
With the confirmation, 8 prediction times are consumed on the panel.

"Eight times? It seems like I lasted quite a long time this time."

Sunan laughed to herself.

Eight predictions can almost allow him to predict what will happen three or four hours later.

This time he only planned to explore outside the Tomb of the Ancient Gods. For others, the outside of the Tomb of the Ancient Gods might be dangerous, but to him, it should not be a big deal.

But he would still die after three or four hours. In an instant, Su Nan could guess the general reason.

In this illusion, he must have met someone extremely dangerous.

[You came outside the Ancient God Tomb and wanted to explore the Ancient God Tomb. Unfortunately, as soon as you entered the area of ​​the Ancient God Tomb, you were affected by the power escaping from the Ancient God Tomb. 】

[You find yourself in an ancient city. You recognize it at a glance. This ancient city is the city of King Daxuan. 】

"Is it the King of Daxuan's city when you come here?"

"No wonder I can only last a few hours this time."

Sunan's face darkened.

He knew a lot of people in the King's City of Daxuan. The heads of the five major families were not that important. The most important ones were the ancestors of the Daxuan royal family in the palace!

Although he has only met three clan elders, according to the heads of the five major clans, anyone he knows must be killed.

If you take action in King Daxuan's palace, isn't that asking for death?

[You know, if you want to leave here, you must kill everyone you know here. In your opinion, this method is not the real way to get rid of the illusion. You do not intend to do that, and instead plan to find other methods. . 】

[The heavens were moved and used. To your surprise, you were not able to leave the royal city, but returned to the place where you just appeared. 】

[At the same time, you find that here, you cannot use any means except your own strength, and even the storage ring and landscape gourd cannot be opened. 】

"Can't even open the landscape? Does the illusion still have such ability?"

Sunan was surprised. The mountain gourd was a spiritual object and was refined by him. Logically speaking, it should be considered part of his ability.

"I wonder if the game panel and personal space can be opened in the fantasy world?"

[An hour later, under the baptism of the soul existing in the Ancestral Temple, the soul that descended into your incarnation has faintly reached the limit that can be improved. You have no solution and can only continue to accept the baptism. 】

[Two hours later, you still haven’t found a way to leave the illusion. You even tried to leave the royal city on foot and transformed into a bird to fly out of the royal city, but you ended up back to the starting point. 】

[At the same time, you discovered that the time in the illusion was two days ago, and only a few hours had passed since the leader of Daxuan Kingdom was killed by you. 】

[Three hours later, your incarnation has experienced twelve hours of baptism. The soul in the incarnation can no longer withstand the baptism of the soul. In the end, the soul is annihilated. The loss of part of the soul hurts your soul and the power of the soul is greatly reduced. . 】

[Without the cover of the soul, the existence in the Ancestral Temple instantly discovered that your incarnation was not a real flesh and blood body, and immediately became furious and killed your incarnation. 】

"Twelve hours is the limit?"

"Then the God-Sacrificing Demon became furious when he found out that my incarnation was not a real flesh-and-blood body? Does this mean that if the incarnation was a flesh-and-blood body, the God-Sacrificing Demon would not take action?"

Sunan couldn't help but guess, but even if his guess was right, so what?

After all, the avatar is an avatar. Although it looks the same as a real flesh and blood body, there is still a huge difference in reality. He does not have the ability to turn the avatar into a real flesh and blood body.

"I wonder if I take my soul back when it reaches its limit, and then a new soul comes to me again, can I continue to be baptized?"

Su Nan suddenly thought of a way.

If this method is feasible, then the problem of divine soul baptism may be solved.

[Four hours later, you have tried all kinds of things, but still have not left the royal city. However, you have no choice but to take action and kill the people you know. 】

[You were the first to attack the heads of the five major families. Regarding your sudden attack, the heads of the five major families were both puzzled and angry. Unfortunately, they were no match for you and were easily killed by you. 】

[One minute later, your behavior was discovered by the ancestors of the five major families. The ancestors of the five major families came out to kill you. 】

[The ancestors of the five major families are all king-level. Although they are not as strong as the late king-level and peak king-level, they can't beat four hands with two fists. After two minutes, you will be severely injured if you are not the opponent of the five ancestors. 】

[Three minutes later, faced with the siege of the ancestors of the five major families, you died. 】

Not surprisingly, this prediction only lasted four hours.

"It's hard to beat the young to the old. This illusion is really difficult."

Sunan's face turned ugly.

The last thing he wanted to see happened.

He knew a lot of strong people, and this was the king-level strong person he met outside the Tomb of the Ancient Gods.

