There are a large number of monsters in the mountains and forests of Tianlang Valley. Although most of those monsters are at the ordinary level, it is easy to attract mountain monsters if you fight with those monsters.

It is almost impossible for ordinary players to travel through the mountains and forests.

Sunan found a place where there were no monsters and turned directly into the macaque-like monsters in the mountains and forests.

Similar to the previous situation, he was stared at by several monsters not long after he entered the forest. These monsters did not attack him, but just looked at him curiously.

Sunan quickly walked through the mountain forest, heading towards the direction of the purple leaf forest.

After dozens of minutes, he stopped.

Looking ahead, the mountain forest was no longer dominated by lush old trees, but instead a kind of purple tree that he had never seen before.

"No wonder it's called Purple Leaf Forest. It turns out the trees here really have purple leaves."

At this point, he could already begin to predict.

[You travel through the mountain forest, carefully come to the vicinity of the purple leaf forest, and try to enter the purple leaf forest. 】

[After a few breaths, you successfully entered the purple leaf forest. It was completely silent and there were no monsters. 】

[You carefully explore the depths of the purple leaf forest. After three breaths, you suddenly see a stone tablet standing in front of you. 】

[I don’t know how long the stone tablet has been there, but it has been seriously damaged. 】

[You studied for a while and failed to figure out the reason, so you had to continue moving forward. After just one or two breaths, you found a stone tablet again. 】

[This stone tablet is relatively well preserved, and you can vaguely see the handwriting engraved on it. After studying it, you suddenly discover that this is a tombstone! 】

[You finally understand that this purple leaf forest is probably a cemetery. 】

[There are many stone monuments here. You can see one at a certain distance, and there are more and more as you go forward. Unfortunately, these stone monuments are too badly weathered and you cannot get any information. 】

[You still ignore these tombstones and quickly go deeper into the purple leaf forest. Two minutes later, the purple leaf trees in front of you begin to slowly decrease. 】

"This is actually a cemetery!"

Seeing this, Sunan was surprised.

Judging from the predicted information, this cemetery has obviously existed for a long time. The tombstones have weathered and the carved writings are no longer visible. I can’t imagine when this cemetery was left.

"Maybe these tombstones are also left from ancient times, right?" He secretly guessed.

There was a great war in Tianlang Valley in ancient times, and a large number of monsters were killed in the battle. It is very likely that graves were left here.

The precognition continues.

[Finally, you come to the end of the purple leaf forest. Through the sparse trees, you see a huge cliff in front of you. In front of the cliff, stands a stone tablet that is ten feet high. 】

[Compared to those stone tablets in the red leaf forest, this huge stone tablet is more weathered, and its original outline can no longer be seen. 】

[You observe carefully, and at this moment, you see a woman in red walking out of the cave, followed by two girls behind her. 】

[The appearance of three women caught your attention. Unlike monsters, the three women have no characteristics of monsters at all. 】

[You immediately realize that the woman in red is not simple. You observe the woman’s appearance carefully and plan to use her appearance to enter the cave entrance. 】

[You don’t know, but long-term observation made the woman in red notice something abnormal. 】

[Hong Yi suddenly looked at you. After seeing that you were a monster, he was stunned for a moment, and then he grabbed you. 】

[You have no ability to resist and are caught by the woman in red. 】

【you are dead. 】

Su Nan was not surprised when he predicted death for the first time. What surprised him was what was behind the purple leaf forest.

"If the stone monuments here are all tombstones, doesn't it mean that there is a big tomb behind the huge stone monument?"

"There is actually a big tomb at the end of the Purple Leaf Forest! What kind of monster is buried there?"

His heart was slightly shaken, and he could be sure that if there was really a monster buried in that big tomb, it would definitely not be a simple monster.

"I don't know what's inside?" He was curious and couldn't help but want to enter the tomb to find out.

Obviously, the reason why this purple leaf forest is closely guarded by monsters is because of the large tomb.

But judging from the current situation, the tomb was very tightly guarded and it would be difficult for him to enter.

"The three women I met in the prediction must be extremely powerful monsters."

"It seems we can only wait until the three women leave before going to see them."

In the prediction, three women would leave the tomb in more than two minutes. If he wanted to enter the tomb, he could only wait for the three women to leave.

Of course, he didn't have high hopes for being able to enter the tomb.

There must be many monsters guarding such a place that monsters focus on guarding, and the tomb is the most heavily guarded place.

But before that, he needed to get close to the big tomb.

The precognition only lasted three minutes. It was too far away and the time was wasted on the road. Even if he could enter the tomb, there would be no time to give him precognition.

More than two minutes later, he arrived not far from the end of the purple leaf forest.

At this point, you can clearly see the entrance to the tomb.

That's when.

In sight, a woman dressed in red walked out of the entrance to the tomb, and behind her were a girl in white and a girl in green.

Just like what was said in the prediction, the three women did not look like monsters at all.

Especially the leading woman in red, not only has a beautiful face, but also an exquisite figure, even comparable to Zhou Lingyin.

Sunan quickly looked at the three women.

His move was very dangerous. Although it was predicted that he was only discovered after a long period of observation, for a powerful being like a woman, one glance is often enough to attract her attention.

It's just that he can't help it.

If he wanted to enter the tomb, he had to use the woman's appearance, otherwise he would most likely die even if he entered.

He quickly glanced at the three of them. After remembering their appearance, he immediately looked away. Then he held his breath, tried his best to hide his body behind the tree, and waited quietly for the woman to leave.

Two minutes later, Sunan looked towards the entrance of the cave again. He could no longer see the three women, and nothing unusual happened. This made him relieved. Obviously, his actions just now did not attract attention.

Without making any rash move, he continued to wait.

After another two or three minutes, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he was ready to predict.


[You come to the end of the purple leaf forest and know that there is a big tomb here, and that is your goal. 】

[After you transform into the woman in red, you head towards the entrance of the tomb. 】

[This is a cave entrance that extends downward. You go down the stairs and soon come to a circular stone chamber. 】

[There is nothing in the stone chamber, except for four monsters standing in two rows, guarding a downward cave entrance. 】

[Seeing your arrival, the four monsters not only had no doubts, but immediately saluted you. They called you the princess. 】

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