I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 294 Ancient Treasures and Divine Weapons

Two hundred thousand points, even for the top ten players in the standings, will not be able to accumulate before the end of this Zodiac.

For Sunan, it is not difficult.

Today is the fifth day of the event. Even if the speed of earning points does not increase at all, he will still be able to accumulate 200,000 in five days.

The only question is, can this so-called river of time really make him age twenty years and at the same time completely integrate the blood in his body with him as imagined?

It would be terrible if the time and water only made his body twenty years older but his bloodline remained in its current state.

Fortunately, he can predict the future, so he doesn't worry about this problem.

At worst, if he finds that the river of time cannot completely integrate his blood with him, then he can save it for later use.

"No matter what, let's redeem it first." Sunan made a decision.

There are other products in the mall, continue to look down.

However, when he saw the last few items, he couldn't help but trembled, surprised and delighted.

[Golden Mountain Seal; Divine Weapon. The ancient powerful man gathered the power of mountains and rivers to refine this ancient treasure from three divine gold veins. Quantity redeemable: 1. Exchange price: 300000]

[Soul-capturing lamp: ancient treasure. The ancient powerful men collected soul-stirring stones from the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, and refined the treasure with magical power, which possesses the power of soul-stirring and soul-stirring. Quantity that can be exchanged: 1. Exchange price: 350000]

[Demon collection tower; ancient treasure. A pagoda made by ancient human warriors to suppress monsters. When activated, it can contain tens of millions of monsters. Quantity redeemable: 1. Exchange price: 350000]

[Dragon Void Sword; Divine Weapon. The ancient powerful man killed the evil dragon. It was made from the soul of the evil dragon and the divine gold of nothingness. Using the divine soul to control the sword, it could kill the enemy thousands of miles away. Quantity redeemable: 1. Exchange price: 500000]

"Ancient treasure! Divine weapon!"

"This time, there are even four such things!"

Sunan couldn't help but take a deep breath, with surprise in her eyes.

The last contribution mall of Shenbing also appeared, but the price was ridiculously expensive.

Although the prices of the magic weapons that appeared this time are also eye-catching for other players, with the cheapest one costing 300,000 yuan, it is much easier to obtain than the "Taiyi Demon-Slaying Sword" last time.

At least, he can see the hope of exchange.

The introductions of the four ancient treasures and magical weapons were not much and were very vague. Su Nan carefully read the introductions of the four ancient treasures and magical weapons word by word, trying to decipher more information.

"The soul-capturing lamp can capture souls. It is obviously a treasure aimed at divine souls."

"The Golden Mountain Seal is made from three divine gold veins and possesses the power of mountains and rivers. I wonder what the so-called power of mountains and rivers does?"

The Golden Mountain Seal was the least introduced among several items. It only introduced the general method of refining it, but did not introduce its specific abilities. Sunan could not see the specific use of this magic weapon at all.

"The Demon Collection Tower can collect monsters, which is a good ability."

Looking at the introduction of the Monster Collection Tower, Sunan's eyes lit up again. He couldn't help but think of a certain TV series where a certain great god threw the pagoda in his hand and all the monsters in the mountain were collected.

If this Demon Collection Tower can do that, then this ancient treasure will be incredible.

He couldn't help but think of the upcoming crisis in reality.

"If this demon collecting tower can really collect monsters directly, can I directly use this demon collecting tower to collect all the monsters when the monsters attack humans?"

"I just don't know, what level of monsters can this monster collection tower collect at the highest level?"

"King level should not be a problem. After all, this is a magical weapon refined by an ancient strongman. It is nothing in the ancient king level. It is impossible that even the king level can't accept such a thing."

Sunan was a little moved, but unfortunately the price of this thing was beyond his reach.

At least not now.

Looking at the last magical weapon called Longxu Sword, Su Nan couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

"The soul controls the sword and kills enemies thousands of miles away. Isn't this the flying sword in some immortality novels?"

Su Nan instantly thought of the novel she had read before.

In many immortal cultivation novels, immortal cultivators can wield swords thousands of miles away. Such an ability has never been heard of in the world of demons. But now the appearance of Long Xujian allows him to see himself wielding a sword to kill enemies thousands of miles away. become possible.

If he could exchange this divine weapon, he wouldn't have to look for monsters everywhere in the future. He could directly control the divine sword to kill them thousands of miles away.

Moreover, there is an evil dragon soul in this divine sword, so it must be very powerful. If exchanged, it will definitely improve his strength greatly.

