I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 177 The Flying Bamboo Dragonfly, the Xiangjia Sect Incident

"Grandpa, this is just like the toy I had when I was a kid. What do you call a toy that can fly with just a pinch of your hand?"

Dugu Yan frowned and thought for a long time.

My little nose wrinkled up, but I didn't think about it.

"Bamboo dragonfly."

Lin Xiao reminded lightly.

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she softly exhaled: "Yes, it's the bamboo dragonfly."

Then, she looked at Lin Xiao and asked: "Boss, since this bamboo dragonfly is a high-end item, it must be something extraordinary, right?

I guess it can fly higher and faster and can be used to send messages? Or is it a murder weapon? "

Dugu Yan started thinking wildly with his little mind.

After all, she has opened six jars, so she is considered a person who has seen the world, and she has figured out some of the details of the shop.

First of all, nothing can be seen with ordinary eyes.

For example, she had never heard of coins that could attract lightning strikes or juice that could restore soul power after drinking.

Isn’t this all there?

Therefore, you have to think about the real effectiveness of the items in the store!

However, after listening to Dugu Yan's words, Lin Xiao shook his head, "None of these are what you said. As long as you wear this bamboo dragonfly on your head, you will have the ability to fly."

Item: [Bamboo Dragonfly]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [Magical props taken from the world of Doraemon]

Effect: [You only need to wear it on your head to control flight at will through your brain, and it does not require additional power. It can fly continuously in the air for 8 hours. After 8 hours, you need to rest for 20 hours to restore energy before proceeding. One time use. 】

I have to say that when Lin Xiao was young, Doraemon's bamboo dragonfly was definitely one of the props he wanted to obtain most.

"What? Fly?"

After receiving Lin Xiao's explanation, Lonely Yan held up the bamboo dragonfly in one hand and covered her mouth with the other hand and let out an exclamation.

Let me ask, which soul master doesn’t have a dream of flying?

Dugu Bo also smiled at this moment: "Yanyan, won't you know if you try it?"

He said this not because he didn't believe in Lin Xiao, but because he wanted to see the magic of bamboo dragonflies.

"That's right, grandpa, please get out of the way."

Dugu Yan nodded in agreement, and asked Dugu Bo to dodge back, for fear that he would not be able to use it.

At the same time, she inserted the bamboo dragonfly between her hair.

"If you want to move, just use your mind to give it instructions."

At this time, Lin Xiao opened his mouth to teach Dugu Yan how to use it.

"Understood." Dugu Yan nodded seriously. Then he said silently in his heart: "Bamboo dragonfly, take off into the sky!"

The next moment, Dugu Yan felt a cool breeze above his head, which was the breeze caused by the spinning bamboo dragonfly.

As Lin Xiao watched, Dugu Yan slowly rose into the sky, and his speed became faster and faster.

Is this okay? Dugubo was shocked. After decades of living, this was the first time he saw someone flying in this way!


Not to mention seeing it, just hearing it.

There is no such ability even in the records of Douluo Continent!

"Yanyan." He suddenly taught, looking up at Duguyan and waving his hands.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan also waved her hand to greet Dugu Bo: "Hey, grandpa, I don't want you to take your granddaughter flying in the future. I can fly myself! And I can fly higher."

Dugu Bo was anxious, "No, I want to remind you not to fly so high. You will hit the roof of the shed immediately."

"What did you say?"

Dugu Yan panicked and wanted to stop.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

But the next moment, witnessed by Lin Xiao and Dugu Bo, she hit the roof of the shed with a bang and fell down.

Lin Xiao's eyelids twitched.

Now I feel so happy that I feel so sad.

"Grandpa, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Dugu Yan stretched out his little hand and rubbed his head, saying dissatisfiedly.

However, the other hand still held the bamboo dragonfly in his arms like a treasure.

Lin Xiao looked at Dugu Yan and said: "One thing I want to remind you is that the bamboo dragonfly can only fly continuously for 8 hours. After 8 hours, it will need to be recharged for 20 hours before it can continue to be used. You must use it rationally. Use time, otherwise there will be danger.”

Dugu Yan nodded with a sullen face, "I understand."

She knew that Lin Xiao was not an alarmist.

What if I didn't calculate the time well and suddenly ran out of energy while flying a thousand meters in the air, wouldn't it be over?

"Then you can continue." Lin Xiao nodded and pointed to the remaining three jars.

Dugu Yan didn't talk nonsense and continued to open the can.

Click click click.

The remaining three jars were opened by her in the blink of an eye.

After looking at several dropped items, Lin Xiao said: "Two wild strawberries that can restore people's surface injuries, and two exploding Sky Tree fruits. Two high-level items, not bad."

"Hehe, boss, I'm actually very satisfied with today's harvest."

Dugu Yan smiled and waved the bamboo dragonfly in his hand, obviously unable to put it down.

In her heart, apart from the shining world instrument that can relieve her own toxins, this bamboo dragonfly is the only thing she feels precious.

"Grandpa, here you are, let's see what you can come up with?" Dugu Yan urged curiously.

"I no longer have any desires and desires, and my state of mind can be said to be truly calm."

Dugu Bo smiled slightly, with a very calm demeanor.

However, after he selected the jars and opened one, he suddenly lost his composure.

"Oh my god, purple light? A rare item!"

"Boss Lin, please help me find out what this is!"

Dugu Bo looked at Lin Xiao eagerly.

What about the promise that your heart will be as still as water?

That's it?

Lin Xiao was speechless.

Dugu Yan pursed his lips and said softly: "Grandpa, you know how to lie to others."

Dugu Bo also thought of the 13 he had just pretended to be. His old face couldn't help but blush, and he said with some embarrassment:

"It is human nature, if the true heart is like still water and has no desires, who would open the can?"

At this time, Lin Xiao had already seen the items in the jar clearly, and introduced: "This is an upgrade scroll, which can increase your soul power by one level after use."

"What the hell?"

Dugu Bo held the upgrade scroll tremblingly in his hand and asked in disbelief: "Boss, did I hear wrongly? You said that a piece of paper can increase my soul power by one level?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, you heard it right!"

"It's actually true!"

After receiving Lin Xiao's affirmative reply, not only Dugu Bo but also Dugu Yan was shocked.

Such a treasure is too outrageous!

Looking at the stunned two people, Lin Xiao said nothing.

He thought of Hu Yanzhen's ancestors and grandsons for no reason. Wasn't it the same when they opened the upgrade rolls?

At the same time, Lin Xiao wondered curiously, whether Hu Yanzhen had manifested himself as a saint in front of others?

the other side.

When Hu Yanli followed Hu Yanzhen back to the Xiangjia Sect, he was really shocked.

Many people have gathered in the sect's main hall.

Among them, there are mountains of flesh-like disciples of the Xiangjia Sect’s direct disciples.

There are also sects with different body shapes and powerful auras to worship.

There were also some people wearing neat school uniforms. Hu Yanli recognized these people. They were teachers from the Xiangjia Academy, one of the industries under the Xiangjia Sect.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid it's not a good thing for them to gather here." Hu Yanli looked at Hu Yanzhen nervously.

"Hmph." Hu Yanzhen snorted, "Don't be a coward. Go and ask them what they want to do."

Ends today.

In addition, I have been very busy with work these two days because my condition has improved, so I will update twice a day.

I will be pretty busy on the 16th, so I plan to update for a few days. Thank you all for your support.

Thank you to those big guys who vote and reward me every day.

The author saw it in his eyes and was moved in his heart.

I can only do my best to express my gratitude.

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