I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 187 Liu Erlong’s decision, the outlaw Tang San

But even so, Yu Xiaogang still chose to approach Liu Erlong while pretending to be confused.

After all, Liu Erlong's appearance is absolutely beautiful and his talent is excellent.

What's even more rare is that Liu Erlong doesn't dislike his trash qualifications and has a good impression of him.

Yu Xiaogang felt that apart from Bibi Dong, there was only such a woman who could be worthy of him.

But God's calculations are worse than those of people.

Just when he was one step closer to achieving his goal, Yu Luo Mian, an uninvited guest, arrived.

It directly pointed out the identity between the two people.

This made him feel ashamed.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment and to prevent others from noticing his plan, he had no choice but to pretend to know nothing. Disguised himself as a victim, and then stayed away from Liu Erlong,

On the other hand, Liu Erlong was kept in the dark and felt full of guilt for Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao Gang, how have you been doing these past few years?"

Liu Erlong's heart was filled with the joy of meeting again, and he didn't even think about what Yu Xiaogang was thinking.


Even if she were to think about it, she couldn't guess Yu Xiaogang's inner thoughts based on her temperament.

"I'm having a good time." Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth and said just this.

And in his heart, he had secretly begun to figure out how to ask Liu Erlong for money.


It's a matter of borrowing money.

On the other hand, Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang and felt a pain in his heart.

Apart from anything else, the black robe on Yu Xiaogang's body has been washed and turned a little white.

The shoes on my feet are also very old.

It is not difficult to see that Yu Xiaogang's life is not good at all.

It can even be said to be a financial hardship.

However, Liu Erlong would not look down on Yu Xiaogang because of this, but said emotionally: "This time, I won't let you go at all, we will live here from now on, and Lanba College is your home. "

However, Yu Xiaogang frowned.

To be honest, he wanted to too.

However, he was not sure if his second uncle Yu Luo Mian would skin him if he made such a decision.

Will his father Yu Yuanzhen choose to exterminate relatives and clean up the family?

"Hey, if you don't want to work hard, you can just eat soft food. Why is it so difficult?"

Yu Xiaogang would often sigh like this. Bibi Dong was like this at the beginning, and Liu Erlong was like this later.

At a critical moment, something unexpected happened.

This made him feel deeply frustrated.

"Xiao Gang, don't forget the reason why we came here."

Flanders on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

If Yu Xiaogang had stated that he wanted to be with Liu Erlong from the very beginning when he met him, then Flanders would have given him his blessing.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Vlad had not forgotten that Yu Xiaogang came to Liu Erlong because he had no money and was desperate to open the magical jar.

Then, he couldn't stand Yu Xiaogang being affectionate here.


Yu Xiaogang's expression suddenly changed because of Flanders' words.

He originally wanted to express his willingness to open the jar in a tactful way.

For example, he could say to Liu Erlong, I have traveled across the mainland for so many years and heard that a magical shop appeared in Wuhun City.

He believed that Liu Erlong would definitely ask for one million gold soul coins to open the jar for him.

In that way, he not only saves his face, but also has money to open the jar. Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?

But all this was ruined because of Flanders.

"Just pretend." Flanders sneered disdainfully.

After knowing each other for many years, he certainly knew Yu Xiaogang's mentality, a typical bitch who still wanted to build a memorial arch.

If it had been in the past, he would have endured it.

However, he couldn't bear it when he saw him deceiving Liu Erlong like this.

Simply, out of sight and out of mind, he stopped looking at Yu Xiaogang's bitter and hateful face.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang felt depressed for a while.

It was like a punch in the air, making him uncomfortable.


Liu Erlong was suddenly startled, then frowned and looked at Yu Xiaogang: "Did you come to me for something else?"

Unconsciously, she also let go of Yu Xiaogang's hand.

He chose to keep a certain distance from Yu Xiaogang.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's expression also changed. It's all because of Flanders who ruined me!

He cursed Flanders a hundred times in his mind

But facing Liu Erlong's scrutinizing eyes, he could only bite the bullet and said: "I heard that there is a magical shop in Wuhun City, which may be able to solve the problem of my qualifications.

But it will consume a lot of gold soul coins, so I hope you."

"You want me to give you money?" Liu Erlong said calmly. I felt uncomfortable for a while.

What a good Yu Xiaogang, he is really a ruthless prodigal.

When I was fine, there was no news from me for so many years.

If something happens now, why don't you come to see me?

Do you really think that I am a woman in the hook bar, who comes and goes when you call her?


The woman in the hook bar can come and go if you want, and you have to pay her.

But what did Yu Xiaogang do?

He didn't say he wanted to have sex for nothing, but he wanted me to give him money?

Liu Erlong has a hot temper and a straightforward temper, but that doesn't mean he has no brains.

On the contrary, she was able to take charge of such a large academy and survive in a place like Tiandou City where people would kill without spitting out their bones. Although it was because of Jade Luo Mian, her skills were not weak.

In an instant, she guessed Yu Xiaogang's inner thoughts.


Yu Xiaogang felt speechless when faced with Liu Erlong's questioning.

He was originally a good-looking person.

Liu Erlong's words could be said to have directly torn off his face.


After a while, Yu Xiao just said with difficulty: "Erlong, what you said is wrong. How can I ask for your money for nothing?

It's a loan. You lend me money. When I solve my own problems and break the limitations of my cultivation, I can return to the family.

At that time, with my status, I can afford even two million gold soul coins, let alone tens or millions! "

Yu Xiaogang started to draw pie.

Just you?

Liu Erlong sneered disdainfully in his heart.

What if we break the shackles?

Yu Xiaogang has missed the best opportunity to practice, and his future achievements will be limited.

And where is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?

One of the three great sects, geniuses are everywhere, and there are as many high-level soul masters as dogs.