If he really enters the Ancient God Tomb, there will definitely be an emperor-level strongman, and it will be impossible for him to leave by killing him!

"Since according to what the heads of the five major families said, you only need to kill everyone you know to get out, then there is no need for me to do anything with other unrelated people. With the ever-changing situation, I can get rid of everyone quietly."

This prediction gave him a wake-up call.

He has ever-changing changes, so there is no need to make a big show of it, you can just touch it quietly.

Of course, taking action is only a last resort and is not a long-term solution after all.

He still had to find other ways to leave the illusion.

"In the prediction, I can't leave the Royal City no matter what. This means that there is only the Royal City in the illusion. Leaving the Royal City means leaving the illusion. This is a direction to try."

The only area in the illusion is the royal city, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

If it is the entire Lost Land, it is impossible to say that he will solve all the knowledge of the entire Lost Land.

Precognition begins again.

This time, another 8 prediction opportunities were consumed.

[You came outside the Ancient God Tomb and wanted to explore the Ancient God Tomb. Unfortunately, as soon as you entered the area of ​​the Ancient God Tomb, you were affected by the power escaping from the Ancient God Tomb. 】

The beginning of the precognition was no different from the last time.

Until three hours later.

[Three hours later, your incarnation has experienced twelve hours of baptism. The soul in the incarnation can no longer bear the baptism of the soul. At the last moment, you try to take back the soul. 】

[Your actions were not obstructed by the presence in the Ancestral Temple. You easily took back the soul in your incarnation. As the soul in your incarnation was replenished, your soul grew to a certain extent. 】

[You know that the withdrawal of the soul will definitely make the beings in the Ancestral Temple furious. You reacted quickly and immediately brought a new part of the soul into the incarnation. 】

[It’s a pity that I disappoint you. At the moment when your soul was withdrawn, the existence in the Ancestral Temple had discovered the nature of your incarnation, became furious, and killed your incarnation. 】


Sunan was disappointed.

If changing the soul in the incarnation can solve the problem, he can not only use the sacrifice demon to replace the soul, but also solve the problem of the soul being raised to the limit. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but it doesn't work at all when implemented.

[Four hours later, in the fantasy world, after trying all the methods, you found that with your current abilities, you couldn't get out of the royal city at all. But you had no choice but to take action and kill the people you knew. 】

[In order not to attract the attention of others, you did not make a big splash this time. Instead, you changed your appearance and struck carefully, quickly killing all the heads of the five major families. 】

[The death of the heads of the five major families did not immediately arouse suspicion from others. You did not waste time and quickly headed towards the Palace of Daxuan. 】

[One minute later, you successfully sneaked into the Great Xuan Palace, then transformed into the appearance of an ancestor of the Great Xuan Kingdom, found another ancestor, and used the Golden Body of the Sun to kill him with the power of the soul. 】

[Two minutes later, you find the second ancestor, use the Starlight Nether Body, and with the blessing of the incense and wish power, kill him with the powerful power of the soul. 】

[Three minutes later, you find the third ancestor and kill him with the help of Lihuo Essence at the cost of all your mana. 】

[Affected by bad luck, with the death of the three ancestors, you were unfortunately discovered by other powerful men in the palace. 】

[When your strength is exhausted, you are no match at all. You are dead. 】

"Misfortune? Can you be affected by misfortune in the illusion?"

Sunan frowned.

If bad luck can make him enter the illusion of power, he would believe it, but now it can also work in the illusion, which is strange.

This is like being lucky enough to win five million in a dream. Something that was obviously absurd has really happened now.

"Strange! So strange!"

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Looking back carefully at the predicted content, Sunan quickly analyzed and summarized it.

"The soul in the incarnation cannot be withdrawn. To withdraw it means failure. It seems that the only way to improve the soul in the incarnation is to allow the soul in the incarnation to continue to withstand the baptism of the soul."

"But what can be done to make the soul in the incarnation stronger?"

Sunan's mind changed rapidly.

He has a lot of power that can bless the soul. His racial talent, the power of vitality, the power of essence, and even the power of incense and wish can all enhance the soul.

But these improvements are only temporary.

Moreover, his incarnated soul has now been raised to the limit, and there is no doubt that he will commit suicide if he continues to improve.

The improvement he wants is an improvement in realm, not temporary blessing.

"Since the upper limit of the soul cannot be raised, is it possible to transfer the improved soul?"

It is better to block it than to open it up. If the improved part of the incarnation soul can be transferred out, the problem can be solved.

But again, there seems to be nothing on him that can transfer the power of the soul.

"Is there really no other way?"

Sunan was unwilling to give up, but couldn't think of a feasible way.

"Keep predicting!"

Precognition begins again.

