Today's daily task requires him to hunt 120 mortal-level players and 12 spirit-level players.

Among this group of people now, there are enough mortal level players, and there are only 5 spirit level players.

Although this could not allow him to complete all three tasks of Lang Shisan, it was enough for him to complete the main task of "Wrath of the Demon Emperor"!

Looking at the missions on the panel, the third ring of the Demon Emperor's Wrath was the same as the reward for the "Demon Emperor's Blood" mission he had completed not long ago, both of which were a spiritual object.

"I wonder what kind of spiritual object will be rewarded this time?" Su Nan was looking forward to it.

The leaders of the two teams didn't know what Sunan was thinking, but they could see disdain in Sunan's expression.

Suddenly, the two parties who had been robbed because of the monster seemed to have found an outlet. One of them said: "Boy, you seem to be very confident in your strength. I want to see how much you weigh!"

After saying this, the man waved his hand, and the sky was filled with flames that enveloped Sunan.

Sunan took action, but he didn't see any movement. He just glanced at the player, and the player fell down instantly, and then his body disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, other players were stunned.

Before they could understand what was going on, they saw the players in front of Sunan falling down like wheat and disappearing one after another.

They were attacked by Sunan's soul power.

With the power of Sunan's soul now, dealing with these people can be said to be a killing blow.

The speed is so fast that many players have no chance to exit the game!

In just one breath, more than two hundred players were killed without even a chance to regret.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily mission "Hunting a Spirit-level Extraterrestrial Visitor", and 15 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily mission "Hunting 120 Mortal Level Extraterrestrial Visitors", and 30 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the third ring of the main mission "The Wrath of the Demon Emperor". Do you want to receive the reward immediately? 】


[Congratulations, you have obtained spiritual bloodline]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Spirit Level Demon Sutra]

[Congratulations, you have gained 45 points of demonic power]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the spiritual object Landscape Gourd]

[Your main mission "The Wrath of the Demon Emperor" has been completed. Since you are not a human player, your main mission can be reset. Do you want to reset your main mission immediately? 】


[Your main mission "Wrath of the Demon Emperor" has been reset, please go to the mission panel to check. 】

Successive mission completion prompts popped up, and Sunan's available demon power skyrocketed again, reaching 321 points!

It’s enough to elevate the two Xuan-level bloodlines to the Great Perfection!

"With three hundred points of demon power, you can redeem the Shinto sacrificial weapon into reality. Do you want to give it a try?"

Sunan didn't think about improving his bloodline, but immediately thought of Shinto sacrificial weapons.

According to his conjecture, if he could collect incense using an incense burner in real life, then his speed in practicing Shinto would definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

However, thinking of Wang Nan, he gave up this plan.

"We will soon arrive at Dayu Imperial City. Let's get the magic grass first and break through Wang Nan's character."

Personal space appeared in front of him, he turned his hand, and an object appeared in his hand from the space.

It was a very small purple gourd that was only the size of a palm.

It is the landscape gourd rewarded by the mission.

[Landscape Gourd: One of the many gourds produced by a seed from the ancient innate spiritual creature Chaos Spirit Gourd. By chance, it absorbed the power of the mountains and rivers between heaven and earth. Mountains and rivers were bred within it, forming a newborn small world. 】

"The newborn little world?"

Su Nan's eyes lit up and he immediately tried to put his soul into the spirit gourd.

However, to his surprise, his soul was unable to penetrate the spiritual gourd.

"Does this thing need to be refined?" Su Nan thought of a possibility and immediately started trying to refine it.

After a moment, his eyes lit up with joy.

As he guessed, the spirit gourd can really be refined.

As he refined it, he immediately felt a connection between himself and the spiritual gourd.

With a thought in his heart, the spirit gourd disappeared directly into his hand, and a faint gourd mark appeared on the back of his hand.

The refined spirit gourd can be directly taken into the body!

"This is quite convenient."

He probed into the spirit gourd again, and this time his soul easily entered the spirit gourd.

A small world with a radius of one thousand meters appeared in front of him. There was a mountain only one or two hundred meters high, and a river winding through the foot of the mountain.

The hills are lush and green, the ground is covered with lush vegetation, and there are schools of fish swimming shallowly in the rivers. Although there is no sun and moon in this world, and the whole world is gray and incongruous, it is still a vibrant scene.

"Yes, yes, this is much more advanced than the Qiankun Ring."

