I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 188 Snake Spear Douluo: I am really fooling around! (3 updates)

"Is it really a mistress!"

Yu Xiaogang murmured in his heart.

But he definitely couldn't say this, so he could only keep it in his heart, planning to go back and tell Tang San not to risk his life and come to Tiandou City.

Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens.

But thinking about the fact that the other party was so cruel that he wouldn't even let the sow go, Yu Xiaogang felt frightened again.

Too brutal.

Anyone who can do such a thing is simply not human.

It’s Wolf Kill!

"Xiaogang, let's go. Find that place as soon as possible and let you give up on this idea as soon as possible."

Liu Erlong said it very straightforwardly.

She believed that if Yu Xiaogang suffered setbacks, he would give up those unrealistic ideas.

As soon as Yu Xiaogang heard what Liu Erlong said, he felt his chest tightening.

It was as if he was there to deliver food.

"I, Yu Xiaogang, will definitely change my destiny this time!"

He swore in his mind.

At the same time, I also secretly reminded myself not to follow Liu Erlong's common sense of speaking unabashedly.

On the side, Flanders pursed his lips in disdain, she really is a mother if she has breasts.

In the past, who would have told Yu Xiaogang to give up those unrealistic dreams.

Yu Xiaogang had already turned his back.

Now Liu Erlong is talking, doesn’t he have to endure it?

However, when it comes to that magical jar shop, Flender is also very curious.

If Yu Xiaogang really breaks through to the Soul Master realm, is it possible for him to become a Soul Douluo?

On the other side, in a small shop.

Lin Xiao didn't know what to choose.

"Boss, look at how tender my egg custard is."

"Boss, look at me, this little cucumber is full of water."

"Boss, look at how white my steamed buns are."

Ning Rongrong, Hu Liena, and Zhu Zhuqing all worked hard to promote the meals they brought.

Judging from the expressions of the three of them, it seemed like whoever Lin Xiao chose first would win.

But Lin Xiao knows that there can be winners, but no one wants to be a loser.

No matter what choice you make, it’s all a matter of course.

If you are not careful, you may lose one or several wealthy customers.

"Boss, boss, I'm here!"

"No, boss, we are here!"

At this moment, there was a sound outside the shop.

Then a snake spear in golden armor rushed in, followed by a man dressed similarly to him.

The difference is that Snake Spear Douluo is wearing golden armor that shines brightly. The man next to him was wearing a cold white armor.

Even the hair and eyebrows are white.

This outfit looks very familiar. Lin Xiao tried hard to recall the original work, but for a while he couldn't remember the identity of the other party.

But since he was a guest, Lin Xiao certainly had no reason to ignore him.

What's more, in the current situation, the other party is not a customer, but a reinforcement.

For the first time, Lin Xiao felt that Snake Spear Douluo was a little cute.

He immediately smiled and said: "Welcome."

"Boss, it seems we came at the wrong time."

Snake Spear Douluo glanced at Yingying Yanyan in front of Lin Xiao, his expression suddenly became strange, and he said with some uncertainty.

“As long as you’re here to open a can, it’s always the right time to come.”

Lin Xiao's answer was spotless.

"Boss, let's go first."

"I'll see you later."

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Hu Liena, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong realized that Lin Xiao was busy with business now, and left knowingly.

"Thank you for the meal." Of course Lin Xiao would not stay.

Seeing the three girls walking out of the shop, Lin Xiao finally let out a sigh of relief. I heard Snake Spear Douluo ask softly: "Boss, I heard that there are limited-time items in the jar today, right? Is it too late for us to come now?"

"That's too late."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, "It's just a little bit worse. It would be a pity if you guys had come earlier and caught up."

There was a hint of regret in his voice.

"Hey, I hurriedly and slowly missed it."

Snake Spear Douluo sighed, with a look of regret on his face.

You know, after he completed the settlement of Haotian Sect, he returned to Wuhun City without stopping.

The purpose is to open ten jars and see if they can get limited-time items.

In fact, his requirements are not high.

Can prescribe a repair fluid like Yan that can repair items. Or it could be the heavy-duty suction gun fired by Demon Bear Douluo.

One can be used to make money, and the other can be used to fight against others.

But now the plan has come to nothing.

"Elder She, don't be discouraged. If you miss this time, won't there be a next time?"

Seeing that Snake Spear Douluo was a little disappointed, the man with white armor, white eyebrows and white hair next to him comforted him.

Hearing this, Snake Spear Douluo remembered that there was such a person beside him.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Xiao and introduced: "Boss, this is my good friend Tuoba Xi."

Tuoba Xi? The leader of the Holy Dragon Sect?

Later, he was elected as one of the new top three sects by Wuhun Palace?

In the end, not long after he broke through and became a titled Douluo, he died in Tang San's hands?

Lin Xiao was startled for a moment, remembering the records about the other party.

"I've met Boss Lin."

At this time, Tuoba Xi had already taken a step forward, cupped his fists and saluted.

His eyes were full of respect.

I have to be respectful.

After all, beings like Boss Lin are respectful even to the elders in Wuhun Palace. He has no reason not to be respectful.

At the same time, he was also very lucky to have participated in this operation to encircle and suppress the Haotian Sect. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to meet his friend Snake Spear Douluo.

Then this magical shop would not have been brought to me by this old brother.

"You are a guest and you don't need to be polite."

"I wonder who among you will open the jar first?"

Lin Xiao glanced at the two and asked immediately.

Everyone was very busy, and he believed that the two of them could not have come for a walk.

"I'm no longer an outsider, so Brother Tuoba will come first."

