I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 178 Hu Yanzhen’s choice, the fate of the traitor

In fact, Hu Yanzhen felt like a mirror, these people were all hesitant to speak, and they were definitely not here to greet him.

One hundred percent here to cause trouble.

Originally, he wanted to announce that he was about to become a Titled Douluo, but now he decided to put the matter aside.

Da da da.

Hu Yanli walked to the front of the main hall and asked in a deep voice: "Why are you all gathered here? Do you mean there is nothing to do?"

After all, he is the young master of the sect. Although he was hammered by Hu Yanli for nothing, Hu Yanli is still very majestic in front of outsiders.

Even when facing some soul emperors and powerful soul saints, he is not afraid at all

"Sect Master, young sect master, you are back, to be honest. My wife at home is about to give birth and she needs me to go back and take care of her."

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a thin build. Just by looking at his figure, you can tell that this person is not a direct descendant of the Elephant Armor Sect, but a worshiper of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Hu Yanli frowned, "Qin Zongfeng, this is wrong. You have been in seclusion and sprinting to the Soul Saint realm for two years, and you have never left the Elephant Armor Sect. Are you keeping the news you got?"

"That's right! The young master really woke up the dreamer with his words."

After listening to Hu Yanli's words, Qin Gongfeng's expression suddenly changed, "In this case, I should go home now. Sect Master, Young Sect Master, if this matter is not handled well, I will not come back."

After that, he left angrily.

Leaving now?

Hu Yanli was startled.

Hu Yanzhen also narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Seeing Qin Zongfeng leaving angrily, the teachers and worshipers in the hall were filled with envy.

Everyone knows that these are the reasons for wanting to leave the Elephant Armor Sect.

I really agree with that sentence. If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head. Qin Gongfeng is a ruthless person who directly greens himself.

But now that someone has set a precedent, the remaining people find it difficult to speak up, so they can only bite the bullet.

"Sect Master, Young Sect Master, I consider myself to be of limited talent and learning, and am no longer capable of holding the position of teacher at Elephant Armor Academy."

"Sect Master, I am already old and there is no hope of breakthrough. I want to understand this life among the mountains and rivers."



For a time, everyone except the direct descendants of the Elephant Armor Sect resigned.

no way.

Why do they join the sect or serve as teachers in the academy?

Don’t you just want some benefits?

But who can stand such a dog-gambling sect leader?

Now that the welfare benefits in the sect are gone, there are still vague rumors that there is a high possibility that tribute will be paid to the sect in the future?

Euphemistically speaking, it is the sect that provides them with jobs, otherwise they would be idlers in the soul master world.

That's all, I don't want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay.


"Now that the sect is in crisis and the funds cannot be used, shouldn't we overcome the difficulties together?" Hu Yanli said directly with a cold face.

The wages of avarice is death.

If not for money, who would stay in the Xiangjia Sect?

Rely on feelings?

Forget about feelings, it’s a waste of money!

Although many teachers from the Xiangjia Academy did not say this, their expressions spoke for themselves.

"You guys." Hu Yanli was extremely angry. He didn't expect the Elephant Armor Sect to have such a group of white-eyed wolves.

"Ali, let them go. These people are not worthy of me keeping them."

Hu Yanzhen stopped Hu Yanli's rampage.

"Are you not worthy? Do you know you can't keep me?"

"Haha, we know you are saying this just to save your face."

Some teachers from the Xiangjia Academy heard the disdain and contempt in Hu Yanzhen's words and couldn't help but fight back.

In their opinion, Hu Yanzhen was pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

"In that case, let me make it clear. I have a friend at the Alien Beast Academy who works as a teacher at the Alien Beast Academy. The salary is twice that of the Elephant Academy. He has already let me go."

At this time, a Soul Saint level teacher spoke.

"Alien Beast Academy, I have heard, is also supported by a powerful soul master family. Behind them is the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake couple, and their combined strength is comparable to that of a Titled Douluo."

"Brother, a friend of mine wants me to ask, does the Academy of Alien Beasts still accept people?"

Everyone spoke one after another.

Want to find a better place for myself.


At this time, Hu Yanli shouted.

The attitude of these people is infuriating.

Hu Yanzhen waved his hand and whispered: "Let them go. These people are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, and staying here will be detrimental to the future development of the Shoujia Sect."

"Is there any future development for the Elephant Armor Sect?"

Someone laughed.

Hu Yanzhen was not only angry, but nodded extremely seriously: "Of course, it can even be said that the future has a bright future!"

Does the Elephant Armor Sect still have a future?

It can be said that no one believes what Hu Yanzhen said.

No matter how promising it is, can it be compared with the Academy of Alien Beasts?

There are people who can rival Titled Douluo!

"Hmph, you are a bunch of short-sighted guys, do you know that? Grandpa came back today just to be promoted to a titled Douluo in front of you."

"But since you have made such a choice, you will never be able to get the protection of a titled Douluo!"

Hu Yanli couldn't bear it any longer and retaliated harshly at those short-sighted guys.

"What? The sect leader will become a titled Douluo?"

Everyone was shocked at first, but then quickly shook their heads and said: "This is impossible. The opportunity for breakthrough is something that can only be met but cannot be sought. How could it be possible that he broke through just when he said he would?"

Haha, superficial!

Hearing this, Hu Yanzhen smiled faintly, took an upgrade scroll in his hand, glanced around the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "Then you should watch carefully! I can make a breakthrough whenever I want."

When the voice fell, he tore it open with both hands, and an invisible force suddenly blessed him.


At the next moment, a powerful aura burst out!

Like a roaring tsunami, it swept in all directions!

In the field, the Soul Saint and the Soul Emperor all felt the pressure.

Some soul kings were even more unbearable and sat down on the ground.

However, they had no other thoughts except shock!

"Level 990!"

"As long as you obtain the spirit ring, you will become a truly titled Douluo!"

"The master really did what he said."

I don’t know who exclaimed first.

Then all kinds of praises came one after another.

Regardless of the one-level difference between level 89 and level 90, the difference in strength is huge.

In the normal world of soul masters, Titled Douluo is already at the top of the list of soul masters.

"Sect Master, I don't want to leave!"

"Sect Master, is it too late for me to take back what I just said? I want to stay!"

At this time, some wallflowers had already changed their tune.

After all, forces with Titled Douluo and forces without Titled Douluo are completely different concepts.

No matter how strong Dragon Duke and Snake Lady are, they are only comparable to Titled Douluo. How can they compare with real Titled Douluo?

The emotion of regret filled everyone's hearts.

However, Hu Yanzhen said coldly: "Those who abandon me cannot stay. Ali, remember those people who said they were leaving just now, right?"

Hu Yanli nodded: "Remember."

"Then let them get out! If anyone doesn't get out, I will send them out myself!"

"At the same time, pass on what happened today, remember not to leave a single word behind!"

Hu Yanzhen's voice was full of coldness.

"It's over!"

As soon as this statement came out, most people in the venue turned pale.

They knew that not only had they lost the protection of the Elephant Armor Sect, but they had also lost the possibility of joining other families.

It won't be long before the news about Hu Yanzhen becoming a Titled Douluo will be spread. By then, who in the entire Douluo Continent will dare to brave the wrath of a Titled Douluo to take in these 'traitors'?

Next chapter later.

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