I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 234 The current situation of players in Zhongtian County

Are all the emperor-level experts in and out?

A prison for out-of-control people?

Tathagata is like this!

Su Nan suddenly understood why he didn't meet anyone who lost control.

But, what does this have to do with solving the problem of his demonic erosion?

"If a warrior loses control, it does not mean that there is no solution. If you are lucky or by chance, it is possible to regain your sanity."

"If the warrior who is about to lose control goes there, there is still a chance of survival. If he doesn't go, once discovered by several major forces, he will be executed."

"Although we don't have many human warriors, hundreds of warriors who are on the verge of losing control are still sent there every year from various major forces."

"After thousands of years of development, it is rumored that the lost land has given birth to its own order, with surviving warriors thriving in it, and forces established in it."

Zhou Lingyin gave an overview of the situation in the Lost Land.

Perhaps because there is no way out, no one knows the specific situation, and Zhou Lingyin knows very little.

Su Nan did not interrupt Zhou Lingyin, but listened silently, waiting for Zhou Lingyin's next words.

"The reason I asked you to go there is because a hundred years ago, a warrior who was infected by demonic energy like you entered the Lost Land. That warrior was infected by demonic energy to a much greater extent than you. "

"However, after the warrior entered the Lost Land, not only did he not lose control, but he solved the problem of demonic energy and even escaped from the Lost Land. He became the only person to escape in the past thousand years."

Has anyone solved the erosion of demonic energy in the Lost Land?

Su Nan's eyes lit up. People who were more serious than him could solve the evil erosion. There was no reason why he, who could predict the future, couldn't solve it.

Sunan couldn't help but asked immediately: "How did that person do it?"

"have no idea."

Zhou Lingyin shook his head: "Not long after the warrior came out of the Lost Land, he went to another forbidden land of life and never came out again."

"Entering another forbidden land again?" Sunan frowned.

It's not enough to escape from one restricted area, but he also wants to enter another restricted area. I don't know whether he should say this is because he is brave, or he is seeking his own death.

"Since you have a way to leave this space, you shouldn't be trapped there. Maybe you can try to find a solution in it."

Sunan nodded.

With a perfect resurrection card, he is not afraid of getting in and out.

If the so-called Lost Land really has a way to deal with demonic energy, it wouldn't be a big deal to go in and explore.

Thinking of this, Sunan had already made a decision.

"When this human crisis mission is over, we will go to the lost place to take a look."

Finally, he had some clues about the problem of demonic energy. He was no longer wandering around like a headless fly, and Su Nan was in a much better mood.

After that, he continued to deal with the marks on his body as planned.

Feeling cruel in his heart, he directly cut off his arm, and then with the help of Zhou Lingyin, erased the mark.

"Senior, see you later!"

After the mark was resolved, Sunan didn't waste any time and immediately chose to commit suicide and leave.

This was his second suicide.

Last time, it was to solve the blood symbiosis technique with the eldest princess.

However, he didn't have a perfect death and resurrection card last time.

Different from the previous death, this time he was not forced to quit the game immediately. His consciousness came to a gray space, and the game prompt appeared in front of him:

[You have died, and the Perfect Death Resurrection Card takes effect passively. Do you want to consume a Perfect Resurrection Card and be resurrected immediately? 】


This is the first time he has used the Perfect Resurrection Card.

Last time, his three characters received a total of 14 perfect resurrection cards. However, because of his ability to predict the future, he has never died once. Now that he uses one, he doesn't feel bad at all.

[Please select the location where you will be resurrected. 】

The second prompt popped up, and a virtual map appeared in front of him. A red line on the map was winding, which was all the places he had visited since entering the game.

Among them, there is an extra small map at the last position of the red line.

Su Nan understood at a glance that it was the map of the space inside the beast's body!

There are two such places, one of which is the Bone Cave in Tianyun County, and the second is the cave space of the ancient strongman in Hongshi Town.

"Can you resurrect directly in these independent spaces? That's not bad."

His eyes scanned the map, thinking about where to choose to resurrect.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to set the resurrection location at the edge of the Divine Ruins.

Lang Shisan's mission is "Escape from the Land of Shenxu". He doesn't know if he has completed the mission if he is resurrected directly outside the Land of Shenxu.

Just in case, he still chose to resurrect outside the land of Shenxu.

His heart moved, and with his confirmation, the light in front of him changed in the next moment, and he suddenly came to a small slope.

