Compared to the Suzaku stone eggs, this purple stone is much more conspicuous in appearance because it is purple.

However, at least the origin of the Suzaku Stone Egg is clearly stated in the introduction of the game.

But the current purple stone is just an unknown stone even in the introduction of the game.

If his luck hadn't changed the stone, he wouldn't have exchanged it at all.

He had also tried using different methods to study purple stones in precognition before, but the results were unsatisfactory.

Even if it is placed in the personal space, the personal space can give only 1 point of demonic power that can be converted into reality. It can be said that it is completely an ordinary stone.

"Either this stone really is an ordinary stone that serves no purpose."

"Either it is a treasure with a great origin, so big that even the game cannot determine its origin!"

Look at Precognition again.

He planned to put this thing into the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace to smelt it in the foreknowledge. If it was really a treasure, maybe he could refine something.

Precognition begins.

This time is the same as last time, 45 prediction opportunities are consumed.

"The solution to Hu Xiaotian failed!"

In an instant, Sunan understood that he would die in the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan this time.

[You get a strange stone. This stone looks ordinary, but you know it is not simple. You plan to smelt it with a black and yellow gas refining furnace. 】

[Put the stone into the furnace, and as you push it, you suddenly find that your power is passing away at a terrifying speed.]

[After an hour, the power in your body is exhausted, but the smelting is not over yet. You have to stop the smelting and open the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace, only to see that the stone has not changed at all. 】

[You know, your strength is too weak to support the power consumed to smelt this stone. You have to put away the stone, adjust your state, and prepare to break through to the king level. 】

"Sure enough! This stone is not as simple as it appears!"

Sunan was surprised and happy.

His current strength is not enough to smelt this stone, which undoubtedly tells him that this stone is larger than the Suzaku stone egg just now, and the smelting requires much more power.

"It seems we can only wait until the three characters break through to the king level before trying again. Maybe I can also ask the eldest princess and the others to do it together."

Although the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace belongs to him, there is no restriction that he can only use it alone, nor can only one person activate it at a time. He can completely let others activate the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace with him at the same time.

The precognition continues.

The next prediction is no different from the last one.

After successfully breaking through to the king level, follow the Heavenly Wolf clan to the Heavenly Demon Palace.

However, after arriving at the White Winged Tiger Clan this time, he did not transform into the six tribesmen of the White Winged Tiger Clan and sneak into the White Winged Tiger Clan's ancestral land. Instead, he directly told the situation about the ancestral land.

[You tell the White-winged Tiger Clan that the ancestral land of the White-winged Tiger Clan has been shrouded in demonic energy, and all the demon kings who entered are trapped in it. 】

[The elder of the White Winged Tiger Clan asked you how you knew. You lied and claimed that you had a special contact method with Hu Xiaotian. What you said was what Hu Xiaotian told you. 】

[At the same time, you tell the elders of the White Winged Tiger Clan that you have a way to rescue them. You need to enter the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan. 】

[After learning that you have a method, the elder of the White Winged Tiger Clan decided to open the ancestral land and send people to check it out first. If what you said is true, he will allow you to enter. 】

[A day and a half later, the White Winged Tiger Clan opened the entrance to their ancestral land. They quickly confirmed that what you said was true and agreed to allow you to enter the White Winged Tiger Clan's ancestral land. 】

[When you come to the depths of the ancestral land, you see Hu Xiaotian and several other demon emperors here. There are no accidents with the demon emperors. Hu Xiaotian is very surprised to see you. 】

[You tell Hu Xiaotian that the monsters suppressed under the magic circle still have the strength of the peak emperor level. Once the magic circle is opened, you will all die. 】

[Several demon emperors wondered how you knew, but you didn’t explain. You just took out the Qiankun Ring and told the demon emperors that you had a way to take them away. 】

[Several demon emperors have no other choice, and with the support of Hu Xiaotian, several demon emperors reluctantly believe in you and enter the Qiankun Ring, and then you try to leave the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan. 】

[Unfortunately, after half an hour of hard work, you have not been able to break away from the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan, and several demon kings in the Qiankun Ring have completely lost confidence in you and had to release them all. 】

[A minute later, after some discussion, several demon kings decided to open the magic circle. As the magic circle opened...]

Seeing this, Sunan already knew the result without looking down.

As I thought just now, the rescue ended in failure.

This is normal.

In his analysis, there was no other way to escape unless he used a directional teleportation card.

In precognition, game props such as directional teleportation red cards cannot be used.

