I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 352 Everything in the Sleeve

[Water and Fire Mutual Economic Sutra, one of the core ancient scriptures of the ancient Wanfa Sect. After practicing, you can master the power of Tianyi True Water and Taixu True Fire, which is very powerful. 】

"Wanfa Sect!"

Looking at the introduction, Su Nan instantly thought of the original "Tianyan Ten Thousand Dharma Scriptures" and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The "Tianyan Wanfa Jing" in the last Human Race Crisis Contribution Mall also came from the Wanfa Sect.

But that is the fundamental sutra of Wanfa Sect.

What is the Fundamental Sutra? It is the root of a sect, the foundation of a religion, the most important inheritance, the treasured scripture of the Zhen sect, and its value is immeasurable.

And this Water and Fire Synergy is only one of the core ancient scriptures. Although it is also extremely extraordinary, it is obviously a level lower than the former.

After practicing the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra, the Life Wheel Sutra, and the Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerves, Sunan no longer looked down upon this ancient sutra, which was not even a fundamental sutra.

"Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that other people don't like it."

Looking at the great players on the ranking list, Sunan had an idea in his mind.

Others are not as strong as him, but that doesn't mean they don't have good things in their hands. He can completely exchange them with them.

Especially the top few in each state.

The previous two ranking rewards were ranked separately among the twelve states, which means that the top players in the twelve states received a lot of good things.

And the piece of moon soul gold from before can also be traded.

"It would be great if any player has the 'Blood Fire Ganoderma' in his hand. You can try to exchange it."

Blood-fire Ganoderma is a spiritual object needed to advance from the second level to the third level of the Mahavairocana Sutra, and it is very important to him.

Thinking of this, he immediately posted the information about "Water and Fire Sharing Economy" and "Moon Spirit Gold" in the world chat as Zhang Yang.

Later, another message was sent to purchase Blood Fire Ganoderma.

After thinking for a while, he finally added: "Dongchen Prefecture players have priority."

With his current strength, it would not be impossible if he wanted to travel to other states, but time would not allow it.

Of course, if there was really something good, he wouldn't mind sending the avatar there.

Several messages were sent, and the world chat exploded.

"Ancient scriptures! Divine gold! How many good things will be rewarded by the first place Great Master Zhang Yang? Even ancient scriptures and sacred gold are traded."

"The Tianyan Wanfa Sect in the last contribution mall is also from the Wanfa Sect. I searched it in ancient books. This Wanfa Sect is one of the strongest sects in the ancient human race. The core ancient scriptures passed down by it are random. If you take out one, it will spread the fundamental scriptures of most sects far and wide."

"Master Zhang Yang's vision is too high. He doesn't even look down on the core ancient scriptures of Wanfa Sect. Could it be that the master has already cultivated better ancient scriptures?"

"It goes without saying that Great Master Wang Nan has mastered the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra, the fundamental sutra of the Great Sun Sect, at the end of his last mission. Great Master Zhang Yang is definitely not bad either."

"I have a great elixir that can enhance the soul and I want to exchange it with the great god. Is it possible?"

Divine gold is nothing, after all, many people cannot use it even if they get it. It is only precious to those who need it, but the water and fire economy is a good thing for everyone, and it attracts a large number of players to watch.

Of course, most people are just making noise and joining in the fun. Even if they really want to exchange, they can't get anything good.

However, some people were unexpected and actually came up with some good things.

For example, the great elixir that enhances the soul is said to be a spiritual fruit that can obtain the power of a true dragon.

Some tycoons even offered a sky-high price of tens of billions to trade in real life, which naturally attracted countless people to laugh at them.

The monetary system in reality has collapsed long ago, and now the currency is essence and blood!

Su Nan looked at it and was a little disappointed. There were many good things, but most of them were selling them off, exaggerating the effects of the things in his hand, but actually they had no effect at all.

However, someone took out a spell seed to interest Sunan.

It is a technique similar to clairvoyance, which can see scenes thousands of miles away.

Sunan shook his head. The ability to see scenes thousands of miles away was indeed miraculous, but it was far from enough to replace his ancient scriptures.

After waiting for a while, no one came up with something that satisfied him, so he had no choice but to ignore the world chat for the time being and continue to look at the reward.

Take the Jianmu Seed.

This was a seed as big as a walnut, with fine lines on the surface and a light green color. However, not only did he not feel any vitality in it, but he felt an aura of decay.

