I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 174 Tang Hao returns to his clan and Dugu Yan opens the can

"Tang Hao, calm down!"

"There should be at least three or four titled Douluo in the sect. Everything will be fine!"

Tang Hao tried to calm down and walked forward.

He came between the two peaks and found that the chain for the disciples of the sect to pass had been broken.

However, this is not a problem for him as a titled Douluo.

Flying across the void.

Not long after, Tang Hao officially arrived at the gate of Haotian Sect.

"how could this be"

Tang Hao's eyes instantly became moist when he looked at the devastated Haotian Sect.

He remembered that there were ancient castles in the distance.

But now it is full of ruins, and it is difficult to find a complete building.

In his memory, the gatehouse should be where he was. There is a gold-plated plaque hanging on it, with the three shocking characters "Haotian Sect" written on it.

At this time, there were only a few burnt black wooden piles with wisps of green smoke on them, exuding a choking smell.

"It's gone! The Haotian Sect is gone!"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

Tang Hao was confused and at a loss.

He really didn't know what was going on.

"Tang Hao, you still have the nerve to come back!"

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded behind Tang Hao.

Tang Hao was suddenly startled and turned around hurriedly.

I saw an old man in black clothes who looked a little down, looking at me angrily.

Tang Hao frowned.

This person gave him a strange yet familiar feeling, and subconsciously, a figure emerged in his mind.

"Are you the seventh elder?" he asked tentatively.


The seventh elder snorted coldly, and then squeezed out another sound from between his teeth: "Tang Hao, you, a sinner of the sect, never thought that you would have the nerve to come back. How can you have the nerve to come back?"

Faced with the cynicism of the seventh elder, Tang Hao clenched his fists and suppressed the urge to take action.

"I, Tang Hao, know that my sins are serious, and there is no need for the Seventh Elder to remind me of this."

"But over the years, I have been looking for ways to make up for it."

He said in a deep voice.

"Haha, make up for it?"

The seventh elder suddenly smiled.

Smiling coldly.

"Don't you want to know why the Haotian Sect is in the situation it is in today?"

"Then I'll tell you."

The seventh elder looked directly at Tang Haohan and said, "This is all because of you, because you angered the Spirit Hall!"

Wuhun Palace!

Tang Hao's mind went blank as if he was struck by lightning.

He never dreamed that Wuhun Palace, which had been silent for so many years, would suddenly take action.

"The Haotian Sect's mountain gate is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even if the Wuhun Palace wants to attack us, it will have to have several times our manpower!"

To be honest, Tang Hao didn't think Wuhun Palace had such power.

"Haha, the Wuhun Palace is not powerful enough?"

The seventh elder laughed angrily and asked Tang Hao: "More than a dozen powerful titled Douluo people have joined forces, and the average level is above level ninety-five. How can we, the Haotian Sect, resist?"

So many strong men?

Tang Hao's eyes widened.

He had always thought that the Pope and the Elders were at the peak of their combat power, but now it seemed that he was completely wrong!

"Not only that, I also saw the strong man who can compete with the ancestor, and he is not dead either!"

The seventh elder once again made a shocking statement.


not dead!

With a thump, Tang Hao took a few steps back uncontrollably.

He was really frightened.

As for Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and others, as long as they don't join forces, he has nothing to fear.

But no matter how powerful he thinks he is, he is still far from being able to compare with ancestor Tang Chen.

He suddenly felt that it was a miracle that he could go back and forth from Wuhun City so many times.

"It is because of the presence of such strong men that the second brother, third brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother will die in battle!"

"Tell me, do you still want to make up for it now? Can you still make up for it?"

"If you can bring my brothers back, I will forgive your sins."

The seventh elder's voice was filled with incomparable sorrow.

So many elders died. Tang Hao was shocked.

However, he slowly shook his head when faced with the seventh elder's questioning, "The deaths of several elders have nothing to do with me. The Wuhun Palace is ambitious and wants to dominate the Douluo Continent. Even without me, sooner or later, it will attack the Haotian Sect. .”

"The reason why we attacked Haotian Sect is that they have gained enough strength over the years. What's my fault?"

Tang Hao's meaning is very simple, subconsciously saying, I will not bear the blame.

On the other hand, although the Seventh Elder's temperament is a bit reckless, he can still hear good words.

He instantly understood what Tang Hao meant.

"What a Tang Hao. He said before that he had committed serious sins and wanted to make up for it. Now he actually tells me what's wrong with him?"

"I understand! You're bullying me now that I'm the only one left in the group of elders, right?"

The seventh elder's face turned red with anger.


He took two sharp breaths and pointed at Tang Hao, who couldn't help but tremble, "Then I'm going to have a good fight with you today!"

"If it weren't for you provoking Wuhun Palace, why would we have blocked the mountain gate? Someone stabbed us in the spine from behind. The once number one sect in the world is simply the number one shrinking turtle in the world."

"And if we didn't seal off the mountain gate, and the four major imperial clans were still there, and developed for decades, our Haotian Sect's strength would have increased by at least half! Even the Spirit Hall will have to weigh it before it faces us!"

After the seventh elder finished speaking, he looked at Tang Hao angrily, waiting for his answer.

However, the seventh elder was disappointed.