Even if Yu Xiaogang breaks through in cultivation, can he be reused? Do not make jokes.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than evolving from trash to intermediate trash.

Is there a difference?

Yes but not big!

"Two dragons."

"Besides you, I really don't know who else can help me!"

Yu Xiaogang felt a little panicked when he saw Liu Erlong not expressing his stance for a long time.

He immediately played his trump card.

He was about to kneel down when he saw him bending his knees!

"Xiao Gang!"

When Liu Erlong saw this, he was shocked and didn't care about getting up. He hurriedly saw Yu Xiaogang holding him up.

"A man has gold at his knees. Are you going to kneel down now for a mere million gold soul coins?"

Liu Erlong frowned and said.

A mere million?

Do you have any misunderstandings about the terms trivial and million?

On the side, Flanders secretly cursed in his heart.

Do you know what a copper soul coin is? Is it a heroic man? Yu Xiaogang felt extremely bitter and didn't know how to answer Liu Erlong at all.

However, at this moment, Liu Erlong spoke again, "I can lend you money, but this time, I want to go with you."

In the final analysis, she still couldn't let go of Yu Xiaogang.

"Hey." Flanders could only sigh helplessly when he heard this.

At this moment, Liu Erlong looked at Flender again and said, "Boss Fu, if you have nothing to do, come with us."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang also looked at Flanders and winked at Flanders.

The meaning was obvious, he didn't want Flanders to come with him.

Haha, it’s not up to you. Flanders laughed secretly in his heart when he saw this.

After that, he looked at Liu Erlong and nodded: "Of course, no problem."

"Okay, then just wait for me for a moment, I'll pack up and set off."

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the house.

And Yu Xiaogang and Flanders also realized that for a woman who is going out, how long is the so-called moment?

Tiandou City, the prince's palace.

Qian Renxue, disguised as Prince Xue Qinghe, opened the closed palace door and walked out.

"Someone is coming."

As soon as her voice fell, figures with armor stretched out came to the front of the dormitory.

And got down on one knee.

"Your Highness!"

Everyone said in unison.

"I have a wanted order here. You can distribute it and make copies. Also, this wanted order must be spread throughout the entire Tiandou Empire as quickly as possible!"

Qian Renxue said and handed the paper in her hand to the guard commander.

The guard commander took it.

Open the paper and there is a young man drawn on it.

His name is Tang San.

After seeing the charges, the guard leader was stunned.

Murder, arson, rape, robbery, it can be said that Tang San did all kinds of evil!

"There are such vicious people in the world"

The leader of the guards clenched his fists.

The cruelty of the other party simply refreshed his understanding.

Among the crimes written by His Highness the Crown Prince, Tang San could not even pass a sow.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be such a vicious person in the world. To say that he is a wolf with a heart like a dog is an insult to both wolves and dogs!"

Qian Renxue's pretty face was dissatisfied with Han Shuang.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, my subordinates will take care of it right away."

"This villain must be brought to justice, and he must not be allowed to escape justice!"

The guard commander took the order and retreated.

It didn't take long.

One after another, wanted posters were plastered all over the streets and alleys of Tiandou City. It could be said that there was quite a storm in Tiandou City.

"I never imagined that there could be such vicious people in the world!"

"Oh my god, look at this reward amount. If you provide information, you can get 10,000 gold soul coins. If Tang San can be captured or killed, the price will be even higher. How much is this."

"Hiss, seven million gold soul coins!"

A reward of one million gold soul coins!

Immediately, someone's eyes turned red.

Some people even started forming teams right away.

"The fifty-ninth-level attack-type war soul king, the martial soul earth violent bear, is looking for teammates!"

"Forty-five level control type battle soul master, Wuhun Guiteng, please form a team to kill the Tang thief together!"

"Level 60 Defense Soul Emperor, Martial Soul Rock Turtle, looking for a Soul Emperor teammate to go together! It doesn't matter whether it's money or not, the main thing is to eliminate harm for the people!"

"Is there any brother or sister who can take care of me? I'm 20cm"

the other side.

Liu Erlong finally finished cleaning up and walked out of Lanba Academy with Yu Xiaogang and Flender.

"Hey, why is the entrance to the college so busy?"

Liu Erlong asked curiously.

"Master Dean, the city guard from Tiandou City came here and posted a notice."

"It's an order personally issued by His Highness the Crown Prince to pursue a ruthless gangster who does all kinds of evil. By the way, everyone calls him Tang San, the outlaw maniac."

Faced with Liu Erlong's inquiry, the concierge immediately answered.

Wanted order?

Outlaw, Tang San? What an arrogant nickname!

Liu Erlong was surprised.

"Wait, what did you say? What's the name of that outlaw?"

Suddenly Yu Xiaogang's voice came out, startling everyone.

The concierge looked at Yu Xiaogang and thought to himself, why are you so excited?

"Tang San, do you have any clues?"

"No, no. How could we have any clues?"

Flanders waved his hands quickly, and then whispered beside Yu Xiaogang: "Don't be so surprised. That kid Tang San can't be a so-called outlaw."

"By the way, Mr. Dean, the city guard also left a wanted notice. Please take a look."

At this time, the concierge slapped his forehead and remembered this incident. He immediately took out the wanted notice and handed it to Liu Erlong.


"He deserves to be called an outlaw. He is simply a ruthless person. I should say he is a wolf killer!"

"Even the old sow was not spared."

After Liu Erlong saw the story about Tang San, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At this time, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang also looked over, and the person in the portrait looked much older than Tang San.

However, there are some similarities.

Especially those eyes.

I can't say they are very similar, I can only say they are exactly the same.

3500+ large chapters.

There will be a chapter later.

Asking for all kinds of support!

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