I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 175 Dugu Yan’s good luck, Tang Hao tells the past

But when the hammer in Dugu Yan's hand was about to smash the jar, she hesitated.

Dugu Bo had already told her when she came.

If you can open a shining world instrument, you can solve your own problems. From now on, she will no longer have to be troubled by the green snake venom, and she will usher in a brand new life.

It can be said.

The jar can change your destiny.

But it may not change. Dugu Bo has said more than once that it is as difficult as reaching the sky to get what you want from a jar!

"Yanyan, it's really difficult to get a rare item like a shiny world instrument. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

It doesn't matter if it can't be opened. We can wait another two weeks at most before opening the designated jar. "

After all, he had watched Dugu Yan grow up. Needless to say, Dugu Bo also knew what Dugu Yan was thinking.

"Grandpa, I understand."

Hearing this, Dugu Yan felt a lot more relaxed and responded to Dugu Bo's words crisply.


The first jar was smashed by Dugu Yan, and a dazzling purple light suddenly burst out.

It attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Xiao looked over and immediately saw the items clearly.

That's a purple bead

He was slightly stunned. I thought to myself: Is Dugu Yan's luck a little better?

"God, did I read that right?"

On the side, Dugu Bo rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he spoke.

After repeatedly confirming that he had read correctly, he was overjoyed.

The item in the jar was none other than the shining world instrument that Dugu Bo had always dreamed of wanting for Dugu Yan!

"Yes, yes. Yanyan!"

"It penetrates the soul in one shot!"

He was so excited that he was speechless.

"Grandpa, you mean, this is the shining world ceremony?"

Dugu Yan asked in disbelief.

Dugubo's answer was affirmative, "Yanyan, this is the shining world ceremony!"


Dugu Yan suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and crystal tears fell uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

She had been looking forward to this day for so long.

It was as if a huge boulder had fallen down in my heart.

"I thought I really had to wait for the shining world instrument in the lucky prayer jar. I didn't expect this thing to be opened by me so easily. Isn't it easy to get it?"

After Dugu Yan put away the shining world instrument, he smiled at Dugu Bo and said.

Good to go? Lin Xiao looked strange. I secretly muttered in my heart, have you not seen how difficult it is for your grandfather to kill him?

Dugu Bo even hit him unceremoniously: "It's not easy, you call it good luck. If you don't believe it, if you hit another one, then you will be considered great."

"I just said it casually." Dugu Yan stuck out his tongue.

She also knew that she was extremely lucky to get one.

It was Boss Lin who took care of me.

It is simply impossible to open another one.

But since the jar has been chosen, why not open it?


Dugu Yan smashed the second jar again.

Another burst of purple light!

"Another treasure?" Dugu Bo screamed, so excited that he couldn't close his legs.

However, when he saw the items in the jar clearly, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face, "Another shining world instrument?"

Dugu Yan spread his hands and said, "Grandpa, don't be so surprised. Isn't this simple?"

"What do you mean? Do you doubt my difficulty?"

Dugu Bo snorted coldly: "If you can still create a shining world instrument, I will take your surname."

"you said?"

Dugu Yan smiled, with an expression that said you were destined to lose.

But soon, Lin Xiao saw the girl stomping her feet: "Grandpa, you cheated me! My surname is Dugu too!!"

Dugu Bo laughed loudly.

"Brother Hao, where have you been these years?"

On the ruins of Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao excitedly held Tang Hao's hand and asked.

"Brother, I have been to too many places over the years." Tang Hao said bitterly.

He took Tang San like a bereaved dog, hiding in various places, and finally settled in Holy Soul Village.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

"When you come back this time, don't leave."

Seeing that Tang Hao was unwilling to say more, Tang Xiao stopped asking any more questions.

He just wanted to keep Tang Hao here.

"Brother, I'm afraid this won't work."

Tang Hao shook his head, he still had too many things to do. It's impossible to stay here.

Almost at the same time, the seventh elder also said in a deep voice: "Sect Master, Tang Hao once expelled himself from the sect and brought trouble to the sect. He is the sinner of the sect.

Staying for a moment longer would be disrespectful to those in the sect who were killed by him. You should let him go immediately. He was even expelled from Haotian Sect! "

leave? When Tang Xiao heard this, his face darkened, and he suddenly showed an unhappy look.

This shocked the seventh elder. In his memory, Tang Xiao had never shown such a look to them during the decades he had taken over the Haotian Sect.

At this time, Tang Xiao's voice had already spread coldly, "Brother Hao, his surname is also Tang, and he is also the owner of the Clear Sky Hammer. He is of extremely pure Clear Sky blood, how can he be left outside?"

Tang Xiao became extremely hardened.

The seventh elder was immediately speechless.

He realized that times had changed.

It is no longer the time when the sect master listens to whatever the many elders say.

It was as if the useless sect leader was gone forever.

"That's all."

"You are the sect leader and you have the final say."

The seventh elder felt a little embarrassed and left in low spirits.

Tang Xiao ignored him.

After the seventh elder disappeared from his sight, he looked at Tang Hao and asked, "Brother Hao, did Ah Yin come with you?"

His voice was full of excitement and anticipation.

Ah Yin! ?

Tang Hao felt a pain in his heart when he heard the sound, and then said bitterly: "Brother, Ah Yin is here too."

"Here, where are you? Why didn't I see it?" Tang Xiao began to look around, as if to find the figure that haunted him.

"Brother, stop looking"

"She's here."

Tang Hao said, summoning his soul ring.

"What does it mean."

Tang Xiao was puzzled.

However, when he saw the red soul ring that finally appeared on Tang Hao, Tang Xiao was no longer calm.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"This, this is, Ah Yin"

The next moment, he flew into a rage, "Tang Hao, I handed her over to you, but you actually killed her!"

Along with his roar, a powerful momentum burst out!

Astonishingly, he is already a level ninety-five titled Douluo!

"Brother, it's my fault for not protecting Ah Yin."

"I shouldn't have walked on the continent without the strength to protect her. In the end, it attracted the attention of Wuhun Palace. I am guilty."

With a plop, Tang Hao knelt on the ground and said sadly: "But I didn't kill her. Ah Yin voluntarily sacrificed her to me."

Sacrifice? Tang Xiao obviously didn't believe it.

Seeing this, Tang Hao could only continue to explain, recounting the deeds of that year: "Back then, the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Qian Xunji, led two powerful Titled Douluo men to hunt down our family of three. Ah Yin and I were no match. In a critical moment, Ah Yin used sacrifice to give me the ninth soul ring.

In the end, I blew up the 100,000-year-old soul ring that Ah Yin sacrificed, and then I defeated the three major titled Douluo including the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and escaped the pursuit of Wuhun Palace with my and Ah Yin's children. "

"Not long after that, news of the Pope's death came."

Two updates are over,

Good night.

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