Sunan's eyes showed joy. Although this spiritual object still did not help his strength, it was still a rare item.

After all, this is a world.

A world full of life is far beyond the lifeless space of Qiankun Ring.

It may not be of much use to him at the moment and can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, but if it is useful in the future, it will definitely be of great use.

Moreover, he discovered that at the source of the river in the Spiritual Gourd, the power of the water was particularly rich, actually even richer than the original spring in the middle of the lake.

"Put the little guy in and have a look."

His eyes moved slightly, and Sunan immediately grabbed the dragon turtle out.

The little guy's head protruded from the turtle shell and he looked at Su Nan with confusion in his eyes.

Sunan didn't even explain, and sent the little guy directly into the spiritual gourd.

The little guy was a little confused at first when he entered the spiritual gourd, but soon he felt the rich power of water. He immediately headed towards the source of the river in excitement, greedily devouring the power of water there, and then gradually stopped until he was full. Down.

At first, Sunan was a little worried about whether it would have an impact on the world if the little guy swallowed up all the water power here, but he soon realized that he was overthinking it.

As the power of water in the small world decreased, he immediately discovered that the spirit gourd was actually drawing the power of water from the world on its own to replenish the power of water in the small world.

"Can you independently absorb the power of water from heaven and earth? This is not bad. This way, I will be spared the use of monster blood to feed the little guy in the future."

Sunan was even more satisfied with Linghu.

After studying for a while, he put away the spirit gourd and turned to look at the mission panel.

[Main mission: Wrath of the Demon Emperor]

[The first step of the mission: Hunt 120 spirit-level alien visitors and one mysterious-level alien visitor]

[Task Difficulty: Three Stars]

[Task reward: Xuan-level bloodline, Xuan-level demon scripture, 45 points of demon power]

"Sure enough, the difficulty of the mission has been greatly increased, and I need to hunt down Xuan-level extraterrestrial visitors."

Su Nan was not surprised, but just a little helpless.

Xuan-level monsters are easy to find, but there are no Xuan-level players at all.

He can't possibly kill himself, right?

He closed the panel and continued on his way.

The rest of the journey went smoothly without any further accidents.

More than an hour later.

Sunan finally arrived at the imperial city of Yu Dynasty!

Far away, I saw a majestic ancient city.

The towering city walls stretch as far as the eye can see, stretching for an unknown number of miles. Just looking at the city walls, Sunan knew that this imperial city was more than three or four times larger than Tianyun City.

Here, there are more players coming and going, and you can see groups of players appearing from the imperial city at any time.

In front of the city gate, guards composed of dozens of warriors scanned every player passing by. Without exception, these people were all Xuan-level experts!

Use Xuan-level powerhouses to guard the gate? I'm afraid only the Imperial City has this qualification!

When Sunan came to the city gate, he was suddenly attracted by a bronze mirror on the city gate.

It was a bronze mirror one foot in diameter.

When he walked under the bronze mirror, he faintly saw a huge turtle-like monster flashing across his body on the bronze mirror.

"Hey, what was that just now?" Su Nan was surprised.

Noticing his gaze, a player on one side introduced:

"That is an ancient treasure called the Demon Mirror. It is difficult for any monster to hide its figure in front of it. Even the transformed Demon King and Demon Emperor will still reveal their true colors under this Demon Mirror."

"Demon mirror?" Su Nan's heart moved and he understood what was going on.

Although his appearance has changed now, he is still using the character of Zhang Yang. It is obvious that the demon mirror just revealed the blood of the dragon turtle in his body.

After looking at the demon mirror again, Sunan walked into the imperial city.

"Good news, good news, hell will accept people for a limited time, as long as one kind of bloodline reaches perfection, they can come."

"Tianya Pavilion will accept people from the top twenty guilds. If you are a brother, you can come."

As soon as he entered the imperial city, Sunan suddenly seemed to have entered a busy city. On both sides of the street, players from various guilds shouted hard, trying to attract the individual players passing by.

There are many well-known guilds among them, such as the War King Guild and the Dream Guild.

Sunan even heard about the Wolf Suppression Alliance.

"Don't miss it if you pass by. If you want to hunt down the wolf demon in Tianyun City, come and join our wolf-eliminating alliance." A young man shouted loudly.

Sunan couldn't help but glance at the player.

Sensing Sunan's gaze, the young man looked over and found that Sunan was actually at the spirit level. He immediately showed a smile and said:

"Brother, you look very unfamiliar. You must have just come to the Imperial City, right? Do you want to join our Wolf Slayer Alliance?"