This is the first place where he used the teleportation stone to enter the land of Shenxu.

A few minutes later.

Sunan finally stepped out of the land of Shenxu.

At the same time, a message that the task was completed popped up:

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily mission "Escape from the Land of the Gods", and 45 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 231 points]

"Finally out!"

From entering the land of Shenxu to now, more than four days have been wasted.

Fortunately, this trip was very fruitful. Not only did it solve the problem of the mark, it also greatly increased the power of the soul.

The most important thing is that I got a fragment of the sacred artifact, which can be said to be completely worthwhile.

Looking back at the land of Shenxu, Su Nan's eyes moved slightly.

"Now I have a third-grade divine seal and a second-grade divine seal. It is not far away from condensing a fourth-grade divine seal. If I can obtain the remaining divine seals in the ancient city, it should be enough."

Looking at the mission "Ninth Level Ascension to God" on the panel, Sunan secretly made plans.

He cannot pass the test of those ancient temples now, but it does not mean that he will not be able to pass it in the future. When he comes back next time, this task will be completed.

"When I condensed the second-grade divine seal and the third-grade divine seal before, there was golden light and rays of light appearing, but I searched all over the ancient city and could not find the source of the golden light and jade rays of light."

"This shows that this place of God's Ruins is not as simple as what I saw. Maybe there are many hidden things here that I have not discovered."

Su Nan was curious again when he thought of the glow. Unfortunately, he had more important things to do now and he didn't have time to waste here anymore.

Without stopping too much, Sunan headed north after getting his bearings.

As the center of Dongchen State, Zhongtian County is not too far from the other eight counties.

If you want to reach Zhongtian County from Hongshan County, you only need to pass through Wansheng County in the middle.

Sunan hurried on as fast as possible and could reach the destination in just a dozen hours.

However, what he didn't expect was.

Six or seven hours later, when he left Hongshan County and entered Wansheng County, he encountered an accident.

As luck would have it, he was discovered by a demon king.

It was a late-stage king-level demon king.

In the end, Sunan first used the Heavenly Movement and then the Life Wheel Sutra to change his identity into a wolf demon, thus escaping the disaster.

"Bad luck! This is the influence of bad luck!" He understood what was going on.

It stands to reason that there are only a few demon kings like this in any county, and the probability of encountering them is very small, but he happened to encounter them.

There was no other way. To be on the safe side, Sunan could only walk as a wolf demon for the rest of the journey.

Time passed, and more than ten hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The real time has reached eleven o'clock at night, and there are only the last ten minutes left before the game is refreshed.

Finally, before the game was refreshed, he entered the scope of Zhongtian County.

As soon as he entered Zhongtian County, he immediately felt invisible oppression.

Although his strength has not changed, he can clearly feel the difference between this place and other counties.

"The power of the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City here is so strong. It seems that the divine soldiers escorted there have been deployed."

"Eight counties, a total of sixteen magic weapons. If all the magic weapons are deployed, the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City in Zhongtian County may really surpass the complete magic circle and reach unprecedented heights."

"By then, this Zhongtian County will definitely become a forbidden area for monsters. No monster will dare to enter here easily."

Feeling the invisible suppression, Sunan was secretly frightened.

He didn't know how powerful the complete Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden was in ancient times, but he was certain that no matter how powerful the complete Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden was, it would not exceed the effect of eighteen divine weapons gathered in one place!

Entering Zhongtian County, Sunan would naturally no longer look like a monster.

He transformed into an ordinary player, and even wore the pseudo-breath stone he had obtained before, pretending to be a spirit-level player.

Zhongtian County was the location of the imperial city of the Dayu Dynasty. The core place was naturally the imperial city of the Dayu Dynasty. Sunan went straight to the imperial city.

During this period, the game refreshes.

There are only two days left in the countdown to the mission of Humanity Crisis!

Sunan looked at the daily tasks.

After leaving the land of Shenxu, the mission immediately returned to what it was before, focusing on hunting monsters.

Wang Nan's mission is to hunt down mysterious, spiritual, and mortal level monsters.

Zhang Yang's mission is to hunt down king-level, mysterious-level, and spirit-level monsters respectively.

As for Lang Shisan's mission, it all became to hunt and kill players.

[Daily Task 1: Hunt 1 Spirit-level Extraterrestrial Visitor]

Mission difficulty: one star

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power.

