I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 220 True and False God of Joy

Using death prediction, ten prediction opportunities were consumed, and Sunan got the answer he wanted.

The precognition continues.

[Not long after you left the Temple of Joy, the White Water Demon King caught up with you. You joined forces with the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe, but you were still no match for the White Water Demon King, so you could only run away in confusion. 】

[Finally, relying on the movement of the heavens, after more than an hour of escaping, you arrived at the deepest part of the land of gods and saw the ruins of a huge city. 】

[Outside the ruins, a large number of corpse puppets and soul-eating monsters are wandering, blocking your way. You have no choice but to confront the corpse puppets and soul-eating monsters head-on. 】

[A minute later, the White Water Demon King caught up with you. You were attacked from both sides, so you had to fend off the soul-eating demon and corpse puppet while fighting the White Water Demon King. 】

[Two minutes later, you and the eldest princess were both seriously injured by the White Water Demon King, and your strength was greatly reduced. 】

[Three minutes later, unfortunately, you were seriously injured and killed by a corpse puppet. 】

"It's the White Water Demon King again! The White Water Demon King is really a trouble, and we must find a way to get rid of it."

"Fortunately, the other demon kings were not with the White Water Demon King. Otherwise, even if the heavens moved, they wouldn't be able to escape so easily."

Sunan looked solemn.

However, he was not too worried at this time. Instead, he began to plan how to deal with the White Water Demon King.

Killing the White Water Demon King was something he would never have dared to think about before.

After all, the White Water Demon King is a strong man at the peak of the king level, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the gap between Sunan and him is huge.

Fortunately, this is the land of Shenxu right now.

There is no power of heaven and earth here, and the demon king's strength is greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that he now has the help of the eldest princess.

Although the eldest princess can only display the strength of the early king level now, the eldest princess is of the secret power system and is good at controlling monsters with the power of the soul. This alone can give her many advantages.

"In the prediction of death, I ended up being entangled by many soul-eating monsters and corpse puppets. This problem is not a big problem."

"At worst, I'll log out of the game first, wait for the game to refresh, and then log in again."

"When the number of uses of Heavenly Movement is restored, I can directly use Heavenly Movement to overcome the zombie puppets and soul-eating monsters."

Thinking of this, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the content of the prediction again, with a smile on his lips.

Seeing the joy on Sunan's face, the eldest princess was curious and couldn't help but ask: "What did you find again?"

Sunan smiled and said: "I have found a way to solve the problem of the Temple of Joy."

"Find a way?"

"How is that possible? How did you find it?"

Hearing this, the eldest princess was stunned at first, then reacted and was surprised again. She looked at Sunan's face with doubts written all over it.

Sunan no longer concealed anything this time and said directly: "I have an immortal incarnation that can explore the situation ahead for me in advance."

Judging from the prediction of death, the eldest princess can help him deal with the White Water Demon King. Now the eldest princess has basically been subtly affected by the blood symbiosis technique.

Now I'm afraid that as long as he doesn't make some excessive demands, the eldest princess will agree.

He is not afraid that the eldest princess will betray him now. Instead of letting the eldest princess guess that he can predict unknown things, it is better to let the eldest princess know about the incarnation.

In this way, it can well explain why he can know in advance what he will encounter next every time.

"Incarnation? What is that?" The eldest princess was curious, obviously she had never heard of such a thing as incarnation.

"It's a product of magic condensation."

"Spells?" The eldest princess frowned, then thought of something, and questioned: "Impossible, the human race's spells require the power of the ancient scriptures to be used. Now the human race cannot practice the ancient scriptures at all. How do you have the spells?"

"I am a visitor from outside the world." Sunan said calmly.

There is nothing to hide. There is no way he will stay out of the game forever. If the eldest princess follows him, she will discover this problem sooner or later.

"Visitors from outer space?"

The eldest princess didn't believe it even more, and her eyes were full of doubts: "This is impossible. The aliens have only arrived for more than a month. How could you have cultivated to this level so quickly?"

"I am indeed soliciting customers from outside the world."

Su Nan did not explain much and continued: "I have found a way to solve the problem of the Temple of Joy. The ceremony of the Temple of Joy is indeed divided into three parts. The first part is the worship hall, the second part is the wedding banquet, and the third part is the bridal chamber. "

"Each step of these three parts will extract a lot of luck and longevity from the actor. However, my incarnation is a condensed spell, so there is no longevity, and I also happen to have a way to prevent the luck from being extracted."

