Counting the time, it has been more than two months since the Demon Game appeared.

From the initial internal beta, to the first public beta, to the second and third public beta, the time between each time was exactly fifteen days.

Seventeen days have passed since the third public beta, which is already the longest interval between public betas.

"Compared with the previous ones, the fourth open beta is something that many people don't want to see, especially players from China."

"The reason is very simple. Once the public beta is released, there is a high probability that a space channel will appear and the game will come to reality again. This will undoubtedly have the greatest impact on players in China."

You know, compared to players from other states, players from China now have a huge advantage.

Because other countries are occupied by monsters, all cities have fallen, and the power system is interrupted. It is impossible to log in through the game warehouse and can only be entered through the game bracelet itself.

The shortcomings of direct entry of the main body are very obvious. Death once is equivalent to twice. This is something no one wants to see.

Players in China do not need to and can still enter and exit the game through the game warehouse. This is equivalent to ten more lives than players in other states!

Because of this, the number of people in China has increased instead of falling. A large number of players from all over the world have poured into China. Today, China has a larger population than before the demon game appeared.

Fortunately, China's territory is huge, so it can accommodate these people.

Of course, there are still a few players who can enter the country of China. The vast majority of them still stay in their own country. These people are of low strength and have no ability to enter the country of China through the area occupied by monsters.

"In addition, there are a large number of ordinary people left behind in their respective countries."

"The fall of various countries does not mean that ordinary people have been brutally murdered by monsters. On the contrary, there are still a large number of ordinary people around the world who have survived."

"For these people, the fourth open beta is undoubtedly a life-saving straw."

Although after entering the game, there is a high probability that you will be assigned to an area controlled by monsters. If you are not careful, you may become the monster's rations, but what if you are lucky?

What if we were assigned to human territory?

Even if they can't, they still have a way to become stronger and have a chance to get rid of being killed by monsters at any time.

Countless people are waiting for the game to be refreshed.

at the same time.

In reality, in the snow-covered Antarctic, under an inconspicuous iceberg, several middle-aged people had joy in their eyes.

Covered in ice and snow, no one knew that under this iceberg, a huge space was dug out that could accommodate hundreds of people.

Here, all kinds of modern equipment are readily available. Not only are they not cut off from the outside world because of their geographical location, on the contrary, they can receive everything happening in the outside world as soon as possible.

"The fourth public beta is finally about to begin. I hope that the space channel opened this time will be enough to accommodate an emperor-level powerhouse to pass through."

"The master who was finally resurrected was killed and the sacred weapon was lost. If the three saints know about it, we will definitely be punished."

"There is nothing we can do about it. No one expected that Wang Nan would be so strong. Even the resurrected master was no match for him. Fortunately, the few of us did not enter that world, otherwise we would also be killed."

"Fortunately, most of this mission has been completed. Not only has the Sky Summoning Scripture been successfully disseminated, but tens of millions of players have signed contracts with the clan's treasure and are under our control."

In the ice cave, several men in black sighed. If Sunan were here, he would definitely recognize them at a glance. These people are members of the Destiny Society!

When they arrived at the cave, several people looked at the harsh environment outside with ugly expressions.

Their original base camp was not here, but they moved here immediately after learning that Sunan had taken action in the game. They were afraid that like in the game, Sunan would come directly to their door.

"The news has been spread back to the clan. I wonder how the three saints will respond this time?"

"It is impossible for us to deal with Wang Nan. Unless the clan is willing to send an emperor-level strongman, and it cannot be an ordinary emperor-level strongman, it will still be useless."

"That's right, there is news in the game that Lang Shisan has broken through to the king level and has become the first person to break through to the king level. I'm afraid that Wang Nan will also break through before long, and it will be more difficult to deal with him then. big."

A few hours have passed since Sunan General Lang Shisan's breakthrough. The news has already spread all over the world. Even if they are hiding in the North Pole, several people from the Destiny Society still get the news immediately.

They were surprised and didn't understand how Lang Shisan did it.