Snake Spear Douluo signaled Tuoba Xi to start opening the jar, and made a gesture of invitation as he spoke.

Lin Xiao could see that Snake Spear Douluo's frank look really didn't treat him as an outsider.


Tuoba Xi nodded and did not refuse Snake Spear Douluo's proposal.

Then he withdrew his gaze, strode forward, and placed the million gold soul coins he had prepared on the counter.

Lin Xiao suddenly realized that he could tell that Snake Spear Douluo must have told Tuoba Xi some of the rules of the shop. He immediately waved his hand and put away the million gold soul coins.

However, before he could prompt the other party to start, Snake Spear Douluo had already begun to explain, "Brother Tuoba, you can choose jars now. Except for the jar in the middle, you can choose ten of the others."


But I can't make up my mind on anything.

After listening to Snake Spear Douluo's words, Tuoba Xi hesitated a little and asked Snake Spear Douluo: "Then which jars should I choose?"

You know, in his opinion, these jars all look the same, and he can't see why.

But Snake Spear Douluo is different. After opening so many jars, he must have some tricks, right?

Instead of trying it yourself, you might as well ask Snake Spear Douluo to help you choose.

Only in this way can losses be minimized!

Of course, what he didn't know was that this was all wishful thinking on his part.

When he heard Tuoba Xi's question, even Snake Spear Douluo felt that one head was as big as two.

What can be obtained from the jars in a small shop has always been a matter of skill and luck.

However, the younger brother of the Holy Dragon Sect has already asked himself. If he doesn't give some constructive suggestions, how can he be the big brother?

Where is the majesty?

Snake Spear Douluo rubbed his chin, as if he was deep in thought, as if he was analyzing.

I don’t know, I really thought you could come up with something! ? Seeing this, Lin Xiao had to secretly curse, Snake Spear Douluo was really good at acting.

If he hadn't mastered the skill of reading jars as a jar seller, he would have thought that Snake Spear Douluo had mastered some rules.

Another moment passed.

Snake Spear Douluo spoke: "Let me explain in advance. Brother Tuoba, choosing a jar is very difficult. The result of opening the jar has a great relationship with everyone's luck.

Even if it is a jar that I am optimistic about, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to open anything good. "

He gave himself a vaccination in advance and cleared the relationship first. Don't blame yourself again after the other party suffers a loss.

"Don't worry, brother, I understand the truth." Tuoba Xi nodded heavily. He still believed in Snake Spear Douluo.

We have been brothers for more than ten years, what bad intentions can we have?

Besides, he had also seen the improvement in Snake Spear Douluo's strength.

A person obtains huge resources from the most useless titled Douluo and clears his reputation as a useless person. The jump in strength is simply unimaginable.

He believed that the other party's vision wouldn't be too bad.

"Well, as long as you understand."

"Then choose, the second one in the first row, the third one in the second row, the fourth one in the third row."

Seeing Tuoba Xi nodding, Snake Spear Douluo pointed out the ten jars with a serious look.

He had a serious look on his face, as if there was really something good in the jar.

Looking at Tuoba Xi, he looked like he was asking for advice humbly, without any doubt.

Soon, ten jars were selected.

Tuoba Xi didn't hesitate at all and said directly to Lin Xiao: "Boss, please take down those ten jars as Elder She said."

"no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded and lightly snapped his fingers.

After a snap, ten jars flew down and landed firmly in front of Tuoba Xi.

"It's about to start. I don't know if I can get what I want today."

A look of fanaticism gradually appeared in Tuoba Xi's eyes.

The purpose of his trip was only one, and that was to find items that could enhance his strength. Strive to break through and become a titled Douluo as soon as possible and become the elder of Wuhun Palace.

From this point alone, his ideals and ambitions are very similar to Hu Yanzhen's.

At this time, Snake Spear Douluo patted Tuoba Xi on the shoulder and whispered: "Brother Tuoba, I know you are eager for upgrade scrolls or experience capsules that can improve your strength.

But you must also remember that there are times in life that must come, but there are no times in life, so don’t force it. Don't be too hard on yourself. "

However, Tuoba Xi said seriously: "I believe in your vision!"

Well, actually I don’t even believe in myself!

Snake Spear Douluo looked stunned.

For a moment, he wanted to show off his cards and stop pretending. Tell Tuoba Xi directly that these cans are actually chosen randomly. Don’t have too high hopes. The ones that come out may be ordinary ones.

Lin Xiao looked at the two of them and smiled inwardly. Was Snake Spear Douluo shooting himself in the foot?

Finally, thousands of words converged into one sentence, and Snake Spear Douluo encouraged: "Come on."

Hearing the sound, Tuoba Xi nodded heavily and smashed the first jar.

But when he saw the items inside, Snake Spear Douluo was shocked.

that's a piece of paper

Paper glowing with purple light.

Lin Xiao looked at it and said to Tuoba Xi: "This is an upgrade scroll. After using it, it can increase your soul power by one level."

"Is this an upgrade scroll that can directly increase soul power!?"

Tuoba Xi looked in disbelief at first, then looked at Snake Spear Douluo and said in surprise: "Brother, I knew your vision was right! Thank you so much, I want you to take these five hundred thousand gold soul coins. Yes, it’s a dividend!”

As expected of the leader of the Holy Dragon Sect, he has an extraordinary background. After speaking, he counted the money on the spot.


When the box containing half a million gold soul coins fell at his feet, Snake Spear Douluo woke up.

He actually opened an upgrade coupon from the jar I chose?

Did you give me a dividend?

But I can tell it's a bitch, it's all nonsense!

Another large chapter of about 3,500 words.

Today's 10,000-word update is over.

Good night.

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