I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 353 Resurrection Consciousness

[Do you want to consume two magical power fragments to upgrade the universe in the magical power sleeves to the second level? 】


The two fragments are consumed, and the magical power increases.

Sunan clearly felt that the space constructed by the magical power was growing, from the original space of only about one cubic meter to ten cubic meters in size.

The range of air ingestion also increased tenfold, reaching 100 meters!

The pulling force of space also increased accordingly. Even if he didn't try, he could still feel it. At this time, even the early king level would have difficulty breaking away from the pull of the magical power.

Of course, if the other party also possesses space-related abilities, it is still possible to break free from the pull of magical powers.

"This is not enough. If I want it to be helpful to me, I have to continue to improve."

Sunan was not satisfied with the status quo and continued to look at the panel.

[Do you want to consume four magical power fragments to upgrade the universe in the magical power sleeves to the third level? 】


As the fragments of the magical power are consumed, the power of the magical power increases again. Both the space and the range of the magical power have increased tenfold again!

And the pulling power of the magical power is enough to deal with the existence of the peak king level. Compared with the beginning, it has improved to a great level!

"The peak of the king level is quite useful."

Sunan nodded.

However, this is not the end.

With his current strength and the Star Palace Divine Artifact, he could barely hunt a king-level peak. This magical power did not help him as much as he had imagined.

Moreover, when he merges with his bloodline, he will be promoted to the king level soon. By then, this magical power will have even less effect on him.

If he wants this magical power to help him, he must continue to improve.

Looking at the fragments in his hand, after the six fragments were consumed, he only had five magical fragments left in his hand. If he wanted to continue to improve, he would need eight fragments, which was no longer enough.

That's not a problem.

The points mall appeared in front of you, and your eyes fell on the points.

Just like last time, even if the event ends, players will still be given one hour to redeem, and the mall will not close until one hour later.

Lang Shisan only had 120,000 points, which was just enough to exchange for a bloodline. Zhang Yang already had 150,000 points left, and with the bonus of 50,000 points, it reached 200,000 points.

According to the original plan, he only needed to exchange for one bloodline. In this way, the remaining 80,000 points could be used to exchange for other things.

Among the many products, the ones worthy of his attention were the magical fragments.

Eighty thousand points are enough to exchange for four magical fragments. In this way, it is more than enough to improve the universe in the sleeves again.

However, in the end, Sunan did not redeem four fragments, but only spent 60,000 points to redeem three fragments.

He still has to leave 20,000 points to exchange for demon scriptures. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if he only has bloodline and no corresponding demon scriptures.

There are thirty magical fragments that can be redeemed in the mall this time. He has already redeemed two of them before, but now there are only twenty pieces left to redeem.

Obviously, other great players also redeemed magical fragments.

Sunan didn't care. He spent 60,000 points and got three fragments. The number of fragments in his hand just reached eight.

Eight fragments are consumed, and the universe in the sleeves is improved again!

"Emperor level! Sure enough, the magical power of the fourth level can forcibly absorb the strong people in the early stage of the emperor level."

Feeling the growth of magical power in his body, Sunan's eyes shone.

This was his first magical power to be promoted to the fourth level, and the result did not disappoint him. The range of the teleportation reached 10,000 meters, which was enough distance.

Now, he has the ability to deal with the emperor without the help of Luo Yu and the eldest princess!

"Emperor level is already the top power in the world."

"Unconsciously, I have reached this height!"

Sunan couldn't help but sigh.

It has been two months since the appearance of the demon game until now.

In these two months, he suddenly went from an ordinary person to the top of the world. It has to be said to be a miracle.

Looking at the mall again, he was not idle with the remaining points. He directly exchanged them for the ancient fairy blood of the physical system. At the same time, he switched roles and used Lang Shisan's points to exchange for a bloodline.

There were two physical bloodlines, one of which he chose to exchange for the Golden Bone Ape. This demon clan, which ranked more than 70, could just be used as Wang Nan's third Xuan-level bloodline to fuse.

And another kind of golden dragon bloodline ranks first among the hundreds of natural races.

Wang Nan and Lang Shisan have all four bloodlines: Golden Dragon Bloodline, Golden Bone Ape Bloodline, Black Lin Bloodline, and Shadow Insect Bloodline. The corresponding demon scriptures have also been exchanged, and the demon power is sufficient.

Now he is only one step away from completing the four bloodlines of the three characters and the final fusion!

Turning his hand, he took out the last reward.

Fixed point delivery card.