"Good things are all good things." Su Nan was moved.

Two kinds of ancient fairy blood, three kinds of spiritual objects, and four kinds of ancient treasures and weapons, there are only nine products in total.

No matter which product it is, it is extremely precious, and ordinary players may never have the chance to see it in their lifetime.

It's a pity that the items are all good, but the price means that he can only look at them for the time being.

"At the rate I am currently earning points, it should be easy to get 300,000 points by the end of the event. It will be very difficult to get 350,000 points, but it is not impossible, but if you want to get 500,000 points..."

Su Nan's eyes fell on several ancient magic weapon treasures, and his heart moved slightly.

Now the points for each battle are only 20,000. It is not known whether the points will increase when entering more advanced battlefields.

But one thing is certain, if you hunt higher-level Star Palace warriors, you will get higher points bonus.

Right now, he can get a 30% points bonus for hunting the Star Palace King. In the future, he may get a 50% bonus point for hunting the Star Palace God of War.

And if you can hunt down higher-level Star Palace Lords, the points bonus will definitely be even more impressive.

In this way, it is not impossible to earn 350,000 points in fifteen days.

But if he wants to redeem the Longxu Sword worth half a million, he has to leave it to fate!

"I have no choice but to save it first."

He only has 100,000 points for a single character, and he can't even buy the cheapest Xuan-level ancient fairy blood.

Close the mall and continue to repair the body severely damaged by the fire of the sun.

Two hours later.

Chen Ying drove the carriage and continued towards the Ancient God Tomb.

In the game, the sun is blazing and it is noon.

It was already midnight in reality.

The daily tasks were refreshed, and Sunan looked at the tasks immediately.

Not like yesterday.

Most of the tasks for the three characters yesterday were one-star tasks to escape the capture of various major families.

Today, probably because the warriors who captured his incarnation were killed in large numbers in two consecutive days, most of the thirty-two families gave up on arresting his incarnation.

Only people from the top ten aristocratic families continue to look for him.

Among the missions of the three characters, there are only three one-star missions, four two-star missions, all related to the ten major families, and the remaining two are four-star missions.

One is to explore Daxuan Palace.

And the other one is to explore the Ancient God Tomb!

"It seems that the days of using these families to get tasks are coming to an end."

Su Nan was not surprised. He had expected such a situation.

After all, the major families are not stupid. They clearly arrested a spiritual-level warrior. They never caught him, and their own warriors were killed one after another. This was obviously a problem.

Now the top ten families want to continue to capture him, fearing that they not only want to get the things in his hands, but also cannot swallow the breath.

"Without an avatar, I can only do these tasks myself."

The day before yesterday and yesterday, he had an incarnation to complete the task for him, but today he couldn't.

The incarnation is still undergoing the baptism of the soul, and there are only three or four hours left before the predicted limit of ten hours.

In his perception, the part of the soul that descended from the incarnation at this time has doubled!

"This method of improving the soul is too overbearing!"

Sunan was shocked.

No wonder the spirit of the previous leader of the Great Xuan Kingdom was far superior to that of ordinary people. Under such a baptism, as long as he could persist in the end, his strength would be higher than that of his peers.

"It's a pity. If there is no solution, not only will this part of the soul be lost this time, but the incarnation will also be killed."

His eyes looked towards Precognition.

The number of predictions has been refreshed, but he is not in a hurry to predict it.

The number of predictions today is very important.

Since he wants to explore the Ancient God Tomb, he will naturally need to predict, and it is likely that he will consume a lot of prediction times.

But now there are still several hours to go before reaching the Ancient God Tomb, and at the same time, there are still several hours to go before the soul in the incarnation reaches its limit.

Now foreknowledge, it is certain that the first half of the foreknowledge is on the way.

He has to wait until he gets to the Ancient God Tomb to predict it.

"Today is the sixth day since I came to this lost land. It has been two days since I used the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. After nine o'clock tonight, the bad luck effect will disappear, and then I can continue to fuse the bloodline."

Looking at the bloodline on the panel, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he could predict the future. If it were anyone else, they would have died several times under the influence of this bad luck.

Now the bloodlines of the three characters are all perfect. Except for Wang Nan's bloodline which cannot continue to fuse due to the erosion of demonic energy, Zhang Yang and Lang Shisan can continue to fuse.

So far, fusing a bloodline has not improved him much.

However, by integrating the blood of the ancient demon, he can obtain racial talents. In reality, the crisis is approaching, and he urgently needs to improve his strength.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another three hours passed.