In their previous analysis, Xuan level is already the limit of current players, and it is impossible for anyone to break it.

But right now, Lang Shisan's breakthrough caught them off guard, because it meant that someone had mastered the method of breakthrough!

If this method falls into Wang Nan's hands and Wang Nan breaks through, it will be quite disadvantageous for them.

Unfortunately, they never imagined that Lang Shisan, Zhang Yang, and Wang Nan would be the same person.

"Is there any news about the whereabouts of the night watchmen?"

At this time, someone thought of another thing and couldn't help but ask.

"No, those people parted ways with the Chinese officials after entering the game, and I don't know where they went."

"This is strange. Where can they go? Could it be that the God Clan, like our Celestial Clan, also left behind something?"

"It's hard to say. I just hope those people don't cause trouble for us."

Time passes slowly and slowly.

Finally, after much anticipation, it’s midnight in reality!

During the game, most players stopped moving and stared at the panel in front of them.

At the same time, messages popped up in front of all the players in the Twelve States.

It's a game announcement!

[The number of detected spirit-level players has reached 10 million, which meets the conditions for the fourth open beta. 】

[This game will launch its fourth public beta in three days. The number of people in this public beta is one billion. 】

[The game bracelets will be randomly distributed to eligible players around the world in two days. 】

[After this open beta, the 30-day main mission of "Children of Luck" will be launched. Those who rank in the top 100 will receive a large number of heaven and earth luck rewards. 】

“The fourth open beta is really about to begin.”

Sunan looked calm, like many people, there was no surprise.

On the contrary, it was the main mission "Child of Destiny" that surprised him.

"Thirty days? This mission is a bit long."

Sunan was surprised. You must know that the previous tests and tasks lasted fifteen days, but this time it was doubled.

But what surprised him the most was the reward from the main mission.

Good luck!

The luck of race and the luck of heaven and earth!

"This mission is great, it's tailor-made for me!"

Sunan's eyes sparkled. Others gained racial luck, heavenly luck, and the changes brought about were nothing more than an increase in luck, which could easily trigger some adventures and reduce some disasters.

But he is different.

He can actively consume his luck to trigger adventures and perform fate calamity techniques.

And the most important thing is that consuming his luck does not affect his total luck!

"If I can really get a lot of luck from heaven and earth, maybe my previous idea can be realized!"

Sunan's heart was uneasy. He couldn't help but think of the idea he had not long ago of accumulating 5,000 points of luck to trigger a legendary adventure event.

Not long ago, he broke through to the King level and his luck skyrocketed, which gave him the idea of ​​triggering a legendary event. However, even if he really accumulated two thousand points of heaven and earth luck, he was still three thousand short of triggering a legendary adventure event. Some luck.

Unless he waits for him to break through to the Emperor level and receive a large amount of heaven and earth luck rewards again, he will not be able to accumulate so much luck in a short period of time.

But now the appearance of the mission gave him hope.

Moreover, he couldn't help but think of his ability to plunder luck.

"If I wait for other players to get a lot of luck and then plunder them, what will I gain?"

Su Nan subconsciously thought of Zhou Cheng, who was robbed by him twice, and couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The game announcements aren’t over yet.

Keep looking down.

However, the following content made his expression slightly change.

[After this open beta, players in the game will be able to synchronize their bloodline power to reality after their bloodline is complete. 】

[After this public beta, if a player dies in the game, the chance of resurrection will be reduced by two times. At the same time, it will take two days before he can log in to the game again. Use the game bracelet to directly enter the game. If the game character dies, he will be completely dead. 】

[Due to the large number of people participating in this open beta, after this open beta, the connection between the real world and the game world will be further strengthened, and short-term space passages will randomly appear in the two worlds. 】

"Death reduces the chance of resurrection twice, and you can log in again after two days?"

"When the character enters the game, will he die completely?"

Sunan's pupils shrank.

As the game continues to be tested, the game will become closer to reality. He has already guessed this situation, and has even been mentally prepared for it.

But he didn't expect that the span would be so big this time.

