watching outside the land of Shenxu. The four demon kings entered the land of Shenxu. 】

[Because you completed the ritual of the Temple of Joy, this strange temple that once blocked countless monsters and warriors became ordinary and did not appear in front of several demon kings. 】

[Three of the demon kings went straight to the depths of Shenxu, while the white water demon king came straight to you to catch you. 】

"Successful? How did I successfully complete the ritual?"

"Did I really have a bridal chamber with that bride in the end?"

As soon as the prediction started, the answer Sunan wanted was revealed.

Su Nan was surprised and happy. He wanted to see how he would die in the end, but he didn't expect to get the answer that the ceremony was successful.

I was surprised, and my heavy mood instantly relaxed.

No matter what happened in the middle, whether he had a bridal chamber with the weird bride or not, as long as the final ceremony could be completed successfully, that would be fine.

"Besides the White Water Demon King, there are three other demon kings outside the Land of Gods? It seems that they were attracted by the golden light from before."

Sunan was not too surprised this time that the completion of the ritual would cause changes in the land of the gods.

Obviously, his completion of the rituals of the Temple of Joy made his connection with the destiny of the Incense Shinto even closer, reaching certain conditions that were enough to cause changes in the destiny of the Shinto.

The writing of this part of the plot has been very slow recently. I can only update it once a day. I will speed up the progress and finish writing this part as soon as possible and resume two updates.

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