"Based on the experience of the three previous breakthroughs, once I break through, my prediction of the future will be advanced. I don't know what new abilities will be advanced in predicting the future this time? I wonder if I can use game props in my prediction?"

Su Nan's eyes showed anticipation.

Unknowingly, nearly two days had passed since he took the water from the River of Time.

In his body, the power of the river of time has finally been almost exhausted. From the outside, the passing of twenty years has not brought any changes to him.

Only he himself knew that under the power of time, the blood in his body had basically completely integrated with him.

Now, he can summon more bloodline power than before!

"It's almost done. We just need to wait for the consumed power to be restored before we can try to break through!"

Smelting Vermilion Eggs consumed a lot of his strength. Since he wanted to break through, he naturally had to adjust to his best condition.

An hour later.

The consumed strength was completely restored, and after taking a deep breath, Sunan was ready to break through.

He glanced at Yaoli.

I hunted a king-level demon before, and the demon power reached 420 points. Now the demon power increased again, reaching 480 points, and it increased by 60 points.

This is because the avatar hunted two Xuan-level monsters on the way back, thus completing Wang Nan and Zhang Yang's mission of hunting Xuan-level monsters today.

[Congratulations, your character Lang Shisan’s four bloodlines are perfect, and he meets the conditions for realm improvement. Do you want to consume 320 points of demon power to upgrade his realm to the king level? 】


[Please choose one of the following bloodlines as the main one, and the other three bloodlines as supplements. 】

Lang Shisan's four bloodlines appeared in front of him. This was not the first time he had made a breakthrough. Sunan was already familiar with it.

Needless to say, he is naturally of Black Lin Demon bloodline.

[You have chosen to use the Black Lin Demon bloodline as the main bloodline, supplemented by the Star Swallowing Demon, Purple Eyed Demon, and Shadow Insect bloodline. Do you confirm your choice? 】

[Tip: There is a greater risk of bloodline conflicts getting out of control when the realm is improved, so please choose carefully. 】


With foreknowledge as an endorsement, Sunan didn't have to worry at all.

Ever since he received the gift of predicting the future, nothing beyond his prediction has ever happened.

[The realm improvement begins, please wait patiently...]

With the consumption of a full 320 points of demon power, only 160 points of available demon power were left on the panel. At the same time, the four bloodlines in his body that were originally peaceful began to become restless in an instant.

The black Lin demon bloodline took the lead in rioting, preparing to devour the other three bloodlines. The other three bloodlines felt the power of the black Lin demon bloodline and had to unite to fight.

The three bloodlines of the Star Swallowing Demon, the Purple Eyed Demon, and the Shadow Insect are each more powerful than the other. The Shadow Insect bloodline ranks among the top 100 of the ancient demon clans.

With these three bloodlines combined, even the bloodlines of the top fifty monsters in ancient times are not necessarily opponents.

Unfortunately, their opponent today was the third-ranked Black Lin Demon bloodline.

In front of the Black Lin Demon bloodline, they are destined to lose!

Everything developed as predicted, without any surprises.

Sunan was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

Finally, as the last bloodline was fused and swallowed, the power of the Black Lin Demon bloodline surged!

"It's done!"

A light flashed in Sunan's eyes, and in an instant, a powerful aura erupted from his body, shaking the entire world within a radius of two thousand meters!

[Congratulations, you have become the first player to break through to the king level. You will receive 800 points of heaven and earth luck as a reward. 】

[Congratulations, you have broken through to the king level. Your demon clan's luck has increased, and your demon clan's luck has increased by 1,000 points. 】

[Congratulations, your realm has been upgraded to the king level. Your talent of predicting the future has been enhanced, and the number of times it can be used per day is increased by 3. 】

[Congratulations, your talent of predicting the future has been usable 105 times, meeting the advanced conditions. 】

[Your talent of predicting the future has been advanced. Please explore the specific effects by yourself. 】

"Eight hundred points of heaven and earth luck! One thousand points of human luck!"

Sunan's eyes showed joy.

Needless to say, racial luck can be obtained through the use of fate calamity techniques in many ways.

For example, making a significant contribution to the race, such as the current realm breakthrough, has a wide range of uses, and at certain moments, it can even have unexpected uses.

The luck of heaven and earth can be used to obtain opportunities, and active use can trigger adventure events. Currently, the ways to obtain it include plundering players, breaking through rewards, and cultivating auspicious beasts.

The last time three characters broke through, a total of 450 luck points were awarded. Except for the 100 points he used in the Land of Gods, he has never used them again.