"Combining the two, it is very simple to complete the ritual. However, the last step takes five hours to complete. We need to wait now."

While speaking, Sunan had already controlled the avatar to arrive at the Temple of Joy.

The spirit descended on the avatar, and he controlled the avatar to enter the Temple of Joy.

Everything was as predicted. The moment the incarnation entered the Temple of Joy, the soul in the incarnation lost consciousness and woke up again as the groom.

Then, led by the paper puppet boy made of red paper, he walked into the main hall.

"Huh? The groom, someone actually became the groom!"

In the main hall, the three players were among the corpse puppets and soul-eating demons. Apparently there were restrictions imposed by the ritual rules, and the soul-eating demons and corpse puppets did not attack the three of them.

But this is only temporary. Every once in a while, these corpse puppets and soul-eating monsters will riot, and then they will be "cleaned up."

As soon as Sunan's avatar entered the hall, he was naturally noticed by the three people immediately.

The three people immediately realized that someone unlucky like them had entered this temple, and what was even more unlucky was that he became the groom.

The three of them gloated.

However, when they saw the appearance of Sunan's incarnation, they were all stunned.

"Huh? Does the groom look familiar to you?"

"It's Wang Nan! It's the Great God Wang Nan!"

"Yes, it's him. How did he get here and become the groom?"

The three of them were surprised. Before, they were thinking about what would happen if Wang Nan and Zhang Yang came, but they didn't expect that they actually saw Wang Nan now.

"Great, Wang Nan is here, doesn't it mean we are saved?" one of them said excitedly.

However, another person next to him shook his head and said: "Don't have wishful thinking. Those king-level experts have all died here. Not to mention that he, Wang Nan, has not broken through to the Xuan level yet. Even if he breaks through to the Xuan level, it is impossible for him to break through from here." Get out."

Another person echoed: "Yes, it's a pity that the once great god will stay here forever just like us!"

The three of them looked like they were watching a good show, as if they had seen the scene in which Sunan's avatar was drained of his luck and longevity and died.

Several people even started to take screenshots of everything they were seeing and prepare to post them on the forum.

However, as the ceremony progressed, several people were surprised:

"What's going on? Didn't it say that as the ceremony progresses, the bride and groom will be drained of their luck and lifespan and die? Why is he acting like nothing?"

"Did he find a way to break the ritual here?"

"If this is really the case, does that mean we can leave here?"

The three people's eyes lit up, and they all saw the hope of leaving.

This is not over yet.

When the first part of the ceremony ended and the second part of the ceremony began, Su Nan directly attacked the strong man from the Star Pointing Sect and killed the old man with one punch. Several people gasped.

"He, he actually killed that king-level expert?"

"That is a king-level strongman. Even if he doesn't resist, he is definitely not someone who can be killed by ordinary Xuan-level people. How can he be so powerful?"

Several people were stunned by Sunan's strength. When they realized what was happening, they looked at the corpse puppets and soul-eating demons around them. The three of them immediately asked Sunan for help.

Unfortunately, Sunan ignored them at all.

In the end, the three people were cut open and died.

The second part of the ceremony ended, and then Sunan's incarnation was taken to an extremely festive new house.

The third part of the ceremony began.

At this point, even if he knew the final result, Sunan had to be cautious.

After lifting the hijab and sharing a glass of wine, he and the woman who looked exactly like the God of Joy fell silent, and no one made any next move.

In this way, the two sides fell into a confrontation.

Sunan only knew the result, not the process at all, so he simply remained unchanged in response to changes.

At the same time, the main body is also prepared to face emergencies at any time and exit the game at any time.

Fortunately, he thought too much.

For the next time, the two of them lived in peace.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

In the bridal chamber, Sunan was still very energetic and stared at the bride without taking any further action.

During this period, he also predicted it several times.

Trying to escape, trying to leave this new house, all ended in failure.

On the contrary, during the process, he discovered that as time passed, the bride began to become impatient.

"Could it be that, as I thought before, the bride's failure to cooperate with the bridal chamber also violates the rules of the ceremony?" Su Nan thought of a possibility.

In the blink of an eye, another two hours passed.

In the bridal chamber, Su Nan saw that the bride had an obviously irritable look on her eyebrows.

There was even more struggle in his eyes.

"How is this going?"

Sunan's mind was tense, just when he was about to try to predict what would happen next.