Sunan finally came to a place called Fengyang Town.

This is the town closest to the ancient sacred tomb.

As one of the four forbidden areas in the Lost Lands, the area where the Ancient God Tomb is located is an absolute restricted area.

There is no man's land for dozens of miles around.

However, in such a place, many people come to explore and hunt for treasures every year!

That's right! It’s a treasure hunt!

"According to what the five great families said, there was originally no danger outside the Ancient God's Tomb. Until a thousand years ago, the power in the Ancient God's Tomb overflowed, causing an illusion to appear outside the Ancient God's Tomb as well as inside the Ancient God's Tomb."

"Once you get close to the thirty-mile radius of the Ancient God's Tomb, you may fall into an illusion at any time. However, compared to the illusion inside the Ancient God's Tomb, the illusion outside the Ancient God's Tomb is not strong. This is why people often dare to come here to hunt for treasures. reason."

"But the source of those treasures is not from the Ancient God Tomb, but from the strong men who once died in the Ancient God Tomb!"

"In the illusion of the Ancient God's Tomb, once a certain period of time has passed and you have not escaped from the illusion, you will be trapped in the illusion forever. It will not be until decades or even hundreds of years before the bones will appear outside the Ancient God's Tomb."

"It is precisely because of this that when they learned that the lost ancient god's key appeared, the five major families thought that Du Qiyuan had not left the lost place, but was trapped in the ancient god's tomb."

"Because the key was in Du Qiyuan's hands back then."

Su Nan looked at the several ancient god keys in his hand, remembering the information he learned from the heads of the five aristocratic families, and his eyes showed solemnity.

It stands to reason that the key to the Ancient God Tomb is in the hands of the five major aristocratic families and the Daxuan royal family. Only the five major aristocratic families and the Daxuan royal family can enter the ancient sacred tomb.

In fact, in addition to the warriors from the five major families, there were many warriors who died in the Ancient God Tomb from the other ten major families and the thirty-two families.

A hundred years ago, before one of the ancient god keys was lost, every time the five major families and the Great Xuan royal family opened the ancient god tomb, they would invite strong men from other families.

It was said to be an invitation, but in fact it was necessary to go.

This is actually a means for the five major families and the Daxuan royal family to weaken other families.

In addition, a hundred years ago, many warriors who entered the Lost Land from the outside world and whose bloodline was about to completely lose control would also enter the Ancient God Tomb.

Because someone discovered that in the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb, the process of losing control of the blood will be greatly slowed down or even stopped!

"It's strange that an illusion can stop the process of blood running out of control."

"That illusion is probably more than just an illusion!"

Su Nan couldn't help but guess. He couldn't figure out how the illusion stopped the process of blood running out of control.

"It's getting late, let's find an inn to stay in."

Sunan asked Chen Ying to stop in the town and planned to predict it here.

However, before that, he had one more thing to do.

He found a place where no one was around and used it in a thousand ways. In an instant, he transformed into his previous incarnation.

Then he walked struttingly down the street of the town, fearing that others wouldn't see him.

His purpose for doing this was very simple, that is, to let people know that he, an outsider with the blood of Xuan-level demon meridian, had come to Fengyang Town.

If he wanted to complete his daily tasks, he would naturally have to find those who wanted to arrest him. It was impossible for him to find them in person, so he could only use this method to attract those who wanted to arrest him.

"Look, is that person the outsider who has caused a lot of trouble these past two days?"

Soon, a warrior discovered Sunan in the tavern not far away.

Hearing this, someone quickly took a portrait and saw that the portrait clearly showed Sunan's appearance at this time.

"Hey! It's really him. How did he get here?"

"Needless to say, those families must have been chased by them and they must have had no choice but to use the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb to evade arrest!"

"Quickly, notify the head of the family..."

Everyone's voices were very low, but how could this be hidden from Sunan's ears? Listening to the conversation in the tavern, an imperceptible smile appeared on Sunan's lips.

After walking around the street again, he changed his appearance this time and left quietly.

"It's predictable now."

The sun is setting, and the time in the game has reached six o'clock in the evening. It is only half an hour before the limit of the incarnation predicted yesterday.

"There are two main things in this prediction. One is to try to find a solution to the problem of the baptism of the incarnation of the soul. The other is the Ancient God Tomb. Predicting the two things together can save a lot of prediction times."

[You know that there are huge dangers in going to the Ancient God Tomb. Do you need to consume a certain number of prediction times to predict the situation three minutes before your death in the future? 】

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