After Dragon Turtle broke through and was promoted to the Xuan level, he received another 300 points of luck, which was the same as the luck brought by his first breakthrough to the Xuan level, with a total of 750 points left.

Coupled with the 800 points of the current breakthrough reward, his available luck of heaven and earth has reached a full 1550 points!

"More than a thousand points of luck from heaven and earth are enough to proactively trigger an epic adventure event."

“I don’t know what kind of surprises this epic adventure can bring to me?”

Adventure events are divided into five levels, from ordinary adventures at 50 points to legendary adventures at 5,000 points.

So far, he has only triggered the fifty-point and one-hundred-point levels, and has not even triggered the third-level adventure event of five hundred points.

Now a breakthrough has directly brought his destiny to 1,500 points, reaching an unprecedented height. Before this, it was simply unimaginable!

"Zhang Yang and Wang Nan haven't broken through yet. When these two characters break through, their luck will definitely break through 2,000 points, and then they will be able to trigger two epic adventures."

Epic-level adventures are second only to legendary-level adventures, and consume ten times more luck than rare-level adventures.

Sunan couldn't imagine what benefits this ten-fold difference in luck could bring to him.

"With my current strength, there is no need to actively trigger adventure events. Maybe I can save up five thousand points and try to trigger legendary adventure events."

Su Nan came up with a bold idea.

Just an adventure triggered by a hundred points of luck can bring him huge benefits. He can't imagine how much benefit a legendary adventure will bring to him.

In addition to the increase in luck, what he looks forward to most is undoubtedly the prediction of future changes.

The first two future prediction advancements added the ability of continuous prediction and death prediction respectively. I don’t know what abilities will be added this time.

Looking at the prediction, even if he breaks through to the king level, the number of increased predictions is still three times. Fortunately, he has more than a hundred predictions, which is enough.

"Two consecutive predictions have consumed a total of ninety prediction opportunities. Now there are only 15 predictions left. I wonder if I can test the changes in predicting the future this time."

Predicting future changes requires testing yourself, and direct prediction is undoubtedly the best way to test.

With 15 predictions, if you use death prediction, you can only be more aggressive, such as finding a powerful emperor to challenge you, committing suicide yourself, or committing suicide directly.

Su Nan naturally chose the former, because there happened to be a monster comparable to an emperor in the universe in his sleeves. In addition, he could also challenge the demon king of the Sirius clan.

"Maybe I can try using game props in precognition."

Prediction started, and this time only three prediction opportunities were consumed.

In the precognition, as he imagined, he first tried to kill the monsters that were taken into the Qiankun in his sleeves.

After breaking through to the King level, his strength increased tremendously, and monsters that were originally impossible to deal with were easily killed by him.

Afterwards, he challenged the Demon Emperor of the Sirius Clan as a human being.

The result disappointed him, and he was killed by the Demon King of the Sirius Clan again!

However, what satisfied him was that in the precognition, he controlled the Lihuo spirit and used Suzaku to burn the sky, which actually ignited the domain of the Sirius Demon Emperor!

In the end, the Sirius Demon Emperor was forced to use his racial talent to kill Sunan.

After the premonition ended, Sunan carefully observed the changes from before, but he was disappointed.

Nothing has changed from before.

Game props are still unavailable.

"no change?"

Sunan frowned and had no choice but to predict again.

This time, he used ordinary future prediction.

The prediction ended quickly, and I was disappointed again. Three predictions in succession, but there was still no change compared to before.

"Strange, what has changed?"

Sunan was confused.

Unwilling to give up, he spent several more prediction opportunities to study for a while, but still found nothing.

He had no choice but to give up temporarily and wait until the game was refreshed before continuing.

Look at the time again, a new day has begun.

"The Heavenly Wolf Clan is about to leave for the Heavenly Demon Palace, and it's time for me to go back."

Sunan stood up and returned to the Sirius clan.

Little did he know that with his breakthrough, the world chat would once again explode.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Half an hour later, the Sirius clan's team set off.

This time, the leader of the team was the Demon King of the Sirius Clan. In addition, there were the eldest princess, the second princess, and the genius Bai Yu of the Sirius Clan.

Although Sunan previously ranked among the top three of the Heavenly Wolf Clan, he did not occupy the Heavenly Wolf Clan's quota, so Bai Yu could still participate in the Heavenly Demon Ceremony.

Time passed and it soon came to noon. Sunan stared at the panel and waited silently.

"According to the previous growth, the number of spirit-level players should now exceed 10 million. I wonder if the fourth open beta will really start as rumored?"

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