Tang Hao just shook his head indifferently, "Don't talk about things that happened so long ago. I just want to say that the destruction of Haotian Sect has nothing to do with me!"

"I will definitely not bear this blame. Even if it is caused by me, I cannot bear it. Otherwise, this will be nailed to the Haotian Sect's pillar of shame and be cast aside by future generations forever!" He thought with great certainty in his heart.


"Haotian Sect doesn't welcome you!"

The seventh elder could no longer control himself. He directly drove Tang Hao away.

"Seventh Elder, I respect you as an elder and an elder. I don't need to care about this scolding."

Tang Hao's voice suddenly turned cold: "But if there is a next time, don't blame Tang Hao for being offended."


He actually wants to attack me?

The seventh elder's expression suddenly changed, and then his eyes became extremely cold: "I would like to see how you have improved over the years."

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and the soul power in his body exploded.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer was held in his hand.

Nine soul rings appeared one after another under his feet.

When Tang Hao saw this, the light in his eyes flashed slightly, and he exclaimed in admiration: "I didn't expect that the seventh elders have made great progress in their cultivation, and they have already become titled Douluo!"

However, he snorted coldly in his heart, "Huh, it's just that you are not the only one who has improved over the years!"

The next moment, the Clear Sky Hammer also appeared in Tang Hao's hand, but an aura far surpassing that of the Seven Elders erupted.

Suppress him to death!

"Ninety-five level title."

The seventh elder's eyes suddenly showed horror, and he said in disbelief.

"Yes, as expected of the Seventh Elder, he certainly has a high vision."

Tang Hao suddenly laughed as he spoke.

Somewhat proud.

He remembered that the seventh elder in the sect had the biggest opinion against him and suppressed him the most. However, there were several other elders present at the time, and he was unable to refute at all.

But now, the seventh elder is the only one left, and he is fearless.

In any case, it can be regarded as a breath of bad luck from the past.

"Okay, okay."

"The children back then also bullied me into being old and weak."

The seventh elder felt a mixture of sadness and anger, but more of a feeling of powerlessness.

"Seventh Elder, don't get me wrong. I didn't return to the sect this time to target you. Instead, I brought an opportunity for the sect to grow."

"Even if we fight against the Wuhun Palace, it is not impossible to even destroy the Wuhun Palace."

His anger was gone, and Tang Hao started talking about business.

Although the Haotian Sect is in the current state of embarrassment, Tang Hao believes that since the seventh elder can survive, he must have retained some heritage.

Then it still has value and can be a boost.

Bring an opportunity to fight against Wuhun Palace?

The seventh elder laughed. He felt that Tang Hao was very ignorant.

"You don't know how strong the other party is, right?"

"In addition to the powerful man who is comparable to the ancestor, there is also a ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo. It is impossible for us to defeat him."

The seventh elder said this and let out a long sigh, "I beg you to do well and let Haotian Sect go. Now the sect needs the opportunity to thrive, not war."

It has to be said that Haotian Sect's current losses are too great.

Although some people survived.

But except for him and Tang Xiao, there was no one strong in the Haotian Sect who was above Soul Saint.

What they have to do now is to work hard to cultivate the younger generations who survive by chance. He grew up before he and Tang Xiao died.

Otherwise, the Haotian Sect will be in a state of insecurity.

The current Haotian Sect really can't afford the slightest bit of trouble.

Even the old site of Haotian Sect can no longer be used. They need a more private place to develop in secret.

How can the Haotian Sect prosper under the leadership of such an elder? Tang Hao frowned secretly.

He opened his mouth and was about to scold the seventh elder, but there was a call from behind him.

"Brother Hao. Is it really you? Brother Hao?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao's body trembled suddenly.

What a familiar title this is!

He slowly turned around and saw the figure, tears streaming from his eyes.

After not seeing each other for decades, he still recognized the other person at a glance. It was his good big brother, Tang Xiao!

"Brother, it's me!"

He also shouted.

On the other side, in a small shop.

Lin Xiao looked at his grandfather and grandson in front of him and asked, "Have you decided? Who comes first?"

"You first!"

Immediately, Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan said in unison.

Lin Xiao secretly held his forehead.

See, that's it, it's weird.

Almost all the people who came to the shop to open cans were vying to be the first to open one.

This is a good thing for the grandfather and grandson, and they both want to open the jar later.

"Forget it, it's a traditional virtue to treat the elderly and care for the young. I respect the elderly, so I'll go first."

In the end, Dugu Yan couldn't defeat Dugu Bo and stepped forward helplessly.

Does that mean I don’t love children anymore?

Dugu Bo snorted in his heart, but still gave Dugu Yan encouragement, "Yan Yan, come on."

Of course he was rewarded.

That was Dugu Yan's big white eyes.

"Boss, just start with this and take ten from there."

Dugu Yan said, pointing to a jar.

"no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded, then took down the jars selected by the girl and placed them on the counter.

At this time, Dugu Bo said excitedly: "Yanyan, you can open the can with the hammer at your hand."

However, Dugu Yan gave Dugu Bo a blank look again.

Why are you so excited when I open the can?

This is a big chapter of three thousand words, brothers.

Please support.

There will be a chapter later.

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