[Daily Task 2: Hunt 120 mortal-level extraterrestrial visitors]

Mission difficulty: one star

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power.

[Daily Task Three: Hunt 12 Spirit-level Extraterrestrial Visitors]

Mission Difficulty: Two Stars

Mission reward: 30 points of demon power.

After entering the Xuan level before, he entered the land of Shenxu. The character Lang Shisan had never created a mission to hunt players.

Now this is the first time that the character Lang Shisan has been given such a task since he entered the Xuan level.

120 mortals and 12 spirituals, this number is much higher than before.

"Players are improving too slowly, and I am improving too quickly. This means that players can't keep up with me. The quality is not enough, so I have to rely on quantity."

Sunan understood why the mission changed like this.

Fortunately, there are enough players, so he doesn't have to worry about no players providing him with demonic power.

In the second open beta, there were 800,000 or 900,000 players in Dongchen State. Now most of these players are rushing to Zhongtian County. In this way, it is not difficult to hunt hundreds of players every day.

"The third link of the main line of the Demon Emperor's Wrath has not been completed yet due to the lack of spirit-level players. It should be completed today."

Five days have passed since the last side mission. Those players who were stuck in the mortal level and promoted to the spirit level have accumulated enough demon power, and the spirit level players have begun to appear in a spurt.

On the ranking list, the top six to seven hundred are all spirit-level players!

And the 700 to 5,000 players at this stage are all players who have reached the fourth level of mortal bloodline perfection and are about to enter the spiritual level.

"With this main line complete, it should be refreshed again, but by then, the players I want to hunt will be Xuan-level players."

"In that case, the mission Wrath of the Demon Emperor may not be able to continue in the short term."

Sunan sighed, a little helpless.

At first, he thought that as long as the character Lang Shisan had enough players for him, he would be able to continuously obtain a large amount of demonic power.

Now it seems that he is overthinking.

There is nothing that can be done about it. His strength has improved so fast that other players simply cannot keep up with his speed.

If this continues, by the time he reaches the king level, ordinary players may not even be qualified to contribute demonic power to him.

Zhongtian County is very large, one or two times larger than Tianyun County.

Sunan walked for more than ten hours before finally arriving at a place two to three hundred miles away from the imperial city.

At this point, the number of players is increasing.

When he first entered Zhongtian County, he could only meet some scattered players, but now he met dozens or hundreds of players in groups.

Naturally, these players are looking for monsters and completing daily tasks.

However, with the construction of the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City, the monsters in Zhongtian County have long realized that something is wrong, and most of them have left, with only a small number of monsters remaining.

This creates a phenomenon.

In Zhongtian County, there are few monsters and many players.

The difference between the two is hundreds of times, thousands of times!

Under such circumstances, there are often fights over monsters.

But by chance, Su Nan met him.

On a small road, two teams with hundreds of players attacked each other for a spirit-level monster.

In the end, apparently due to the bad luck, this dispute that had nothing to do with Sunan originally involved Sunan.

Because the two sides were blocking each other, not only were they unable to kill the monster immediately, but they also allowed the monster to escape.

And the monster just happened to come towards Sunan who was passing by.

There is no reason to reject the demon power that comes to your door.

Su Nan slapped him to death with one palm.

5 points of demon power arrived.

However, it didn't matter that he killed the monster, but it made the two teams competing for the monster furious.

"Boy, which guild are you from? Are you tired of living if you dare to steal the prey of our Black Tiger Gang?" one of the leading players shouted.

This is a spirit-level player. In his eyes, Sunan's aura is the same as his, but at the early stage of the spirit-level, and behind him, there are two other spirit-level players and hundreds of mortal-level players, so he will naturally not be afraid. Sunan.

"Since you are also at the spirit level, I won't make it difficult for you. Just give me the monster's body and you can leave."

Hearing this, the other team was unhappy, and the leading player said: "Our Yaoguang Society discovered this monster first, and none of you can take it away."

The two sides got into a dispute again.

Sunan didn't want to pay attention and raised her legs to continue leaving.

However, the next moment he was stopped.

"Boy, if you leave before I even let you go, you are not giving me the respect of the Black Tiger Club!"

"You want to leave after taking things from my Yaoguang Guild. You stay here!"

The leading players of the two teams took action to block Sunan's way.

Seeing this, Sunan's face suddenly turned cold. He lowered his raised steps and looked at the two teams again, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Since you want to give me demon power, I won't be polite."

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