The last public beta only canceled the daily refresh of player status in the early morning. This time, the public beta directly restricted player resurrection!

This undoubtedly touched the foundation of all players!

Not surprisingly, the moment they saw this game announcement, all the players in the game became uneasy.

What is the biggest advantage for players?

It’s not that you can get various rewards through missions, nor that you can directly improve your strength through demon power, but you can be resurrected!

Living is the prerequisite for everything, and everything else has to stand aside.

As long as you can be resurrected, there are endless possibilities.

Now players' ability to resurrect has also been restricted, which is a major blow to all players!

This is not over yet, the opening of the space channel makes everyone even more desperate.

[Note: Due to the further connection between the two worlds, the space channel opened this time is relatively stable and can accommodate up to early emperor-level experts to pass through. 】

Looking at the game prompts, the players who were thinking about going to China just now also looked ugly at this time.

When the main body enters the game, death will be complete death. Under such circumstances, no one dares to joke with their own lives.

Although players who log in through the game warehouse will be able to log in two days after death, this price is completely bearable compared to complete death.

Going to China became the only solution.

But now, the space channel can accommodate the passage of the emperor level, which undoubtedly tells everyone that this time the space channel opens, there will be an emperor level monster coming to the earth!

"Can the Buddha on Songshan Mountain survive this time?"

All the Chinese players had an idea and were filled with worries.

The world chat has become extremely noisy, with many people complaining.

"Why do you want to break through the spiritual level? If you didn't break through the spiritual level, the current situation would not happen."

"It's good now, everyone is done playing. Originally, you could survive in the game after the real world fell. But now, it's good, and you can't stay in the game any longer."

People complained, some even cursed.

But they actually all know that this is something that is destined to be inevitable.

The conditions for this open beta have spread among players very early, and even Chinese officials have tried hard to delay the open beta, but the results have not changed.

No one can resist the temptation to become stronger, and no one wants to watch others improve without improving themselves.

"Now we can only hope that the mysterious Buddha of China can continue to appear. Otherwise, once the real world completely falls, we will all have a hard time."

At this moment, Hua Guo is not only the support of Chinese players, but also the last resort of all players.

Everyone prayed that the Buddha from Songshan Mountain would appear again.

No one knew that as the protagonist of their prayers, Sunan also looked solemn.

The space channel opened again, which was something everyone expected.

Originally, Sunan thought that the opening of the passage this time could accommodate at most late king-level or peak king-level people, but he did not expect that the beings that could pass through this time would actually reach the king-level.

From the early stage of king level to the current early stage of emperor level, a huge realm has been crossed!

Even if he has broken through to the King level now, with the support of many methods, he can't say that he can defeat all early King level players.

This has been verified in the previous predictions. Facing the Sirius Demon Emperor who used his racial talent, he still only had the chance to be killed.

"Are you going to run away this time?"

It would be difficult for him to deal with the arrival of a Demon King, not to mention that he still didn't know how many would come.

Although he has the Qiankun in his sleeves, he can't guarantee whether the Qiankun in his sleeves can be trapped once the number of emperor-level demon kings increases. After all, the Qiankun in his sleeves has limits, and he needs his strength to maintain it.

"In three days, there are still three days before the open beta. I must upgrade the two characters Zhang Yang and Wang Nan to the king level within these three days!"

Sunan felt the pressure again and couldn't help but look at today's daily tasks.

There is nothing much to say about the missions of the two characters Wang Nan and Zhang Yang. They are the same as before, rescuing monsters, hunting monsters, hunting king-level monsters, and hunting mysterious-level monsters.

As for Lang Shisan's mission, the mission level has changed due to the breakthrough.

[Daily Task 1: Rescue Hu Xiaotian]

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars

Mission reward: 75 points of demon power

[Daily Task 2: Exploring the Heavenly Demon Palace]

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars

Mission reward: 75 points of demon power

[Daily Task 3: Hunting a Mysterious Level Extraterrestrial Visitor]

Mission difficulty: one star

Mission reward: 30 points of demon power

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