It seems as if this seed has long since decayed.

At this moment, a prompt popped up:

[Congratulations, you have obtained a Jianmu seed and triggered the main mission. Please go to the mission panel to view it. 】

"main mission!"

Su Nan was surprised and his eyes lit up.

Without any time to think about it, he immediately looked at the task panel.

[Main mission: Rebirth of Jianmu]

[When heaven and earth first opened, innate spiritual roots were born. One of them is called Jianmu. Its trunk supports heaven and earth, and its branches connect to the heavens. It draws nutrients from the heavens, gathers the power of heaven and earth, and breeds the spiritual power of heaven and earth. 】

[However, the world changes, the building collapses, and is annihilated in chaos. Only a seed remains. If the person who gets the seed can regenerate the building, he will be favored by heaven and earth. 】

[The first step of the mission: Plant the tree seeds and make them take root and sprout]

[Task Difficulty: Four Stars]

[Mission reward: Xuan-level demon scripture, Xuan-level bloodline, 60 points of demon power, magical seeds]

"A four-star mission. It seems that it is not easy to make the tree seeds take root and sprout. It may even be far more difficult than the current level."

Sunan frowned.

Having completed so many main plots, he has a deep understanding of the difficulty of the tasks.

Unless monsters are involved, four stars is the limit for the mission.

If it is a three-star mission, then you can be sure that the corresponding difficulty level of the mission is king level.

Four stars is not necessarily the case.

Four stars is the limit of task level, not the limit of task difficulty.

If he were at the king level now, it might not be impossible for him to get this mission and get a four-star rating as well.

"Fortunately, this task has no time limit, so it's not urgent."

Looking at the mission introduction again, Su Nan's eyes fell on Jianmu's role.

According to the introduction, the function of building wood is to support the heaven and earth, connect the heavens, gather the power of heaven and earth, and increase the wisdom of heaven and earth.

Apart from this, it seems to have no other magical effects. After gestating it, it seems that it can only gain the favor of heaven and earth, with no other benefits.

However, Sunan thought of something else, and her eyes lit up.

"Landscape gourd!"

"What will happen if I plant this building tree into my landscape gourd?"

He had a bold idea.

The task was just to let him breed Jianmu again, and it didn't specify where to plant it. If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for him to plant it in his own little world?

That way, Jianmu will be his only thing from now on.

Moreover, Jianmu can gather the power of heaven and earth and increase the power of heaven and earth. Previously, he fused a world stone. The power of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth in the mountain gourd have skyrocketed to the same level as the outside world. If it continues to grow with the help of Jianmu, The small world is bound to grow accordingly.

Maybe, if Jianmu fully matures in the future, his landscape gourd will also become a real world!

Thinking of this, he breathed a little quickly and couldn't wait to take action immediately.

The Jianmu seeds were transmitted through personal space to the hand of Wang Nan, who was transformed into the landscape gourd. After thinking about it, his eyes finally fell on the only hill.

The hill has existed since the birth of the landscape gourd and is the center of the entire space. Planting it here is the best choice.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, the Avatar planted the seeds.

However, after waiting for a while, the seeds showed no change and showed no intention of growing.

Su Nan was not surprised. After all, it was a four-star mission and could not be completed easily.

"I don't know what conditions are needed to make this thing grow?"

When his eyes fell on the panel, he had no choice but to seek help from precognition.

[You planted the seed of a tree in the world where the mountain gourd was born. Unfortunately, the seed did not take root and sprout. You didn’t understand why, so you had to wait. 】

[After one minute, Jianmu Seed showed no change. 】

[Two minutes later, the Jianmu seeds still had not taken root or sprouted. 】

[Three minutes later, you observed carefully and finally discovered that the Jianmu seeds were slowly absorbing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. 】

[You don’t know, it takes a long time for building trees to take root. It may be a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years. If you want to speed up this process, you can only use the power of heaven and earth to water it. 】

With great luck, I got the answer in one prediction.

"Water with the power of heaven and earth?"

"This seems to be nothing rare." Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he doesn't have to look for rare heaven and earth spiritual objects, or need to plant them in a specific place, everything will be easy to handle.

With a movement in his heart, under the control of the incarnation, the power of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles in the mountain gourd gathered, and the rolling power of heaven and earth was compressed under the control.

Suddenly, he clearly noticed something different.