This is a one-time game prop, and its function is as its name suggests. It can be teleported to a designated location. It is similar to the teleportation function of the Perfect Death Resurrection Card. The only advantage is that you do not need to commit suicide when using it.

"There are fewer game props to be rewarded this time. It seems that even if there is a similar ranking event in the next open beta, there should be no props in the rewards."

Looking at the rewards of the three characters, Su Nan's eyes moved slightly.

In the first realm ranking, most of the rewards were game props. In the second contribution ranking, only half were game props and the other half were various treasures.

And in this third point ranking, there are only two items as rewards.

Fortunately, the three rewards allowed him to get a lot of game props, especially the perfect death resurrection card, which has more than a dozen cards. Plus predicting the future, as long as he doesn't commit suicide, it will be enough for a long time.

"Everything is ready, now it's time to convert these rewards into strength."

"I don't know how strong my strength will be if I absorb all the rewards this time."

Putting away the rewards that were not needed for the time being, Su Nan looked at the few remaining items with anticipation in his eyes.

In front of him, in addition to the four demonic meridians and bloodlines, there was also the innate demonic energy and the demonic eye of destruction.

However, before that, he switched roles again and took a look at the tasks of the three characters today.

Zhang Yang’s task appears in front of him:

[Daily Task 1: Hunt a king-level monster]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

[Daily Task 2: Hunt a Mysterious Level Monster]

Mission difficulty: two stars

[Daily Task 3: Destroy the selection of the Sirius Clan]

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars

As always, there was a mission to hunt monsters, but the last mission made him frown.

To destroy the selection of the Heavenly Wolf Clan, there is no need to guess. The selection here naturally refers to the selection of places to participate in the Heavenly Demon Ceremony.

Sunan didn't even think about it and just ignored the task.

It's not that he can't complete this task with his current strength, but if the selection is really ruined, it won't be of any benefit to him.

The roles are switched and Wang Nan's mission appears.

[Daily Task 1: Hunt a Mysterious Level Monster]

Mission difficulty: two stars

[Daily Task 2: Rescue a trapped monster]

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars

[Daily Task 3: Hunt a King-Level Monster]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

"Rescue a monster?" Su Nan was surprised. He didn't expect this task to appear.

This mission obviously requires him to release some monsters that were suppressed by the ancient humans. Maybe there will be many more missions like this in the future.

If it were in the past, he would definitely not do this task. The monster is weird and is a huge hazard to both humans and demons. It is likely that rescuing it will be thankless.

But now, this task is not impossible.

"Maybe I can rescue it and then hunt it down!"

"It just so happens that the practice of the Demonic Nerve Devourer requires the souls of monsters. If we can find a few king-level monsters, we can speed up the practice of the Demonic Nerve Devourer, killing two birds with one stone!"

The incarnation has become a demon. For him now, the danger of monsters is no longer a problem. Even with good planning, he can continue to improve his strength.

Thinking of this, Sunan made a plan.

However, there is another question: where can he find the suppressed monsters?

If such a mission appeared in the past, it means that there must be a corresponding mission target nearby.

But since entering the Xuan level, the scope of the mission has expanded a thousand times. In the past, as long as you left the mission location for dozens of miles, the mission would no longer be refreshed. After entering the Xuan level, this was no longer possible.

This is especially true in the Lost Lands.

In the Lost Land, even if the distance is hundreds of miles, the mission will still appear. The current mission related to monsters does not mean that there are suppressed monsters nearby.

"Ask the eldest princess later, she should know."

Let’s look at Lang Shisan’s mission again.

[Daily Task 1: Defeat a king-level monster from the Sirius clan]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

[Daily Task 2: Get into the top three selections from the Sirius Clan]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

[Daily Task 3: Kill an alien visitor who sneaked into Ten Thousand Demon Ridge]

Mission difficulty: two stars

There are three tasks, two of which are related to the Sirius Clan. This is to ask him to participate in the selection of the Sirius Clan!

These two tasks are nothing. His current identity is also from the Sirius clan, so he can just find a reason to participate when the time comes.

However, it is a bit difficult to get into the top three.

"Has any player sneaked into Ten Thousand Demon Ridge?"

Looking at the last task, Su Nan raised his eyebrows.

Although he has characters from three races, humans, demons, and demons, there have never been any tasks related to his other two characters. The players from Ten Thousand Demon Ridge in the current tasks naturally do not refer to himself.

A two-star mission means that the opponent is a Xuan-level player, and those who can enter the Xuan-level now are none other than those great gods.

