I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 67 Another important place

The mountain monster does not have any human features on its body. The skin on its body is wrinkled, its hair is sparse, and its head looks somewhat like an enlarged version of a rat head.

"What realm is this monster in?" Su Nan wondered. Facing the mountain monster, his breathing was stagnant and he felt like his heart was beating with fear.

After confirming the appearance of the mountain demon, Sunan did not dare to stay.

Without waiting for the mountain monster to speak again, he directly used an unlimited opportunity to stand out and exit the game.

"Huh? Disappeared?"

Seeing Sunan disappear out of thin air, the mountain demon couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I hope I won't be guarded!"

In the bedroom, Sunan crawled out of the game room.

His action this time was a bit risky.

Under the orders of the Twelve Demon Emperors, the monsters now know that as long as they stay at the place where the player exits the game, they can wait for the player again.

It would be troublesome if the mountain demon stayed where he exited.

Just in case, Sunan waited for half an hour before logging into the game again.

Reappear in the game's mountain forest.

What made him relieved was that when he glanced around, there was no shadow of the mountain demon around.

After confirming that there was no danger, he immediately transformed himself into a mountain demon, and then began to predict the situation.

"Whether we can leave or not depends on this time."

[You turn into a mountain demon and want to leave the canyon. 】

[You quickly walked out of the canyon, but after just a few breaths, the mountain demon appeared in front of you. 】

[Seeing your appearance, the mountain demon was stunned for a moment, then became furious and slapped you with a palm. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Before you die, you realize that it is useless to look like a mountain monster. The mountain monster can feel that you and he are not of the same race. 】

From the beginning to the end of the precognition, he didn't even have time to breathe. He ended the precognition with death.

"This won't work!" Su Nan was disappointed.

Without any time to think, he immediately transformed back into the appearance of another monster and returned quickly.

The return process went smoothly and did not attract the mountain demon.

This made Sunan wonder. He didn't understand how the mountain demon knew whether he was leaving the canyon or returning.

Returning to the three-way intersection outside the prison, Sunan changed his appearance back into the wolf demon guard.

"It seems that it is basically impossible to leave Tianlang Valley from the mountain demon."

Sighing, now it seems that if you want to leave Tianlang Valley, the only way to leave is on the surface.

He can only hope that after killing the wolf demon guard tomorrow, he can really steal the fate of the wolf demon guard.

"There are six more chances. What will you predict this time?"

Looking at the mission panel, he is now logged into the game as Zhang Yang.

After finishing hunting the mortal monster, in addition to the task of "hunting a spiritual monster" on the panel, there is only "exploring the mysterious cave."

Forget about hunting spirit-level monsters.

Not to mention that he now has very little power left. Even at his peak, it would be difficult to kill a spirit-level monster.

Perhaps, it will be possible after he raises the thunder insect bloodline to the Great Perfection.

The same is true for the mysterious cave.

Unless his strength can be improved or he can transform into the monster in the cave, he will basically die if he goes in.

"I didn't encounter that monster at the cliff yesterday. I don't know if the monster is there today?"

Looking at the road leading to the cliff, Sunan's eyes moved slightly and decided to predict it.

[You know, at the end of the road leading to the cliff, there is a monster that is suspected to be in a mysterious cave, and you decide to look for it. 】

[A minute later, you successfully reached the end of the road, but unfortunately you did not encounter any monsters. 】

[You are unwilling to give up and try to search on the edge of the cliff. You explore to the left along the mountain forest on the edge of the cliff. 】

[After two minutes, you found nothing, but you didn’t give up and continued to search. 】

[Unconsciously, you find yourself being targeted by several monsters. They are not the monsters you are looking for. 】

[The monsters know that you have discovered them, and they no longer hide, and suddenly attack you all. 】

[At the critical moment, you escaped by turning into a monster. 】

[You continue to search, but unfortunately still find nothing. 】

Just like yesterday, I didn't find the monster I wanted.

"It seems that I was really lucky to meet that monster last time."

He had some regrets.

If I could have seen that monster's appearance, maybe now the mission of exploring the mysterious cave would have been completed.

"I just explored to the left, this time I'll try exploring to the right."

Sunan did not give up and used another opportunity to predict.

After a few breaths, he was disappointed.

Still nothing this time.

"There are still 4 prediction opportunities, let's predict others." He couldn't find the monster twice, so he had to give up.

However, he suddenly realized that there was nothing he needed to predict.

The tasks that both characters can accomplish have been completed, and the rest is impossible.

The difference in strength is too big, even if you have prediction, you can't do it.

Forced prediction has no effect except wasting the number of predictions.

After thinking for a while, he took out the animal skin map and his eyes fell on a place on the map.

Purple leaf forest!

Centered on Thousand Wolf Cave, there are four roads leading to four directions. Now the other three directions have been explored, but he has never been to the direction leading to the Purple Leaf Forest.

"What's in this place?" Su Nan was a little curious.

The daily tasks have been refreshed with the task of exploring Wangyue Peak, and the task of exploring the mysterious cave has been refreshed, but the task of exploring the Purple Leaf Forest has not been refreshed.

Of course, he suspected that the reason why this happened was because the task of exploring the mysterious cave had not been completed.

Perhaps as long as he completes the task of exploring the mysterious cave, he can refresh the task of exploring the Purple Leaf Forest.

"It's you!"

With nothing to do, Sunan decided to go take a look.

What if there is a way out of Tianlang Valley from this place?

Even if this possibility is unlikely.

Ziyelin is also far away from Thousand Wolf Cave. If he wants to predict, he needs to get closer.

However, what he didn't expect was that not long after he set foot on the road to the Purple Leaf Forest, he encountered a sentry post.

Compared with the sentry posts in other places, this sentry post is obviously different. There are not two monsters guarding it, but four, and these four monsters are each wearing armor and holding weapons.

When the four guards saw Sunan, one of the monsters immediately shouted: "The front is an important place for our clan. No clan member is allowed to enter without the order of the eldest princess!"

Purple Leaf Forest is the important place of the Sirius Clan?

Sunan was instantly curious.

He originally thought that the Heavenly Prison was the only important place in the Tianlang Valley, but he didn't expect the Purple Leaf Forest to be the same.

And looking at the current situation, the guards in Ziyelin are tighter than those in Trapped Heaven Prison.

"I want to see what's in this purple leaf forest."

Not only was Sunan not intimidated, but she became interested.

Others may not be able to do anything about this situation, but he does.

He could completely transform into a monster and approach the Purple Leaf Forest from the mountain forest.

As long as he is close to Ziyelin, he can use precognition.

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