In his perception, the Jianmu Seed was like a hole. The power of heaven and earth where the seed was located continued to disappear and was swallowed by the Jianmu Seed. This was the same as what he predicted.

The speed was not fast at first, it could even be said to be slow.

At this rate, it would indeed take a long, long time for the Jianmu seeds to take root and sprout, but as the power of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles was compressed by his mobilization, the process was accelerated.

As if seeing the hope of success, Sunan's eyes lit up with joy.

However, this is still too slow!

Continuing to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, the next moment, the power of heaven and earth in the entire space was mobilized by him. The gathered power of heaven and earth was several times more majestic. These powers of heaven and earth were compressed towards Jianmu under his control.

Gradually, in this high-pressure state, the power of heaven and earth entering the Jianmu seeds became more than ten times faster!

More than ten minutes later, Sunan finally felt that the seeds that originally carried a rotten atmosphere finally gave birth to a trace of undetectable life!

"It is indeed a four-star mission. If we continue at this speed, even if I force-feed Jianmu Seeds with the power of heaven and earth every day and every night, I won't see the desired results in less than ten days and a half."

"And in that case, the incarnation of Wang Nan will spend most of his time controlling the power of heaven and earth in the landscape gourd."

"This is me too. I control a small world and can mobilize the power of heaven and earth within a hundred miles. If it were someone else, I don't know how long it would take to complete this task."

"And if there is no incarnation, even if you have a small world, you will not be able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth all the time. The time required will undoubtedly increase exponentially."

Feeling the changes in the seeds, Sunan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as we can see hope, it doesn't matter if it takes longer.

Move on to the last two rewards.

[Ten Thousand Years of Spiritual Milk: The spiritual creature of heaven and earth, a drop of spiritual milk that has been nurtured for thousands of years in the place where heaven and earth are rich in spiritual power. After taking it, all injuries on the body and soul will be restored instantly. 】

There's nothing much to say. It's similar to the drop of life source he got back then, and it can restore injuries.

Naturally, the more of this kind of life-saving good thing the better. In the game, he basically has no use for it, but in reality it is a kind of guarantee. He can use the Yin-Yang cross-border disk to transport it into reality.

Looking at the last magical power, Su Nan's eyes showed surprise.

[The Universe in the Sleeve: The seed of supernatural power. The Universe in the Sleeve is short, and the sun and moon in the pot are long. It is a magical power created by an ancient strong man who understood the creation of space and based on the laws of space. 】

"The universe lies within the sleeve! It turns out to be this great magical power."

Su Nan was surprised to find that this magical power was famous in reality and was the special skill of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Legend has it that Zhenyuan can put everything into his sleeves with just a wave of his sleeves. Once he is put in, although he will not die, it is basically impossible to escape.

Judging from the introduction, this magical power is very similar to the legendary magical power. Even if there are differences, it is not too different.

"It would be perfect if I could combine this magical power with my landscape gourd!"

Sunan thought of the landscape gourd again.

It is true that he can control the power of the entire world in Shanshui Gourd. The problem is that he cannot contain the enemy during the battle, and the Qiankun in his sleeves just happens to be a great magical power of capture, which seems to be able to make up for the shortcomings of Shanshui Gourd.

"Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it."

He held the magical seed in his hand, and with a movement in his heart, the seed immediately melted and entered his body.

Soon, a large amount of information related to Qiankun in His Sleeves appeared in his mind, and a force formed in his body. It was the condensation of space power and was the key to the cultivation of Qiankun.

Just as he thought, the Qiankun in the Sleeve was indeed as legendary as it could put enemies into its sleeves.

Of course, the sleeves are just an appearance, but the essence is that at the moment when the magical power is used, through the space entrance of the cuffs, enemies or things that need to be collected are forcibly collected into the space constructed by Qiankun in the sleeves.

"The initial Qiankun space in the sleeve is very small. It is like an ordinary storage ring. It can only collect items the size of a room. At the same time, the collection range is only ten meters."

"If we forcibly capture the enemy, we can only capture the beings in the middle stage of the highest profound level. The realm is too high and can withstand the pull of magical powers. Even some beings who master space abilities can be ignored directly."

"Fortunately, as your magical power increases, these will increase."

Turning his hand over, the magical power fragments rewarded by the ranking, plus the magical power fragments he had redeemed before, appeared in his hand.

A total of thirteen!

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