"Interesting, other great gods have entered Ten Thousand Demon Ridge. Is it also because of the Heavenly Demon Ceremony?"

Sunan realized the problem, but didn't care.

Even if the other party really came for the Heavenly Demon Ceremony, as long as it had no impact on him, he wouldn't bother to care.

On the contrary, if it affects his plan, he doesn't mind solving the problem casually.

After reading the mission, he was ready to start fusing blood.

As usual, he looked at Precognition.

What he didn't expect was that when he used death prediction, he only used up one chance of prediction this time.

"What's going on? The bloodline fusion failed?"

"Or are you telling me that there is something wrong with the Demonic Eye of Destruction?"

Sunan's heart sank, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through her instantly.

With his current strength, if he wants to be killed, even an ordinary emperor cannot do it. There are powerful demon emperors in the Sirius clan, but if he wants to run away, no one can stop him.

Under such circumstances, it was predicted that he would die in just over an hour, and the cause was likely to be his own.

[You got four ancient demon bloodlines and planned to fuse them. You first took the shadow insect bloodline from the secret power system. The bloodline fusion went smoothly without any accidents, and your racial talent was successfully increased. 】

[After the completion of the shadow insect bloodline, you began to fuse the black lin demon bloodline again. The black lin demon bloodline is more powerful than the other mystical power monster bloodlines you have fused before. With the successful fusion, your racial talent has increased again. 】

[Then you run the Life Wheel Sutra, switch the character to Wang Nan, and with the help of the avatar, start to fuse the golden bone ape bloodline of the physical system. 】

[Erosion by demonic energy. The Golden Bone Ape bloodline was eroded by demonic energy the moment it entered your body. With the control of the incarnation, the Golden Bone Ape bloodline easily integrated into your body. You did not stop and continued to integrate the Golden Dragon bloodline. 】

[There are no surprises. In just one stick of incense, all four bloodlines have been integrated into your body. Your strength has greatly increased, your racial talents have been continuously improved, and new abilities have been born. 】

[Then, you give the innate demonic energy and the demonic eye of destruction to the avatar in the mountain gourd, and let the avatar try to refine the two. 】

[With the use of innate demonic energy, your avatar does not show obvious changes, but you can feel that your avatar's control over the demonic energy is gradually strengthening, and at the same time, a strange power is slowly born in your body. That is your talent! 】

[Your incarnation is slowly transformed by the innate demonic energy. This process does not happen overnight and takes time. This time is seven days. You are not in a hurry and start to fuse the Demonic Eye of Destruction. 】

[You try to inject demonic energy into the Demonic Eye of Destruction. With the continuous injection of demonic energy, the Demonic Eye of Destruction changes, suddenly penetrates into your body, and turns into a force that merges with your eyes. 】

[One minute later, the Demon Eye of Destruction finally merged with your eyes. However, after the fusion, you discovered to your horror that you could not control your eyes. At this moment, your eyes no longer belong to you. 】

[Not only that, a memory that does not belong to you appears in your mind. You instantly understand that it is the memory of the Demon God of Destruction. As the memories continue to appear, a second personality seems to be born in your body, which is the memory of the Demon God of Destruction. Personality,】

[Two minutes later, the personality of the Demon God of Destruction merged with your soul, or in other words, the Demon God of Destruction awakened in your second soul. 】

[The moment the Demon God of Destruction wakes up, your incarnation is completely controlled by the Demon God of Destruction. You make a prompt decision to destroy the second soul by relying on your control over the second soul. 】

[Unfortunately, you failed. You lost control of the second soul. You had no other choice. You immediately tried to use the technique of life calamity. However, you found that there was no cause and effect with the Demon God of Destruction in you. 】

[You understand, this is because the Demon God of Destruction merged with your second soul. Now you are the Demon God of Destruction. At the same time, because of the connection between the Demon God of Destruction and you, the Demon God of Destruction easily opened the mountain gourd and appeared in front of you. 】

[You reacted quickly and immediately ordered Luo Yu to use the magic sword to deal with the Demon God of Destruction with you. However, the Demon God of Destruction is so powerful that you and Luo Yu are no match at all. 】

[Three minutes later, you tried to use the Qiankun in the Sleeves to trap the Demon God of Destruction. Unfortunately, at the moment you used the Qiankun Cultivator, the Demon God of Destruction felt the crisis and used his talent, Demonic Eye of Destruction. 】

【you are dead. 】(End of this chapter)

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