I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 176 Tang Xiao’s decision, Dugu Yan’s bamboo dragonfly

"So many things happened back then!"

Tang Xiao's eyes showed shock.

What a crisis it was to be surrounded by the Pope and the two elders of Wuhun Palace!

Being able to survive is partly luck and partly due to strength!

It’s just Ah Yin

Tang Xiao thought of A Yin, and his heart felt like a knife.

After a long time.

Under Tang Hao's gaze, some sparkle appeared in Tang Xiaocai's eyes.

"Brother, A Yin's death is all my fault. If it weren't for me taking him to Wuhun City, this wouldn't have happened."

Tang Hao said in a deep voice, his eyes filled with guilt.

"Brother Hao, it's not your fault. I know A-Yin's wish is to travel throughout the Douluo Continent, and going to Wuhun City has always been one of her wishes."

"Unexpectedly, she was discovered even though she has entered the mature stage."

Tang Xiao said he didn't care, but his eyes were still full of regret, "Brother Hao has suffered a lot from you over the years."

As he said that, his big hands fell on Tang Hao's shoulders.

Feeling the warmth coming from his shoulders, Tang Hao's eyes turned red. He said sincerely: "Brother, I am very happy to be forgiven by you. I have rarely been so happy in these years."

Tang Xiao shook his head, "If you don't speak the same language as one family, don't leave now that you're back."


That's impossible!

Tang Hao immediately shook his head, "Actually, when I came back this time, I brought important news, which is related to the rise and fall of the Haotian Sect."

he said in a hoarse voice.

But after taking a look at the messy Haotian Sect, he always felt that he was a step too late.

If the sect was informed about the jar store in the morning, would it be better for the Haotian sect to open the jar as soon as possible and face the attack from Wuhun Palace?

"What's going on?" Tang Xiao's face became serious.

"I discovered a magical jar shop in Wuhun City. All kinds of weird and magical items can be found in the jars sold in the store."

"What does that have to do with the rise and fall of our Haotian Sect?"

"It's a big deal!"

Tang Hao said with great seriousness: "If you are lucky enough and find a treasure that can enhance your strength, even a titled Douluo can skyrocket in strength within a period of time! Even if you are now level ninety-five, it will be the same!"


Tang Xiao was shocked when he heard the sound. Tang Hao could feel that because of the shock, his big hand squeezed his shoulder with a little more force unconsciously.

What does he desire most now?


The Haotian Sect was destroyed by the Wuhun Palace, and he wished he had the powerful power to go to the Wuhun Palace to take revenge now!

"How short is a short time?" Tang Xiao asked.


Tang Hao carefully thought about the effect of taking the proficiency and experience capsules, and added: "Just a few breaths can save you several years, or even ten years of hard work."


Is there such a treasure? It's so terrifying!

Tang Xiao took a breath of air, truly shocked.

After a while, Tang Xiao finally accepted this fact. He looked at Tang Hao and said excitedly: "Brother Hao, the news you brought is really important.

If this is the case, we, the Haotian Sect, may not have no hope of recreating the glory of our ancestor Tang Chen! "

Tang Hao nodded and took out a parchment, which recorded the location of the shop.

At the same time, he reminded aloud: "Brother, please keep this scroll. It contains a detailed introduction to the store. What you should pay attention to is that the store is in Wuhun City. Be careful when you go there."

What? In Wuhun City?

Tang Xiao took the sheepskin scroll and said in a solemn voice: "I remember it. After I find a place for the sect, I will go and see this little shop."

Tang Hao was startled when he heard this.

Tang Xiao said: "Haotian Sect is destroyed and is no longer safe. We can only find a new place to live. Now the surviving sect disciples have left the sect and are in a place that is relatively safe for the time being, but this is not It’s not a long-term solution.”

"I don't know, brother, where do you want to place the sect?"

"It's too difficult to develop and grow alone. I hope to seek cooperation with the Qibao Glazed Sect or the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family." Tang Xiao expressed his thoughts.

The Qibao Glazed Sect definitely can't do it. Tang Hao thought of the unpleasantness with the Qibao Glazed Sect and refused from the bottom of his heart.

He said solemnly: "Ning Fengzhi is a philistine businessman and cannot be trusted. I think it is better to contact the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family secretly. At the same time, if the Haotian Sect wants to grow in strength, it cannot give up on the four former imperial clans."

Tang Xiao nodded, "That's what I meant. Fortunately, the Li Clan is your follower, so it's not difficult to conquer them."


After listening to Tang Xiao's words, Tang Hao showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Brother Hao, are you still leaving?" Tang Xiao saw what Tang Xiao was thinking.

Tang Hao nodded: "Yes, I want to enter the killing city and walk the road to hell again to sharpen my mind."

Although Tang Hao's strength has improved a lot recently, he also has more worries in his heart.

It was like a big stone was blocking his heart, and he would not feel comfortable unless he let out this annoyance.

Years of experience told him that killing was the best way to soothe his mood.

"In that case, I won't stop you."

Tang Xiao pondered for a moment and then reminded: "But, Brother Hao, you must remember not to lose yourself in the killing."

"Brother, I understand." Tang Hao took a deep look at Tang Xiao and turned to leave.

But Tang Xiao stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Tang Hao turned around and saw Tang Xiao handing over a black card.

"There are two million gold soul coins on this card. Logically speaking, I should give you more, but you also know that the Haotian Sect has closed its gates over the years and has been greatly affected.

After experiencing another raid by Wuhun Palace, the sect suffered even more heavy losses."

Tang Xiao said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

It can be said that the Haotian Sect, which was already in decline, has plummeted further!

"Brother, take care."

Tang Hao took the black card without much hesitation.

It can be said that this was one of the purposes of his trip.

However, he did not expect that Haotian Sect would experience such a disaster. The harvest was far less than expected.

"It seems that you have to rely on yourself."

With this thought in mind, Tang Hao left Haotian Sect without looking back.

He doesn't plan to come back for a long time.

"If you open it again, it will be the seventh jar. I don't believe you still haven't released the shining world instrument?"

When he is not steaming steamed buns to fight for his reputation, Dugu Yan in the small shop has an inexplicable obsession with the shining world instrument.

For no other reason, he just wanted to prove to Dugu Bo that the shining world instrument was very easy to use.

Dugu Bo didn't say anything, just smiled disdainfully, keeping everything in silence.

Lin Xiao shook his head secretly and thought to himself: These are not grandfather and grandson, they are simply enemies.

With a click, Dugu Yan had smashed the seventh jar.

It was a burst of blue light.

"Finally a high-end item has been released."

Dugu Yan smiled in surprise.

Immediately take out the contents of the jar.

Lin Xiao also looked over, a little surprised, because it turned out to be a bamboo dragonfly.

There will be a chapter later.

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