Suddenly, the bride calmed down, and the struggle in her eyes disappeared.

The bride looked at Sunan with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred!

Su Nan suddenly felt a pain in his head and his consciousness blurred for a moment.

He was attacked by a spirit!

"How could this happen? Did I break the rules? Or did the bride break the rules?"

Sunan was shocked.

However, this was nothing. What made his face change even more was that not only the consciousness in his incarnation was blurring, but also the consciousness of the original body was blurring!

His incarnation and body were attacked at the same time!

The bride's attack came suddenly, and everything happened in a flash. Even though Sunan had been prepared to take action, he still didn't react.

At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw that the bride's appearance had changed faintly!

The last bit of consciousness disappeared and Sunan fell into a coma.

"What? Great God Wang Nan entered the land of Shenxu? And killed a king-level strongman?"

"Master Wang Nan has gone to the land of Shenxu. Is there really a treasure there?"

In reality, after three players in the Temple of Joy died, they immediately posted everything in the Temple of Joy to the forum.

As soon as the post was posted, it immediately attracted heated discussions from countless players.

Most players have only just learned about the Land of Gods. When they heard that there were treasures appearing, many wanted to take a look, but when they learned that it was a restricted area for life, they gave up.

However, the appearance of Sunan now makes the players who originally gave up get ready to take action again.

"Great God Wang Nan can kill the King Level before he breaks through the Mysterious Level. If he breaks through the Mysterious Level, wouldn't killing the King Level be like killing a chicken?"

Everyone was shocked by Wang Nan's strength, but in a small building, everyone in the Tianming Society looked at the posts on the forum, but they didn't think so:

"It is absolutely impossible for him to be that strong. There is a huge difference between the King level and the Xuan level. How can a small Spirit level be able to kill him?"

"That's right, even if you are a member of the Imperial Law system, your body will not be able to be hurt by a Xuan-level warrior once you reach the King level."

"The fact that he was able to kill the elder of the Star-Starting Sect only shows that there is a big problem with the elder of the Star-Starting Sect. It is very likely that he is not dead at all as stated in the post."

Even with the screenshots sent by three players, several men in black from the Destiny Society did not believe that Sunan could kill the king, and ultimately blamed the problem on the old man from the Star Pointing Sect.

Compared to players, they know the power of the king level best.

In their opinion, if Wang Nan was at the top of the Xuan level, it would not be impossible to kill the King level, but Wang Nan was not at the top of the Xuan level.

in the game.

I do not know how long it has been.

Sunan woke up from her drowsiness.

When he opened his eyes, his expression changed drastically.

In front of him was a new house that was familiar yet unfamiliar.

It is the new room in the Temple of Joy.

However, what is in this new house at this time is not his incarnation, but his true body!

His true body unexpectedly came to the new house without knowing when!

"How did I get here? What happened?"

The incarnation was taken back into his body at some point, and apart from him, the bride was not seen in the new house.

Looking at the time, there are only the last two or three minutes until the end of the ceremony!

"The bride left, but I didn't die. Could it be that the bride and I really had a wedding?" Su Nan was surprised.

The current situation was completely beyond his expectation, and he was eager to know what happened after he fell into coma.

Looking at precognition, he tried to predict the future, hoping to find answers from precognition.

[Wake up in the new room of the Temple of Joy, and you find that your body has arrived in the new room at some point, and your incarnation has been put away instead. 】

[You don’t know what all this is about. Try to find the answer in the new house. Unfortunately, the new house does not have the answer you want. 】

[You carefully recall everything that happened before, and finally focus on the change in the bride's appearance that you last saw before you fell into unconsciousness. 】

[At the end of your unconsciousness, you clearly saw that the crystal-like texture on the bride’s face disappeared and turned into real flesh and blood. 】

[Reflecting carefully, you realize that after you took off the bride's hijab, the bride's appearance also changed, but you didn't realize what had changed at the time. 】

[You don’t know what this means, but you know that such a change definitely doesn’t start when you lift the bride’s hijab. It most likely starts with the first step of the ceremony. 】

[You guess, this is probably related to the fact that the other party did not extract your luck and longevity. 】

[You don’t know that the last bride you saw was the true God of Joy. 】

"The last bride I saw was the God of Joy?"

Su Nan's heart moved, and Mu Ran thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the reason why he was able to complete the ritual was related to the last real God of Joy, and that it was with the help of the God of Joy that he was able to complete it?

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