"Our Wolf Elimination Alliance is a free organization and never restricts its members. On weekdays, everyone can form a group to kill monsters. Once we find the wolf monster in Tianyun City, we will hunt the wolf monster collectively."

The young man was very enthusiastic and wanted Sunan to join.

However, Sunan ignored the young man and continued walking into the city.

The imperial city was very large, spanning dozens of miles from east to west, and was divided into an inner city and an outer city.

Sunan planned to find the Demon Killing Division first and complete the task of escorting the magic soldiers.

However, before Monster Killer could find it, he saw another majestic building.

"Tiangong Pavilion!"

Sunan's eyes lit up and he immediately headed towards Tiangong Pavilion.

Since we came to Tiangong Pavilion first, we naturally bought the magic grass first.

Tiangong Pavilion in the Imperial City, as the headquarters in Dongchen State, is not generally large in scale, and there is an endless stream of players and warriors coming and going.

Different from Tiangong Pavilion in Tianyun City, there are no reception maids here. The warriors who come here can only go to the corresponding area to buy whatever they need.

Su Nan found the area where spiritual herbs were sold, and an old man said, "Little friend, what do you need?"

"I need magic grass."

The old man shook his head and said: "Demon spirit grass? Sorry, we don't have that kind of thing in Tiangong Pavilion."

"No?" Su Nan's heart sank. Zhou Lingyin said that the magic grass is not a rare thing, so it stands to reason that Tiangong Pavilion should have it.

He immediately asked: "The Demonic Grass is not a rare thing, right? How come you don't have it in Tiangong Pavilion?"

The old man said: "I'm sorry, little friend, you came at the wrong time. We did have a few magic grasses in Tiangong Pavilion, but just yesterday, all the magic grasses were bought."

"Everyone was bought?"

"This is too coincidental. Could it be the influence of bad luck again?"

Sunan's face turned ugly.

When he used the silver mirror of life and death before, he saw that the price was only misfortune, so he didn't care too much. He thought that he could predict the future and that even if there was danger, he could avoid it.

Now it seems that this misfortune is not just as simple as bringing danger.

Sometimes, things that are not dangerous have a greater impact.

"Who bought it?" Sunan didn't give up. If he could know who bought it, he might try to buy it from that person.

However, the old man shook his head and said: "Sorry, our Tiangong Pavilion never discloses guest information."

"Won't you reveal it?"

Su Nan frowned, was silent for a moment and said: "Don't you Tiangong Pavilion also sell intelligence information? I want to buy the information of the person who bought the magic grass."

Hearing this, a smile appeared in the old man's eyes and he said: "Old man, this is the spiritual grass sales area. To buy information, you need to go to the intelligence information sales area."

There is no direct rejection, which means it can be purchased?

Well, why don't you disclose customer information? It's just to make more money.

Black heart!

Su Nan was disdainful, but quickly headed towards the information selling area.

He didn't bother to predict it. Now he had more than two hundred corpses of Xuan-level monsters. Don't be too rich.

Just as he thought, the information sales area really contained information about the people who bought the magic grass.

The price is just ten drops of spirit-level monster blood.

After paying for the corpse of an early Xuan-level monster, he got the information.

The message was very brief, only one sentence, but this sentence made Sunan surprised.

"The person who bought the magic grass is in the early stage of the spiritual level. He is suspected to be a visitor from outside the world. He is wearing a mask and his specific identity cannot be determined. There is a vague demonic energy lingering around his body, and he is suspected to be corroded by the demonic energy."

"Visitors from outside the world? There are people who have been corrupted by demonic energy like me?"

"Who could it be?"

Su Nan was surprised. He didn't expect that the player bought the magic grass.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of someone.

"Is it Li Ye?"

Li Ye was the only player he had ever seen interact with monsters. Back in Huxiao Town, Li Ye even took out the magic stone. If Li Ye was infected by demonic energy, it was very likely.

"Even if it is really bought by Li Ye, I'm afraid it won't be easy to get it from him."

"It seems that we can only find a solution from the Monster Killing Department."

As the director of the Monster Killing Department, he can exchange treasures from the Monster Killing Department's treasure house.

Last time he killed so many mysterious-level monsters, the Demon-Slaying Division hadn't calculated the points for him yet.

Thinking of this, Sunan stopped staying and quickly headed towards the Demon Killing Division.

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