In the last prediction, he tried his best to kill three clan elders. In the royal city, apart from those princes, the only one who had not died in the Ancestral Temple was Chen Ying.

This time he plans to deal with a few princes first, and finally deal with the three ancestors of Daxuan. In this way, with the death of the three ancestors, he should be able to escape from the illusion immediately and no longer have to worry about bad luck. .

However, there is a question. Do the demons in the Ancestral Temple and the mysterious man under the side hall need to be killed?

If necessary, it is basically impossible for him to use the method of "killing everyone he knows" to leave the illusion.

Prediction begins. This time, 12 prediction opportunities have been consumed!

[Three hours later, your incarnation has experienced twelve hours of baptism. The soul in the incarnation can no longer bear the baptism of the soul. You want to save it, but you can't do anything. 】

[Four hours later, in the fantasy world, after trying all the methods, you found that with your current ability, you could not get out of the royal city at all. But you had no choice but to take action and kill the people you knew. 】

[As the third ancestor was killed by you, there is no one you know in the royal city. At this moment, you successfully escaped from the illusion. 】


Su Nan was overjoyed and felt relieved.

The thing he was worried about didn't happen, and he didn't need to kill the sacrificial demon and the mysterious man.

"Strictly speaking, I have never even met the God-Sacrifice Demon, and I don't even know the mysterious man. I only know about this person in the foreknowledge."

"According to what the heads of the five major families said, in the beginning of the illusion, you only need to kill the people you know, and later on, you need to kill everyone you have heard of or know. My illusion now is the most basic, and obviously there is no need to kill. People you don’t know.”

[You did not choose to leave, but continued towards the Ancient God Tomb. The journey went smoothly until you arrived a thousand meters away from the Ancient God Tomb, and you were no longer affected by the escaping power of the Ancient God Tomb. 】

[When you come to the Ancient God's Tomb, you will see that the Ancient God's Tomb is a huge building made of huge bluestones and standing in the shape of a triangle. Directly in front of you is a huge stone door. 】

[There are nine holes on the stone door. You know that is where the ancient god's secret key is inserted. You only have one ancient god's secret key, which cannot open the ancient god's tomb. You try to use the heavens to move directly into the ancient god's tomb. 】

[Unfortunately, I am disappointed. Affected by the mysterious power in the Ancient God Tomb, your movement to the heavens did not allow you to enter the Ancient God Tomb, but stopped outside the door of the Ancient God Tomb. 】

"Failed?" Su Nan was surprised.

This is the first time he has failed to enter a place since he obtained the Heavenly Movement.

You know, his Heavenly Movement can even enter the Trapped Heaven Prison, and even the inheritance palace in the Cave Mansion of the Cave Immortal Old Man.

"This ancient sacred tomb is really not simple!"

Shifting the Heavens is one of his great means. If it cannot be used in the Ancient God Tomb, it will have a huge impact on his exploration of the Ancient God Tomb.

[You didn’t give up, and were about to continue trying to use the teleportation of the heavens. Due to the influence of bad luck, you were once again affected by the power escaping from the ancient god’s tomb. 】

[You find yourself in a cell, and you recognize it at a glance as the Prison of Trapped Heaven. 】

"Trapped in Hell!"

Su Nan's expression changed instantly.

Trapped Heaven Prison is Zhou Lingyin’s territory.

Let him kill Zhou Lingyin?

What a joke!

Zhou Lingyin is a powerful person at the imperial level, I am afraid that just one look can kill him!

Moreover, it is still unknown when he entered the Trapped Heaven Prison.

It would be fine if it was before the Dianxing Sect attacked Tianlang Valley. At that time, Zhou Lingyin was obviously not at its peak and did not control the Prison of Sleeping Heaven. He might still be able to find a way to use the power of the Prison of Sleeping Heaven to try.

But if it was after Tianlang Valley was destroyed, then even if he entered the king level, he would not be able to kill Zhou Lingyin in Trapped Heaven Prison!

Sunan's face turned ugly.

But then, he thought of something again, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Zhou Lingyin is in Trapped Heaven Prison. Maybe I can learn from Zhou Lingyin how to solve the problem of soul baptism."

His current understanding of divine soul baptism is simply not enough to find a solution to the problem.

As an emperor-level expert, Zhou Lingyin is even better at divine souls and may be able to provide him with ideas.

However, as soon as this idea came to his mind, Sunan shook his head again.

"Even if I return to Trapped Heaven Prison, it is just an illusion. How can the illusion give me answers?"

Shaking his head, he couldn't help but feel funny at his own thoughts.

Continue to look at Precognition.

However, what he predicted next gave him another thought. (End of chapter)

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